Safia Aoude | Copenhagen University (original) (raw)
Papers by Safia Aoude
Al-Jamahiriya TV was Libya´s national television station until 2011, during which the channel suc... more Al-Jamahiriya TV was Libya´s national television station until 2011, during which the channel successfully met several technological and ideological challenges. Then, after the civil war in 2011, Al-Jamahiriya TV became the biggest TV-channel in Libyan diaspora.
This research shows that Al-Jamahiriya TV has at present the upper hand in creating stable narratives of Libyan identity. It is a media with long time experience, well-based funding, professional workers and reporters, providing a stable media structure with stable symbolism,
recurring anchor faces that Libyans both inside Libya and in diaspora recognize easily. They are not afraid to challenge the narratives of the various militia governments in their broadcast, and their viewers outnumber the militia channels inside Libya
I året 416 fvt belejrede den graeske flåde det lille ørige Melos. Belejringen skyldtes, at Melos-... more I året 416 fvt belejrede den graeske flåde det lille ørige Melos. Belejringen skyldtes, at Melos-som den eneste ø i det AEgaeiske Hav-ikke ville indtraede i det attiske søforbund; en militaerliga, som Athen siden 431 fvt brugte i sin krigsførsel imod Sparta i kampen om herredømmet over Hellas. Athen stillede Melos det ultimatum, at overgive sig og tilslutte sig søforbundet, eller at acceptere total annihilation. Efter få måneders belejring erobrede Athen øen, draebte alle maend og tog kvinder og børn som slaver, før de landsatte 500 af deres egne borgere på øen som nye beboere. Flere historikere har efterfølgende spekuleret over, om denne handling kunne rubriceres under begrebet folkemord (genozid).
Artiklen analyserer en række nyere og ældre forskning om folkedrabet på Melos og diskuterer deres begrebshistoriske relevans.
Analysis of president Donald J. Trump´s use of the Antihero archetype and American myths in speec... more Analysis of president Donald J. Trump´s use of the Antihero archetype and American myths in speeches, Twitter messages and books, changing and un-creating the American Frontier Myth. But is Trump an expression of his times or are the times an expression of Trump?
Seen from a Jungian perspective, Donald J. Trump and his presidency is nothing but a subconscious expression of collective American identity trying to reshape itself in the receding historic shadow of The Frontier Myth.
This thesis investigates the sociology of Muslim advocacy organization in American society, namel... more This thesis investigates the sociology of Muslim advocacy organization in American society, namely in relation to the issue of legitimization, empowerment and symbolic positioning. Using the structural metaphor of social capital investment, the central outline of this thesis is based upon a qualitative research into the establishment and work of the
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Analysis shows how CAIR through its work uses positional framing to establish a change of social order, constructing an image of American “muslimness” by aligning traditional American cultural values and Islamic values as integrable and coherent paradigms. Through the analysis of the Herfindahl-Hirschman index American Muslims
today differ distinctively from other American religious minorities in matters of ethnicity; thus American Muslims need to find other forms of identity positioning in American society. This unique situation has aided CAIR in establishing a Muslim American power position based upon coherence between Americanism and“muslimness”, synchronizing the struggle against Islamophobia with the American struggle for social justice for all.
The conclusive evaluation finds that CAIR legitimizes American Muslim claim to legitimacy in American social order not merely as a minority advocacy organization, but also as an integrated part of American culture and society.
A description of the Islamic concept of sabr in relation to Islamic spiritual care and an analysi... more A description of the Islamic concept of sabr in relation to Islamic spiritual care and an analysis of three contextual adaptions of sabr in Islamic spiritual care; namely patience
as purification, patience as dogmatic therapy, and patience as a cognitive narrative.
Ændringerne i de muslimske friskolers samfundsmæssige identitetskonstruktioner i Danmark fra 197... more Ændringerne i de muslimske friskolers samfundsmæssige identitetskonstruktioner i Danmark fra 1970erne til i dag - med udgangspunkt i al-Hilal-skolens typiske udvikling - afspejler typiske træk i udviklingen i de generelle identitetskonstruktioner blandt muslimer i resten af Danmark. Omdrejningspunkterne for disse træk er en opløsning af de traditionelle etniske og religiøse tilhørsforhold, og en efterfølgende dynamisk dannelse af en ny identitet, der måske kan betegnes som ”multikulturel”.
The paper investigates the recent development of ISIS from militia to self-proclaimed statehood, ... more The paper investigates the recent development of ISIS from militia to self-proclaimed statehood, and in the process describing how ISIS` idea of statehood can be assessed in terms of law, religion and lived experience.
Overview and comparison of how traditionalist, mystic and modernist tafsir deals with the splitti... more Overview and comparison of how traditionalist, mystic and modernist tafsir deals with the splitting of the Moon (Surah 54, aya 1-2)
Drafts by Safia Aoude
Md udgangspunkt for en afgørelse om en indsats forbud mod at læse Ibn Kathir i det svenske fængse... more Md udgangspunkt for en afgørelse om en indsats forbud mod at læse Ibn Kathir i det svenske fængselsvæsen (Kriminalvård) præsenterer jeg en gennemgang af de vigtigste islamistiske kilder til tafsîr af sura Tawba viser, at Ibn Kathîrs tafsîr har spillet og stadigvæk spiller en stor rolle for jihadisternes forståelse af Tawbas materielle indhold.
Analysen viser også, at militante jihadister i dag baserer deres forståelse for anvendeligheden af Tawba i moderne militant jihad på Ibn Kathîrs betoning af Tawbas rolle som endegyldig islamisk anvisning, der ophæver tidligere åbenbaringers anvisninger.
Fra en religionsvidenskabelig vinkel ser vi også, hvordan Ibn Kathîrs (og Ibn Taymiyas) interkontekstuelle referencer ifm med middelalderens mongolske invasioner af Syrien til Tawbas historiske omstændigheder omkring Tabuk i år 630 af moderne jihadister bliver inddraget i en nutidig selvforståelse og politisk diskurs mht situation og identitet, indtil denne selvforståelse og diskurs til sidst får samme psykologiske vægt som
en religiøs myte.
Det er denne selvforståelse, diskurs og mytedannelse, som Kriminalvården lægger til grund for sit forbud af en indsats anmodning om at anskaffe sig Ibn Kathîrs samlede værker i fængslet, men vi ser også, at Kriminalvården i sin egen argumentation har overtaget
militante jihadisters selvforståelse og dermed responderer på den jihadistiske diskurs med duplik af samme diskurs.
Al-Jamahiriya TV was Libya´s national television station until 2011, during which the channel suc... more Al-Jamahiriya TV was Libya´s national television station until 2011, during which the channel successfully met several technological and ideological challenges. Then, after the civil war in 2011, Al-Jamahiriya TV became the biggest TV-channel in Libyan diaspora.
This research shows that Al-Jamahiriya TV has at present the upper hand in creating stable narratives of Libyan identity. It is a media with long time experience, well-based funding, professional workers and reporters, providing a stable media structure with stable symbolism,
recurring anchor faces that Libyans both inside Libya and in diaspora recognize easily. They are not afraid to challenge the narratives of the various militia governments in their broadcast, and their viewers outnumber the militia channels inside Libya
I året 416 fvt belejrede den graeske flåde det lille ørige Melos. Belejringen skyldtes, at Melos-... more I året 416 fvt belejrede den graeske flåde det lille ørige Melos. Belejringen skyldtes, at Melos-som den eneste ø i det AEgaeiske Hav-ikke ville indtraede i det attiske søforbund; en militaerliga, som Athen siden 431 fvt brugte i sin krigsførsel imod Sparta i kampen om herredømmet over Hellas. Athen stillede Melos det ultimatum, at overgive sig og tilslutte sig søforbundet, eller at acceptere total annihilation. Efter få måneders belejring erobrede Athen øen, draebte alle maend og tog kvinder og børn som slaver, før de landsatte 500 af deres egne borgere på øen som nye beboere. Flere historikere har efterfølgende spekuleret over, om denne handling kunne rubriceres under begrebet folkemord (genozid).
Artiklen analyserer en række nyere og ældre forskning om folkedrabet på Melos og diskuterer deres begrebshistoriske relevans.
Analysis of president Donald J. Trump´s use of the Antihero archetype and American myths in speec... more Analysis of president Donald J. Trump´s use of the Antihero archetype and American myths in speeches, Twitter messages and books, changing and un-creating the American Frontier Myth. But is Trump an expression of his times or are the times an expression of Trump?
Seen from a Jungian perspective, Donald J. Trump and his presidency is nothing but a subconscious expression of collective American identity trying to reshape itself in the receding historic shadow of The Frontier Myth.
This thesis investigates the sociology of Muslim advocacy organization in American society, namel... more This thesis investigates the sociology of Muslim advocacy organization in American society, namely in relation to the issue of legitimization, empowerment and symbolic positioning. Using the structural metaphor of social capital investment, the central outline of this thesis is based upon a qualitative research into the establishment and work of the
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Analysis shows how CAIR through its work uses positional framing to establish a change of social order, constructing an image of American “muslimness” by aligning traditional American cultural values and Islamic values as integrable and coherent paradigms. Through the analysis of the Herfindahl-Hirschman index American Muslims
today differ distinctively from other American religious minorities in matters of ethnicity; thus American Muslims need to find other forms of identity positioning in American society. This unique situation has aided CAIR in establishing a Muslim American power position based upon coherence between Americanism and“muslimness”, synchronizing the struggle against Islamophobia with the American struggle for social justice for all.
The conclusive evaluation finds that CAIR legitimizes American Muslim claim to legitimacy in American social order not merely as a minority advocacy organization, but also as an integrated part of American culture and society.
A description of the Islamic concept of sabr in relation to Islamic spiritual care and an analysi... more A description of the Islamic concept of sabr in relation to Islamic spiritual care and an analysis of three contextual adaptions of sabr in Islamic spiritual care; namely patience
as purification, patience as dogmatic therapy, and patience as a cognitive narrative.
Ændringerne i de muslimske friskolers samfundsmæssige identitetskonstruktioner i Danmark fra 197... more Ændringerne i de muslimske friskolers samfundsmæssige identitetskonstruktioner i Danmark fra 1970erne til i dag - med udgangspunkt i al-Hilal-skolens typiske udvikling - afspejler typiske træk i udviklingen i de generelle identitetskonstruktioner blandt muslimer i resten af Danmark. Omdrejningspunkterne for disse træk er en opløsning af de traditionelle etniske og religiøse tilhørsforhold, og en efterfølgende dynamisk dannelse af en ny identitet, der måske kan betegnes som ”multikulturel”.
The paper investigates the recent development of ISIS from militia to self-proclaimed statehood, ... more The paper investigates the recent development of ISIS from militia to self-proclaimed statehood, and in the process describing how ISIS` idea of statehood can be assessed in terms of law, religion and lived experience.
Overview and comparison of how traditionalist, mystic and modernist tafsir deals with the splitti... more Overview and comparison of how traditionalist, mystic and modernist tafsir deals with the splitting of the Moon (Surah 54, aya 1-2)
Md udgangspunkt for en afgørelse om en indsats forbud mod at læse Ibn Kathir i det svenske fængse... more Md udgangspunkt for en afgørelse om en indsats forbud mod at læse Ibn Kathir i det svenske fængselsvæsen (Kriminalvård) præsenterer jeg en gennemgang af de vigtigste islamistiske kilder til tafsîr af sura Tawba viser, at Ibn Kathîrs tafsîr har spillet og stadigvæk spiller en stor rolle for jihadisternes forståelse af Tawbas materielle indhold.
Analysen viser også, at militante jihadister i dag baserer deres forståelse for anvendeligheden af Tawba i moderne militant jihad på Ibn Kathîrs betoning af Tawbas rolle som endegyldig islamisk anvisning, der ophæver tidligere åbenbaringers anvisninger.
Fra en religionsvidenskabelig vinkel ser vi også, hvordan Ibn Kathîrs (og Ibn Taymiyas) interkontekstuelle referencer ifm med middelalderens mongolske invasioner af Syrien til Tawbas historiske omstændigheder omkring Tabuk i år 630 af moderne jihadister bliver inddraget i en nutidig selvforståelse og politisk diskurs mht situation og identitet, indtil denne selvforståelse og diskurs til sidst får samme psykologiske vægt som
en religiøs myte.
Det er denne selvforståelse, diskurs og mytedannelse, som Kriminalvården lægger til grund for sit forbud af en indsats anmodning om at anskaffe sig Ibn Kathîrs samlede værker i fængslet, men vi ser også, at Kriminalvården i sin egen argumentation har overtaget
militante jihadisters selvforståelse og dermed responderer på den jihadistiske diskurs med duplik af samme diskurs.