Non Ugly Queers (original) (raw)

WANTED: Hotness! [Aug. 8th, 2005|04:08 pm]nonuglyqueer
[Current Mood** |mischievousmischievous] [Current Music** Team Dresch - Fagetarian and Dyke]It's hard to be a month into being single and still heartbroken when there are no hot queer chicks around to serve as pleasant, distracting eye candy!Therefore, in my capacity (do I even have a capacity? I'm not a mod!) as a Non-Ugly Queer, I declare this to be a vanity thread, in which we shall all post one or two (or three or four or five) of our favorite hottest pictures of ourselves for no real purpose other than to group all the hotness into one big smouldering pile of sex.( I'll start things off...Collapse )
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(no subject) [Aug. 6th, 2005|10:15 pm]nonuglyqueer
This community is hereby shut down.I'm ducking out, respectfully. The ol' gal is dyin'. Nothin's really doin'.Head on over to the dyke_brigade. ♥
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Best pics I got right now! [Aug. 3rd, 2005|10:28 pm]nonuglyqueer
I know, I'm lame. I don't really have any pictures of me. But here's some of my alter ego.Drag King, Kevin Mikael ( Look at the hot boi!Collapse )
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Whoring! [Jul. 31st, 2005|05:00 pm]nonuglyqueer
( Caty exposureCollapse )For Chey. ♥GIMME LOVE, YOU HOMOS. Let's see some signs of life! ;)
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(no subject) [Jul. 30th, 2005|09:13 pm]nonuglyqueer
[Current Music |lagwagon - alein 8]okay, i have been trying to come up with some sort of theme, and i cant think of any. but this community needs to get mov'in, so how about something basic? something we all can do, and post pictures of? just pictures of us with loved ones, parents, friends, boy/girl friends? cheesy, yes. but its better than letting NUQ die out. yes? no? ( no text onlyCollapse )
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make up [Jun. 13th, 2005|12:50 pm]nonuglyqueer
i was too lazy to find some real make up pictures... but i just got these pictures from a pre house party i had. ( click click snapCollapse )
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