No Postage Needed OOC (original) (raw)

(no subject) [May. 5th, 2005|12:02 am]No Postage Needed OOC
Written as a thank you for gnosis_soul, because she was nice enough to buy me paid time! And also, because like I said when I posted this on my journal, I've been play in this world for a while now... ( Billy has to stay...Collapse )
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(no subject) [Feb. 28th, 2005|01:59 am]No Postage Needed OOC
[**Current Mood** |exhaustedexhausted]Newest chat done. Expect posting tomorrow. Er... today. Later.*collapses*
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"Just don't tell your boyfriend we did that..." [Feb. 21st, 2005|05:09 pm]No Postage Needed OOC
[Current Mood** |contentcontent] [Current Music** Duncan Sheik - On A High]Just thought this place could use another bout of insanity. Here are a couple more random chats that Nicola (gnosis_soul) and I (ellen_drell) wrote one night long ago, using our beloved Lauderville Billy and Dom. We probably should have been working on actual Lauderville chats at the time we wrote these... But, you know. We didn't. :)Enjoy!-Shaina/Dom-mun (ellen_drell)( One Day, Two Random ChatsCollapse )
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(no subject) [Feb. 21st, 2005|05:00 pm]No Postage Needed OOC
A new boredom and nopostageneeded inspired icons!( Monaboyd-y goodnessCollapse )
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(no subject) [Feb. 3rd, 2005|08:12 pm]No Postage Needed OOC
Oh holy shit, this rocks. I, for one, just want to say that you two completely rule my world. New nopostageneeded has even, in the past, caused me to miss more than one class. This rpg just makes me happy. It's Billy and Dom in a completely different setting but still essentially Billy and Dom, something that is lost in so many AU's. Rereading the Christmas chat, where they got together, never fails to cheer me up. The sex is amazing and touching and emotion and hot. The sweet, cuddly moments make me want to melt into a pile of goo. The dialouge makes me laugh and love them. And before the big fight - I'd so been hoping that MS would make another appearance, via letters. That letter, the one the Dom wrote at the post office, broke my heart. And them rereading it together afterward pieced it back together again so perfectly. And another thing that I absolutely adored? When you posted pictures that they'd taken in the respective journals. I'd like to see some more of that! (*whistles* - well, what better time to slip in a request than in a post full of praise? *grin*)And, rounding this out - *pounces gnosis_soul and ellen_drell*
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"Please, Batman, go back upstairs, and bring me Billy." [Feb. 2nd, 2005|10:32 pm]No Postage Needed OOC
[Current Mood** |cheerfulcheerful]Okay, so here's a chat I've been wanting to post for you guys FOREVER. And now I am! Woohoo! (You can all cheer with me if you'd like). Sorry about all of the technical and mod-type discussion amid the chat. Some of it was too classic to remove. So enjoy! :)( In which Billy and Dom are superheroes learning about human anatomy...Collapse )**
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(no subject) [Feb. 2nd, 2005|05:28 pm]No Postage Needed OOC
[Current Mood** |gigglygiggly]You asked for it! Okay, so maybe you didn't. But I made it, so you're going to get it anyway! This is the Lauderville Billy/Dom story on the Sims 2! Further proof I have too much time on my hands. Still, it was fun to make, fun to see if I could get Billy's house made in a more visual form (it didn't quite work, by the way. While I was making it, I realized Billy's kitchen is in two different places in my head, and I am quite ignorant as to what the back left corner of his house looks like. Oh well, this is as close as I could get it). I don't know if ellen_drell's house looks the same in her mind, but she's got the Sim 2 as well, so maybe one day we'll get to see her pictures, as well!Anyway, on to the pictures! I believe the Sims themselves were made by sweetpea_grubb... I downloaded them.( The looooooove storyCollapse )**Muahahaha! Oh, and I also made a couple videos of the boys... being themselves.Dom and Billy having fun Dom and Billy having fun... of a different sortSorry they're not terrific quality... the video cameras I put in their house didn't work, damnit.
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