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Over ons
Samen met milieu- en mensenrechtenorganisaties in ontwikkelingslanden werkt Both ENDS aan een duurzame, eerlijke wereld waarin iedereen een stem heeft. We verzamelen en delen informatie over beleid en investeringen die directe gevolgen hebben voor mensen en hun leefomgeving, we trekken gezamenlijk op in beleidsbeïnvloeding, we brengen de dialoog op gang tussen verschillende partijen en we promoten en ondersteunen duurzame lokale alternatieven.
11 - 50 medewerkers
Milieu, Mensenrechten, Handel en investeringen, Duurzaam land- en watergebruik en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
Medewerkers van Both ENDS
- 🎧 Both ENDS in De AfricastIn aflevering 69 van De Africast bespreken we de ernstige gevolgen van klimaatverandering voor Afrikaanse vrouwen. Hoewel Afrika zelf relatief weinig bijdraagt aan de uitstoot van broeikasgassen, ondervindt het continent enorm zware klimaateffecten zoals droogtes en mislukte oogsten. 🌾 Danielle Hirsch, voormalig directeur van Both ENDS, deelt haar inzichten over hoe vrouwen in Afrika onevenredig hard getroffen worden door deze crisis en hoe zij zich krachtig verzetten tegen de gevolgen. 🌱💪 🔊 Luister nu een kleine snippet van deze aflevering en krijg een voorproefje van het gesprek! 👉 Voor de volledige aflevering, klik op #BothENDS #Klimaatrechtvaardigheid #Africast #VrouwenEnKlimaat #Klimaatverandering #Afrika #Duurzaamheid #Podcast
- Our colleague Marius Troost will be co-hosting an event at #COP29! Can't make it in person? No stress, there is also a livestream! Read more and register below 👇🏾
Senior Policy Advisor Both ENDS
3 d
For those of you attending COP29, do swing by this amazing side-event that we're organising together with FARN Latindadd - Red Latinoamericana por Justicia Económica y Social SEATINI UGANDA Dialogue Earth Both ENDS and INESC! ⤵️ 💸 We will be talking about what a truly just energy transition looks like and what trade and finance systems support, or hinder, this transition. I will dive into issues of trade and climate, raw materials,trade agreements, #ISDS, the #WTO and more. Hope to see you there! 🙋♂️ (and if you cannot make it in person, you can register via the link in comments to receive the link to the livestream!)#cop29 #trade #climate #climatejustice - 💧🌍 Join the Conversation on Transformative Water Governance 🌍💧 The Transformative Water Pact (TWP) is an innovative framework aimed at revolutionising water governance, focusing on environmental justice, equity, and water stewardship. Its vision prioritises the flourishing of water bodies and ecosystems, along with the diversity of social, cultural, and natural values essential to life on Earth. As part of our webinar series, we invite you to explore key challenges and solutions in water governance and justice, with a particular focus on Global South countries. The third and final session will delve into sustainable water conservation in Kenya, addressing the role of community organising, inclusive governance, and the risks of water privatisation. 🌐 Don't miss out! This is a unique opportunity to learn from global experts and co-authors of the TWP as we share lessons learned and build a shared understanding of water as a common good. 🗓️ Session 3: Sustainable Water Conservation in Kenya 💬 Key Topics: - Inclusive governance at the basin level - Community networks managing shared water resources - The challenges of water privatisation - Building equitable access to water 👉 Register now #WaterJustice #WaterGovernance #EnvironmentalJustice #TWP #SustainableWater #WaterAsACommonGood #Kenya #GlobalSouth #ClimateAction #InclusiveGovernance AIDA - Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente
- 🌱 Tijdens de 29e VN Klimaatconferentie (COP29) in Baku, Azerbeidzjan, zal Both ENDS weer in de frontlinie staan met partners om te pleiten voor gender-rechtvaardige klimaatfinanciering en lokale toegang tot klimaatoplossingen. Dit jaar staat de COP in het teken van klimaatfinanciering, en we dringen erop aan dat deze ten goede komt aan lokale gemeenschappen- met name vrouwen en gemarginaliseerde groepen in het Zuiden - die het hardst worden getroffen door de klimaatcrisis. In ons laatste interview geeft Marius Troost, die COP29 zal bijwonen, inzicht in wat Both ENDS wil bereiken, waarom de COP een cruciaal platform blijft, en hoe we werken aan een verschuiving in de richting van een eerlijkere, meer inclusieve energietransitie. 👉 Lees het volledige interview met Marius #COP29 #ClimateJustice #GenderJustice #ClimateFinance #LocalSolutions #ClimateAction #BothENDS #UNFCCC #ClimateChange
- Remember the Glasgow Declaration at COP26, 3 years ago? 👊 After more than 2 decades of drawing attention to public financial support for fossil-related projects through export credit insurances issued by states, in Glasgow we finally reached an important breakthrough: 34 countries, including the Netherlands, and 5 international financial institutions signed a joint statement agreeing to end new, direct public support for the international unabated fossil fuel energy sector. ✅ The major impact of the Glasgow Statement has become apparent in the last year. The Netherlands took an extra year to stop their public finance for fossil fuel projects, but now appears to have followed through on its promise. Whereas it was financing fossil fuel projects for an average of 1 billion euros per year before 2022, this financing has now almost completely stopped. A major win for the climate #COP26 #UNFCCC #StopFundingFossils
- Vandaag vindt het debat plaats over de begroting Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Voormalig Both ENDS directeur Danielle Hirsch is erbij. Hieronder in een interview bespreekt ze de geplande bezuinigingen van minister Klever. Lees meer 👇🏿
Kamerlid GroenLinks/PvdA | Handel | Internationaal Klimaatbeleid | Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
5 d Bewerkt
De coalitie is bezig onze zorgvuldig opgebouwde internationale positie af te breken. Ze stapelt bezuiniging op bezuiniging. Wat Nederland bracht en haalde dreigt eraan te gaan. Morgen debat over de begroting Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Vandaag interview Trouw ⤵️
Kamerlid Daniëlle Hirsch: ‘Wat Nederland heeft opgebouwd in het buitenland, gaat er nu allemaal aan’ - Explore GAGGA’s interactive map, featuring 50+ gender-just climate solutions from across the world. Learn, link, and build with them:
What if the solutions to our climate crisis are already here, led by communities often overlooked? 🌎Imagine a world where the interdependence of gender, climate, & environmental justice are prioritized. The good news? These solutions already exist—led by women, girls, trans, intersex, and non-binary people fighting power imbalances & adapting to climate change. 💪 As part of the #GAGGAatCOP29 #WeWomenAreWater campaign, we are excited to launch our interactive map! This map isn’t just a resource—it’s a living documentation of real, locally-led, gender-just climate solutions from women, girls, trans, intersex, and non-binary people across the globe. 🌱 From forest restoration in Nepal to water sovereignty in Honduras, these grassroots solutions highlight how GAGGA partners are tackling climate change by prioritizing gender-justice. They are the building blocks of sustainable futures. This map is also a powerful tool for linking and learning—supporting GAGGA partners connect, share resources, and collaborate on key areas like climate finance, agroecology, and land rights. 🤝 As we head into #COP29, donors & governments must shift #ClimateFinance away from #FalseSolutions and #DangerousDistractions toward grassroots movements already leading gender-just climate solutions. Explore GAGGA’s interactive map, featuring 50+ gender-just climate solutions from across the world. Learn, link, and build with us: #GAGGAatCOP29 #WeWomenAreWater #COP29 - Tomorrow, #EU ambassadors are expected to give the green light to the European Commission’s proposal to delay the application of the EU deforestation-free products regulation (#EUDR) by twelve months. 225 civil society organisations from over 40 countries have issued a joint statement, calling on all national EU governments and the @European Parliament to reject the Commission’s proposal. The EUDR is the flagship achievement of the #EuropeanGreenDeal. It is a world-first in the fight against #deforestation, #forest degradation and associated #HumanRights impacts, which are driven by European production and consumption of products like beef, leather, palm oil, coffee, cocoa, timber, rubber, and soy. The world’s #forests urgently need the protection that the EUDR offers. By delaying its application and giving into the demands of vested interests, the European Commission is: 👉 significantly undermining the EU’s credibility as a global leader in the fight against #ClimateChange, #biodiversity loss and #HumanRights violations 👉 effectively rewarding those companies who are continuing to profit from environmental destruction 👉 penalising those who have already spent resources to comply with the EUDR 👉 weakening the overall integrity of EU policy-making 👉 putting the European Green Deal into question 👉 sending a signal to other major consuming countries that any regulatory measures to reach deforestation-free supply chains can wait#Forests are key to a liveable future. They must be protected. Members of the European Parliament and national EU governments: reject the European Commission’s proposal to delay the EUDR! Read the full #Together4Forests statement here: ClientEarth Environmental Investigation Agency Fern NGO Forest Peoples Programme Global Witness Greenpeace Nederland WWF European Policy Office Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe Oxfam Novib Rainforest Action Network Observatório do Clima Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB) Amazon Watch