Duska Blagojevic | University of Novi Sad (original) (raw)
Papers by Duska Blagojevic
Medical review, 2021
Introduction. The global coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, caused by a new coronavirus, has unde... more Introduction. The global coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, caused by a new coronavirus, has undeniably marked the previous year. A clear link between the changes in the oral mucosa and the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has not yet been precisely defined. Oral manifestations in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection are mostly ulcerations, aphthous ulcers, macules and desquamative gingivitis. Case Report. A case of a 2-year-old child with oral leasions during severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is presented. The purpose of this paper was to present a case with atypical clinical manifestations of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, including fever, vomiting and oral lesions, without respiratory simptoms. Conclusion. Early reaction and response to all changes within the oral cavity is crucial, because even the earliest stages of oral manifestations may be a symptom of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi...
Stomatoloski Informator, 2004
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2019
Introduction/Objective. An important moment in oral health care and preventive dentistry is the f... more Introduction/Objective. An important moment in oral health care and preventive dentistry is the first dental visit, recommended to be undertaken between the child?s sixth and 12th month of life. Worldwide evidence shows a considerable delay. This study evaluates characteristics of the first dental visit in a public health care center in Novi Sad, Serbia, during 2006?2015 period, and changes in occurrence driven by the healthcare reform. Methods. The study design was retrospective, evaluating available data on age and the main reason for the first dental visit of 270 children, who come to the same dentist and pediatrician in a public health care center during the 2006?2015 period. Results. Collected data determined the third and the fourth year of life as the dominant age (45.8% of children) for the first dental visit in 2006?2010, initiated mostly by a dental check-up (53.8%). During the second period (2011?2015), most of the first visits (31.1%) were done by the age of one, while t...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2015
Introduction. A non-carious lesion (NCL) is the loss of hard dental tissue on the neck, tuberculu... more Introduction. A non-carious lesion (NCL) is the loss of hard dental tissue on the neck, tuberculum and incisal edges of the teeth. Interest in clinical presence and in unclear etiology of these lesions allows for their future prevention and treatment. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine presence and clinical characteristics of NCLs and dentine hypersensitivity (DH), as well as their possible risk factors in children, in the population of the city of Novi Sad. Methods. A total of 55 subjects were included in the present study, aged between three and 18 years. Each subject completed a structured questionnaire related to the etiological factors, and all teeth of each subject were examined by two independent clinical dentists to determine NCLs and DH. In the case of small children, their parents or guardians filled out the questionnaire. Teeth with NCLs and DH were diagnosed according to the Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE) index and by a blast of air according to Schi...
Medicinski pregled, 2002
Introduction Good oral health care during pregnancy is essential but often overlooked factor of d... more Introduction Good oral health care during pregnancy is essential but often overlooked factor of dental growth as well as of other structures of oral cavity. Pregnancy is the time when conscious approach to preventive oral care should increase. Preventive measures during pregnancy Preventive measures during pregnancy mean usage of fluorides, special dietary measures and increased oral hygiene habits. Preventive measures in pregnant women have one goal: providing conditions for development of fetal teeth as well as preventing tooth decay in pregnant women. The optimal period for introducing preventive measures is the first trimester of pregnancy. Alterations of oral health during pregnancy Because of hormonal alterations there is an increased incidence of dental diseases: gingivitis and low salivary pH (inflammation and bleeding gums). Impact of nutrition during pregnancy on oral health Eating habits of pregnant women may lead to frequent snacking on candy or other decay-promoting foo...
Introduction Complications associated with primary teeth caries are conditions that often cannot ... more Introduction Complications associated with primary teeth caries are conditions that often cannot be managed by means of conventional dental treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of general anesthesia in management of dental caries in primary teeth. Material and methods The sample included 1/8 children who were treated under genera/ anesthesia at the Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad, during the last 3 years. Collected data referred to the age, dental status and treatment modalities under general anesthesia. Results 17 children with the diagnosis of primary teeth caries, 7 girls and 10 boys were managed under general anesthesia. The average age of treated patients was 6 years and 2 months. All patients presented with at least one tooth with chronic apical periodontitis. whereas 7 patients had symptoms of acute apical periodontitis. Conclusion The use of general anesthesia is an efficient method for solving problems associated with primary te...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2013
Comprehensive epidemiological data regarding factors associated with traumatic dental injuries ar... more Comprehensive epidemiological data regarding factors associated with traumatic dental injuries are scarce. The aim of the present study was to assess the frequency and analyze the factors associated with traumatic dental injuries in Serbian children. Research included children and adolescents with traumatic dental injury aged 0-19 year during the period from 2003 to 2010, in four University Dental Centres in Serbia: Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad and Kragujevac. Patient history, demographic, clinical and radiographic data were obtained from dental trauma forms. Total of 2,194 patients (748 girls, 1,446 boys) (chi2 = 222.1; p < 0.01) with 3,077 injured teeth in permanent and 953 in primary dentition were observed. Most of patients were aged 7 to 12 years (n = 1,191). The most frequent injuries in primary and permanent dentition were dislocations (87.4%) and teeth fractures (50.8%), respectively (chi2 = 706.1; p < 0.01). The most frequent mechanism of injury was fall in children aged 0 to 12 years, while the collisions were most frequent in adolescents (53.9%). The most frequent injuries in adolescents were inflicted outdoor (66.8%), while the injuries in children aged 0 to 3 years occurred at home (68.2%), (chi2 = 360.8; p < 0.01). The most frequent injuries in girls were accidental (48.3%), and in boys these were sport injuries (20.4%) and violence (10.4%) (chi2 = 79.9; p < 0.01). The most frequent cause of injury in children aged 0 to 3 years was accidental (75.6%), while in adolescents it was sport (34.1%) (chi2 = 1102.7; p < 0.01). Dental injuries in preschool children most frequently resulted from fall at home. Schoolchildren most frequently injured teeth outdoor during play. Violence and sport injuries were most frequent cause of injury in adolescents.
Medicinski pregled, 2003
Based on literature data it is obvious that there is a connection between smoking and periodontal... more Based on literature data it is obvious that there is a connection between smoking and periodontal diseases. Alveolar bone loss increases with smoking. Tobacco smoking affects the proportion of subgingival bacterial flora by influencing oxidoreduction potential of dental plaque and thus making conditions for development of anaerobic bacteria. According to some researchers, smoking affects the mineral component of bone tissue. Orthopantomograms show higher level of alveolar bone loss in smokers than in nonsmokers with the same level of oral hygiene. The aim of this study was to establish if smoking affects alveolar bone loss in complete denture wearers. Our clinical investigation included 60 patients of both sexes (30 smokers and 30 nonsmokers) all complete dentures wearers. All patients met study criteria: jaw relation and smokers who smoke over 20 cigarettes per day. All subjects were interviewed, and after that orthopantomograms were made. They were used to calculate the degree of alveolar bone loss. The examined subjects were approximately of the same age. Mean age of smokers was 59.9 and nonsmokers 61.8. It was established that differences regarding resorption in men were not significant. The degree of resorption in women smokers and women non-smokers was different, but differences were not significant. It has been proven that the number of cigarettes smoked per day is very important. It is considered that the risk of oral epithelial dysplasia increases when smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day. Considering our results regarding resorption of edentulous alveolar ridge in smokers and nonsmokers, we concluded that there were no significant differences. There are opinions in literature that smoking is not an etiological factor in resorption, but there are some opinions that smoking is connected with the degree of resorption in periodontium. The analyses of resorptive changes in edentuolous smokers were done only around implants and it was estimated that smoking has more influence than other clinical risk factors. On the bases of our research we may conclude that smoking does not directly affect the degree of resorption of edentulous alveolar ridge with complete denture wearers.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2013
a.milenkovic@stomf.bg.ac.rs КРАТАК САДРЖАЈ Увод Упр кос све ве ћем здрав стве ном зна ча ју, све ... more a.milenkovic@stomf.bg.ac.rs КРАТАК САДРЖАЈ Увод Упр кос све ве ћем здрав стве ном зна ча ју, све о бу хват ни по да ци о по вре да ма зу ба су оскуд ни у на шем ре ги о ну и свет ској ли те ра ту ри. Циљ ра да Циљ ис тра жи ва ња био је да се утвр ди уче ста лост и ана ли зи ра ју по вре де зу ба код де це у Ср би ји у од но су на пол и уз раст по вре ђе них ис пи та ни ка, ден ти ци ју по вре ђе них зу ба, вр сту по вре де и узрок, ме сто и ме ха ни зам по вре ђи ва ња. Ме то де ра да Ис тра жи ва ње је об у хва ти ло па ци јен те с по вре дом зу ба уз ра ста до 19 го ди на ко ји су ле че ни у пе ри о ду 2003-2010. го ди не у че ти ри уни вер зи тет ске сто ма то ло шке уста но ве у Ср би ји: Бе о гра ду, Ни шу, Но вом Са ду и Кра гу јев цу. По да ци су до би је ни ана ли зом сто ма то ло шких и кар то на по вре да. Ре зул та ти Ис тра жи ва ње је об у хва ти ло 2.194 ис пи та ни ка (748 де вој чи ца, 1.446 де ча ка) (χ 2 =222,1; p<0,01) с по вре дом 3.077 стал них и 953 млеч на зу ба. Нај ве ћи број ис пи та ни ка (1.191) био је уз ра ста од се дам до два на ест го ди на. Нај че шће по вре де у млеч ној ден ти ци ји би ле су по вре де пот пор ног апа ра та (87,4%), а у стал ној по вре де чвр стих зуб них тки ва (50,8%) (χ 2 =706,1; p<0,01). Пад је био нај че шћи ме ха ни зам по вре ђи ва ња де це уз ра ста до 12 го ди на, док су код адо ле сце на та нај че шћи би ли удар ци (53,9%). По вре де за до би је не код ку ће би ле су ти пич не за де цу уз ра ста до три го ди не (68,2%), док су код адо ле сце на та че шће би ле по вре де за до би је не ван до ма (66,8%) (χ 2 =360,8; p<0,01). Де вој чи це су се че шће по вре ђи ва ле услед не зго де (48,3%), а де ча ци услед ба вље ња спор том (20,4%) или на сил но (10,4%) (χ 2 =79,9; p<0,01). Код де це уз ра ста до три го ди не нај ве ћи број по вре да зу ба био је по сле ди ца не зго де (75,6%), а код адо ле сце на та спорт ска по вре да (34,1%) (χ 2 =1102,7; p<0,01). За кљу чак Де ца пред школ ског уз ра ста су нај че шће по вре ђи ва ла зу бе па дом у ку ћи. Код де це уз ра ста до 12 го ди на нај че шћи узрок по вре де био је пад ван ку ће, на ули ци или игра ли шту. Код адо ле сце на та по вре де зу ба су би ле че шће код де ча ка, као по сле ди ца на си ља или то ком ба вље ња спор том. Кључ не ре чи: деч ја сто ма то ло ги ја; епи де ми о ло ги ја; ети о ло ги ја; по вре де зу ба; пре вен ци ја
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2012
Background/Aim. Retention of fissure sealants and good adaptation to enamel are essential for the... more Background/Aim. Retention of fissure sealants and good adaptation to enamel are essential for their success. Fluoride releasing resin-based materials are widely accepted for pit and fissure sealing, but newly designed glass ionomers can serve as a good alternative. The aim of this study was to evaluate microleakage and sealing ability in vitro, and to clinically assess two fluoride releasing fissure sealants. Methods. The sample for experimental study consisted of 20 freshly extracted intact human third molars, divided in two experimental groups according to the sealing material: fluoride releasing resin-based (Heliosel F) and glass ionomer (Fuji Triage) material. Digital images and scanning electron microscope were used to assess microleakage and adaptation ability. Sample for clinical study consisted of 60 children, aged 6-8 years, with high caries risk, divided in two groups according to the sealant material. Fissure sealant was applied to all erupted, caries-free first permanent molars. Sealants were evaluated after 3, 6 and 12 months using modified Ryge criteria for retention, marginal adaptation, colour match, surface smoothness and caries. Results. Microleakage was detected in more than half of the specimen, without significant differences between the two groups (p > 0.05). Both materials exhibited acceptable sealing ability. Complete retention at the end of the observation period was 81.8% for resin-based, and 21.1% for glass-ionomer fissure sealant (p < 0.001). The presence of caries in sealed molars has been detected in one patient in both groups. During the 12-month observation period, Helioseal F demonstrated better retention, marginal adaptation and surface smoothness (p < 0.001). There were no differences between the two materials regarding caries and color match (p > 0.05). Conclusion. Both tested materials demonstrate satisfactory clinical and caries prophylactic characteristics that justify their use in contemporary preventive dentistry.
Stomatoloski Glasnik Srbije, 2006
Uvod. U savremenim istraživanjima u preventivnoj stomatologiji veoma su zastupljene studije koje ... more Uvod. U savremenim istraživanjima u preventivnoj stomatologiji veoma su zastupljene studije koje se bave eksperimentalnim i klini kim ispitivanjem sve ve eg broja materijala koji se koriste za zalivanje fisura i jamica.
Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, 2007
Dental defects of errosive nature are defined as irreversible losses of dental tissue, caused by ... more Dental defects of errosive nature are defined as irreversible losses of dental tissue, caused by long lasting and repeated action of acids that disolve top layer of hydroxyapatite and fluorideapatites cristal structure, under assumption that agressive factor is not of bacterial nature. Acids that cause changes on teeth according to their origin are gastric, dietetic, or they are of environmental origin. Current way of life, as well as nutritional habits create potentially dangerous conditions for the hard dental tissue, for prevention of mineralization process causes defects of oral system homeostasis. Defects occur on primary teeth, as well as on permanent teeth. However, this happens once and a half time more frequently on primary teeth due to the weaker primary maturation. In initial phases, changes are localized in enamel and by their development the bottom locates in dentine. Defects appear as smooth, shainy, round concavities on caries immune positions, or as cupping of occlusal surfaces. The depth of an eroded lesion consists of the depth of the crater plus the depth of tissue demineralisation at the base of the lesion. Early verification of the etiological factor, together with good knowledge of the manifested shape change has influence to the prevention of the crown of tooth loss, complete occlusion, mastication and speech.
Dental Traumatology, 2010
Medical review, 2021
Introduction. The global coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, caused by a new coronavirus, has unde... more Introduction. The global coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, caused by a new coronavirus, has undeniably marked the previous year. A clear link between the changes in the oral mucosa and the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has not yet been precisely defined. Oral manifestations in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection are mostly ulcerations, aphthous ulcers, macules and desquamative gingivitis. Case Report. A case of a 2-year-old child with oral leasions during severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is presented. The purpose of this paper was to present a case with atypical clinical manifestations of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, including fever, vomiting and oral lesions, without respiratory simptoms. Conclusion. Early reaction and response to all changes within the oral cavity is crucial, because even the earliest stages of oral manifestations may be a symptom of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi...
Stomatoloski Informator, 2004
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2019
Introduction/Objective. An important moment in oral health care and preventive dentistry is the f... more Introduction/Objective. An important moment in oral health care and preventive dentistry is the first dental visit, recommended to be undertaken between the child?s sixth and 12th month of life. Worldwide evidence shows a considerable delay. This study evaluates characteristics of the first dental visit in a public health care center in Novi Sad, Serbia, during 2006?2015 period, and changes in occurrence driven by the healthcare reform. Methods. The study design was retrospective, evaluating available data on age and the main reason for the first dental visit of 270 children, who come to the same dentist and pediatrician in a public health care center during the 2006?2015 period. Results. Collected data determined the third and the fourth year of life as the dominant age (45.8% of children) for the first dental visit in 2006?2010, initiated mostly by a dental check-up (53.8%). During the second period (2011?2015), most of the first visits (31.1%) were done by the age of one, while t...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2015
Introduction. A non-carious lesion (NCL) is the loss of hard dental tissue on the neck, tuberculu... more Introduction. A non-carious lesion (NCL) is the loss of hard dental tissue on the neck, tuberculum and incisal edges of the teeth. Interest in clinical presence and in unclear etiology of these lesions allows for their future prevention and treatment. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine presence and clinical characteristics of NCLs and dentine hypersensitivity (DH), as well as their possible risk factors in children, in the population of the city of Novi Sad. Methods. A total of 55 subjects were included in the present study, aged between three and 18 years. Each subject completed a structured questionnaire related to the etiological factors, and all teeth of each subject were examined by two independent clinical dentists to determine NCLs and DH. In the case of small children, their parents or guardians filled out the questionnaire. Teeth with NCLs and DH were diagnosed according to the Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE) index and by a blast of air according to Schi...
Medicinski pregled, 2002
Introduction Good oral health care during pregnancy is essential but often overlooked factor of d... more Introduction Good oral health care during pregnancy is essential but often overlooked factor of dental growth as well as of other structures of oral cavity. Pregnancy is the time when conscious approach to preventive oral care should increase. Preventive measures during pregnancy Preventive measures during pregnancy mean usage of fluorides, special dietary measures and increased oral hygiene habits. Preventive measures in pregnant women have one goal: providing conditions for development of fetal teeth as well as preventing tooth decay in pregnant women. The optimal period for introducing preventive measures is the first trimester of pregnancy. Alterations of oral health during pregnancy Because of hormonal alterations there is an increased incidence of dental diseases: gingivitis and low salivary pH (inflammation and bleeding gums). Impact of nutrition during pregnancy on oral health Eating habits of pregnant women may lead to frequent snacking on candy or other decay-promoting foo...
Introduction Complications associated with primary teeth caries are conditions that often cannot ... more Introduction Complications associated with primary teeth caries are conditions that often cannot be managed by means of conventional dental treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of general anesthesia in management of dental caries in primary teeth. Material and methods The sample included 1/8 children who were treated under genera/ anesthesia at the Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad, during the last 3 years. Collected data referred to the age, dental status and treatment modalities under general anesthesia. Results 17 children with the diagnosis of primary teeth caries, 7 girls and 10 boys were managed under general anesthesia. The average age of treated patients was 6 years and 2 months. All patients presented with at least one tooth with chronic apical periodontitis. whereas 7 patients had symptoms of acute apical periodontitis. Conclusion The use of general anesthesia is an efficient method for solving problems associated with primary te...
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2013
Comprehensive epidemiological data regarding factors associated with traumatic dental injuries ar... more Comprehensive epidemiological data regarding factors associated with traumatic dental injuries are scarce. The aim of the present study was to assess the frequency and analyze the factors associated with traumatic dental injuries in Serbian children. Research included children and adolescents with traumatic dental injury aged 0-19 year during the period from 2003 to 2010, in four University Dental Centres in Serbia: Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad and Kragujevac. Patient history, demographic, clinical and radiographic data were obtained from dental trauma forms. Total of 2,194 patients (748 girls, 1,446 boys) (chi2 = 222.1; p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.01) with 3,077 injured teeth in permanent and 953 in primary dentition were observed. Most of patients were aged 7 to 12 years (n = 1,191). The most frequent injuries in primary and permanent dentition were dislocations (87.4%) and teeth fractures (50.8%), respectively (chi2 = 706.1; p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.01). The most frequent mechanism of injury was fall in children aged 0 to 12 years, while the collisions were most frequent in adolescents (53.9%). The most frequent injuries in adolescents were inflicted outdoor (66.8%), while the injuries in children aged 0 to 3 years occurred at home (68.2%), (chi2 = 360.8; p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.01). The most frequent injuries in girls were accidental (48.3%), and in boys these were sport injuries (20.4%) and violence (10.4%) (chi2 = 79.9; p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.01). The most frequent cause of injury in children aged 0 to 3 years was accidental (75.6%), while in adolescents it was sport (34.1%) (chi2 = 1102.7; p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.01). Dental injuries in preschool children most frequently resulted from fall at home. Schoolchildren most frequently injured teeth outdoor during play. Violence and sport injuries were most frequent cause of injury in adolescents.
Medicinski pregled, 2003
Based on literature data it is obvious that there is a connection between smoking and periodontal... more Based on literature data it is obvious that there is a connection between smoking and periodontal diseases. Alveolar bone loss increases with smoking. Tobacco smoking affects the proportion of subgingival bacterial flora by influencing oxidoreduction potential of dental plaque and thus making conditions for development of anaerobic bacteria. According to some researchers, smoking affects the mineral component of bone tissue. Orthopantomograms show higher level of alveolar bone loss in smokers than in nonsmokers with the same level of oral hygiene. The aim of this study was to establish if smoking affects alveolar bone loss in complete denture wearers. Our clinical investigation included 60 patients of both sexes (30 smokers and 30 nonsmokers) all complete dentures wearers. All patients met study criteria: jaw relation and smokers who smoke over 20 cigarettes per day. All subjects were interviewed, and after that orthopantomograms were made. They were used to calculate the degree of alveolar bone loss. The examined subjects were approximately of the same age. Mean age of smokers was 59.9 and nonsmokers 61.8. It was established that differences regarding resorption in men were not significant. The degree of resorption in women smokers and women non-smokers was different, but differences were not significant. It has been proven that the number of cigarettes smoked per day is very important. It is considered that the risk of oral epithelial dysplasia increases when smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day. Considering our results regarding resorption of edentulous alveolar ridge in smokers and nonsmokers, we concluded that there were no significant differences. There are opinions in literature that smoking is not an etiological factor in resorption, but there are some opinions that smoking is connected with the degree of resorption in periodontium. The analyses of resorptive changes in edentuolous smokers were done only around implants and it was estimated that smoking has more influence than other clinical risk factors. On the bases of our research we may conclude that smoking does not directly affect the degree of resorption of edentulous alveolar ridge with complete denture wearers.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2013
a.milenkovic@stomf.bg.ac.rs КРАТАК САДРЖАЈ Увод Упр кос све ве ћем здрав стве ном зна ча ју, све ... more a.milenkovic@stomf.bg.ac.rs КРАТАК САДРЖАЈ Увод Упр кос све ве ћем здрав стве ном зна ча ју, све о бу хват ни по да ци о по вре да ма зу ба су оскуд ни у на шем ре ги о ну и свет ској ли те ра ту ри. Циљ ра да Циљ ис тра жи ва ња био је да се утвр ди уче ста лост и ана ли зи ра ју по вре де зу ба код де це у Ср би ји у од но су на пол и уз раст по вре ђе них ис пи та ни ка, ден ти ци ју по вре ђе них зу ба, вр сту по вре де и узрок, ме сто и ме ха ни зам по вре ђи ва ња. Ме то де ра да Ис тра жи ва ње је об у хва ти ло па ци јен те с по вре дом зу ба уз ра ста до 19 го ди на ко ји су ле че ни у пе ри о ду 2003-2010. го ди не у че ти ри уни вер зи тет ске сто ма то ло шке уста но ве у Ср би ји: Бе о гра ду, Ни шу, Но вом Са ду и Кра гу јев цу. По да ци су до би је ни ана ли зом сто ма то ло шких и кар то на по вре да. Ре зул та ти Ис тра жи ва ње је об у хва ти ло 2.194 ис пи та ни ка (748 де вој чи ца, 1.446 де ча ка) (χ 2 =222,1; p<0,01) с по вре дом 3.077 стал них и 953 млеч на зу ба. Нај ве ћи број ис пи та ни ка (1.191) био је уз ра ста од се дам до два на ест го ди на. Нај че шће по вре де у млеч ној ден ти ци ји би ле су по вре де пот пор ног апа ра та (87,4%), а у стал ној по вре де чвр стих зуб них тки ва (50,8%) (χ 2 =706,1; p<0,01). Пад је био нај че шћи ме ха ни зам по вре ђи ва ња де це уз ра ста до 12 го ди на, док су код адо ле сце на та нај че шћи би ли удар ци (53,9%). По вре де за до би је не код ку ће би ле су ти пич не за де цу уз ра ста до три го ди не (68,2%), док су код адо ле сце на та че шће би ле по вре де за до би је не ван до ма (66,8%) (χ 2 =360,8; p<0,01). Де вој чи це су се че шће по вре ђи ва ле услед не зго де (48,3%), а де ча ци услед ба вље ња спор том (20,4%) или на сил но (10,4%) (χ 2 =79,9; p<0,01). Код де це уз ра ста до три го ди не нај ве ћи број по вре да зу ба био је по сле ди ца не зго де (75,6%), а код адо ле сце на та спорт ска по вре да (34,1%) (χ 2 =1102,7; p<0,01). За кљу чак Де ца пред школ ског уз ра ста су нај че шће по вре ђи ва ла зу бе па дом у ку ћи. Код де це уз ра ста до 12 го ди на нај че шћи узрок по вре де био је пад ван ку ће, на ули ци или игра ли шту. Код адо ле сце на та по вре де зу ба су би ле че шће код де ча ка, као по сле ди ца на си ља или то ком ба вље ња спор том. Кључ не ре чи: деч ја сто ма то ло ги ја; епи де ми о ло ги ја; ети о ло ги ја; по вре де зу ба; пре вен ци ја
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2012
Background/Aim. Retention of fissure sealants and good adaptation to enamel are essential for the... more Background/Aim. Retention of fissure sealants and good adaptation to enamel are essential for their success. Fluoride releasing resin-based materials are widely accepted for pit and fissure sealing, but newly designed glass ionomers can serve as a good alternative. The aim of this study was to evaluate microleakage and sealing ability in vitro, and to clinically assess two fluoride releasing fissure sealants. Methods. The sample for experimental study consisted of 20 freshly extracted intact human third molars, divided in two experimental groups according to the sealing material: fluoride releasing resin-based (Heliosel F) and glass ionomer (Fuji Triage) material. Digital images and scanning electron microscope were used to assess microleakage and adaptation ability. Sample for clinical study consisted of 60 children, aged 6-8 years, with high caries risk, divided in two groups according to the sealant material. Fissure sealant was applied to all erupted, caries-free first permanent molars. Sealants were evaluated after 3, 6 and 12 months using modified Ryge criteria for retention, marginal adaptation, colour match, surface smoothness and caries. Results. Microleakage was detected in more than half of the specimen, without significant differences between the two groups (p > 0.05). Both materials exhibited acceptable sealing ability. Complete retention at the end of the observation period was 81.8% for resin-based, and 21.1% for glass-ionomer fissure sealant (p < 0.001). The presence of caries in sealed molars has been detected in one patient in both groups. During the 12-month observation period, Helioseal F demonstrated better retention, marginal adaptation and surface smoothness (p < 0.001). There were no differences between the two materials regarding caries and color match (p > 0.05). Conclusion. Both tested materials demonstrate satisfactory clinical and caries prophylactic characteristics that justify their use in contemporary preventive dentistry.
Stomatoloski Glasnik Srbije, 2006
Uvod. U savremenim istraživanjima u preventivnoj stomatologiji veoma su zastupljene studije koje ... more Uvod. U savremenim istraživanjima u preventivnoj stomatologiji veoma su zastupljene studije koje se bave eksperimentalnim i klini kim ispitivanjem sve ve eg broja materijala koji se koriste za zalivanje fisura i jamica.
Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, 2007
Dental defects of errosive nature are defined as irreversible losses of dental tissue, caused by ... more Dental defects of errosive nature are defined as irreversible losses of dental tissue, caused by long lasting and repeated action of acids that disolve top layer of hydroxyapatite and fluorideapatites cristal structure, under assumption that agressive factor is not of bacterial nature. Acids that cause changes on teeth according to their origin are gastric, dietetic, or they are of environmental origin. Current way of life, as well as nutritional habits create potentially dangerous conditions for the hard dental tissue, for prevention of mineralization process causes defects of oral system homeostasis. Defects occur on primary teeth, as well as on permanent teeth. However, this happens once and a half time more frequently on primary teeth due to the weaker primary maturation. In initial phases, changes are localized in enamel and by their development the bottom locates in dentine. Defects appear as smooth, shainy, round concavities on caries immune positions, or as cupping of occlusal surfaces. The depth of an eroded lesion consists of the depth of the crater plus the depth of tissue demineralisation at the base of the lesion. Early verification of the etiological factor, together with good knowledge of the manifested shape change has influence to the prevention of the crown of tooth loss, complete occlusion, mastication and speech.
Dental Traumatology, 2010