Mikhail Auguston | Naval Postgraduate School (original) (raw)

Papers by Mikhail Auguston

Research paper thumbnail of Grammatically Interpreting Feature Compositions

: Feature modeling is a popular domain analysis method for describing the commonality and variabi... more : Feature modeling is a popular domain analysis method for describing the commonality and variability among the domain products. The current formalisms of feature modeling do not have enough support for automated domain product configuration and validation. We have developed a theory of feature modeling: a feature model is analogous to a definition of a language; a particular feature composition instance (domain product) is analogous to a program written in that language; and the way the features can be assembled to form a product is analogous to the way various tokens can be assembled to form a program. To apply this theory, we have developed a meta-language Two-Level Grammar++ to specify feature models. The interpreter derived from the feature model specification performs automated product configuration and product quality validation.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Directions in C2 Software Quality Assurance Automation Based on Executable Environment Models

: This paper presents some concepts, principles, and techniques for automated testing of real-tim... more : This paper presents some concepts, principles, and techniques for automated testing of real-time reactive software systems based on attributed event grammar (AEG) modeling of the environment in which a system will operate. AEG provides a uniform approach for automatic test generation, execution, and analysis. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the system comprised of the software under test and its interaction with the environment, can be performed based on statistics gathered during automatic test execution within an environment model.

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Research paper thumbnail of System Architecture Specification Based on Behavior Models

: This paper suggests an approach to formal software and system architecture specification based ... more : This paper suggests an approach to formal software and system architecture specification based on behavior models. The behavior of the system is defined as a set of events (event trace) with two basic relations: precedence and inclusion. The structure of event trace is specified using event grammars and other constraints organized into schemas. The framework provides high level abstractions for analyzing system behavior properties expressed as computations over event traces. The automated tools can support extracting of different views from the model, and verification of behavior properties within a given scope. Advantages of this approach compared with the common simulation tools are as follows. Means to write assertions about the system behavior and tools to verify those assertions. Exhaustive search through all possible scenarios (up to the scope limit). The small scope hypothesis states that most of errors can be demonstrated on small examples. The support for verifiable refin...

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Service-Driven Requirements Analysis for Component Composition: A Two-Level Grammar+Approach

: Component-based software engineering provides developers the opportunity to assemble entire sys... more : Component-based software engineering provides developers the opportunity to assemble entire systems from components. When applied to Distributed Real-Time and Embedded (DRE) systems, which components to assemble and how to assemble them are determined not only from functional correctness criteria but also assurance of the system's quality of service (QoS). This paper presents a grammatical QoS-driven approach to optimizing component assembly by reducing the search space of assembly alternatives through the elimination of infeasible components, with feasible components selected based on reasoning about nonfunctional requirements. The reasoning is realized through a rule engine with a knowledge base derived from the requirements phase of the software life cycle. In addition, the grammatical approach introduces well-defined semantics among the components being composed. The semantics assist in precisely and efficiently evaluating the individual component QoS, as well as system-wi...

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Research paper thumbnail of New directions in software testing automation, test oracle design, and safety assessment

Software testing is a challenge: the goal of testing is to expose yet undiscovered errors. a succ... more Software testing is a challenge: the goal of testing is to expose yet undiscovered errors. a successful test is one that "catches" an error; testing cannot prove the correctness of a software, it can only demonstrate the presence of a bug; exhaustive testing is practically unfeasible (the number of executable paths may be astronomic); testing and debugging of a software system requires more than 50% of total time and effort (Brooks' rule).

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Research paper thumbnail of Assertion checker for the C programming language based on computations over event traces

arXiv: Software Engineering, 2000

This paper suggests an approach to the development of software testing and debugging automation t... more This paper suggests an approach to the development of software testing and debugging automation tools based on precise program behavior models. The program behavior model is defined as a set of events (event trace) with two basic binary relations over events -- precedence and inclusion, and represents the temporal relationship between actions. A language for the computations over event traces is developed that provides a basis for assertion checking, debugging queries, execution profiles, and performance measurements. The approach is nondestructive, since assertion texts are separated from the target program source code and can be maintained independently. Assertions can capture the dynamic properties of a particular target program and can formalize the general knowledge of typical bugs and debugging strategies. An event grammar provides a sound basis for assertion language implementation via target program automatic instrumentation. An implementation architecture and preliminary ex...

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Research paper thumbnail of QoSPL: A QoS-Driven Software Product Line Engineering Framework for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems

The current synergy of Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Software Product Line Engi... more The current synergy of Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) requires evolution to facilitate Distributed Realtime and Embedded (DRE) system construction. Such evolution is driven by inherent Quality of Service (QoS) characteristics in DRE systems. This paper introduces a QoSdriven SPLE framework (QoSPL) as an analysis and design paradigm for constructing a set of DRE systems as a product line. Leveraging separation of concerns, DRE systems are analyzed and designed by a collection of QoS systemic paths, each of which individually determines how well the service performs along the path and as a whole represents a behavioral view of software architecture. The paradigm reduces construction workload from the problems of tangled functional and QoS requirements and abundant infeasible design alternatives, and offers a less subjective QoS evaluation. The adopted formalisms also facilitate high-confidence DRE product line construction.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Monitoring Language for Run Time and Post-Mortem Behavior Analysis and Visualization

ArXiv, 2003

UFO is a new implementation of FORMAN, a declarative monitoring language, in which rules are comp... more UFO is a new implementation of FORMAN, a declarative monitoring language, in which rules are compiled into execution monitors that run on a virtual machine supported by the Alamo monitor architecture. FORMAN's event trace model uses precedence and inclusion relations to define a DAG structure that abstracts execution behavior. Compiling FORMAN rules into hybrid run-time/post-mortem monitors gives substantial speed and size improvements over pure post- mortem analyzers that operate on the event trace DAG. The UFO optimizing compiler generates code that computes, at run-time when possible, the minimal projection of the DAG necessary for a given set of assertions. UFO enables fully automatic execution monitoring of realistic size programs. The approach is non-intrusive with respect to program source code. The ability to compile suites of debugging and program visualization rules into efficient monitors, and apply them generically to different programs, will enable long- overdue bre...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Generative and Model Driven Framework for Automated Software Product Generation

: Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE) and related technologies have demonstrated their st... more : Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE) and related technologies have demonstrated their strength in recent years by increasing development productivity and parts reuse. Recently, the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) has raised the abstraction level of programming languages to modeling languages that can be compiled by downward model transformations. Correspondingly, the goal of Generative Programming (GP) is to automate concrete software product generation from a domain-specification and reusable components. This paper describes the UniFrame framework, which is built on the foundation of CBSE while leveraging the capabilities offered by MDA and GP. UniFrame provides theories and implementation for steps of model transformations for a concrete software product based on domain development in various Generative Domain Models (GDMs).

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Research paper thumbnail of Phase II report on intelligent software decoys: intelligent software decoy tools for cyber counterintelligence and security countermeasures

: This report documents our accomplishments during Phase II of the Intelligent Software Decoys Pr... more : This report documents our accomplishments during Phase II of the Intelligent Software Decoys Project, including the development of a theory of cyber deception, tools for conduction cyber-based deception, and issues pertaining to the acceptable use of cyber deception within the context of homeland security and homeland defense.

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Research paper thumbnail of Monterey Phoenix—Behavior Modeling Approach for the Early Verification and Validation of System of Systems Emergent Behaviors

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Research paper thumbnail of New Directions in Software Quality Assurance Automation

14th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), June 15-17, 20... more 14th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), June 15-17, 2009, Washington DC.

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Research paper thumbnail of Poster Paper Two-Level Assurance of QoS Requirements for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems ⁄

Assuring quality of service (QoS) requirements is critical when assembling a distributed real-tim... more Assuring quality of service (QoS) requirements is critical when assembling a distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) system from a repository of existing software and hardware components. This paper presents a two-level approach for assuring satisfaction of QoS requirements in the context of a reduced design space for DRE systems. Techniques from artiflcial intelligence and statistics are used to fulflll these collective objectives at system assembly time. The result not only lessens the overhead of validation of QoS require- ments at run-time, but also reduces the development and integration cost of DRE systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tools for program dynamic analysis, testing, and debugging based on event grammars

Abstract. This paper suggests an approach to the development of software testing and debugging au... more Abstract. This paper suggests an approach to the development of software testing and debugging automation tools basedon precise program behavior models. The program behavior model is defined as a set of events (event trace) withtwo basic binary relations over events -- precedence and inclusion, and represents the temporal relationship be-tween actions. A language for the computations over event traces is developed that provides a basis for assertionchecking, debugging queries, execution profiles, and performance measurements.The approach is nondestructive, since assertion texts are separated from the target program source code and canbe maintained independently. Assertions can capture the dynamic properties of a particular target program andcan formalize the general knowledge of typical bugs and debugging strategies. An event grammar provides asound basis for assertion language implementation via target program automatic instrumentation.An implementation architecture and preliminary...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Quality of Service Catalog for Software Components

: Component-based Software Development is being recognized as the direction in which the software... more : Component-based Software Development is being recognized as the direction in which the software industry is headed. With the proliferation of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Components, this trend will continue to emerge as a preferred technique for developing distributed software systems encompassing heterogeneous components. In order for this approach to result in software systems with a predictable quality, the COTS components utilized should in turn offer a guaranteed level of quality. This calls for an objective paradigm for quantifying the quality of service of COTS components. A Quality of Service (QoS) catalog, proposed here, for software components is a first step in quantifying the quality attributes. This catalog is a critical component of the UniFrame project, which targets at unifying the existing and emerging distributed component models under a common meta-model for the purpose of enabling discovery, interoperability, and collaboration of components via generative p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Service ( QoS ) Standards for Model Driven Architecture

A number of middleware technologies have evolved over the last ten years to address specific busi... more A number of middleware technologies have evolved over the last ten years to address specific business problems such as enabling process optimization via systems integration, rapid development of new applications, web enabling features for customers, and mechanization of supply chains. Software architects increasingly utilize models to represent different viewpoints of a business solution. Separation of concerns is a key characteristic of good software design. In an effort to facilitate the design of business systems in a platform independent matter, the Object Management Group (OMG) is currently progressing the Model Driven Architecture (MDA)[1]. Model Driven Architecture maintains a clean separation of Platform Independent Models (PIMs) that represent the domain from Platform Specific Models (PSMs) that expose details related to a middleware technology. In this way a single PIM can be mapped to multiple implementation technologies (such as OMG CORBA, Sun J2EE, Microsoft COM+, and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Meta-Programming Notation

: This paper describes a draft of visual notation for meta-programming. The main suggestions of t... more : This paper describes a draft of visual notation for meta-programming. The main suggestions of this work include specialized data structures (lists, tuples, trees), data item associations that provide for creation of arbitrary graphs, visualization of data structures and data flows, graphical notation for pattern matching (list, tuple, and tree patterns, graphical notation for context free grammars, streams), encapsulation means for hierarchical rules design, two-dimensional data-flow diagrams for rules, visual control constructs for conditionals and iteration, default mapping results to reduce real-estate requirements for diagrams, and dynamic data attributes. Two-dimensional data flow diagrams improve readability of a meta-program. The abstract syntax type definitions for common programming languages and related default mappings (parsing and de-parsing) provide for a pracically feasible reuse of those components.

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Research paper thumbnail of Some axioms and issues in the UFO dynamic analysis framework

In the Proceedings of Workshop on Dynamic Analysis, ICSE'03, 25th International Conference on... more In the Proceedings of Workshop on Dynamic Analysis, ICSE'03, 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, Portland, Oregon, May 3-11, 2003, pp.45-48.

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Research paper thumbnail of A new approach to system and software architecture specification based on behavior models

This paper suggests a new approach to formal system and software architecture specification based... more This paper suggests a new approach to formal system and software architecture specification based on behavior models. The behavior of the system is defined as a set of events (event trace) with two basic relations: precedence and inclusion. The structure of an event trace is specified using event grammars and other constraints organized into schemas. Graphical and predicate calculus expressions are used to present the grammar and illustrate some simple examples. The framework provides high level abstractions for analyzing system behavior properties expressed as computations over event traces. The automated tools can support extracting of different views from the model, and verification of behavior properties within a given scope. Advantages of this approach compared with those used by the common simulation tools are as follows. • Provides a means to write assertions about the system behavior and tools to verify those assertions. • Performs exhaustive search through all possible scen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Compiling Data Flow Diagrams into Functional Programs

allel execution of threads within the diagram. This approach to Visual Programming Language desig... more allel execution of threads within the diagram. This approach to Visual Programming Language design has became quite common in recent years, see e. Diagrams may be nested, and actually are similar to the notion of procedures in common programming languages. Diagram calls may be recursive. The diagram corresponds to the notion of procedure in common programming languages. An instance of a diagram is activated when all input values are delivered to its input ports and all output values produced during the previous call are consumed by the input ports of the connected nodes downstream. A diagram does not retain any data items from the previous calls on its data flow. The aim of the diagram collapsing algorithm is to transform a two-dimensional data flow diagram into a set of function definitions with a main function which represents the diagram execution result and a number of auxiliary functions. In general, a diagram may have several input ports and several output ports. The Sisal fun...

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Research paper thumbnail of Grammatically Interpreting Feature Compositions

: Feature modeling is a popular domain analysis method for describing the commonality and variabi... more : Feature modeling is a popular domain analysis method for describing the commonality and variability among the domain products. The current formalisms of feature modeling do not have enough support for automated domain product configuration and validation. We have developed a theory of feature modeling: a feature model is analogous to a definition of a language; a particular feature composition instance (domain product) is analogous to a program written in that language; and the way the features can be assembled to form a product is analogous to the way various tokens can be assembled to form a program. To apply this theory, we have developed a meta-language Two-Level Grammar++ to specify feature models. The interpreter derived from the feature model specification performs automated product configuration and product quality validation.

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Research paper thumbnail of New Directions in C2 Software Quality Assurance Automation Based on Executable Environment Models

: This paper presents some concepts, principles, and techniques for automated testing of real-tim... more : This paper presents some concepts, principles, and techniques for automated testing of real-time reactive software systems based on attributed event grammar (AEG) modeling of the environment in which a system will operate. AEG provides a uniform approach for automatic test generation, execution, and analysis. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the system comprised of the software under test and its interaction with the environment, can be performed based on statistics gathered during automatic test execution within an environment model.

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Research paper thumbnail of System Architecture Specification Based on Behavior Models

: This paper suggests an approach to formal software and system architecture specification based ... more : This paper suggests an approach to formal software and system architecture specification based on behavior models. The behavior of the system is defined as a set of events (event trace) with two basic relations: precedence and inclusion. The structure of event trace is specified using event grammars and other constraints organized into schemas. The framework provides high level abstractions for analyzing system behavior properties expressed as computations over event traces. The automated tools can support extracting of different views from the model, and verification of behavior properties within a given scope. Advantages of this approach compared with the common simulation tools are as follows. Means to write assertions about the system behavior and tools to verify those assertions. Exhaustive search through all possible scenarios (up to the scope limit). The small scope hypothesis states that most of errors can be demonstrated on small examples. The support for verifiable refin...

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Service-Driven Requirements Analysis for Component Composition: A Two-Level Grammar+Approach

: Component-based software engineering provides developers the opportunity to assemble entire sys... more : Component-based software engineering provides developers the opportunity to assemble entire systems from components. When applied to Distributed Real-Time and Embedded (DRE) systems, which components to assemble and how to assemble them are determined not only from functional correctness criteria but also assurance of the system's quality of service (QoS). This paper presents a grammatical QoS-driven approach to optimizing component assembly by reducing the search space of assembly alternatives through the elimination of infeasible components, with feasible components selected based on reasoning about nonfunctional requirements. The reasoning is realized through a rule engine with a knowledge base derived from the requirements phase of the software life cycle. In addition, the grammatical approach introduces well-defined semantics among the components being composed. The semantics assist in precisely and efficiently evaluating the individual component QoS, as well as system-wi...

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Research paper thumbnail of New directions in software testing automation, test oracle design, and safety assessment

Software testing is a challenge: the goal of testing is to expose yet undiscovered errors. a succ... more Software testing is a challenge: the goal of testing is to expose yet undiscovered errors. a successful test is one that "catches" an error; testing cannot prove the correctness of a software, it can only demonstrate the presence of a bug; exhaustive testing is practically unfeasible (the number of executable paths may be astronomic); testing and debugging of a software system requires more than 50% of total time and effort (Brooks' rule).

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Research paper thumbnail of Assertion checker for the C programming language based on computations over event traces

arXiv: Software Engineering, 2000

This paper suggests an approach to the development of software testing and debugging automation t... more This paper suggests an approach to the development of software testing and debugging automation tools based on precise program behavior models. The program behavior model is defined as a set of events (event trace) with two basic binary relations over events -- precedence and inclusion, and represents the temporal relationship between actions. A language for the computations over event traces is developed that provides a basis for assertion checking, debugging queries, execution profiles, and performance measurements. The approach is nondestructive, since assertion texts are separated from the target program source code and can be maintained independently. Assertions can capture the dynamic properties of a particular target program and can formalize the general knowledge of typical bugs and debugging strategies. An event grammar provides a sound basis for assertion language implementation via target program automatic instrumentation. An implementation architecture and preliminary ex...

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Research paper thumbnail of QoSPL: A QoS-Driven Software Product Line Engineering Framework for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems

The current synergy of Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Software Product Line Engi... more The current synergy of Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) requires evolution to facilitate Distributed Realtime and Embedded (DRE) system construction. Such evolution is driven by inherent Quality of Service (QoS) characteristics in DRE systems. This paper introduces a QoSdriven SPLE framework (QoSPL) as an analysis and design paradigm for constructing a set of DRE systems as a product line. Leveraging separation of concerns, DRE systems are analyzed and designed by a collection of QoS systemic paths, each of which individually determines how well the service performs along the path and as a whole represents a behavioral view of software architecture. The paradigm reduces construction workload from the problems of tangled functional and QoS requirements and abundant infeasible design alternatives, and offers a less subjective QoS evaluation. The adopted formalisms also facilitate high-confidence DRE product line construction.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Monitoring Language for Run Time and Post-Mortem Behavior Analysis and Visualization

ArXiv, 2003

UFO is a new implementation of FORMAN, a declarative monitoring language, in which rules are comp... more UFO is a new implementation of FORMAN, a declarative monitoring language, in which rules are compiled into execution monitors that run on a virtual machine supported by the Alamo monitor architecture. FORMAN's event trace model uses precedence and inclusion relations to define a DAG structure that abstracts execution behavior. Compiling FORMAN rules into hybrid run-time/post-mortem monitors gives substantial speed and size improvements over pure post- mortem analyzers that operate on the event trace DAG. The UFO optimizing compiler generates code that computes, at run-time when possible, the minimal projection of the DAG necessary for a given set of assertions. UFO enables fully automatic execution monitoring of realistic size programs. The approach is non-intrusive with respect to program source code. The ability to compile suites of debugging and program visualization rules into efficient monitors, and apply them generically to different programs, will enable long- overdue bre...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Generative and Model Driven Framework for Automated Software Product Generation

: Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE) and related technologies have demonstrated their st... more : Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE) and related technologies have demonstrated their strength in recent years by increasing development productivity and parts reuse. Recently, the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) has raised the abstraction level of programming languages to modeling languages that can be compiled by downward model transformations. Correspondingly, the goal of Generative Programming (GP) is to automate concrete software product generation from a domain-specification and reusable components. This paper describes the UniFrame framework, which is built on the foundation of CBSE while leveraging the capabilities offered by MDA and GP. UniFrame provides theories and implementation for steps of model transformations for a concrete software product based on domain development in various Generative Domain Models (GDMs).

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Research paper thumbnail of Phase II report on intelligent software decoys: intelligent software decoy tools for cyber counterintelligence and security countermeasures

: This report documents our accomplishments during Phase II of the Intelligent Software Decoys Pr... more : This report documents our accomplishments during Phase II of the Intelligent Software Decoys Project, including the development of a theory of cyber deception, tools for conduction cyber-based deception, and issues pertaining to the acceptable use of cyber deception within the context of homeland security and homeland defense.

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Research paper thumbnail of Monterey Phoenix—Behavior Modeling Approach for the Early Verification and Validation of System of Systems Emergent Behaviors

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Research paper thumbnail of New Directions in Software Quality Assurance Automation

14th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), June 15-17, 20... more 14th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), June 15-17, 2009, Washington DC.

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Research paper thumbnail of Poster Paper Two-Level Assurance of QoS Requirements for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems ⁄

Assuring quality of service (QoS) requirements is critical when assembling a distributed real-tim... more Assuring quality of service (QoS) requirements is critical when assembling a distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) system from a repository of existing software and hardware components. This paper presents a two-level approach for assuring satisfaction of QoS requirements in the context of a reduced design space for DRE systems. Techniques from artiflcial intelligence and statistics are used to fulflll these collective objectives at system assembly time. The result not only lessens the overhead of validation of QoS require- ments at run-time, but also reduces the development and integration cost of DRE systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tools for program dynamic analysis, testing, and debugging based on event grammars

Abstract. This paper suggests an approach to the development of software testing and debugging au... more Abstract. This paper suggests an approach to the development of software testing and debugging automation tools basedon precise program behavior models. The program behavior model is defined as a set of events (event trace) withtwo basic binary relations over events -- precedence and inclusion, and represents the temporal relationship be-tween actions. A language for the computations over event traces is developed that provides a basis for assertionchecking, debugging queries, execution profiles, and performance measurements.The approach is nondestructive, since assertion texts are separated from the target program source code and canbe maintained independently. Assertions can capture the dynamic properties of a particular target program andcan formalize the general knowledge of typical bugs and debugging strategies. An event grammar provides asound basis for assertion language implementation via target program automatic instrumentation.An implementation architecture and preliminary...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Quality of Service Catalog for Software Components

: Component-based Software Development is being recognized as the direction in which the software... more : Component-based Software Development is being recognized as the direction in which the software industry is headed. With the proliferation of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Components, this trend will continue to emerge as a preferred technique for developing distributed software systems encompassing heterogeneous components. In order for this approach to result in software systems with a predictable quality, the COTS components utilized should in turn offer a guaranteed level of quality. This calls for an objective paradigm for quantifying the quality of service of COTS components. A Quality of Service (QoS) catalog, proposed here, for software components is a first step in quantifying the quality attributes. This catalog is a critical component of the UniFrame project, which targets at unifying the existing and emerging distributed component models under a common meta-model for the purpose of enabling discovery, interoperability, and collaboration of components via generative p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Service ( QoS ) Standards for Model Driven Architecture

A number of middleware technologies have evolved over the last ten years to address specific busi... more A number of middleware technologies have evolved over the last ten years to address specific business problems such as enabling process optimization via systems integration, rapid development of new applications, web enabling features for customers, and mechanization of supply chains. Software architects increasingly utilize models to represent different viewpoints of a business solution. Separation of concerns is a key characteristic of good software design. In an effort to facilitate the design of business systems in a platform independent matter, the Object Management Group (OMG) is currently progressing the Model Driven Architecture (MDA)[1]. Model Driven Architecture maintains a clean separation of Platform Independent Models (PIMs) that represent the domain from Platform Specific Models (PSMs) that expose details related to a middleware technology. In this way a single PIM can be mapped to multiple implementation technologies (such as OMG CORBA, Sun J2EE, Microsoft COM+, and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Meta-Programming Notation

: This paper describes a draft of visual notation for meta-programming. The main suggestions of t... more : This paper describes a draft of visual notation for meta-programming. The main suggestions of this work include specialized data structures (lists, tuples, trees), data item associations that provide for creation of arbitrary graphs, visualization of data structures and data flows, graphical notation for pattern matching (list, tuple, and tree patterns, graphical notation for context free grammars, streams), encapsulation means for hierarchical rules design, two-dimensional data-flow diagrams for rules, visual control constructs for conditionals and iteration, default mapping results to reduce real-estate requirements for diagrams, and dynamic data attributes. Two-dimensional data flow diagrams improve readability of a meta-program. The abstract syntax type definitions for common programming languages and related default mappings (parsing and de-parsing) provide for a pracically feasible reuse of those components.

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Research paper thumbnail of Some axioms and issues in the UFO dynamic analysis framework

In the Proceedings of Workshop on Dynamic Analysis, ICSE'03, 25th International Conference on... more In the Proceedings of Workshop on Dynamic Analysis, ICSE'03, 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, Portland, Oregon, May 3-11, 2003, pp.45-48.

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Research paper thumbnail of A new approach to system and software architecture specification based on behavior models

This paper suggests a new approach to formal system and software architecture specification based... more This paper suggests a new approach to formal system and software architecture specification based on behavior models. The behavior of the system is defined as a set of events (event trace) with two basic relations: precedence and inclusion. The structure of an event trace is specified using event grammars and other constraints organized into schemas. Graphical and predicate calculus expressions are used to present the grammar and illustrate some simple examples. The framework provides high level abstractions for analyzing system behavior properties expressed as computations over event traces. The automated tools can support extracting of different views from the model, and verification of behavior properties within a given scope. Advantages of this approach compared with those used by the common simulation tools are as follows. • Provides a means to write assertions about the system behavior and tools to verify those assertions. • Performs exhaustive search through all possible scen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Compiling Data Flow Diagrams into Functional Programs

allel execution of threads within the diagram. This approach to Visual Programming Language desig... more allel execution of threads within the diagram. This approach to Visual Programming Language design has became quite common in recent years, see e. Diagrams may be nested, and actually are similar to the notion of procedures in common programming languages. Diagram calls may be recursive. The diagram corresponds to the notion of procedure in common programming languages. An instance of a diagram is activated when all input values are delivered to its input ports and all output values produced during the previous call are consumed by the input ports of the connected nodes downstream. A diagram does not retain any data items from the previous calls on its data flow. The aim of the diagram collapsing algorithm is to transform a two-dimensional data flow diagram into a set of function definitions with a main function which represents the diagram execution result and a number of auxiliary functions. In general, a diagram may have several input ports and several output ports. The Sisal fun...

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