Oh holy shit, this rocks. I, for one, just want to say that you two completely rule my world. New nopostageneeded has even, in the past, caused me to miss more than one class. This rpg just makes me happy. It's Billy and Dom in a completely different setting but still essentially Billy and Dom, something that is lost in so many AU's. Rereading the Christmas chat, where they got together, never fails to cheer me up. The sex is amazing and touching and emotion and hot. The sweet, cuddly moments make me want to melt into a pile of goo. The dialouge makes me laugh and love them. And before the big fight - I'd so been hoping that MS would make another appearance, via letters. That letter, the one the Dom wrote at the post office, broke my heart. And them rereading it together afterward pieced it back together again so perfectly. And another thing that I absolutely adored? When you posted pictures that they'd taken in the respective journals. I'd like to see some more of that! (*whistles* - well, what better time to slip in a request than in a post full of praise? *grin*)And, rounding this out - *pounces gnosis_soul and ellen_drell* |