not_quite_bnfs - Profile (original) (raw)

Not Quite BNFs

Our motto: Paving the way to get different groups to work together for the goal of better fanwork in the HP fandom.

This community, originally conceived by Ashley, and now co-modded with me, Krissie, is, as our motto states, here to fight the fandom wankiness and get us all to work together for the one thing we all want: better fanstuffs from the HP masses.

The whole idea for this community is simple: this is a place for those of us, who aren't quite BNFs, to get feedback to improve our writing and/or artwork. Who doesn't want to improve the fandom?

Also see that BNFs are welcome to join. Ashley and I are open to the alternative viewpoints they can present, and definitely accept any help they would like to offer authors/artists that may need or want it. I know I would like their help!

On that note...there are a few rules. Like every other community out there:

1. No flaming. This is a happy community, and we'd like for us all to get along, you know? Makes for a nice place, and the more we get along, the better stuff we'll turn out.

2. No 1337sp34k. H0w w001d w3 411 1ik3 r34d1ng 57uff 1yk3 7h15? No. That gets annoying, as DoEs TYpInG LiKe THIS!!!11!one!!! So none of that. We'd like proper usage of the English language, if you don't mind.

3. Rude people will not be tolerated. If you're rude or anything of the sort, you get one warning before we ban you. Harsh? Maybe, but neither Ashley nor myself care to deal with people who don't respect others.

4. All pairings, all ratings, everything's allowed here. If you're too young for an NC-17 piece of work, we are not responsible if you read it. Got it? We hold no responsibility for your blatant disregard for the rules. But for authors and artists, make sure you use the age-old template for your work:


5. Anything with a high rating, or longer than 200 words, should be behind a cut. All artists, please use a cut, alright? It's not that difficult. If you are unsure of how to do this, go here.

And that's it. Simple, isn't it? It's just to keep everything in order here.

Oh, and you'll notice this is an open community. However, if your work is very low-quality we'd rather you not be in this community. Ashley and I would like to maintain a bit of a standard here. Our goal is to keep the fandom from grouping up so much, but just because we don't condone cliques doesn't mean we'll accept low-quality fanstuffs. For that reason, we have a form for all members to fill out, so we can weed out the particularly plebeian folks:

1. Fandom name:
2. Age:
3. Link to fics/art:
4. What is your primary purpose for joining not_quite_bnfs:
5. Anything else:

And send it to not_quite_bnfs @

Thanks, and we hope you enjoy it here, everyone!

Also...we don't own Harry Potter or any of the pretty stuffs therein. I'm sure you all knew that, but I figured it's better to say it here than get sued for the party of the first part (us) running something pertaining to the party of the second part (JKR) and the party of the second part getting no cut from the party of the first part. So I've disclaimered us. ^_^