David Daley | University of Nottingham (original) (raw)

Papers by David Daley

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of group leaders’ behaviour on parents acquisition of key parenting skills during parent training

Parent training (PT) is identified as the most effective intervention for the treatment of conduc... more Parent training (PT) is identified as the most effective intervention for the treatment of conduct disorder (CD). Intervention observational outcomes are often reported as summarised composite scores, providing an overview of overall construct change. Parents of children aged 3-5 years identified 'at risk' of developing CD were randomly allocated to either PT intervention or waiting list control group. Parent and child behaviours were assessed before and after the intervention period. The current paper aims to establish which individual observed parenting categories change as a result of PT, and which specific observed leader categories predict these changes. Controlling for baseline scores, ANCOVA demonstrated changes in parent praise and reflective behaviours as significant post-intervention. One-way ANOVAs demonstrated higher levels of leader praise and reflective behaviours resulted in greater change in parental praise and reflective behaviours respectively. Regression analyses indicated these leader behaviours predict positive change in parental praise and reflective behaviours for intervention families. Composite observational scores provide an account of behaviour constructs, whereas individual behaviour categories provide an insight into the core components of these constructs. The results suggest praise and reflection as key leader behaviours that influence the mechanisms of change in parenting behaviours as a result of PT.

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Emotional Intelligence in preadolescence

Personality and Individual Differences, 2009

Studies investigating Emotional Intelligence (EI) in preadolescence are beginning to emerge in th... more Studies investigating Emotional Intelligence (EI) in preadolescence are beginning to emerge in the scientific literature. However, currently little is known regarding the conceptualisation and measurement of EI in this population. This study examined the relationships between trait ...

Research paper thumbnail of Does item overlap account for the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and psychopathology in preadolescents?

Personality and Individual Differences, 2010

Trait emotional intelligence (EI) is associated with psychopathology when measured concurrently a... more Trait emotional intelligence (EI) is associated with psychopathology when measured concurrently although recent research suggests that trait EI does not predict psychopathology longitudinally in preadolescents. This investigation explores whether item overlap may be responsible for these contrasting findings. A sample of 598 children aged 10–11 years completed the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Adolescent Short Form (TEIQue – ASF), the Beck Youth Inventories (BYI) to measure psychopathology, and the Ravens Coloured Progressive Matrices to screen for intellectual impairment. A joint exploratory factor analysis conducted on all items from the TEIQue – ASF and the BYI revealed that 16 items from the TEIQue – ASF overlapped BYI factors. After the removal of these items the relationships between the TEIQue – ASF and subscales of the BYI did not significantly differ from those using the original scale. In addition, the differences in the psychopathology scores of those high and low on trait EI persisted after the removal of the overlapping items from the TEIQue – ASF. Whilst further research into this issue is recommended the findings indicate that trait EI and psychopathology are not distinct constructs but that they are still related in preadolescents after controlling for item overlap.

Research paper thumbnail of Parent-Based Therapies for Preschool Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Randomized, Controlled Trial With a Community Sample

Journal of The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - J AMER ACAD CHILD ADOLESC PSY, 2001

To evaluate two different parent-based therapies for preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity di... more To evaluate two different parent-based therapies for preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a community sample.Three-year-old children displaying a preschool equivalent of ADHD (n = 78) were randomly assigned to either a parent training (PT;n = 30), a parent counseling and support (PC&S;n = 28), or a waiting-list control group (n = 20). The PT group received coaching in child management techniques. The PC&S group received nondirective support and counseling. Measures of child symptoms and mothers’ well-being were taken before and after intervention and at 15 weeks follow-up.ADHD symptoms were reduced (F2,74 = 11.64;p < .0001) and mothers’ sense of well-being was increased by PT relative to both other groups (F2,74 = 10.32;p < .005). Fifty-three percent of children in the PT group displayed clinically significant improvement (χ2 = 4.08;p = .048).PT is a valuable treatment for preschool ADHD. PC&S had little effect on children's behavior. Constructive training in parenting strategies is an important element in the success of parent-based interventions. Psychostimulants are not a necessary component of effective treatment for many children with preschool ADHD.

Research paper thumbnail of Varieties of preschool hyperactivity: multiple pathways from risk to disorder

Developmental Science, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Electrocortical correlates of intra-subject variability in reaction times: Average and single-trial analyses

Biological Psychology, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Preschool ADHD: Exploring Uncertainties In Diagnostic Validity and Utility, and Treatment Efficacy and Safety

Expert Review of …, 2003

The current scientific and clinical status of preschool attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ... more The current scientific and clinical status of preschool attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its management is reviewed. Recent clinical and neuropsychological research supporting the utility of the construct will be presented along with a critical analysis of diagnostic issues. The published literature on treatment efficacy (both pharmacological and nonpharmacological) will be reviewed with a special focus on the issue of the safety and side effects of psycho-stimulants. The need for early identification and preventative intervention is indicated but caution should be employed in the use of psychostimulants with this age group.

Research paper thumbnail of On the stability of instability: Optimising the reliability of intra-subject variability of reaction times

Personality and Individual Differences, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of A randomized controlled trial of the impact of a teacher classroom management program on the classroom behavior of children with and without behavior problems

Journal of School Psychology, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of A small-scale randomized controlled trial of the self-help version of the New Forest Parent Training Programme for children with ADHD symptoms

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2013

The efficacy of a self-help parent training programme for children with attention deficit hyperac... more The efficacy of a self-help parent training programme for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was evaluated. The New Forest Parenting Programme Self-help (NFPP-SH) is a 6-week written self-help psychological intervention designed to treat childhood ADHD. Forty-three children were randomised to either NFPP-SH intervention or a waiting list control group. Outcomes were child ADHD symptoms measured using questionnaires and direct observation, self-reported parental mental health, parenting competence, and the quality of parent-child interaction. Measures of child symptoms and parental outcomes were assessed before and after the intervention. ADHD symptoms were reduced, and parental competence was increased by self-help intervention. Forty-five percent of intervention children showed clinically significant reductions in ADHD symptoms. Self-help intervention did not lead to improvements in parental mental health or parent-child interaction. Findings provide support for the efficacy of self-help intervention for a clinical sample of children with ADHD symptoms. Self-help may provide a potentially cost-effective method of increasing access to evidence-based interventions for clinical populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Is reaction time variability consistent across sensory modalities? Insights from latent variable analysis of single-trial P3b latencies

Biological Psychology, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of group leaders’ behaviour on parents acquisition of key parenting skills during parent training

Parent training (PT) is identified as the most effective intervention for the treatment of conduc... more Parent training (PT) is identified as the most effective intervention for the treatment of conduct disorder (CD). Intervention observational outcomes are often reported as summarised composite scores, providing an overview of overall construct change. Parents of children aged 3-5 years identified &#39;at risk&#39; of developing CD were randomly allocated to either PT intervention or waiting list control group. Parent and child behaviours were assessed before and after the intervention period. The current paper aims to establish which individual observed parenting categories change as a result of PT, and which specific observed leader categories predict these changes. Controlling for baseline scores, ANCOVA demonstrated changes in parent praise and reflective behaviours as significant post-intervention. One-way ANOVAs demonstrated higher levels of leader praise and reflective behaviours resulted in greater change in parental praise and reflective behaviours respectively. Regression analyses indicated these leader behaviours predict positive change in parental praise and reflective behaviours for intervention families. Composite observational scores provide an account of behaviour constructs, whereas individual behaviour categories provide an insight into the core components of these constructs. The results suggest praise and reflection as key leader behaviours that influence the mechanisms of change in parenting behaviours as a result of PT.

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Emotional Intelligence in preadolescence

Personality and Individual Differences, 2009

Studies investigating Emotional Intelligence (EI) in preadolescence are beginning to emerge in th... more Studies investigating Emotional Intelligence (EI) in preadolescence are beginning to emerge in the scientific literature. However, currently little is known regarding the conceptualisation and measurement of EI in this population. This study examined the relationships between trait ...

Research paper thumbnail of Does item overlap account for the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and psychopathology in preadolescents?

Personality and Individual Differences, 2010

Trait emotional intelligence (EI) is associated with psychopathology when measured concurrently a... more Trait emotional intelligence (EI) is associated with psychopathology when measured concurrently although recent research suggests that trait EI does not predict psychopathology longitudinally in preadolescents. This investigation explores whether item overlap may be responsible for these contrasting findings. A sample of 598 children aged 10–11 years completed the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Adolescent Short Form (TEIQue – ASF), the Beck Youth Inventories (BYI) to measure psychopathology, and the Ravens Coloured Progressive Matrices to screen for intellectual impairment. A joint exploratory factor analysis conducted on all items from the TEIQue – ASF and the BYI revealed that 16 items from the TEIQue – ASF overlapped BYI factors. After the removal of these items the relationships between the TEIQue – ASF and subscales of the BYI did not significantly differ from those using the original scale. In addition, the differences in the psychopathology scores of those high and low on trait EI persisted after the removal of the overlapping items from the TEIQue – ASF. Whilst further research into this issue is recommended the findings indicate that trait EI and psychopathology are not distinct constructs but that they are still related in preadolescents after controlling for item overlap.

Research paper thumbnail of Parent-Based Therapies for Preschool Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Randomized, Controlled Trial With a Community Sample

Journal of The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - J AMER ACAD CHILD ADOLESC PSY, 2001

To evaluate two different parent-based therapies for preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity di... more To evaluate two different parent-based therapies for preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a community sample.Three-year-old children displaying a preschool equivalent of ADHD (n = 78) were randomly assigned to either a parent training (PT;n = 30), a parent counseling and support (PC&S;n = 28), or a waiting-list control group (n = 20). The PT group received coaching in child management techniques. The PC&S group received nondirective support and counseling. Measures of child symptoms and mothers’ well-being were taken before and after intervention and at 15 weeks follow-up.ADHD symptoms were reduced (F2,74 = 11.64;p < .0001) and mothers’ sense of well-being was increased by PT relative to both other groups (F2,74 = 10.32;p < .005). Fifty-three percent of children in the PT group displayed clinically significant improvement (χ2 = 4.08;p = .048).PT is a valuable treatment for preschool ADHD. PC&S had little effect on children's behavior. Constructive training in parenting strategies is an important element in the success of parent-based interventions. Psychostimulants are not a necessary component of effective treatment for many children with preschool ADHD.

Research paper thumbnail of Varieties of preschool hyperactivity: multiple pathways from risk to disorder

Developmental Science, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Electrocortical correlates of intra-subject variability in reaction times: Average and single-trial analyses

Biological Psychology, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Preschool ADHD: Exploring Uncertainties In Diagnostic Validity and Utility, and Treatment Efficacy and Safety

Expert Review of …, 2003

The current scientific and clinical status of preschool attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ... more The current scientific and clinical status of preschool attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its management is reviewed. Recent clinical and neuropsychological research supporting the utility of the construct will be presented along with a critical analysis of diagnostic issues. The published literature on treatment efficacy (both pharmacological and nonpharmacological) will be reviewed with a special focus on the issue of the safety and side effects of psycho-stimulants. The need for early identification and preventative intervention is indicated but caution should be employed in the use of psychostimulants with this age group.

Research paper thumbnail of On the stability of instability: Optimising the reliability of intra-subject variability of reaction times

Personality and Individual Differences, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of A randomized controlled trial of the impact of a teacher classroom management program on the classroom behavior of children with and without behavior problems

Journal of School Psychology, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of A small-scale randomized controlled trial of the self-help version of the New Forest Parent Training Programme for children with ADHD symptoms

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2013

The efficacy of a self-help parent training programme for children with attention deficit hyperac... more The efficacy of a self-help parent training programme for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was evaluated. The New Forest Parenting Programme Self-help (NFPP-SH) is a 6-week written self-help psychological intervention designed to treat childhood ADHD. Forty-three children were randomised to either NFPP-SH intervention or a waiting list control group. Outcomes were child ADHD symptoms measured using questionnaires and direct observation, self-reported parental mental health, parenting competence, and the quality of parent-child interaction. Measures of child symptoms and parental outcomes were assessed before and after the intervention. ADHD symptoms were reduced, and parental competence was increased by self-help intervention. Forty-five percent of intervention children showed clinically significant reductions in ADHD symptoms. Self-help intervention did not lead to improvements in parental mental health or parent-child interaction. Findings provide support for the efficacy of self-help intervention for a clinical sample of children with ADHD symptoms. Self-help may provide a potentially cost-effective method of increasing access to evidence-based interventions for clinical populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Is reaction time variability consistent across sensory modalities? Insights from latent variable analysis of single-trial P3b latencies

Biological Psychology, 2012