Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Netherlands (PBES NL) | LinkedIn (original) (raw)
Leiden, Zuid-Holland 514 volgers
Het Nederlandse Platform voor Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteemdiensten | #PBESNL
Over ons
PBES NL is the Dutch platform for biodiversity. We support the transfer of scientific knowledge to policy and practice, and vice versa. Welcome to PBES NL, the Dutch platform for biodiversity. We are here for scientists, policy makers, professionals and other stakeholders. PBES NL supports the transfer of scientific knowledge to policy and practice and vice versa, helps to expand your knowledge with other experts on topical issues, and connects information on biodiversity and makes it openly available. PBES NL exists on behalf of the Directorate-General for Nature and Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and supports the IPBES National Focal Point. Naturalis Biodiversity Center is responsible for the platform, working closely with the IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands Foundation.
11 - 50 medewerkers
Leiden, Zuid-Holland
- [Dutch post/press release] We noemden het gister al, maar er is GROOT nieuws! 💥 👇 Verandering om verder biodiversiteitsverlies tegen te gaan is urgenter dan ooit én haalbaar, stelt het IPBES, het biodiversiteitspanel van de Verenigde Naties. In twee rapporten die deze week verschenen, roept het panel overheden wereldwijd op om een samenhangend beleid te maken dat #biodiversiteit, klimaatverandering, water, voedsel en gezondheid aanpakt. Voor Nederland, waar uitdagingen zoals de stikstofcrisis en overstromingsrisico’s druk uitoefenen op mens en natuur, bieden de IPBES-rapporten een routekaart naar een duurzame toekomst. 🌱 ➡️ Meer informatie (en video’s) op onze PBES NL website: tuned #Ecosystem #Services #Netherlands #impact #people #nature #PBESNL Naturalis Biodiversity Center Nederland IUCN IUCN NL IPBES Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur Koos Biesmeijer Coenraad Krijger Maxime Eiselin Sanne Kruid #IPBES #TransformativeChange #Nexus #natuurbescherming #klimaatadaptatie
73.897 volgers
3 w Bewerkt
🚨 OUT NOW 🚨 📚 The IPBES #TransformativeChange Assessment Summary for Policymakers is here! ➡️ Dive into the extensive exploration of how fundamental change can halt biodiversity loss and secure just and sustainable futures for all. - Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Netherlands (PBES NL) heeft dit gerepost
Professor in the Anthropology of Sustainability and Livelihoods at Leiden University
3 w
The IPBES Nexus Assessment summary for policymaker is now available! This summary analyses the linkages between biodiversity, water, food and health in a context of climate change, and proposes clear and feasible response options. Action is urgently needed, but we can make a difference! It has been an interesting and rewarding journey, working for the past three years on the assessment, as part of a huge and wonderful team (165 experts) under the guidance of Paula Harrison and Pamela McElwee, supported by Tiff van Huysen and Benedict Aboki Omare and others. A big thank you to the 'Foodies Gang', led by Edmundo Barrios and Fabrice DeClerck - it has been a real pleasure working with all of you, I learnt a lot from all of you (Zsófia Benedek, Donovan Campbell, Ricardo Castro Diaz, Becky Chaplin-Kramer, Ganesh Raj Joshi, Fernando Milano, Maysoun Mustafa, Francisco Rosado May, Ronald Twongyirwe, PhD, David Williams). Nadia Sitas, Odirilwe Selomane, wonderful to reconnect and join you for the work on the synthesis chapter! Of course I also need to mention my Dutch fellow lead authors on the assessment Marcel Kok, Patrick Huntjens, and Thijs Keuken as well - and I probably forgot to mention others - apologies. And do check out the posts by Esther Turnhout 🟥, Jeanne Nel, Niki Frantzeskaki on the IPBES Transformative Change assessment as well!
🚨 OUT NOW 🚨 The IPBES #NexusAssessment Summary for Policymakers is now available! Explore the most comprehensive assessment ever of the interconnections between biodiversity, water, food, health & climate. 🌏 Options for a just & sustainable future - Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Netherlands (PBES NL) heeft dit gerepost
Programme lead International Nature Policy
3 w
Nexy besluitvorming voor transformatieve verandering voor mens en natuur: nieuwe rapporten van het Internationale Panel voor Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteemdiensten. Deze week zijn na een lange, moeizame week onderhandelingen door de 147 landen die lid zijn van IPBES, waaronder Nederland, de conclusies van de Transformative Change Assessment en de Nexus Assessment geaccepteerd. Aan beide rapporten is door 100-en wetenschappers de afgelopen drie jaar gewerkt. De samenvatting van beide rapporten zijn hier te vinden (Nexus) (Transformative Change) Ik had het voorrecht als hoofdauteur te mogen meeschrijven aan de Nexus assessment, hoofdstuk 4 over nexy besluitvorming. Mijn samenvatting van het rapport: de Nexus Assessment laat zien hoe met duurzaam gebruik van natuur en biodiversiteit, voordelen voor gezondheid, voedsel, water, energie en klimaat (de nexus)gerealiseerd kunnen worden. Nexus is geen neutraal, wetenschappelijk concept. Huidig beleid is niet ingericht op de omgang met samenhangende problemen. Werken in silo’s is duur en leidt tot hoge kosten en ineffectief beleid. Samenhangend beleid op deze onderwerpen vraagt dat sociale, politieke en normatieve aspecten van de nexus in ogenschouw worden genomen om tot transformatieve veranderingen voor mens en natuur te komen. Een paar van de belangrijkste conclusies uit de samenvatting: - Nexus-wide benefits with positive outcomes for people and nature are feasible in the future, but achieving the highest levels of positive outcomes across all nexus elements is challenging. - Scenarios that achieve balanced benefits across the nexus elements tend to include response options that effectively conserve, restore and sustainably use and manage ecosystems, reduce pollution, adopt sustainable healthy diets and mitigate and adapt to climate change. - Scenarios focused on synergies among biodiversity, water, food, human health and climate change have more beneficial outcomes for global policy goals. - Siloed policy approaches and actions that prioritize a single nexus element limit the achievement of benefits across policy goals. - Numerous highly synergistic response options are already available to actors in multiple sectors. - Response options not typically focused on biodiversity can often have greater benefits for biodiversity than those specifically designed as such. - Transforming current siloed modes of governance through more integrative, inclusive, equitable, accountable, coordinated and adaptive approaches enable successful implementation of response options to manage the nexus.Marja Spierenburg , @Thijs Kuiken, Esther Turnhout 🟥 Niki Frantzeskaki, Patrick Huntjens, Jeanne Nel - Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Netherlands (PBES NL) heeft dit gerepost
Award-winning author & Professor of Social Innovation & Sustainability Transitions
3 w Bewerkt
🌍 A New Era of Sustainability: Introducing the IPBES Transformative Change Assessment 🌿 I am thrilled to share the launch of the IPBES Transformative Change Assessment, a groundbreaking report that presents a bold roadmap to halt biodiversity loss and drive sustainable development. As one of the lead authors, I feel privileged to contribute to this landmark document (developed together with 100+ international experts), which highlights the transformative power of systemic change to build a fairer, greener, and more resilient world. 🚀 The IPBES Transformative Change Assessment is a vital roadmap addressing the interconnected crises of biodiversity loss, climate change, and pollution. It emphasizes the urgency of system-wide reorganization in governance, economics, and societal values to achieve the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity and a sustainable world. Key strategies include conserving critical ecosystems, transforming high-impact sectors, promoting inclusive governance, and reshaping societal values to harmonize human-nature relationships. A concept close to my heart, the Eco-Social Contract (aka Natural Social Contract), is featured prominently in the report. This transformative and actionable vision redefines the relationship between people, governments, and nature, emphasizing shared responsibility and collaboration among all societal actors to create a just and sustainable future. 💡 What does transformative change look like? ✨ True solutions to biodiversity loss and environmental degradation must address underlying causes: disconnect from nature, concentration of power and wealth, and prioritization of short-term material gains. 🌾 A shift from exploitative practices to regenerative ones, such as agro-ecology, nature-based solutions and regenerative economies. 🤝 Collaboration across sectors to integrate social, economic, and ecological goals. 📚 Drawing inspiration from global case studies, with a staggering number of 400 case-studies showing that transformative change is possible, like community-driven marine conservation in Spain and nature-inclusive urban development in the Netherlands, and many more. The report also underscores the critical role of local initiatives and the collective power of society to drive change. As I often say, "A sustainable and just future becomes possible when we see ourselves as part of a greater whole." 📖 Learn more about the report: the same IPBES 11th Plenary Meeting the Nexus Assessment was launched. A must-read! For more info see:’s work together to ignite a global movement for change! 🌟#Biodiversity #Sustainability #TransformativeChange #IPBES #EcosocialContract #Leadership #FutureForward - Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Netherlands (PBES NL) heeft dit gerepost
Team Leader International Biodiversity Policy at Ministry of Nature, Agriculture and Food Quality
4 w
#IPBES11 is a wrap It was a tough week of negotiations, but we managed! IPBES, the Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (or sister of the IPCC report for Climate Change) shows the worldwide state of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Here some of my key takeaways from the 11th meeting in Windhoek, Namibia. Positive outcomes, we agreed on the following: • Two very important reports and their summaries for policymakers: --> The #nexus between biodiversity, water, food, health and climate --> The #transformative #change assessment • The outline of the Second #Global #Assessment which will come out in 2028 • Strengthening the relationship with the #IPCC report on Climate Change I am also very proud that the Netherlands was able to provide a significant contribution of 1 million euros for the long-term sustainability of IPBES. Not so positive: Science is increasingly being questioned and political discussions are increasingly entering the science-policy space. While the scientific truth is sometimes uncomfortable, we have to stay true to science. Only in that way we can tackle the challenges and crises of our time. Both reports – that are currently still under embargo – show the urgent need to stop working in silos and provide options how to transform our policies in order to turn the tide on biodiversity loss and live well in harmony with nature. More insights follow after the media release. I am very grateful to the tremendous work of all authors, fellows and contributors for voluntarily dedicating their time to these truly transformative reports! And also a big thanks to the Netherlands team! Rob, Bine and Natasja. #IPBES11 #Biodiversity #Science #Policy Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij, Voedselzekerheid en Natuur Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Netherlands (PBES NL)