Kateryna M . Valentyrova | National Museum of Ukrainian History (original) (raw)
Papers by Kateryna M . Valentyrova
Науковий вісник Національного музею історії України. Вип. 8, 2022
The principles of working with archaeological materials within museum institutions have been rein... more The principles of working with archaeological materials within museum institutions have been reinterpreted in the works of specialists from different countries in the recent decades. The development of archeology as a science, the methodology of museum work and scientific thought in general allow to reveal the informational potential of archaeological collections more deeply and use it to form the visitors’ current knowledge about the past, critical thinking, as well as conscious attitude to cultural and archaeological heritage. The analysis of modern approaches to the interaction of museums with archaeological materials and their adapted integration into the practice of the Ukrainian museum institutions of the corresponding direction can significantly expand the possibilities of the latter in the context of the implementation of scientific and educational goals
Присвячено історії становлення і розвитку наукового підходу до вивчення середньовічної клинкової ... more Присвячено історії становлення і розвитку наукового підходу до вивчення середньовічної клинкової зброї. Відзна-
чається, що витоки цього напряму історичної науки лежать у колекціонуванні, а першими спробами дослідження і
систематизації клинкової зброї можна вважати описи й каталоги колекцій зброї. Одначе, лише в ХІХ ст. з'явилися дій-
сно фундаментальні праці, прямо або опосередковано присвячені клинковій зброї, які заклали основні методи і прин-
ципи її дослідження та класифікації. Простежується розвиток наукового дослідження клинкової зброї до початків
використання методів досліджень природничих наук на межі ХХ–ХХІ ст.
Ключові слова: Середньовіччя, клинкова зброя, історіографія, метод,
The research of the edged weapons requires an involvement of different types of sources. The visu... more The research of the edged weapons requires an involvement of different types of sources. The visual ones are among the most informative. Images depicting medieval edged weapon could be found on different objects, in particular, on pottery. Most of such engravings are schematic; that is why an informative value of such sources is rather modest. Nevertheless, engrawings on pottery depicting edged weapons may attract scholar's attention. Images on medieval pottery from Taurida (Crimea peninsula) are especially interesting in this context. In the article the author analyses 17 artifacts decorated with images of edged weapons that were found in Crimea. In each case an image of weapon was part of a larger composition depicting a warrior. Scholars tend to interpret such figures as saint warriors or epic heroes. Local life contexts as well as the general historical situation in Europe during the 12-13 th centuries shaped favorable conditions for increasing popularity of the military themes in fine arts. The swords, sabres and items that cannot be reliably interpreted are depicted on the artifacts that are dealt with. The author reveals a spesific type of weaponry which have no analogies among the medieval archaeological materials by now. The upper date of exploitation of most of the atrifacts can be clearly identified as far as the artifacts were found in the cultural layer which corresponds with destruction of Chersonesus in the 13 th century. The artists used to engrave weapons schematiclly, however sometimes the one can be sure what kind of weapon an artist tried to depict. Comparison of the images on pottery with the archaeological findings allows us to jydge on specific military traditions of both the Bizantine Empire and the Northern Black Sea region during the 11-12 centuries. The findings of the 13 th century weapons in the Crimean peninsula are rather scarce, so the visual sources are very important for studing of the local edged weapon. Such sources are interesting in the broad context of studying of the medieval culture of Mediterranean and Black Sea regions as well.
Аналіз візуальних джерел є важливою та необхідною складовою дослідження клинкової зброї. Зміст та характер зображення в середньовічній традиції, згідно з пануючою думкою, часто обумовлений системою ідей та символів. До сьогодні лишається питанням для дискусій зв'язок цієї гіпотези з припущенням щодо виключно просвітницького та пропагандивного характеру візуального в Середньовіччі. Тим не менш, очевидним є те, що навіть малюнок для якого напевно можна говорити тільки про декоративний характер, потенційно міг мати певне символічне навантаження. Середньовічні зображення клинкової зброї, як правило, є частиною більш широкої за змістом композиції. Найчастіше зброя, в тому числі і клинкова, представлена в контексті конкретного персонажа, що використовує її/ володіє нею. Це дає широке поле для інтерпретацій та роздумів не тільки відносно еволюції зброї, як предмету матеріальної культури, а й щодо уявлень середньовічної людини про неї, її місця в минулому повсякденні. Відсутність прямої перспективи, портретності, пейзажу та інших елементів, що стали визначальними для живопису протягом XIV-XV сторіччі, інколи
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, 2019
Comprehensive research of artefacts has become the norm for modern archaeology. Archaeologist mus... more Comprehensive research of artefacts has become the norm for modern archaeology. Archaeologist must pay attention to all
aspects of the investigating problem and analyze material by means of methods from different branches of science. The Center
for Underwater Archaeology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv have been researching finds from a medieval
Italian shipwreck since 1999, with a very interesting group of artefacts consisting of baselard type daggers. At the stage of
interpretation, we decided to use methods which are characteristic of historical science, with a reconstruction of medieval
people’s` perceptions of baselards forming the basis for it. The combination of data about the material object itself and its
image (the concept of it) turned out to be useful for ensuring a clear interpretation of archaeological finds and even for the
verification of some social reconstructions.
The first article about unique finds of egded weapon from sunken Italyan trade galley XIII AD (Bl... more The first article about unique finds of egded weapon from sunken Italyan trade galley XIII AD (Black Sea)
Published in 2014
Books by Kateryna M . Valentyrova
Collection of Scientific Papers of the Third International Research Conference on the History of... more Collection of Scientific Papers of the Third International Research Conference on the
History of Arms and Armor (Kyiv, June 12-14, 2018) / compiler Denys Toichkin;
Institute of History of Ukraine NASU.
Editorial Board:
Ph.D., Prof. M. Dmytriienko (chair),
Ph.D., Prof., Correspondent Member
of NASU H. Boriak, Ph.D. D. Toichkin,
Ph.D. V. Tomozov, Sc.D. V. Prokopenko,
Ph.D. O. Popelnytska.
Ph.D. Denys Toichkin
Ph.D., Prof., Correspondent Member
of NASU O. Reient;
Ph.D. T. Chukhlib;
Ph.D., Prof. I. Voitsekhivska.
Thesis Chapters by Kateryna M . Valentyrova
The research is devoted to the perception of bladed weapons in the culture of Medieval Europe (XI... more The research is devoted to the perception of bladed weapons in the culture of Medieval Europe (XI - XIII centuries). The paper raises the problem of improving the methodology of analysis and interpretation of archaeological sources. Modern scientific methods and approaches allow us to obtain a significant amount of information about the past through the study of artifacts. Nonetheless, the relationship between the perception of the subject of study by his contemporaries and the scientist` vision still remains an unexplored issue. The idea of the uniqueness of historical worldviews actualizes this issue and emphasizes that it should be given due attention.
Material culture was created and modified under the influence of ideas formed within a specific information field. Therefore, in order to adequately and scientifically substantiate the reconstruction of episodes of the past, it is necessary to interpret matherial culture taking into account the peculiarities of the mentioned field.
The method of perceptual analysis proposed in this research is to compare the data obtained from the study of artifacts, and perceptual images that correspond to them in the relevant cultural environment. Perceptual image we mean the perception of the subject by contemporaries in a broad sense. The closest to this concept is the category of "imaginary", formulated by J. Le Goff. However, at this stage of the work we have to some extent abstracted from the problem of determining and delimiting the levels of perception and focusing on the analysis of all possible associations and reflections, which are somehow reflected in the sources.
The research describes the concept of historical perception, and proves the need to study this phenomenon utlines in the context of working with the material culture of the past.
The study was aimed at analyzing three groups of archaeological bladed weapons and informative artifacts related research. The artifacts dated from the 11th to 13th centuries and originate from the territory of modern Ukraine, but belong to different cultural traditions. These groups (long swords found in lands belonging to the Southern Kyivan Rus; artifacts from the Byzantine Taurica, which depict bladed weapons; basellard type daggers, originating from a sunken ship, explored near the of Novy Svet (Crimean Peninsula) have diffent number and specificity. This fact made it possible to test the proposed method in terms of working with different source data.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the verification of a some known assumptions, as well as in the analysis of artifacts introduced into scientific circulation by the author.
Науковий вісник Національного музею історії України. Вип. 8, 2022
The principles of working with archaeological materials within museum institutions have been rein... more The principles of working with archaeological materials within museum institutions have been reinterpreted in the works of specialists from different countries in the recent decades. The development of archeology as a science, the methodology of museum work and scientific thought in general allow to reveal the informational potential of archaeological collections more deeply and use it to form the visitors’ current knowledge about the past, critical thinking, as well as conscious attitude to cultural and archaeological heritage. The analysis of modern approaches to the interaction of museums with archaeological materials and their adapted integration into the practice of the Ukrainian museum institutions of the corresponding direction can significantly expand the possibilities of the latter in the context of the implementation of scientific and educational goals
Присвячено історії становлення і розвитку наукового підходу до вивчення середньовічної клинкової ... more Присвячено історії становлення і розвитку наукового підходу до вивчення середньовічної клинкової зброї. Відзна-
чається, що витоки цього напряму історичної науки лежать у колекціонуванні, а першими спробами дослідження і
систематизації клинкової зброї можна вважати описи й каталоги колекцій зброї. Одначе, лише в ХІХ ст. з'явилися дій-
сно фундаментальні праці, прямо або опосередковано присвячені клинковій зброї, які заклали основні методи і прин-
ципи її дослідження та класифікації. Простежується розвиток наукового дослідження клинкової зброї до початків
використання методів досліджень природничих наук на межі ХХ–ХХІ ст.
Ключові слова: Середньовіччя, клинкова зброя, історіографія, метод,
The research of the edged weapons requires an involvement of different types of sources. The visu... more The research of the edged weapons requires an involvement of different types of sources. The visual ones are among the most informative. Images depicting medieval edged weapon could be found on different objects, in particular, on pottery. Most of such engravings are schematic; that is why an informative value of such sources is rather modest. Nevertheless, engrawings on pottery depicting edged weapons may attract scholar's attention. Images on medieval pottery from Taurida (Crimea peninsula) are especially interesting in this context. In the article the author analyses 17 artifacts decorated with images of edged weapons that were found in Crimea. In each case an image of weapon was part of a larger composition depicting a warrior. Scholars tend to interpret such figures as saint warriors or epic heroes. Local life contexts as well as the general historical situation in Europe during the 12-13 th centuries shaped favorable conditions for increasing popularity of the military themes in fine arts. The swords, sabres and items that cannot be reliably interpreted are depicted on the artifacts that are dealt with. The author reveals a spesific type of weaponry which have no analogies among the medieval archaeological materials by now. The upper date of exploitation of most of the atrifacts can be clearly identified as far as the artifacts were found in the cultural layer which corresponds with destruction of Chersonesus in the 13 th century. The artists used to engrave weapons schematiclly, however sometimes the one can be sure what kind of weapon an artist tried to depict. Comparison of the images on pottery with the archaeological findings allows us to jydge on specific military traditions of both the Bizantine Empire and the Northern Black Sea region during the 11-12 centuries. The findings of the 13 th century weapons in the Crimean peninsula are rather scarce, so the visual sources are very important for studing of the local edged weapon. Such sources are interesting in the broad context of studying of the medieval culture of Mediterranean and Black Sea regions as well.
Аналіз візуальних джерел є важливою та необхідною складовою дослідження клинкової зброї. Зміст та характер зображення в середньовічній традиції, згідно з пануючою думкою, часто обумовлений системою ідей та символів. До сьогодні лишається питанням для дискусій зв'язок цієї гіпотези з припущенням щодо виключно просвітницького та пропагандивного характеру візуального в Середньовіччі. Тим не менш, очевидним є те, що навіть малюнок для якого напевно можна говорити тільки про декоративний характер, потенційно міг мати певне символічне навантаження. Середньовічні зображення клинкової зброї, як правило, є частиною більш широкої за змістом композиції. Найчастіше зброя, в тому числі і клинкова, представлена в контексті конкретного персонажа, що використовує її/ володіє нею. Це дає широке поле для інтерпретацій та роздумів не тільки відносно еволюції зброї, як предмету матеріальної культури, а й щодо уявлень середньовічної людини про неї, її місця в минулому повсякденні. Відсутність прямої перспективи, портретності, пейзажу та інших елементів, що стали визначальними для живопису протягом XIV-XV сторіччі, інколи
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, 2019
Comprehensive research of artefacts has become the norm for modern archaeology. Archaeologist mus... more Comprehensive research of artefacts has become the norm for modern archaeology. Archaeologist must pay attention to all
aspects of the investigating problem and analyze material by means of methods from different branches of science. The Center
for Underwater Archaeology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv have been researching finds from a medieval
Italian shipwreck since 1999, with a very interesting group of artefacts consisting of baselard type daggers. At the stage of
interpretation, we decided to use methods which are characteristic of historical science, with a reconstruction of medieval
people’s` perceptions of baselards forming the basis for it. The combination of data about the material object itself and its
image (the concept of it) turned out to be useful for ensuring a clear interpretation of archaeological finds and even for the
verification of some social reconstructions.
The first article about unique finds of egded weapon from sunken Italyan trade galley XIII AD (Bl... more The first article about unique finds of egded weapon from sunken Italyan trade galley XIII AD (Black Sea)
Published in 2014
Collection of Scientific Papers of the Third International Research Conference on the History of... more Collection of Scientific Papers of the Third International Research Conference on the
History of Arms and Armor (Kyiv, June 12-14, 2018) / compiler Denys Toichkin;
Institute of History of Ukraine NASU.
Editorial Board:
Ph.D., Prof. M. Dmytriienko (chair),
Ph.D., Prof., Correspondent Member
of NASU H. Boriak, Ph.D. D. Toichkin,
Ph.D. V. Tomozov, Sc.D. V. Prokopenko,
Ph.D. O. Popelnytska.
Ph.D. Denys Toichkin
Ph.D., Prof., Correspondent Member
of NASU O. Reient;
Ph.D. T. Chukhlib;
Ph.D., Prof. I. Voitsekhivska.
The research is devoted to the perception of bladed weapons in the culture of Medieval Europe (XI... more The research is devoted to the perception of bladed weapons in the culture of Medieval Europe (XI - XIII centuries). The paper raises the problem of improving the methodology of analysis and interpretation of archaeological sources. Modern scientific methods and approaches allow us to obtain a significant amount of information about the past through the study of artifacts. Nonetheless, the relationship between the perception of the subject of study by his contemporaries and the scientist` vision still remains an unexplored issue. The idea of the uniqueness of historical worldviews actualizes this issue and emphasizes that it should be given due attention.
Material culture was created and modified under the influence of ideas formed within a specific information field. Therefore, in order to adequately and scientifically substantiate the reconstruction of episodes of the past, it is necessary to interpret matherial culture taking into account the peculiarities of the mentioned field.
The method of perceptual analysis proposed in this research is to compare the data obtained from the study of artifacts, and perceptual images that correspond to them in the relevant cultural environment. Perceptual image we mean the perception of the subject by contemporaries in a broad sense. The closest to this concept is the category of "imaginary", formulated by J. Le Goff. However, at this stage of the work we have to some extent abstracted from the problem of determining and delimiting the levels of perception and focusing on the analysis of all possible associations and reflections, which are somehow reflected in the sources.
The research describes the concept of historical perception, and proves the need to study this phenomenon utlines in the context of working with the material culture of the past.
The study was aimed at analyzing three groups of archaeological bladed weapons and informative artifacts related research. The artifacts dated from the 11th to 13th centuries and originate from the territory of modern Ukraine, but belong to different cultural traditions. These groups (long swords found in lands belonging to the Southern Kyivan Rus; artifacts from the Byzantine Taurica, which depict bladed weapons; basellard type daggers, originating from a sunken ship, explored near the of Novy Svet (Crimean Peninsula) have diffent number and specificity. This fact made it possible to test the proposed method in terms of working with different source data.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the verification of a some known assumptions, as well as in the analysis of artifacts introduced into scientific circulation by the author.