Tamara Štefanac | National and University Library in Zagreb (original) (raw)
Videos by Tamara Štefanac
The international project ‘They: Live’ - student lives revealed through context-based art practic... more The international project ‘They: Live’ - student lives revealed through context-based art practices (2020 - 2023) is realised within the framework of the European Union’s ‘Creative Europe’ Programme for Culture and Media. Documenting and archiving, creation of digital collection of archival and contemporary material that documents students' lives in campuses are at the center of the activities. The video presents the process of creating online archive.
Papers by Tamara Štefanac
Štefanac, Tamara. (2006). Sređivanje i opis fonda Glavna direkcija ribarske brodogradnje Rijeka, ... more Štefanac, Tamara. (2006). Sređivanje i opis fonda Glavna direkcija ribarske brodogradnje Rijeka, Zagreb (1947.-1951.). Diplomski rad (stari program). Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. ... Digitalni arhiv Knjižnice FF-a is powered by EPrints 3 which is developed by ...
Pro tempore : časopis studenata povijesti, Jan 8, 2006
This thesis examines the perspectives of museum curators on the nature and description of archiva... more This thesis examines the perspectives of museum curators on the nature and description of archival material held in Croatian museums. The research ema
Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća novine i časopisi u Hrvatskoj su bili osnovno sredstvo javne k... more Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća novine i časopisi u Hrvatskoj su bili osnovno sredstvo javne komunikacije. 1 Pisana riječ, ali i ilustracije u onodobnom tisku, dio su komunikacijskog kanala kojim se poruka prenosi od autora čitatelju. Konfiskator, prema 1 "(...) novine postaju nezaobilazna dnevna lektira svih slojeva društva" (Stipčević 2006: 182).
Arhivski vjesnik
Zaštita kulturnoga dobra u izvanrednim situacijama provodi se u različitim područjima te ovisi o ... more Zaštita kulturnoga dobra u izvanrednim situacijama provodi se u različitim područjima te ovisi o nizu informacija i postupaka koji ne nastaju isključivo unutar područja kulture. Različite dionike i postupke povezuju dokumentacija i dokumentiranje, a to su ujedno temeljni aspekti poslovanja AKM ustanova (arhivi, knjižnice i muzeji). Induktivnom analizom literature međunarodnih smjernica i hrvatskoga pravnoga okvira u ovom je radu analizirana uloga dokumentacije i preporučeni modeli dokumentiranja u izvanrednim situacijama. Zaključeno je da je uloga dokumentiranja u izvanrednim situacijama prepoznata kao važna, ali nedostatno raščlanjena te da su pojedini aspekti, poput dokumentiranja digitalnoga kulturnoga dobra tijekom izvanredne situacije, zanemareni. U završnom dijelu rada izdvojena su područja u kojima je potrebno provesti daljnja istraživanja.
Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities
This book is dedicated to Mirna Willer on the occasion of her retirement as an expression of grat... more This book is dedicated to Mirna Willer on the occasion of her retirement as an expression of gratitude for her outstanding contribution to the development of information and communication sciences, the development of various professional practices, and dedicated teaching and pedagogical work.Mirna started her career as a librarian at the National and University Library in Zagreb in 1978, and gained her first experience cataloguing legal deposits (Jugoslavica) and foreign books at the Book Cataloguing Department. Building on that experience, she became a systems librarian and then a library consultant for computerization. In these statuses, in the period 1980-2007 she was in charge of the development of library information systems of the Library and standardization. After successfully completing the incorporation of Croatian cataloguing rules into UNIMARC formats for bibliographic and authority data, she participated in their implementation in the library information system of the Li...
Vozni redovi tiskaju se 175 godina kao publikacije namijenjene putnicima u željeznickom, pomorsko... more Vozni redovi tiskaju se 175 godina kao publikacije namijenjene putnicima u željeznickom, pomorskom i cestovnom prometu. S vremenom se njihov osnovni informativni karakter kretanja vozila znatno prosirio obuhvativsi razlicit informativni sadržaj turistickog karaktera. Ovaj rad istražuje informacijski potencijal voznog reda na primjeru Zbirke voznih redova Hrvatskog željeznickog muzeja te donosi sažetak povijesnog razvoja voznog reda i analizu informacijskog karaktera voznog reda. U drugom dijelu rada razmatra se vozni red kao jedinica građe u muzejskoj zbirci, nacini obrade i koristenja te se iznose planovi daljnjeg razvoja Zbirke i mogucnosti koristenja voznih redova u razlicitim kulturno-povijesnim i gospodarskim istraživanjima.
U radu se iznose znacajke virtualne izložbe “Pruga prvog svjetska rata” / Ogulin - Plaski - Vrhov... more U radu se iznose znacajke virtualne izložbe “Pruga prvog svjetska rata” / Ogulin - Plaski - Vrhovine (1912./1914. - 1918.) unutar teorijskog okv
Proceedings / Summer School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts, <Zadar, Croatia, 26 - 30 September 2012> ; edited by Mirna Willer and Marijana Tomić. - Zadar : University of Zadar, 2013
Archival material held in museums is often described using museum practices. The main hypothesis ... more Archival material held in museums is often described using museum practices. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the decision about how a certain material object should be described depends on the curator's understanding of what is archival and what is museum material. As result, non-uniform descriptive metadata is created, causing difficulties in accessibility, especially for end-user searching. This paper focuses on documentary material on paper as primary medium.
Selected Papers from the Conference and School Authority, Provenance, Authenticity, Evidence, Zadar, Croatia, October 2016, 2019
This paper addresses a cluster of questions relating to visitors' perceptions of archival materia... more This paper addresses a cluster of questions relating to visitors' perceptions of archival materials, specifically records, when they are displayed in museum exhibitions in either their original form of creation or in surrogate form: What kind of interest do these records induce and how is it manifested? Do visitors have an emotional response to them? To what extent can a user's physical interaction with a record be replaced or complemented by a digital one? The paper presents and discusses the results of a pilot study, "Records as Museum Artefacts, " that used mixed methods and techniques, including a focus group, visitor surveys and focused observation of visitors. The results suggest that those designing exhibitions should be more attentive, when incorporating records, to how they might both emphasize the materiality of those records and create possibilities for the visitor to achieve an additional meaningful experience by including digital surrogates.
The community archives movement has emerged as a prominent, and often critical, presence within, ... more The community archives movement has emerged as a prominent, and often critical, presence within, and also outside the archival traditions and practices in North America and the United Kingdom. They can take many forms and often contest how both public and private archives in these regions have historically been understood, structured and operated. This paper first presents a brief review of some of the ways in which community archives have been framed in the archival literature. It then considers several questions regarding how such framings of community archives might challenge the status quo of private and public archives as currently defined and organized under the recently revised Croatian legislative framework and proposes a more conciliatory approach.
Libellarium: journal for the research of writing, books, and cultural heritage institutions, 2012
Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća novine i časopisi u Hrvatskoj su bili osnovno sredstvo javne k... more Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća novine i časopisi u Hrvatskoj su bili osnovno sredstvo javne komunikacije. 1 Pisana riječ, ali i ilustracije u onodobnom tisku, dio su komunikacijskog kanala kojim se poruka prenosi od autora čitatelju. Konfiskator, prema 1 "(...) novine postaju nezaobilazna dnevna lektira svih slojeva društva" (Stipčević 2006: 182).
hrcak mascot, Hrčak Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. Srce HID. Početna stranica. A... more hrcak mascot, Hrčak Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. Srce HID. Početna stranica. Abecedni popis časopisa. Časopisi po područjima. Prirodne znanosti: Prirodne znanosti (all); Biologija; Fizika; Geoznanosti; Kemija; ...
Books by Tamara Štefanac
Documenting and Archiving Student Life, 2023
This publication is one of the outputs of the 'They: Live - Student lives revealed through contex... more This publication is one of the outputs of the 'They: Live - Student lives revealed through context-based art practices' international project. It seeks to address issues of contemporary documenting and archiving student life and can serve as a basic guideline in establishing documentation strategies. These guidelines might also be beneficial for other documentation and archival initiatives as they offer practical inputs into how to set up small-size documentation and archival projects with active participation of community members.In the second part of this publication personal stories and reflections of the project archivists are included. Their stories reveal many similarities and shared challenges, but also different contexts and perspectives that should be taken into account while analysing any archive. In its third part, the publication brings insights from the United States university archives about collecting and archiving records about students and those created by student, that document their life and experiences at campuses.
Razvoj publike - Digitalni alati i komunikacijske prakse u baštinskim ustanovama , 2021
Ova publikacija završna je aktivnost projekta CREARCH - CReative European ARCHives as innovative ... more Ova publikacija završna je aktivnost projekta CREARCH - CReative European ARCHives as innovative cultural hubs (2018 – 2021) u Hrvatskoj. Nastavlja se na izdanje Razvoj publike - priručnik za edukaciju arhivista i baštinskih stručnjaka, objavljeno u travnju 2021. i zaokružuje različite edukativne aktivnosti i programe posvećene središnjoj temi projekta: razvoju nove „arhivske“ publike. Većina autora priloga u protekle su tri godine sudjelovali u njihovom stvaranju i realizaciji te na idućim stranicama povratno iznose svoja iskustva i refleksije. Druga grupa autora, koji nisu bili izravno uključeni u CREARCH projekt, većinom su dugogodišnji suradnici udruge ICARUS Hrvatska u raznim aktivnostima i stručnim i znanstvenim područjima. Oni ovdje predstavljaju primjere svojih dobrih praksi i dijele s nama osobna iskustva koja su se pokazala kao uspješna i kvalitetna te ih je moguće prenijeti u kontekst različitih baštinskih ustanova. Sljedeći koncept prvog CREARCH priručnika, ovaj ga tematski nadograđuje kroz pitanja razvoja virtualnih programskih aktivnosti, uloge digitalne kulturne baštine u službi znanosti i obrazovanja te posebice komunikacije putem društvenih mreža.
Kao i sam projekt, i ovaj priručnik ima za cilj otvoriti teme o baštini u interdisciplinarnom umreženom svijetu i poticanju kreativnosti u programima usmjerenima na razvoj publike u baštinskim ustanovama. Namijenjen je baštinskim stručnjacima koji sudjeluju u kreiranju edukativnih i kreativnih programskih aktivnosti te onima koji ih komuniciraju u digitalnom okruženju pa se nadamo da će inicirati nove ideje i zajedničke aktivnosti.
Razvoj publike - Priručnik za edukaciju arhivista i baštinskih stručnjaka, 2021
Publikacija Razvoj publike - Priručnik za edukaciju arhivista namijenjena je korištenju u praksi ... more Publikacija Razvoj publike - Priručnik za edukaciju arhivista namijenjena je korištenju u praksi baštinskih ustanova i edukaciji stručnjaka koji skrbe o arhivskoj baštini. Priručnik se bavi digitalnim pripovijedanjem, transmedijalnošću, modelima razvoja publike i primjerima dobre prakse europskih baštinskih ustanova, s ciljem educiranja AKM zajednice i stručnjaka koji žele komunicirati baštinu iz repozitorija vlastitih ustanova u virtualnom okruženju uz pomoć inovativnih digitalnih alata.
Drafts by Tamara Štefanac
ARCHIVING AS A PROCESS, AN ARCHIVE AS A PRODUCT AND AN INSPIRATION: DIGITAL ARCHIVING They: Live - Student lives revealed through context-based art practices project, 2020
The target users of this Manual are archivists involved in the project “They: Live - Student live... more The target users of this Manual are archivists involved in the project “They: Live - Student lives revealed through context-based art practices”.This manual should serve community archivists as a guide and to help them figure out the art of creating a digital archive. Manual’s purpose is twofold: it is a theory starter-kit for designated archivists at the project and it is a methodological guidance for the process itself. It presents archival policy for the project and establishes key procedures, guidelines and codes of conduct.
The international project ‘They: Live’ - student lives revealed through context-based art practic... more The international project ‘They: Live’ - student lives revealed through context-based art practices (2020 - 2023) is realised within the framework of the European Union’s ‘Creative Europe’ Programme for Culture and Media. Documenting and archiving, creation of digital collection of archival and contemporary material that documents students' lives in campuses are at the center of the activities. The video presents the process of creating online archive.
Štefanac, Tamara. (2006). Sređivanje i opis fonda Glavna direkcija ribarske brodogradnje Rijeka, ... more Štefanac, Tamara. (2006). Sređivanje i opis fonda Glavna direkcija ribarske brodogradnje Rijeka, Zagreb (1947.-1951.). Diplomski rad (stari program). Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. ... Digitalni arhiv Knjižnice FF-a is powered by EPrints 3 which is developed by ...
Pro tempore : časopis studenata povijesti, Jan 8, 2006
This thesis examines the perspectives of museum curators on the nature and description of archiva... more This thesis examines the perspectives of museum curators on the nature and description of archival material held in Croatian museums. The research ema
Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća novine i časopisi u Hrvatskoj su bili osnovno sredstvo javne k... more Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća novine i časopisi u Hrvatskoj su bili osnovno sredstvo javne komunikacije. 1 Pisana riječ, ali i ilustracije u onodobnom tisku, dio su komunikacijskog kanala kojim se poruka prenosi od autora čitatelju. Konfiskator, prema 1 "(...) novine postaju nezaobilazna dnevna lektira svih slojeva društva" (Stipčević 2006: 182).
Arhivski vjesnik
Zaštita kulturnoga dobra u izvanrednim situacijama provodi se u različitim područjima te ovisi o ... more Zaštita kulturnoga dobra u izvanrednim situacijama provodi se u različitim područjima te ovisi o nizu informacija i postupaka koji ne nastaju isključivo unutar područja kulture. Različite dionike i postupke povezuju dokumentacija i dokumentiranje, a to su ujedno temeljni aspekti poslovanja AKM ustanova (arhivi, knjižnice i muzeji). Induktivnom analizom literature međunarodnih smjernica i hrvatskoga pravnoga okvira u ovom je radu analizirana uloga dokumentacije i preporučeni modeli dokumentiranja u izvanrednim situacijama. Zaključeno je da je uloga dokumentiranja u izvanrednim situacijama prepoznata kao važna, ali nedostatno raščlanjena te da su pojedini aspekti, poput dokumentiranja digitalnoga kulturnoga dobra tijekom izvanredne situacije, zanemareni. U završnom dijelu rada izdvojena su područja u kojima je potrebno provesti daljnja istraživanja.
Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities
This book is dedicated to Mirna Willer on the occasion of her retirement as an expression of grat... more This book is dedicated to Mirna Willer on the occasion of her retirement as an expression of gratitude for her outstanding contribution to the development of information and communication sciences, the development of various professional practices, and dedicated teaching and pedagogical work.Mirna started her career as a librarian at the National and University Library in Zagreb in 1978, and gained her first experience cataloguing legal deposits (Jugoslavica) and foreign books at the Book Cataloguing Department. Building on that experience, she became a systems librarian and then a library consultant for computerization. In these statuses, in the period 1980-2007 she was in charge of the development of library information systems of the Library and standardization. After successfully completing the incorporation of Croatian cataloguing rules into UNIMARC formats for bibliographic and authority data, she participated in their implementation in the library information system of the Li...
Vozni redovi tiskaju se 175 godina kao publikacije namijenjene putnicima u željeznickom, pomorsko... more Vozni redovi tiskaju se 175 godina kao publikacije namijenjene putnicima u željeznickom, pomorskom i cestovnom prometu. S vremenom se njihov osnovni informativni karakter kretanja vozila znatno prosirio obuhvativsi razlicit informativni sadržaj turistickog karaktera. Ovaj rad istražuje informacijski potencijal voznog reda na primjeru Zbirke voznih redova Hrvatskog željeznickog muzeja te donosi sažetak povijesnog razvoja voznog reda i analizu informacijskog karaktera voznog reda. U drugom dijelu rada razmatra se vozni red kao jedinica građe u muzejskoj zbirci, nacini obrade i koristenja te se iznose planovi daljnjeg razvoja Zbirke i mogucnosti koristenja voznih redova u razlicitim kulturno-povijesnim i gospodarskim istraživanjima.
U radu se iznose znacajke virtualne izložbe “Pruga prvog svjetska rata” / Ogulin - Plaski - Vrhov... more U radu se iznose znacajke virtualne izložbe “Pruga prvog svjetska rata” / Ogulin - Plaski - Vrhovine (1912./1914. - 1918.) unutar teorijskog okv
Proceedings / Summer School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts, <Zadar, Croatia, 26 - 30 September 2012> ; edited by Mirna Willer and Marijana Tomić. - Zadar : University of Zadar, 2013
Archival material held in museums is often described using museum practices. The main hypothesis ... more Archival material held in museums is often described using museum practices. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the decision about how a certain material object should be described depends on the curator's understanding of what is archival and what is museum material. As result, non-uniform descriptive metadata is created, causing difficulties in accessibility, especially for end-user searching. This paper focuses on documentary material on paper as primary medium.
Selected Papers from the Conference and School Authority, Provenance, Authenticity, Evidence, Zadar, Croatia, October 2016, 2019
This paper addresses a cluster of questions relating to visitors' perceptions of archival materia... more This paper addresses a cluster of questions relating to visitors' perceptions of archival materials, specifically records, when they are displayed in museum exhibitions in either their original form of creation or in surrogate form: What kind of interest do these records induce and how is it manifested? Do visitors have an emotional response to them? To what extent can a user's physical interaction with a record be replaced or complemented by a digital one? The paper presents and discusses the results of a pilot study, "Records as Museum Artefacts, " that used mixed methods and techniques, including a focus group, visitor surveys and focused observation of visitors. The results suggest that those designing exhibitions should be more attentive, when incorporating records, to how they might both emphasize the materiality of those records and create possibilities for the visitor to achieve an additional meaningful experience by including digital surrogates.
The community archives movement has emerged as a prominent, and often critical, presence within, ... more The community archives movement has emerged as a prominent, and often critical, presence within, and also outside the archival traditions and practices in North America and the United Kingdom. They can take many forms and often contest how both public and private archives in these regions have historically been understood, structured and operated. This paper first presents a brief review of some of the ways in which community archives have been framed in the archival literature. It then considers several questions regarding how such framings of community archives might challenge the status quo of private and public archives as currently defined and organized under the recently revised Croatian legislative framework and proposes a more conciliatory approach.
Libellarium: journal for the research of writing, books, and cultural heritage institutions, 2012
Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća novine i časopisi u Hrvatskoj su bili osnovno sredstvo javne k... more Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća novine i časopisi u Hrvatskoj su bili osnovno sredstvo javne komunikacije. 1 Pisana riječ, ali i ilustracije u onodobnom tisku, dio su komunikacijskog kanala kojim se poruka prenosi od autora čitatelju. Konfiskator, prema 1 "(...) novine postaju nezaobilazna dnevna lektira svih slojeva društva" (Stipčević 2006: 182).
hrcak mascot, Hrčak Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. Srce HID. Početna stranica. A... more hrcak mascot, Hrčak Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. Srce HID. Početna stranica. Abecedni popis časopisa. Časopisi po područjima. Prirodne znanosti: Prirodne znanosti (all); Biologija; Fizika; Geoznanosti; Kemija; ...
Documenting and Archiving Student Life, 2023
This publication is one of the outputs of the 'They: Live - Student lives revealed through contex... more This publication is one of the outputs of the 'They: Live - Student lives revealed through context-based art practices' international project. It seeks to address issues of contemporary documenting and archiving student life and can serve as a basic guideline in establishing documentation strategies. These guidelines might also be beneficial for other documentation and archival initiatives as they offer practical inputs into how to set up small-size documentation and archival projects with active participation of community members.In the second part of this publication personal stories and reflections of the project archivists are included. Their stories reveal many similarities and shared challenges, but also different contexts and perspectives that should be taken into account while analysing any archive. In its third part, the publication brings insights from the United States university archives about collecting and archiving records about students and those created by student, that document their life and experiences at campuses.
Razvoj publike - Digitalni alati i komunikacijske prakse u baštinskim ustanovama , 2021
Ova publikacija završna je aktivnost projekta CREARCH - CReative European ARCHives as innovative ... more Ova publikacija završna je aktivnost projekta CREARCH - CReative European ARCHives as innovative cultural hubs (2018 – 2021) u Hrvatskoj. Nastavlja se na izdanje Razvoj publike - priručnik za edukaciju arhivista i baštinskih stručnjaka, objavljeno u travnju 2021. i zaokružuje različite edukativne aktivnosti i programe posvećene središnjoj temi projekta: razvoju nove „arhivske“ publike. Većina autora priloga u protekle su tri godine sudjelovali u njihovom stvaranju i realizaciji te na idućim stranicama povratno iznose svoja iskustva i refleksije. Druga grupa autora, koji nisu bili izravno uključeni u CREARCH projekt, većinom su dugogodišnji suradnici udruge ICARUS Hrvatska u raznim aktivnostima i stručnim i znanstvenim područjima. Oni ovdje predstavljaju primjere svojih dobrih praksi i dijele s nama osobna iskustva koja su se pokazala kao uspješna i kvalitetna te ih je moguće prenijeti u kontekst različitih baštinskih ustanova. Sljedeći koncept prvog CREARCH priručnika, ovaj ga tematski nadograđuje kroz pitanja razvoja virtualnih programskih aktivnosti, uloge digitalne kulturne baštine u službi znanosti i obrazovanja te posebice komunikacije putem društvenih mreža.
Kao i sam projekt, i ovaj priručnik ima za cilj otvoriti teme o baštini u interdisciplinarnom umreženom svijetu i poticanju kreativnosti u programima usmjerenima na razvoj publike u baštinskim ustanovama. Namijenjen je baštinskim stručnjacima koji sudjeluju u kreiranju edukativnih i kreativnih programskih aktivnosti te onima koji ih komuniciraju u digitalnom okruženju pa se nadamo da će inicirati nove ideje i zajedničke aktivnosti.
Razvoj publike - Priručnik za edukaciju arhivista i baštinskih stručnjaka, 2021
Publikacija Razvoj publike - Priručnik za edukaciju arhivista namijenjena je korištenju u praksi ... more Publikacija Razvoj publike - Priručnik za edukaciju arhivista namijenjena je korištenju u praksi baštinskih ustanova i edukaciji stručnjaka koji skrbe o arhivskoj baštini. Priručnik se bavi digitalnim pripovijedanjem, transmedijalnošću, modelima razvoja publike i primjerima dobre prakse europskih baštinskih ustanova, s ciljem educiranja AKM zajednice i stručnjaka koji žele komunicirati baštinu iz repozitorija vlastitih ustanova u virtualnom okruženju uz pomoć inovativnih digitalnih alata.
ARCHIVING AS A PROCESS, AN ARCHIVE AS A PRODUCT AND AN INSPIRATION: DIGITAL ARCHIVING They: Live - Student lives revealed through context-based art practices project, 2020
The target users of this Manual are archivists involved in the project “They: Live - Student live... more The target users of this Manual are archivists involved in the project “They: Live - Student lives revealed through context-based art practices”.This manual should serve community archivists as a guide and to help them figure out the art of creating a digital archive. Manual’s purpose is twofold: it is a theory starter-kit for designated archivists at the project and it is a methodological guidance for the process itself. It presents archival policy for the project and establishes key procedures, guidelines and codes of conduct.
CIRN Prato Community Informatics Conference 2014, 2014
Using the example of the Centre for Documenting Independent Culture this paper seeks to explore c... more Using the example of the Centre for Documenting Independent Culture this paper seeks to explore community practice regarding value assessment, acquisition and different users' needs in the field of independent culture, which is an aspect of cultural heritage stewardship that is not addressed by the official archive service in Croatia. The Centre is operated as one of the long-term projects of two Croatian NGOs: Kurziv-Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society and Association for promotion of cultures Kulturtreger. Since institutional boundaries are blurred and the Centre could be considered simultaneously an archival, museum and library project, its practices could indicate points of convergence of these types of institutions. The paper discusses possible methods for studying this community archive and understanding the influence of archival and museum theory and practice on their work.
Ποια η έννοια, η λειτουργία και η χρησιμότητα των αρχείων στην εποχή της ψηφιακής επανάστασης; Πο... more Ποια η έννοια, η λειτουργία και η χρησιμότητα των αρχείων στην εποχή της ψηφιακής επανάστασης; Ποιες νέες αναγκαιότητες έχουν προκύψει και οφείλουν να υπηρετηθούν; Η εδραίωση επιστημονικών κλάδων, όπως η Δημόσια Ιστορία και οι Ψηφιακές Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες και Τέχνες, έχουν μεταβάλει το αρχειακό τοπίο, εγκαινιάζοντας προοπτικές αξιοποίησης και ανάδειξης του πολιτιστικού περιεχομένου και καθιστώντας τα αρχεία ζωντανές εστίες έμπνευσης και δημιουργικότητας.
Οι νέες και σύνθετες διαστάσεις της πληροφορίας, των δεδομένων και των μεταδεδομένων, καθώς και οι σύγχρονες ανάγκες για ανοικτότητα, προσβασιμότητα, συμπεριληπτικότητα και ανάπτυξη του κοινού των αρχείων έχουν πυροδοτήσει έναν παραγωγικό διάλογο τόσο μεταξύ των μελών της ερευνητικής ομάδας του ευρωπαϊκού πολυεταιρικού έργου 'CR.E.ARCH.: CReative European ARCHives as Innovative Cultural Hubs', όσο και σε έναν ευρύτερο κύκλο ειδικών ερευνητών και ερευνητριών, αλλά και καλλιτεχνών που υπογράφουν τον τόμο 'Δημιουργικά αρχεία ως ζωντανά τοπία μνήμης στην ψηφιακή εποχή'.
Razvoj publike: digitalni alati i komunikacijske prakse u baštinskim ustanovama, 2021
Kratki osvrt na primjenu društvenih mreža u baštinskim ustanovama u svrhu razvoja publike.
Δημιουργικά Αρχεία ως Ζωντανά Τοπία Μνήμης στην Ψηφιακή Εποχή, Έ. Παπαλεξιου (επιμ.), 2022
Στο κεφάλαιο εξετάζονται ζητήματα όπως: πώς θα κατορθώσουν τα αρχειακά ιδρύματα να ενδιαφέρουν κο... more Στο κεφάλαιο εξετάζονται ζητήματα όπως: πώς θα κατορθώσουν τα αρχειακά ιδρύματα να ενδιαφέρουν κοινωνικές ομάδες πέραν της παραδοσιακής ερευνητικής κοινότητας; Πώς μπορούν, χωρίς να αποποιηθούν την κληρονομιά τους, να εξελιχθούν σε κόμβους για την ανάδειξη της δημόσιας ιστορίας μέσα από την ενεργή συμμετοχή της κοινότητας; Σε ειδικές υποενότητες προτείνονται λύσεις και απαντήσεις, με πρώτιστο στόχο την αβίαστη συμμετοχή του/της αρχειονόμου σε μία διαδικασία κατάκτησης και αξιοποίησης δεξιοτήτων στο πεδίο της αρχειονομικής εργασίας. Σύμφωνα με την προσέγγιση των συγγραφέων του μελετήματος, η θεωρητική βάση της παραδοσιακής αρχειονομικής εκπαίδευσης δύναται να διευρυνθεί με τη συμβολή πολλών διαφορετικών κλάδων προερχόμενων από τις Ανθρωπιστικές και Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες, τις Τέχνες, καθώς και τις Επιστήμες των Υπολογιστών. Προκειμένου να αναπτυχθεί μία τελεσφόρα σχέση με το κοινό, υποδεικνύονται παράλληλα πλείστες εφαρμογές και παραδείγματα βέλτιστων υφιστάμενων πρακτικών στο εν λόγω πεδίο.