Karta Negara Salam | STIM Nitro Makassar (original) (raw)

Papers by Karta Negara Salam

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in Consumer Behavior Through E-Payment in the Implementation of Green Economy

paradoks, 2025

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of adopting environmentally... more In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of adopting environmentally sustainable infrastructure. The shift towards a circular economy and the increased use of digital payment methods (e-payment) have emerged as key drivers of sustainable consumer behavior. This study examines the impact of consumer behavior changes through the adoption of e-payment systems within the framework of green economy practices. The research was conducted in Makassar, involving a sample of 150 respondents, and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results indicate a significant relationship between consumer behavior changes and the increased use of e-payment, which in turn supports the implementation of green economy practices. The findings highlight that e-payment adoption contributes to reduced carbon emissions and the use of non-renewable resources, promoting a more sustainable and efficient economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Mobile Banking BNI terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Kas Boulevard Makassar

Jurnal Manajemen Perbankan Keuangan Nitro

Tujualn penelitialn ini aldallalh untuk mengetalhui pengalruh kuallitals lalyalnaln mobile balnki... more Tujualn penelitialn ini aldallalh untuk mengetalhui pengalruh kuallitals lalyalnaln mobile balnking BNI terhaldalp kepualsaln nalsalbalh paldal PT. Balnk Negalral Indonesial (Persero) Tbk. Kalntor Calbalng KK Boulevalrd Malkalssalr. Aldalpun jenis penelitialn yalng digunalkaln dallalm penelitialn ini aldallalh kuallitaltif. Dengaln salmpel 100 responden dengaln menggunalkaln teknik convienence Salmpling daln metode alnallisis yalng digunalkaln yalitu alnallisis regresi linealr sederhalnaln dengaln balntualn IBM SPSS versi 25. Halsil penelitialn menunjukkaln balhwal: kuallitals lalyalnaln mobile balnking BNI (X1) berpengalruh positif daln signifikaln terhaldalp kepualsaln nalsalbalh paldal PT. Balnk Negalral Indonesial (Persero), Tbk. Kalntor Calbalng KK Boulevalrd Malkalssalr

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Hubungan, Emphaty, Nilai Dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Pada Pt. Bank Sulselbar Cabang Utama Makassar

Movere Journal

Customer satisfaction is the level of a person's emotional state that is the result of a comp... more Customer satisfaction is the level of a person's emotional state that is the result of a comparison between the performance appraisal/final product in relation to customer expectations and they can convey what and how their needs are. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect partially or simultaneously between relationships, emphaty, values and trust on customer satisfaction. Data collection using primary data obtained from customers at PT. Bank Sulselbar Makassar Main Branch where sampling uses the slovin formula where after doing calculations using the slovin formula sets a sample of 100 respondents. The results of the questionnaire have been tested for validity and reliability, as well as classical assumptions in the form of Normality, Multicolonerity Assumption, and Heteroscedasticity. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regression analysis assisted by the SPSS 23 program (Statistical Program For Social Science). The results showed that both partially and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Perusahaan Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Konsumen Primer Yang Terdaftar DI Bursa Efek Indonesia

Jurnal Sains Manajemen Nitro

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh faktor internal dan eksternsl pe... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh faktor internal dan eksternsl perusahaan terhadap harga saham perusahaan sektor konsumen primer yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik yang meliputi uji normalitas, uji multikolonearitas, uji heteroskedastisitas, uji autokorelasi, uji koefisien korelasi dan determinasi, serta pengujian hipotesis yang dilakukan dengan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengujian secara persial, variabel Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) berpenagruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap harga saham, variabel Return On Equity (ROE) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap harga saham, Variabel Inflasi berpengaruh positif dan tidak sigifikan terhadap harga saham, dan variabel kurs berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan tehadap harga saham

Research paper thumbnail of Promotion Costs Analysis To Increased Volume Sales In The Convection Companies

International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2021

The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical data about whether or not there is a relationshi... more The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical data about whether or not there is a relationship between sales promotion costs and sales volume and how much influence the promotion costs have on sales volume at the company. In this study, the documentation method was used in data collection, then proceeded to the analysis process using correlation and regression analysis.The population in this study is the total cost of sales promotion and sales volume at the company. Due to the limitations of time, cost, manpower, and so on, the researchers took samples, namely sales promotion costs, and company sales volume, between 2018-2020.Based on the results of the analysis for three years, it was obtained that r XY = 0.718 with N = 36 and a significant level of 0.000, obtained r table = 0.708. This shows r xy> r table, which means that r XY is significant and Ha is accepted. Because Ha is accepted, there is a positive and significant relationship between Sales Promotion Costs and Sales ...

Research paper thumbnail of Manajemen Pemasaran ( Mengoptimalkan Strategi di  Era Digital )

Era digital telah mengubah cara konsumen berinteraksi dengan produk dan layanan, sekaligus memb... more Era digital telah mengubah cara konsumen berinteraksi
dengan produk dan layanan, sekaligus membuka peluang besar
bagi perusahaan untuk berinovasi dalam strategi pemasaran.
Buku ini dirancang untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut dengan
menyajikan teori pemasaran yang relevan, disertai dengan
berbagai studi kasus dan pendekatan praktis yang dapat
diterapkan langsung dalam dunia bisnis.
Adapun isi buku ini mencakup pembahasan tentang
dasar-dasar manajemen pemasaran, peran teknologi digital
dalam membangun merek, strategi pemasaran berbasis data,
hingga teknik pemasaran berbasis media sosial. Selain itu, kami
juga membahas tentang pentingnya pengalaman pelanggan
(customer experience) sebagai elemen kunci keberhasilan
pemasaran di era digital

Research paper thumbnail of Interrelation of Zakat Literacy, Social Behavior and Perceived Value on Intention of paying Zakat

International Conference on Islamic Economic, 2024

Through data from Puskas Baznas (2022), measurement results in the Sulawesi Region were found in ... more Through data from Puskas Baznas (2022), measurement results in the Sulawesi Region were found in general, the value of the Zakat Literacy Index in 2020 falls into the literacy level category moderate, namely 65.73 where the value of basic understanding gets a score of 71.30 (literacy level moderate) and the value of advanced understanding of zakat is included in the literacy level category the low is 55.40. It can be concluded that in the Sulawesi Region the level pRespondents' understanding of aspects of basic knowledge falls into the sufficient category baik, but the respondents' understanding of the aspects of zakat management in the institution official zakat is still relatively low. The purpose of this research is to find out whether Zakat literacy affects the intention to give zakat, how does social behavior influence the intention of paying zakar, then to find out the perceived value as a mediating variable affect the intention to tithe. This research is an associative quantitative, with non-technical probability sampling. The object of this research is muzakki with different backgrounds in Makassar which is easy to reach. Respondents were rounded up to 100 people collected through a questionnaire, with an ordinal scale, which is distributed to respondents to determine literacy, social behavior, perceived value and intention of muzakki. Data analysis method used in this study moderation uses SmartPLS by entering all data and tested convergent validity, discriminant validity, and significance test.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Preneurship Training For Rappokaling Pkk Women Of Makassar City

Patria Artha Journal of Community (PKM)

This activity is purposed to support the welfare of urban communities through empowerment and gen... more This activity is purposed to support the welfare of urban communities through empowerment and gender approaches, namely the empowerment of women through Family Welfare Program by fostering social development in PKK organizations and activities. Method : This activity was carried out by providing skills training according to partner interests then partners will be able to produce superior products that have the economic value needed by the market. In order to produce a product with high economic value. The efforts to foster social development, entrepreneurship that has social goals (welfare of the community) and is based on social activities, partners will also be given training on entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial managerial skills, which includes production management, financial management, simple accounting and marketing management. The assistance is provided to partners, so that efforts to foster social preneur activities in Family Welfare activities can be realized ...

Research paper thumbnail of Donasi Al Qur’an Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Untuk Mesjid, Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an Dan Panti Asuhan

Jurnal Masyarakat Madani Indonesia

Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar ke berbagai dimensi kehidupan Masrakyat Indonesia. Bukan hanya d... more Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar ke berbagai dimensi kehidupan Masrakyat Indonesia. Bukan hanya dalam aspek kesehatan dan perekonomian, namun juga masuk ke sendi kehidupan pendidikan dan lembaga keagamaan masyarakat Indonesia. Pada kegiatan ini tim membagikan sebanyak 2.000 Al qur’an ke berbagai Mesjid, Panti Asuhan, dan Taman Pendidikan Al Qur’an (TPA) di tengah pandemi covid-19, dengan tujuan mengajak masyarakat agar lebih peduli terhadap agama, Para jama’ah Masjid agar lebih rajin membaca Al Qur’an, para santri Taman Pendidikan Al Qur’an agar lebih rajin menghafal Al Qur’an dan terutama bagi anak yatim piatu agar lebih rajin membaca Al Qur’an yang di Donasikan. Donasi Al Qur”an ini dibagikan ke beberapa Kabupaten/Kota di Sulawesi Selatan hingga ke pelosok-pelosok. Salah satu tujuan dari Penyaluran Donai Al Qur’an ini adalah Untuk meningkatkan semangat baca Al Qur’an bagi ummat Islam di tengah Pandemi Covid 19 dan pasca Pandemi Covid 19. Akibat dari Pandemi, bukan hanya mengganggu...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Nasabah Memilih Tabungan Simpedes pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Unit Borong Raya

Jurnal Manajemen Perbankan Keuangan Nitro

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengananlisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi n... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengananlisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nasabah memilih tabungan Simpedes pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, unit Borong Raya. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitin ini adalah kuantitatif. Sumber data yang dilakukan penelitian ini yaitu data primer. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh nasabah Simpedes pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero). Tbk, Unit Borong Raya. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara Purposive Sampling. Kuesioner yang dibagikan sebanyak 100. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunaan teknik analisis faktor dengan bantuan IBM SPSS Statistic 22. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan nasabah memilih tabungan simpedes pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero). Tbk, Unit Borong Raya yaitu faktor sosial, jaringan tersebar luas, citra bank, pencadangan keperluan mendadak dan program undian. Karena sebab itu, faktor dominan yan...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies to Improve Service Quality Through Digitalization of Banking Services at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

The strategy of improving service quality through the digitalization of services is a strategy th... more The strategy of improving service quality through the digitalization of services is a strategy that a company uses to develop digitalbased services to answer consumers' increasingly digital needs. Likewise, the banking business continues to innovate to improve the quality of its services. The digitization of banking services is one strategy that can answer problems that occur in terms of improving the quality of banking services. PT. Bank Negara Indonesia Central Jakarta has implemented digitalization of services for the last 3 (three) years. It can be seen from the annual report and internal interviews that Bank Negara Indonesia has achieved good performance targets. However, several obstacles are faced in implementing the digitalization strategy for services such as legacy IT systems. This work culture is not yet digital and poor coordination between BNI's internal divisions. Some of these things need to be considered more seriously to achieve PT. Bank Negara Indonesia&#39...

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Spiritual Intelligence on Passion of Work and Performance

Golden Ratio Of Human Resources Management, Feb 28, 2022

This study aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional in... more This study aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence on morale, and the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and passion of work on employee performance, as well as the effect of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, Spiritual intelligence on employee performance. Employee performance through and employee morale. The research was carried out in all work units at the 140 Islamic Private lecturers in the scope of LLDIKTI-IX. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model by AMOS. The study results found that Islamic leadership positively and significantly affected morale, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence, increasing employee morale. Employee performance improves with high Islamic leadership and increased confidence. Emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence have a positive but not significant effect on employee performance. The position of morale in the research model is not to be a mediating variable (intervening) in explaining the influence of Islamic leadership on employee performance. The role of morale in the research model is a perfect mediation variable (complete mediation) in explaining the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on employee performance. To improve employee performance, emotional intelligence cannot do it directly.

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Spiritual Intelligence on Passion of Work and Performance

Golden Ratio Of Human Resources Management, Feb 28, 2022

This study aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional in... more This study aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence on morale, and the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and passion of work on employee performance, as well as the effect of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, Spiritual intelligence on employee performance. Employee performance through and employee morale. The research was carried out in all work units at the 140 Islamic Private lecturers in the scope of LLDIKTI-IX. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model by AMOS. The study results found that Islamic leadership positively and significantly affected morale, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence, increasing employee morale. Employee performance improves with high Islamic leadership and increased confidence. Emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence have a positive but not significant effect on employee performance. The position of morale in the research model is not to be a mediating variable (intervening) in explaining the influence of Islamic leadership on employee performance. The role of morale in the research model is a perfect mediation variable (complete mediation) in explaining the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on employee performance. To improve employee performance, emotional intelligence cannot do it directly.

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in Consumer Behavior Through E-Payment in the Implementation of Green Economy

paradoks, 2025

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of adopting environmentally... more In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of adopting environmentally sustainable infrastructure. The shift towards a circular economy and the increased use of digital payment methods (e-payment) have emerged as key drivers of sustainable consumer behavior. This study examines the impact of consumer behavior changes through the adoption of e-payment systems within the framework of green economy practices. The research was conducted in Makassar, involving a sample of 150 respondents, and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results indicate a significant relationship between consumer behavior changes and the increased use of e-payment, which in turn supports the implementation of green economy practices. The findings highlight that e-payment adoption contributes to reduced carbon emissions and the use of non-renewable resources, promoting a more sustainable and efficient economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Mobile Banking BNI terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Kas Boulevard Makassar

Jurnal Manajemen Perbankan Keuangan Nitro

Tujualn penelitialn ini aldallalh untuk mengetalhui pengalruh kuallitals lalyalnaln mobile balnki... more Tujualn penelitialn ini aldallalh untuk mengetalhui pengalruh kuallitals lalyalnaln mobile balnking BNI terhaldalp kepualsaln nalsalbalh paldal PT. Balnk Negalral Indonesial (Persero) Tbk. Kalntor Calbalng KK Boulevalrd Malkalssalr. Aldalpun jenis penelitialn yalng digunalkaln dallalm penelitialn ini aldallalh kuallitaltif. Dengaln salmpel 100 responden dengaln menggunalkaln teknik convienence Salmpling daln metode alnallisis yalng digunalkaln yalitu alnallisis regresi linealr sederhalnaln dengaln balntualn IBM SPSS versi 25. Halsil penelitialn menunjukkaln balhwal: kuallitals lalyalnaln mobile balnking BNI (X1) berpengalruh positif daln signifikaln terhaldalp kepualsaln nalsalbalh paldal PT. Balnk Negalral Indonesial (Persero), Tbk. Kalntor Calbalng KK Boulevalrd Malkalssalr

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Hubungan, Emphaty, Nilai Dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Pada Pt. Bank Sulselbar Cabang Utama Makassar

Movere Journal

Customer satisfaction is the level of a person's emotional state that is the result of a comp... more Customer satisfaction is the level of a person's emotional state that is the result of a comparison between the performance appraisal/final product in relation to customer expectations and they can convey what and how their needs are. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect partially or simultaneously between relationships, emphaty, values and trust on customer satisfaction. Data collection using primary data obtained from customers at PT. Bank Sulselbar Makassar Main Branch where sampling uses the slovin formula where after doing calculations using the slovin formula sets a sample of 100 respondents. The results of the questionnaire have been tested for validity and reliability, as well as classical assumptions in the form of Normality, Multicolonerity Assumption, and Heteroscedasticity. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regression analysis assisted by the SPSS 23 program (Statistical Program For Social Science). The results showed that both partially and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Perusahaan Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Konsumen Primer Yang Terdaftar DI Bursa Efek Indonesia

Jurnal Sains Manajemen Nitro

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh faktor internal dan eksternsl pe... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh faktor internal dan eksternsl perusahaan terhadap harga saham perusahaan sektor konsumen primer yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik yang meliputi uji normalitas, uji multikolonearitas, uji heteroskedastisitas, uji autokorelasi, uji koefisien korelasi dan determinasi, serta pengujian hipotesis yang dilakukan dengan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengujian secara persial, variabel Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) berpenagruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap harga saham, variabel Return On Equity (ROE) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap harga saham, Variabel Inflasi berpengaruh positif dan tidak sigifikan terhadap harga saham, dan variabel kurs berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan tehadap harga saham

Research paper thumbnail of Promotion Costs Analysis To Increased Volume Sales In The Convection Companies

International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2021

The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical data about whether or not there is a relationshi... more The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical data about whether or not there is a relationship between sales promotion costs and sales volume and how much influence the promotion costs have on sales volume at the company. In this study, the documentation method was used in data collection, then proceeded to the analysis process using correlation and regression analysis.The population in this study is the total cost of sales promotion and sales volume at the company. Due to the limitations of time, cost, manpower, and so on, the researchers took samples, namely sales promotion costs, and company sales volume, between 2018-2020.Based on the results of the analysis for three years, it was obtained that r XY = 0.718 with N = 36 and a significant level of 0.000, obtained r table = 0.708. This shows r xy> r table, which means that r XY is significant and Ha is accepted. Because Ha is accepted, there is a positive and significant relationship between Sales Promotion Costs and Sales ...

Research paper thumbnail of Manajemen Pemasaran ( Mengoptimalkan Strategi di  Era Digital )

Era digital telah mengubah cara konsumen berinteraksi dengan produk dan layanan, sekaligus memb... more Era digital telah mengubah cara konsumen berinteraksi
dengan produk dan layanan, sekaligus membuka peluang besar
bagi perusahaan untuk berinovasi dalam strategi pemasaran.
Buku ini dirancang untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut dengan
menyajikan teori pemasaran yang relevan, disertai dengan
berbagai studi kasus dan pendekatan praktis yang dapat
diterapkan langsung dalam dunia bisnis.
Adapun isi buku ini mencakup pembahasan tentang
dasar-dasar manajemen pemasaran, peran teknologi digital
dalam membangun merek, strategi pemasaran berbasis data,
hingga teknik pemasaran berbasis media sosial. Selain itu, kami
juga membahas tentang pentingnya pengalaman pelanggan
(customer experience) sebagai elemen kunci keberhasilan
pemasaran di era digital

Research paper thumbnail of Interrelation of Zakat Literacy, Social Behavior and Perceived Value on Intention of paying Zakat

International Conference on Islamic Economic, 2024

Through data from Puskas Baznas (2022), measurement results in the Sulawesi Region were found in ... more Through data from Puskas Baznas (2022), measurement results in the Sulawesi Region were found in general, the value of the Zakat Literacy Index in 2020 falls into the literacy level category moderate, namely 65.73 where the value of basic understanding gets a score of 71.30 (literacy level moderate) and the value of advanced understanding of zakat is included in the literacy level category the low is 55.40. It can be concluded that in the Sulawesi Region the level pRespondents' understanding of aspects of basic knowledge falls into the sufficient category baik, but the respondents' understanding of the aspects of zakat management in the institution official zakat is still relatively low. The purpose of this research is to find out whether Zakat literacy affects the intention to give zakat, how does social behavior influence the intention of paying zakar, then to find out the perceived value as a mediating variable affect the intention to tithe. This research is an associative quantitative, with non-technical probability sampling. The object of this research is muzakki with different backgrounds in Makassar which is easy to reach. Respondents were rounded up to 100 people collected through a questionnaire, with an ordinal scale, which is distributed to respondents to determine literacy, social behavior, perceived value and intention of muzakki. Data analysis method used in this study moderation uses SmartPLS by entering all data and tested convergent validity, discriminant validity, and significance test.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Preneurship Training For Rappokaling Pkk Women Of Makassar City

Patria Artha Journal of Community (PKM)

This activity is purposed to support the welfare of urban communities through empowerment and gen... more This activity is purposed to support the welfare of urban communities through empowerment and gender approaches, namely the empowerment of women through Family Welfare Program by fostering social development in PKK organizations and activities. Method : This activity was carried out by providing skills training according to partner interests then partners will be able to produce superior products that have the economic value needed by the market. In order to produce a product with high economic value. The efforts to foster social development, entrepreneurship that has social goals (welfare of the community) and is based on social activities, partners will also be given training on entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial managerial skills, which includes production management, financial management, simple accounting and marketing management. The assistance is provided to partners, so that efforts to foster social preneur activities in Family Welfare activities can be realized ...

Research paper thumbnail of Donasi Al Qur’an Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Untuk Mesjid, Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an Dan Panti Asuhan

Jurnal Masyarakat Madani Indonesia

Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar ke berbagai dimensi kehidupan Masrakyat Indonesia. Bukan hanya d... more Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar ke berbagai dimensi kehidupan Masrakyat Indonesia. Bukan hanya dalam aspek kesehatan dan perekonomian, namun juga masuk ke sendi kehidupan pendidikan dan lembaga keagamaan masyarakat Indonesia. Pada kegiatan ini tim membagikan sebanyak 2.000 Al qur’an ke berbagai Mesjid, Panti Asuhan, dan Taman Pendidikan Al Qur’an (TPA) di tengah pandemi covid-19, dengan tujuan mengajak masyarakat agar lebih peduli terhadap agama, Para jama’ah Masjid agar lebih rajin membaca Al Qur’an, para santri Taman Pendidikan Al Qur’an agar lebih rajin menghafal Al Qur’an dan terutama bagi anak yatim piatu agar lebih rajin membaca Al Qur’an yang di Donasikan. Donasi Al Qur”an ini dibagikan ke beberapa Kabupaten/Kota di Sulawesi Selatan hingga ke pelosok-pelosok. Salah satu tujuan dari Penyaluran Donai Al Qur’an ini adalah Untuk meningkatkan semangat baca Al Qur’an bagi ummat Islam di tengah Pandemi Covid 19 dan pasca Pandemi Covid 19. Akibat dari Pandemi, bukan hanya mengganggu...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Nasabah Memilih Tabungan Simpedes pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Unit Borong Raya

Jurnal Manajemen Perbankan Keuangan Nitro

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengananlisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi n... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengananlisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nasabah memilih tabungan Simpedes pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, unit Borong Raya. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitin ini adalah kuantitatif. Sumber data yang dilakukan penelitian ini yaitu data primer. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh nasabah Simpedes pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero). Tbk, Unit Borong Raya. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara Purposive Sampling. Kuesioner yang dibagikan sebanyak 100. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunaan teknik analisis faktor dengan bantuan IBM SPSS Statistic 22. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan nasabah memilih tabungan simpedes pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero). Tbk, Unit Borong Raya yaitu faktor sosial, jaringan tersebar luas, citra bank, pencadangan keperluan mendadak dan program undian. Karena sebab itu, faktor dominan yan...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies to Improve Service Quality Through Digitalization of Banking Services at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

The strategy of improving service quality through the digitalization of services is a strategy th... more The strategy of improving service quality through the digitalization of services is a strategy that a company uses to develop digitalbased services to answer consumers' increasingly digital needs. Likewise, the banking business continues to innovate to improve the quality of its services. The digitization of banking services is one strategy that can answer problems that occur in terms of improving the quality of banking services. PT. Bank Negara Indonesia Central Jakarta has implemented digitalization of services for the last 3 (three) years. It can be seen from the annual report and internal interviews that Bank Negara Indonesia has achieved good performance targets. However, several obstacles are faced in implementing the digitalization strategy for services such as legacy IT systems. This work culture is not yet digital and poor coordination between BNI's internal divisions. Some of these things need to be considered more seriously to achieve PT. Bank Negara Indonesia&#39...

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Spiritual Intelligence on Passion of Work and Performance

Golden Ratio Of Human Resources Management, Feb 28, 2022

This study aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional in... more This study aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence on morale, and the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and passion of work on employee performance, as well as the effect of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, Spiritual intelligence on employee performance. Employee performance through and employee morale. The research was carried out in all work units at the 140 Islamic Private lecturers in the scope of LLDIKTI-IX. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model by AMOS. The study results found that Islamic leadership positively and significantly affected morale, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence, increasing employee morale. Employee performance improves with high Islamic leadership and increased confidence. Emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence have a positive but not significant effect on employee performance. The position of morale in the research model is not to be a mediating variable (intervening) in explaining the influence of Islamic leadership on employee performance. The role of morale in the research model is a perfect mediation variable (complete mediation) in explaining the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on employee performance. To improve employee performance, emotional intelligence cannot do it directly.

Research paper thumbnail of Islamic Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Spiritual Intelligence on Passion of Work and Performance

Golden Ratio Of Human Resources Management, Feb 28, 2022

This study aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional in... more This study aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence on morale, and the influence of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and passion of work on employee performance, as well as the effect of Islamic leadership, emotional intelligence, Spiritual intelligence on employee performance. Employee performance through and employee morale. The research was carried out in all work units at the 140 Islamic Private lecturers in the scope of LLDIKTI-IX. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model by AMOS. The study results found that Islamic leadership positively and significantly affected morale, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence, increasing employee morale. Employee performance improves with high Islamic leadership and increased confidence. Emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence have a positive but not significant effect on employee performance. The position of morale in the research model is not to be a mediating variable (intervening) in explaining the influence of Islamic leadership on employee performance. The role of morale in the research model is a perfect mediation variable (complete mediation) in explaining the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on employee performance. To improve employee performance, emotional intelligence cannot do it directly.