A. Kayode Adesemowo | Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (original) (raw)

Papers by A. Kayode Adesemowo

Research paper thumbnail of Text-based sustainable assessment: A case of first-year information and communication technology networking students

The notion of sustainable assessment is to equip learners for the challenges of learning and prac... more The notion of sustainable assessment is to equip learners for the challenges of learning and practice they will face once their current episode of learning is complete. More often than not, portfolio and/or ‘direct’ observation are preferred assessment format. However, lecturers are increasingly faced with administrative challenges when conducting large-scale assessments, due to the large size of their class. In this exploratory study, we innovatively adapted Cloze question types to ‘mimic’ real-life scenarios. We observed a (Pearson) correlation coefficient value of r = 0.7 between the text-based and skills assessments of the students. This was further supplemented with a Spearman's Rho value of 0.66 with a two-tailed (probability) value of p ≈ 0. For this reason, we put forward that learning management system platforms can provide a technology-rich environment to designing innovative text-based assessments for relatively large classes.

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Research paper thumbnail of ITAOFIR: IT Asset Ontology for Information Risk in Knowledge Economy and Beyond

As more and more organisations continue to rely on information and innovate through advancement i... more As more and more organisations continue to rely on information and innovate through advancement in technology, the role and nature of IT assets as assets would keep evolving. It does not appear that this evolving nature of IT assets is understood or thoughtfully considered. More so, there is no universal taxonomy for such an important asset. This paper advances knowledge in information risk in the knowledge economy and beyond in two ways. Firstly, the OWL based IT assets ontology is the first ontology to present IT assets in a flexible, structured, dynamic, and modular view. Secondly, our ontology balances the “asset” and “possibility of threat” elements of risk in a coherent manner. It is expected that the IT assets ontology would contribute immensely toward the goal of a complete and integrated security ontology as being advocated by researchers in the field as-well-as points us towards the path of a definitive definition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Safeguarding information as an asset: Do we need a redefinition in the knowledge economy and beyond?

Background: With the evolution of data, via information into knowledge and beyond, intangible inf... more Background: With the evolution of data, via information into knowledge and beyond, intangible information assets (seen as an integral part of IT assets in this article) increasingly come to fore. A contemporary issue facing organisations in the knowledge economy and beyond is how best to safeguard and derive optimum value from their evolving information assets. A well-known fact is that risk exists because there is the possibility of threats to an asset. Likewise, no assets equals no risk. Although a large body of work is addressing threat models, the nature of the assets of the knowledge economy and beyond has not been well researched.

Objectives: To investigate the definition of information assets across a number of financial, risk and information technology standards, frameworks and regulations, in order to ascertain whether a coherent definition exists across the board. If there is none (or limited), then propose a workable definition that is apt for the knowledge economy and beyond.

Method: Qualitative thematic content analysis and a comparative study based on four main themes (Assets, Types of Asset, Information, and Information Assets). This then serves as a basis for argumentation schemes that lead to a proposed re-definition. The qualitative research approach assists us to address the concern of the incoherent definition of information and information assets across the board.

Results: Contrary to expectations, the research study found the current definition to be incoherent. When the asset to be controlled is not properly defined and understood, it stands the risk of not being identified properly. This implies that the effectiveness, efficiency, reliability of internal control, and compliance with the applicable legislation and regulations would not be appropriate. This article highlights the need for a fundamental shift in how information assets (valuable, but unvalued organisational intangible assets) are being viewed and treated, especially with regard to information risk and internal controls.

Conclusion: This article has identified a major defect in most standards, frameworks, and regulations dealing with regard to the safeguarding and management of information assets (and IT assets). It has established from the review carried out that information assets have not been properly defined across the board. Beyond this significant finding, it was further shown that the principle of risk (assessment) across the board requires the identification of the asset that needs to be controlled. A starting point, then, is a coherent definition (as proposed) for the information asset in itself. Therefore, proper definition across the board might assists in proper identification that could result in appropriate control and graceful handling of the end-of-life disposal.

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Research paper thumbnail of E-skilling on Fundamental ICT Networking Concepts - Overcoming the Resource Constraints at a South African University

Proceedings of the 2014 e-Skills for Knowledge Production and Innovation Conference

Year-on-year, the number of new learners entering higher education institutions continue to incre... more Year-on-year, the number of new learners entering higher education institutions continue to increase. This is positive when one considers government strategic interventions such as the ICT Policy and strategic intervention 4: Realizing Digital opportunity of the National Broad-band Policy 2013 that highlights “uptake and use enabled through institutional capacity and individual capability and institutional absorption” as an intended outcome. Consequently, the demand for professional human resources to manage the broadband infrastructure at different levels increases.
However, higher education institutions are faced with the challenge of capital expenditure on technical equipment for training the ever growing number of first year students. As capi-tal expenditure budget is lagging behind students intake (notably their skills practice need), it is imperative to investigate how best can higher education institutions leverage on limited resources to train students especially ICT students?
This paper posits that a visual ICT networking design and simulation platform, introduced as part of active learning rather than just open distance learning, provides assistance to higher education institutions faced with dilemmas of how to teach growing learners the foundational understanding of theoretical ICT networking concepts. The higher education institutions would not only be able to address the need for equitable ICT networking equipment, manage class interaction and assessment for rather large group but also leverage on the evidence-based advice from this study to efficiently train learners (future job seekers and/or e-astute citizens) that would be empowered to work effectively with technology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Service Desk link into IT Asset Disposal:  A case of a discarded IT Asset

Adaptive Science and Technology (ICAST), 2013 International Conference on

With the advent of Big Data and strategic investment into complex best-in-breed Governance, Risk,... more With the advent of Big Data and strategic investment into complex best-in-breed Governance, Risk, Compliance initiative, and the imminent introduction of Protection of Personal Information Bill in South Africa, are organizations in control of Information Technology Asset throughout its useful life. We look at oversight over IT Asset interface with IT Service Desk support function. Intruders like flowing water will explore the weakest opening much like a chain with the weakest link. In so far sound an organization's information security and internal controls are; it takes just the non-effectiveness or non-existence of a control, such as during IT Asset disposal for a vulnerability to be exploited and a breach to occur. This paper illustrates our finding from forensic analysis of a disposed IT Asset and discovered that we are far from improper disposal and its attendant risk. In actual fact, we are able to link improper disposal to lack of integration between IT Service Desk and IT Asset Disposal. We conclude by outlining considerations an organization should consider in integrating IT asset disposal with IT service desk.

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Research paper thumbnail of Affective Gesture Fast-track Feedback Instant Messaging (AGFIM)

Text communication is often perceived as lacking some components of communication that are essent... more Text communication is often perceived as lacking some components of communication that are essential in sustaining interaction or conversation. This interaction incoherency tends to make text communication plastic. It is traditionally devoid of intonation, pitch, gesture, facial expression and visual or auditory cues. Nevertheless, Instant Messaging (IM), a form of text communication is on the upward uptake both on PCs and on mobile handhelds. There is a need to rubberise this plastic text messaging to improve co-presence for text communications thereby improving synchronous textual discussion, especially on handheld devices. One element of interaction is gesture, seen as a natural way of conversing. Attaining some level of interaction naturalism requires improving synchronous communication spontaneity, partly achieved by enhancing input mechanisms. To enhance input mechanisms for interactive text-based chat on mobile devices, there is a need to facilitate gesture input. Enhancement is achievable in a number of ways, such as input mechanism redesigning and input offering adaptation. This thesis explores affective gesture mode on interface redesign as an input offering adaptation. This is done without a major physical reconstruction of handheld devices. This thesis presents a text only IM system built on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE). It was developed with a novel user-defined hotkey implemented as a one-click context menu to "fast-track" text-gestures and emoticons. A hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach was taken to enable data triangulation. Results from experimental trials show that an Affective Gesture (AG) approach improved IM chat spontaneity/response. Feedback from the user trials affirms that AG hotkey improves chat responsiveness, thus enhancing chat spontaneity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Affective gesture feedback instant messaging on handheld

3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 2004. 3G 2004. Fifth IEE International Conference on

Mobile devices and mobile networks are becoming more data-centric (evident in Japanese I-mode); e... more Mobile devices and mobile networks are becoming more data-centric (evident in Japanese I-mode); even as mobile voice network average revenue per user is declining, new streams of data services are required which must take cognisance of handheld features such as their small screen area and input/output limitations. A text only instant messaging (IM) system, built on the Internet Engineering Task Force open standard session initiation protocol (SIP) and SIP for instant messaging and presence leveraging extensions (SIMPLE), has been developed in line with our novel introduction of a user-defined text hotkey feature. Given that text communication possesses expressive discourse with some presence level, we seek to show that one-click text-gesture fast-tracking enhances text communication further. For this study, we take a hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach. Initial results show that an affective gesture approach is more likely to improve IM chat spontaneity/response rate. Enhanced input mechanisms for handheld IM system are expected to increase co-presence between handheld users and their desktop-based counterparts while in a synchronous discussion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Instant Messaging on Handhelds: An Affective Gesture Approach

SAICSIT '05 Proceedings of the 2005 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on IT research in developing countries, Sep 2005

Text communication can be perceived as lacking in chat spontaneity, or plastic, due to medium lim... more Text communication can be perceived as lacking in chat spontaneity, or plastic, due to medium limitations during interaction. A form of text messaging, Instant Messaging (IM), is now on the uptake, even on mobile handhelds. This paper presents results of using affective gesture to rubberise IM chat in order to improve synchronous communication spontaneity. The experimental design makes use of a text-only IM tool, running on handhelds, built with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the SIP Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE). The tool was developed with a novel user-defined hotkey -- a one-click context menu that fast-tracks the creation and transmission of text-gestures and emoticons. A hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach was taken in order to enable data triangulation. Data collected from user trials affirms that the affective gesture hotkey facility improves chat responsiveness, thus enhancing chat spontaneity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Instant Messaging on Handhelds: Affective Feedback

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Research paper thumbnail of Handheld Fast-track Feedback Instant Messaging A Work-in-progress submission for Innovation in Telecommunication/Broadband Services

As mobile devices and networks become more data-centric, text messaging requires an extension of ... more As mobile devices and networks become more data-centric, text messaging requires an extension of co-presence capabilities for better interactive discussion between input/output handicapped handheld users and their free form desktop counterparts. Given some degree of co-presence (online presence and awareness) in text-based Instant Messaging, we hope to increase this co-presence on a handheld with fast-track feedback (FF) mechanisms. These are

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Research paper thumbnail of An Intuitive Billing System for a Tradition Wifi and Mesh WLAN Network

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Research paper thumbnail of Text-based sustainable assessment: A case of first-year information and communication technology networking students

The notion of sustainable assessment is to equip learners for the challenges of learning and prac... more The notion of sustainable assessment is to equip learners for the challenges of learning and practice they will face once their current episode of learning is complete. More often than not, portfolio and/or ‘direct’ observation are preferred assessment format. However, lecturers are increasingly faced with administrative challenges when conducting large-scale assessments, due to the large size of their class. In this exploratory study, we innovatively adapted Cloze question types to ‘mimic’ real-life scenarios. We observed a (Pearson) correlation coefficient value of r = 0.7 between the text-based and skills assessments of the students. This was further supplemented with a Spearman's Rho value of 0.66 with a two-tailed (probability) value of p ≈ 0. For this reason, we put forward that learning management system platforms can provide a technology-rich environment to designing innovative text-based assessments for relatively large classes.

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Research paper thumbnail of ITAOFIR: IT Asset Ontology for Information Risk in Knowledge Economy and Beyond

As more and more organisations continue to rely on information and innovate through advancement i... more As more and more organisations continue to rely on information and innovate through advancement in technology, the role and nature of IT assets as assets would keep evolving. It does not appear that this evolving nature of IT assets is understood or thoughtfully considered. More so, there is no universal taxonomy for such an important asset. This paper advances knowledge in information risk in the knowledge economy and beyond in two ways. Firstly, the OWL based IT assets ontology is the first ontology to present IT assets in a flexible, structured, dynamic, and modular view. Secondly, our ontology balances the “asset” and “possibility of threat” elements of risk in a coherent manner. It is expected that the IT assets ontology would contribute immensely toward the goal of a complete and integrated security ontology as being advocated by researchers in the field as-well-as points us towards the path of a definitive definition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Safeguarding information as an asset: Do we need a redefinition in the knowledge economy and beyond?

Background: With the evolution of data, via information into knowledge and beyond, intangible inf... more Background: With the evolution of data, via information into knowledge and beyond, intangible information assets (seen as an integral part of IT assets in this article) increasingly come to fore. A contemporary issue facing organisations in the knowledge economy and beyond is how best to safeguard and derive optimum value from their evolving information assets. A well-known fact is that risk exists because there is the possibility of threats to an asset. Likewise, no assets equals no risk. Although a large body of work is addressing threat models, the nature of the assets of the knowledge economy and beyond has not been well researched.

Objectives: To investigate the definition of information assets across a number of financial, risk and information technology standards, frameworks and regulations, in order to ascertain whether a coherent definition exists across the board. If there is none (or limited), then propose a workable definition that is apt for the knowledge economy and beyond.

Method: Qualitative thematic content analysis and a comparative study based on four main themes (Assets, Types of Asset, Information, and Information Assets). This then serves as a basis for argumentation schemes that lead to a proposed re-definition. The qualitative research approach assists us to address the concern of the incoherent definition of information and information assets across the board.

Results: Contrary to expectations, the research study found the current definition to be incoherent. When the asset to be controlled is not properly defined and understood, it stands the risk of not being identified properly. This implies that the effectiveness, efficiency, reliability of internal control, and compliance with the applicable legislation and regulations would not be appropriate. This article highlights the need for a fundamental shift in how information assets (valuable, but unvalued organisational intangible assets) are being viewed and treated, especially with regard to information risk and internal controls.

Conclusion: This article has identified a major defect in most standards, frameworks, and regulations dealing with regard to the safeguarding and management of information assets (and IT assets). It has established from the review carried out that information assets have not been properly defined across the board. Beyond this significant finding, it was further shown that the principle of risk (assessment) across the board requires the identification of the asset that needs to be controlled. A starting point, then, is a coherent definition (as proposed) for the information asset in itself. Therefore, proper definition across the board might assists in proper identification that could result in appropriate control and graceful handling of the end-of-life disposal.

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Research paper thumbnail of E-skilling on Fundamental ICT Networking Concepts - Overcoming the Resource Constraints at a South African University

Proceedings of the 2014 e-Skills for Knowledge Production and Innovation Conference

Year-on-year, the number of new learners entering higher education institutions continue to incre... more Year-on-year, the number of new learners entering higher education institutions continue to increase. This is positive when one considers government strategic interventions such as the ICT Policy and strategic intervention 4: Realizing Digital opportunity of the National Broad-band Policy 2013 that highlights “uptake and use enabled through institutional capacity and individual capability and institutional absorption” as an intended outcome. Consequently, the demand for professional human resources to manage the broadband infrastructure at different levels increases.
However, higher education institutions are faced with the challenge of capital expenditure on technical equipment for training the ever growing number of first year students. As capi-tal expenditure budget is lagging behind students intake (notably their skills practice need), it is imperative to investigate how best can higher education institutions leverage on limited resources to train students especially ICT students?
This paper posits that a visual ICT networking design and simulation platform, introduced as part of active learning rather than just open distance learning, provides assistance to higher education institutions faced with dilemmas of how to teach growing learners the foundational understanding of theoretical ICT networking concepts. The higher education institutions would not only be able to address the need for equitable ICT networking equipment, manage class interaction and assessment for rather large group but also leverage on the evidence-based advice from this study to efficiently train learners (future job seekers and/or e-astute citizens) that would be empowered to work effectively with technology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Service Desk link into IT Asset Disposal:  A case of a discarded IT Asset

Adaptive Science and Technology (ICAST), 2013 International Conference on

With the advent of Big Data and strategic investment into complex best-in-breed Governance, Risk,... more With the advent of Big Data and strategic investment into complex best-in-breed Governance, Risk, Compliance initiative, and the imminent introduction of Protection of Personal Information Bill in South Africa, are organizations in control of Information Technology Asset throughout its useful life. We look at oversight over IT Asset interface with IT Service Desk support function. Intruders like flowing water will explore the weakest opening much like a chain with the weakest link. In so far sound an organization's information security and internal controls are; it takes just the non-effectiveness or non-existence of a control, such as during IT Asset disposal for a vulnerability to be exploited and a breach to occur. This paper illustrates our finding from forensic analysis of a disposed IT Asset and discovered that we are far from improper disposal and its attendant risk. In actual fact, we are able to link improper disposal to lack of integration between IT Service Desk and IT Asset Disposal. We conclude by outlining considerations an organization should consider in integrating IT asset disposal with IT service desk.

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Research paper thumbnail of Affective Gesture Fast-track Feedback Instant Messaging (AGFIM)

Text communication is often perceived as lacking some components of communication that are essent... more Text communication is often perceived as lacking some components of communication that are essential in sustaining interaction or conversation. This interaction incoherency tends to make text communication plastic. It is traditionally devoid of intonation, pitch, gesture, facial expression and visual or auditory cues. Nevertheless, Instant Messaging (IM), a form of text communication is on the upward uptake both on PCs and on mobile handhelds. There is a need to rubberise this plastic text messaging to improve co-presence for text communications thereby improving synchronous textual discussion, especially on handheld devices. One element of interaction is gesture, seen as a natural way of conversing. Attaining some level of interaction naturalism requires improving synchronous communication spontaneity, partly achieved by enhancing input mechanisms. To enhance input mechanisms for interactive text-based chat on mobile devices, there is a need to facilitate gesture input. Enhancement is achievable in a number of ways, such as input mechanism redesigning and input offering adaptation. This thesis explores affective gesture mode on interface redesign as an input offering adaptation. This is done without a major physical reconstruction of handheld devices. This thesis presents a text only IM system built on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE). It was developed with a novel user-defined hotkey implemented as a one-click context menu to "fast-track" text-gestures and emoticons. A hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach was taken to enable data triangulation. Results from experimental trials show that an Affective Gesture (AG) approach improved IM chat spontaneity/response. Feedback from the user trials affirms that AG hotkey improves chat responsiveness, thus enhancing chat spontaneity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Affective gesture feedback instant messaging on handheld

3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 2004. 3G 2004. Fifth IEE International Conference on

Mobile devices and mobile networks are becoming more data-centric (evident in Japanese I-mode); e... more Mobile devices and mobile networks are becoming more data-centric (evident in Japanese I-mode); even as mobile voice network average revenue per user is declining, new streams of data services are required which must take cognisance of handheld features such as their small screen area and input/output limitations. A text only instant messaging (IM) system, built on the Internet Engineering Task Force open standard session initiation protocol (SIP) and SIP for instant messaging and presence leveraging extensions (SIMPLE), has been developed in line with our novel introduction of a user-defined text hotkey feature. Given that text communication possesses expressive discourse with some presence level, we seek to show that one-click text-gesture fast-tracking enhances text communication further. For this study, we take a hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach. Initial results show that an affective gesture approach is more likely to improve IM chat spontaneity/response rate. Enhanced input mechanisms for handheld IM system are expected to increase co-presence between handheld users and their desktop-based counterparts while in a synchronous discussion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Instant Messaging on Handhelds: An Affective Gesture Approach

SAICSIT '05 Proceedings of the 2005 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on IT research in developing countries, Sep 2005

Text communication can be perceived as lacking in chat spontaneity, or plastic, due to medium lim... more Text communication can be perceived as lacking in chat spontaneity, or plastic, due to medium limitations during interaction. A form of text messaging, Instant Messaging (IM), is now on the uptake, even on mobile handhelds. This paper presents results of using affective gesture to rubberise IM chat in order to improve synchronous communication spontaneity. The experimental design makes use of a text-only IM tool, running on handhelds, built with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the SIP Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE). The tool was developed with a novel user-defined hotkey -- a one-click context menu that fast-tracks the creation and transmission of text-gestures and emoticons. A hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach was taken in order to enable data triangulation. Data collected from user trials affirms that the affective gesture hotkey facility improves chat responsiveness, thus enhancing chat spontaneity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Instant Messaging on Handhelds: Affective Feedback

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Research paper thumbnail of Handheld Fast-track Feedback Instant Messaging A Work-in-progress submission for Innovation in Telecommunication/Broadband Services

As mobile devices and networks become more data-centric, text messaging requires an extension of ... more As mobile devices and networks become more data-centric, text messaging requires an extension of co-presence capabilities for better interactive discussion between input/output handicapped handheld users and their free form desktop counterparts. Given some degree of co-presence (online presence and awareness) in text-based Instant Messaging, we hope to increase this co-presence on a handheld with fast-track feedback (FF) mechanisms. These are

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Research paper thumbnail of An Intuitive Billing System for a Tradition Wifi and Mesh WLAN Network

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