Pooja Angurala | NIT Jalandhar (original) (raw)

Papers by Pooja Angurala

Research paper thumbnail of Mining Of Road Accident Data Using K- Mode Clustering And Improved Apriori

There are several major data mining techniques which have been developed and used in various data... more There are several major data mining techniques which have been developed and used in various data mining projects. In the proposed work, k –means performance will be enhanced by using hybrid approach for better result. To show the effect of noise on the performance of various clustering techniques. Clustering may be applied on database using various approaches, based upon distance, density hierarchy and partition. Clustering is being widely used in many application including medical, finance etc. our purpose is to study how a particular clustering technique is responsive to the noise in the term of time.Apriori algorithm minimum support is needed to generate the large item set from candidate set in which not so required candidate item sets are pruned by utilizing user defined minimum support threshold.

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Research paper thumbnail of Taking Frames Out of (News) Videos

— Videos are an integral part of today's life. Our daily life is dependent on videos. You want to... more — Videos are an integral part of today's life. Our daily life is dependent on videos. You want to learn new technology, open a video tutorial; you want to cook something new, open a video online; internet cloud is full of video data these days. Accordingly, the need of extracting out the relevant information from the videos has increased, may be in the area of forensic science, video annotation, indexing, video text extraction, object detection to name a few. So, detecting informative part out of video has become an active research area these days. The foremost requirement of any such application is to take the frames out of video to further process them. This paper highlights such techniques and tools, with the help of which frames can be pulled out of video sequence. Also, this paper presents a snippet for taking clear and exact frames from the video in various ways.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving Differently-Illuminant Images with Fuzzy Membership Based Saturation Weighting

— Illumination estimation is basic to white balancing digital color images and to color constancy... more — Illumination estimation is basic to white balancing digital color images and to color constancy. The key to automatic white balancing of digital images is to estimate precisely the color of the overall scene illumination. Many methods for estimating the illumination's color has proposed. Though not the most exact, one of the simplest and quite extensively used methods are the gray world algorithm, white patch, max-RGB, Gray edge using first order derivative and gray edge using second order derivative, saturation weighting. The first-three methods have neglected the multiple light sources illuminate. In this work, we investigate how illuminate estimation techniques can be improved using fuzzy membership. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate performance of Fuzzy Enhancement based saturation weighting technique for different light sources (single, multiple, indoor scene and outdoor scene) under different conditions. The experiment has clearly shown the effectiveness of the proposed technique over the available methods. Keywords— Fuzzy Enhancement, White Balancing Illuminant, Saturation Weighting and Color Constancy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Steganography based image compression

— The intention of image compression is to discard worthless data from image so as to shrink the ... more — The intention of image compression is to discard worthless data from image so as to shrink the quantity of data bits favored for image depiction, to lessen the storage space, broadcast bandwidth and time. Likewise, data hiding convenes scenarios by implanting the unfamiliar data into a picture in invisibility manner. The review offers, a method of image compression approaches by using DWT transform employing steganography scheme together in combination of SPIHT to compress an image. Keywords— DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform), DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), CR (Compression Ratio), PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio).

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Research paper thumbnail of A Review of Image Compression Techniques

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Secure Data Mining Approach in Cloud using Image Encryption

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Research paper thumbnail of Steganography based image compression

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving Differently-Illuminant Images with Fuzzy Membership Based Saturation Weighting

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving Mix-CLAHE with ACO for Clearer Oceanic Images

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Research paper thumbnail of XOR Encryption Based Video Steganography

In this paper, an XOR encryption based video steganography scheme is put forward which encrypts t... more In this paper, an XOR encryption based video steganography scheme is put forward which encrypts the text secret message
(.txt) and hide it using 1LSB substitution method behind the random frames of video file (.avi). The main motive of this methodology is
to protect the confidential information from the attackers by hiding its presence from the human visual system (HVS) and secure the
text data from cyber criminals. There are several algorithms are proposed in previous works which are not enough capable to secure the
hidden data and are not much efficient for embedding high amount data behind career medium. So this work is used for embedding
high payload and to provide security to text data. The result values are simulated on the basis of quality metrics such as PSNR, MSE, BER and histogram analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of 3rd Level DWT & SVD Based Video Watermarking

In this paper, DWT & SVD based robust Video watermarking algorithm is purposed to embed and extr... more In this paper, DWT & SVD based robust Video watermarking algorithm is purposed to embed and extract the watermark
into video. We select random and dynamic frames from video to embed a watermark into video file (.avi). The aim of this paper is to
stop the piracy and misused of the information and provides authenticity and copyright protection to the real owner of the data. It also
helps to maintain the quality of video without detected or identified by human visual system. So, this work is provides robustness against
attacks, imperceptibility and security. The result values are calculated on the basis of quality metrics such as MSE, PSNR, BER and

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Research paper thumbnail of 17.	Optimal Image Fusion using Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm and SVM

This paper presents a novel image fusion method which is suitable for pan-sharpening of multispec... more This paper presents a novel image fusion
method which is suitable for pan-sharpening of
multispectral (MS) bands, based on multi-resolution
analysis. The low-resolution MS bands are sharpened
by injecting high-pass directional details extracted
from the high-resolution panchromatic (Pan) image
by means of the Wavelet and curvelet transform which
is a non-separable MRA whose basis function are
directional edges with progressively increasing
resolution. The fusion of high-spectral but low spatial
resolution multispectral and low-spectral but high
spatial resolution panchromatic satellite images is a
very useful technique in various applications of
remote sensing. Some studies showed that waveletbased
image fusion method provides high quality of
the spectral content of the fused image. In this paper
we introduce a new method based on the Wavelet and
curvelet transform using Neuro-Fuzzy which
represents edges better. Since edges play a
fundamental role in image understanding one good
way to enhance spatial resolution is to enhance the
edges. Wavelet and curvelet-based image fusion
method provides richer information in the spatial and
spectral domains simultaneously. It will perform
image fusion using Wavelet and curvelet Transform
with Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm. This new method has
reached an optimum fusion result. For the
implementation of this proposed work we use the
Image Processing Toolbox under Matlab Software.

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Research paper thumbnail of Study on Various Methodologies/Frameworks used to Achieve Software Quality in different Organizations

Purpose of this study is to explain that how the various methodologies, frameworks and processes ... more Purpose of this study is to explain that how the various methodologies, frameworks and processes leads to software quality. Numerous methodologies have been introduced on which lot of exploration or research has been made. This paper includes the study of some processes and techniques which have been used by the firms to achieve software quality. This study strongly recommends the necessity of consciousness regarding the use of software quality oriented processes and the arenas on which extra work leads to quality of software or quality assurance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Offline Signature Verification in Punjabi based on SURF Features and Critical Point Matching using HMM

Biometrics, which refers to identifying an individual based on his or her physiological or behavi... more Biometrics, which refers to identifying an individual based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics, has the capabilities to the reliably distinguish between an authorized person and an imposter. The Signature recognition systems can categorized as offline (static) and online (dynamic). This paper presents Surf Feature based recognition of offline signatures system that is trained with low-resolution scanned signature images. The signature of a person is an important biometric attribute of a human being which can be used to authenticate human identity. However the signatures of human can be handled as an image and recognized using computer vision and HMM techniques. With modern computers, there is need to develop fast algorithms for signature recognition. There are multiple techniques are defined to signature recognition with a lot of scope of research. In this paper, (static signature) off-line signature recognition & verification using surf feature with HMM is proposed, where the signature is captured and presented to the user in an image format. Signatures are verified depended on parameters extracted from the signature using various image processing techniques. The Off-line Signature Verification and Recognition is implemented using Mat lab platform. This work has been analyzed or tested and found suitable for its purpose or result. The proposed method performs better than the other recently proposed methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interconnected Smart Objects: Era of Internet of Things

In this paper we have discussed about the very basics of Internet of things. The main objective o... more In this paper we have discussed about the very basics of Internet of things. The main objective of writing this paper is to put light on the impact of Internet of Things around the world. This paper discusses different application areas of IOT along with its characteristics. This paper also discusses about the challenges to implement internet of things.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mining Of Road Accident Data Using K- Mode Clustering And Improved Apriori

There are several major data mining techniques which have been developed and used in various data... more There are several major data mining techniques which have been developed and used in various data mining projects. In the proposed work, k –means performance will be enhanced by using hybrid approach for better result. To show the effect of noise on the performance of various clustering techniques. Clustering may be applied on database using various approaches, based upon distance, density hierarchy and partition. Clustering is being widely used in many application including medical, finance etc. our purpose is to study how a particular clustering technique is responsive to the noise in the term of time.Apriori algorithm minimum support is needed to generate the large item set from candidate set in which not so required candidate item sets are pruned by utilizing user defined minimum support threshold.

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Research paper thumbnail of Taking Frames Out of (News) Videos

— Videos are an integral part of today's life. Our daily life is dependent on videos. You want to... more — Videos are an integral part of today's life. Our daily life is dependent on videos. You want to learn new technology, open a video tutorial; you want to cook something new, open a video online; internet cloud is full of video data these days. Accordingly, the need of extracting out the relevant information from the videos has increased, may be in the area of forensic science, video annotation, indexing, video text extraction, object detection to name a few. So, detecting informative part out of video has become an active research area these days. The foremost requirement of any such application is to take the frames out of video to further process them. This paper highlights such techniques and tools, with the help of which frames can be pulled out of video sequence. Also, this paper presents a snippet for taking clear and exact frames from the video in various ways.

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving Differently-Illuminant Images with Fuzzy Membership Based Saturation Weighting

— Illumination estimation is basic to white balancing digital color images and to color constancy... more — Illumination estimation is basic to white balancing digital color images and to color constancy. The key to automatic white balancing of digital images is to estimate precisely the color of the overall scene illumination. Many methods for estimating the illumination's color has proposed. Though not the most exact, one of the simplest and quite extensively used methods are the gray world algorithm, white patch, max-RGB, Gray edge using first order derivative and gray edge using second order derivative, saturation weighting. The first-three methods have neglected the multiple light sources illuminate. In this work, we investigate how illuminate estimation techniques can be improved using fuzzy membership. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate performance of Fuzzy Enhancement based saturation weighting technique for different light sources (single, multiple, indoor scene and outdoor scene) under different conditions. The experiment has clearly shown the effectiveness of the proposed technique over the available methods. Keywords— Fuzzy Enhancement, White Balancing Illuminant, Saturation Weighting and Color Constancy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Steganography based image compression

— The intention of image compression is to discard worthless data from image so as to shrink the ... more — The intention of image compression is to discard worthless data from image so as to shrink the quantity of data bits favored for image depiction, to lessen the storage space, broadcast bandwidth and time. Likewise, data hiding convenes scenarios by implanting the unfamiliar data into a picture in invisibility manner. The review offers, a method of image compression approaches by using DWT transform employing steganography scheme together in combination of SPIHT to compress an image. Keywords— DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform), DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), CR (Compression Ratio), PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio).

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Research paper thumbnail of A Review of Image Compression Techniques

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Secure Data Mining Approach in Cloud using Image Encryption

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Research paper thumbnail of Steganography based image compression

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving Differently-Illuminant Images with Fuzzy Membership Based Saturation Weighting

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Research paper thumbnail of Improving Mix-CLAHE with ACO for Clearer Oceanic Images

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Research paper thumbnail of XOR Encryption Based Video Steganography

In this paper, an XOR encryption based video steganography scheme is put forward which encrypts t... more In this paper, an XOR encryption based video steganography scheme is put forward which encrypts the text secret message
(.txt) and hide it using 1LSB substitution method behind the random frames of video file (.avi). The main motive of this methodology is
to protect the confidential information from the attackers by hiding its presence from the human visual system (HVS) and secure the
text data from cyber criminals. There are several algorithms are proposed in previous works which are not enough capable to secure the
hidden data and are not much efficient for embedding high amount data behind career medium. So this work is used for embedding
high payload and to provide security to text data. The result values are simulated on the basis of quality metrics such as PSNR, MSE, BER and histogram analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of 3rd Level DWT & SVD Based Video Watermarking

In this paper, DWT & SVD based robust Video watermarking algorithm is purposed to embed and extr... more In this paper, DWT & SVD based robust Video watermarking algorithm is purposed to embed and extract the watermark
into video. We select random and dynamic frames from video to embed a watermark into video file (.avi). The aim of this paper is to
stop the piracy and misused of the information and provides authenticity and copyright protection to the real owner of the data. It also
helps to maintain the quality of video without detected or identified by human visual system. So, this work is provides robustness against
attacks, imperceptibility and security. The result values are calculated on the basis of quality metrics such as MSE, PSNR, BER and

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Research paper thumbnail of 17.	Optimal Image Fusion using Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm and SVM

This paper presents a novel image fusion method which is suitable for pan-sharpening of multispec... more This paper presents a novel image fusion
method which is suitable for pan-sharpening of
multispectral (MS) bands, based on multi-resolution
analysis. The low-resolution MS bands are sharpened
by injecting high-pass directional details extracted
from the high-resolution panchromatic (Pan) image
by means of the Wavelet and curvelet transform which
is a non-separable MRA whose basis function are
directional edges with progressively increasing
resolution. The fusion of high-spectral but low spatial
resolution multispectral and low-spectral but high
spatial resolution panchromatic satellite images is a
very useful technique in various applications of
remote sensing. Some studies showed that waveletbased
image fusion method provides high quality of
the spectral content of the fused image. In this paper
we introduce a new method based on the Wavelet and
curvelet transform using Neuro-Fuzzy which
represents edges better. Since edges play a
fundamental role in image understanding one good
way to enhance spatial resolution is to enhance the
edges. Wavelet and curvelet-based image fusion
method provides richer information in the spatial and
spectral domains simultaneously. It will perform
image fusion using Wavelet and curvelet Transform
with Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm. This new method has
reached an optimum fusion result. For the
implementation of this proposed work we use the
Image Processing Toolbox under Matlab Software.

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Research paper thumbnail of Study on Various Methodologies/Frameworks used to Achieve Software Quality in different Organizations

Purpose of this study is to explain that how the various methodologies, frameworks and processes ... more Purpose of this study is to explain that how the various methodologies, frameworks and processes leads to software quality. Numerous methodologies have been introduced on which lot of exploration or research has been made. This paper includes the study of some processes and techniques which have been used by the firms to achieve software quality. This study strongly recommends the necessity of consciousness regarding the use of software quality oriented processes and the arenas on which extra work leads to quality of software or quality assurance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Offline Signature Verification in Punjabi based on SURF Features and Critical Point Matching using HMM

Biometrics, which refers to identifying an individual based on his or her physiological or behavi... more Biometrics, which refers to identifying an individual based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics, has the capabilities to the reliably distinguish between an authorized person and an imposter. The Signature recognition systems can categorized as offline (static) and online (dynamic). This paper presents Surf Feature based recognition of offline signatures system that is trained with low-resolution scanned signature images. The signature of a person is an important biometric attribute of a human being which can be used to authenticate human identity. However the signatures of human can be handled as an image and recognized using computer vision and HMM techniques. With modern computers, there is need to develop fast algorithms for signature recognition. There are multiple techniques are defined to signature recognition with a lot of scope of research. In this paper, (static signature) off-line signature recognition & verification using surf feature with HMM is proposed, where the signature is captured and presented to the user in an image format. Signatures are verified depended on parameters extracted from the signature using various image processing techniques. The Off-line Signature Verification and Recognition is implemented using Mat lab platform. This work has been analyzed or tested and found suitable for its purpose or result. The proposed method performs better than the other recently proposed methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interconnected Smart Objects: Era of Internet of Things

In this paper we have discussed about the very basics of Internet of things. The main objective o... more In this paper we have discussed about the very basics of Internet of things. The main objective of writing this paper is to put light on the impact of Internet of Things around the world. This paper discusses different application areas of IOT along with its characteristics. This paper also discusses about the challenges to implement internet of things.

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