Kari Fasting | Norwegian School of Sports Sciences (original) (raw)

Papers by Kari Fasting

Research paper thumbnail of Flere kvinner i Forsvaret? En analyse av studier om rekruttering av kvinner og kvinners erfaringer i og med Forsvaret

Research paper thumbnail of Gender and military issues : a categorized research bibliography

Research paper thumbnail of International Olympic Committee

International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of gender quotas in leadership in Norwegian organised sport

International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Commissioned Officers and Attitudes towards Military Women in the Norwegian Air Force : “It’s always nice when there are girls around”

Originally published in Res Militaris (http://resmilitaris.net) as part of its second ERGOMAS iss... more Originally published in Res Militaris (http://resmilitaris.net) as part of its second ERGOMAS issue on 'Women in the Military', February 2016. Made available to Brage, courtesy of the editors of Res Militaris.

Research paper thumbnail of OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA - Gender Roles and Barriers to Participation in Sports

Research paper thumbnail of Prevention of sexual and gender harassment and abuse in sports

Research paper thumbnail of Dangerous Liaisons

Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The Grooming Process in Sport: Narratives of Sexual Harassment and Abuse

Research paper thumbnail of Metodeutvikling for kartlegging av mobbing og seksuell trakassering i Forsvaret

Flere studier og undersøkelser har vist at både kvinner og menn opplever mobbing og seksuell trak... more Flere studier og undersøkelser har vist at både kvinner og menn opplever mobbing og seksuell trakassering i Forsvaret. Dette har uheldige konsekvenser for de som utsettes for disse handlingene, og er ødeleggende for Forsvarets evne til å utnytte og beholde kompetent personell. I tillegg kan den uønskede adferden påvirke Forsvarets omdømme negativt med uheldige konsekvenser for nyrekruttering. Derfor ønsker både politisk og militær ledelse å sette inn målrettede tiltak for forebygging av mobbing og seksuell trakassering. Målrettede tiltak krever kunnskap om hva som foregår. Forsvarsstaben og Forsvarsdepartementet gav derfor Forsvarets forskingsinstitutt i oppdrag å utvikle spørsmålsbatterier som best mulig måler hvordan, og i hvilket omfang, mobbing og seksuell trakassering forekommer i Forsvaret. I denne rapporten beskrives den metodiske utviklingen av spørsmålsbatteriene.

Research paper thumbnail of Norway

Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Norwegian elite-level coaches: who are they?

Previous studies have shown that there is an underrepresentation of female coaches and a lack of ... more Previous studies have shown that there is an underrepresentation of female coaches and a lack of opportunities for women to coach males, particularly at the elite-level. Very few studies, however, have focused on elite-level coaches’ demographics and whether these vary with respect to gender. The aim of this article is to get an overview of the gender distribution of Norwegian national team coaches with respect to different demographic variables, such as age, education and marital status. Furthermore, athletic background, coach education and coaching experience are examined. The results are based on data from an online survey among coaches who in 2012 worked as national team coaches (n=197). The main result is that the female and male coaches seem to be very similar, which is in contrast to the majority of previous research among elite-level female coaches. Another contradiction to previous studies, which mostly consist of qualitative research, is that the present quantitative study...

Research paper thumbnail of Breaking the gender stereotypes in sports

Sport, Education and Social Policy, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Using court reports to enhance knowledge of sexual abuse in sport

Sport scientists face difficulties in gaining access to data on sexual abuse in sport through con... more Sport scientists face difficulties in gaining access to data on sexual abuse in sport through conventional research sources and also in verifying media reports of such cases. One potential alternative source of data is court reports. The study reported here used a small number of court reports to examine issues confronting those researching sexual abuse in sport. Two questions were investigated: What do the court reports tell us about the perpetrators and their abuse strategies? How useful is content analysis of court reports for acquiring more knowledge about sexual abuse cases in sport? Data were drawn from electronic searches of the Norwegian Lovdata (Lawdata) website. 15 sport-based cases were revealed by the searches and then subjected to content analysis, both within- and cross-case. The findings confirm previous studies in relation to the perpetrator strategies and the absence of any perpetrator stereotype. The article concludes that court reports provide one valuable, yet st...

Research paper thumbnail of European female sport students as future coaches?

European Journal for Sport and Society, 2013

Female coaches are strongly underrepresented in the world of sport. The role of the female coach ... more Female coaches are strongly underrepresented in the world of sport. The role of the female coach has therefore received broad attention from scholars during the last three decades. Theoretical and empirical studies have focused on individual, cultural and structural gender barriers in trying to explain this underrepresentation. The purpose of this article is to contribute to this debate by investigating Norwegian and Czech female sport students’ coaching experiences, the significance of these experiences and their future coaching intentions. Mixed methods were used in the gathering of the data: a questionnaire to 407 female sport students and 19 semi-structured qualitative interviews. More than half of the sport students had coaching experience and 2/3 of them had future coaching intentions. Furthermore, coaching experiences seemed to be of importance for their coaching intentions which may be explained by their positive experiences as coaches. To have a female as a present coach al...

Research paper thumbnail of Theorizing Military Masculinities and National Identities: The Norwegian Experience

The Palgrave International Handbook of Gender and the Military, 2017

Norway has based its security on aid from great military powers, and is therefore a useful site f... more Norway has based its security on aid from great military powers, and is therefore a useful site for examining the idea of complicit masculinities: a position that benefits from the current social order, and thus complying with dominant group interests and hegemonic ideals. This chapter illustrates how such a position led Norway to take an active part in Western interventionism, resulting in a military transformation that challenged national identity, the traditional hegemonic masculinity ideal and the established gender order. This caused a struggle over military identity. By examining this identity struggle the chapter contributes to the broader debates of masculinities, how they work, how they are linked to hierarchical social structures, and how military masculinity is challenged by women’s bodies.

Research paper thumbnail of Gendered pathways to elite coaching reflecting the accumulation of capitals

Sport, Education and Society, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Gender constructions in breaking

Sport in Society, 2017

Abstract Drawing on the perspectives of youth involved in breaking, also known as breakdance, the... more Abstract Drawing on the perspectives of youth involved in breaking, also known as breakdance, the aim of this article is to explore how their experiences contribute to the doing, redoing and undoing of gender. The negotiation of gender is highlighted through the female breakers’ experiences in a male-dominated culture. The analysis is based on fieldwork and qualitative interviews with young breakers in Norway. The results show that the female breakers challenged the perception of masculinity and femininity as they extended their practice of gender. Their desire to disprove the gendered expectations of female breakers resulted in a mixing of masculinity and femininity. Accordingly, the gender regime among the breakers was simultaneously re-constructed and challenged. We argue that both male and female breakers challenge normative perceptions of doing gender. Consequently, breaking has the capacity to dismantle the gender binary, and to redo and undo the gender order.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance Level and Sexual Harassment Prevalence among Female Athletes in the Czech Republic

Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 2010

This article investigates whether there is a relationship between the sport performance level of ... more This article investigates whether there is a relationship between the sport performance level of female athletes inside the sport (at clubs, competitions, or training events) and outside sport (in family or community settings) and the likelihood that they will be victims of sexual harassment. The study sample consisted of 595 women from the Czech Republic and was divided into three performance groups: elite, non-elite/competing, and exercisers. No significant differences were found between the groups in relation to overall cases of sexual harassment, but when their experiences of sexual harassment inside and outside sport were examined, the picture changed. The chances of being harassed by someone in sport increased with performance level, from 29.7% among the exercisers to 55.2% among the elite-level athletes. However, the highest proportion of women experiencing sexual harassment was seen in the group of the exercises outside of sport (73%). This article discusses the prevalence o...

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Roles and Barriers to Participation in Sports

Sociology of Sport Journal, 1985

This study attempts to measure quantitative and qualitative dimensions of leisure time in an effo... more This study attempts to measure quantitative and qualitative dimensions of leisure time in an effort to see how they are related to the sport participation rates of women and men. Using data collected from a sample of 83 women and 128 men—all of whom were employed, married parents—it was found that women did more housework than men did but the time spent on housework did not account for differences in participation rates for either women or men. Most important in explaining participation in sports among women was the average number of hours per week their spouses were away from home in the evenings. On the basis of these findings it was concluded that the quantitative dimensions of leisure were not associated with sport participation rates; however, the qualitative dimensions of leisure were associated with barriers to participation for women but not for men. The data suggested that compared to men, women were less likely to feel they had the freedom to participate in sport. This dif...

Research paper thumbnail of Flere kvinner i Forsvaret? En analyse av studier om rekruttering av kvinner og kvinners erfaringer i og med Forsvaret

Research paper thumbnail of Gender and military issues : a categorized research bibliography

Research paper thumbnail of International Olympic Committee

International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of gender quotas in leadership in Norwegian organised sport

International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Commissioned Officers and Attitudes towards Military Women in the Norwegian Air Force : “It’s always nice when there are girls around”

Originally published in Res Militaris (http://resmilitaris.net) as part of its second ERGOMAS iss... more Originally published in Res Militaris (http://resmilitaris.net) as part of its second ERGOMAS issue on 'Women in the Military', February 2016. Made available to Brage, courtesy of the editors of Res Militaris.

Research paper thumbnail of OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA - Gender Roles and Barriers to Participation in Sports

Research paper thumbnail of Prevention of sexual and gender harassment and abuse in sports

Research paper thumbnail of Dangerous Liaisons

Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The Grooming Process in Sport: Narratives of Sexual Harassment and Abuse

Research paper thumbnail of Metodeutvikling for kartlegging av mobbing og seksuell trakassering i Forsvaret

Flere studier og undersøkelser har vist at både kvinner og menn opplever mobbing og seksuell trak... more Flere studier og undersøkelser har vist at både kvinner og menn opplever mobbing og seksuell trakassering i Forsvaret. Dette har uheldige konsekvenser for de som utsettes for disse handlingene, og er ødeleggende for Forsvarets evne til å utnytte og beholde kompetent personell. I tillegg kan den uønskede adferden påvirke Forsvarets omdømme negativt med uheldige konsekvenser for nyrekruttering. Derfor ønsker både politisk og militær ledelse å sette inn målrettede tiltak for forebygging av mobbing og seksuell trakassering. Målrettede tiltak krever kunnskap om hva som foregår. Forsvarsstaben og Forsvarsdepartementet gav derfor Forsvarets forskingsinstitutt i oppdrag å utvikle spørsmålsbatterier som best mulig måler hvordan, og i hvilket omfang, mobbing og seksuell trakassering forekommer i Forsvaret. I denne rapporten beskrives den metodiske utviklingen av spørsmålsbatteriene.

Research paper thumbnail of Norway

Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Norwegian elite-level coaches: who are they?

Previous studies have shown that there is an underrepresentation of female coaches and a lack of ... more Previous studies have shown that there is an underrepresentation of female coaches and a lack of opportunities for women to coach males, particularly at the elite-level. Very few studies, however, have focused on elite-level coaches’ demographics and whether these vary with respect to gender. The aim of this article is to get an overview of the gender distribution of Norwegian national team coaches with respect to different demographic variables, such as age, education and marital status. Furthermore, athletic background, coach education and coaching experience are examined. The results are based on data from an online survey among coaches who in 2012 worked as national team coaches (n=197). The main result is that the female and male coaches seem to be very similar, which is in contrast to the majority of previous research among elite-level female coaches. Another contradiction to previous studies, which mostly consist of qualitative research, is that the present quantitative study...

Research paper thumbnail of Breaking the gender stereotypes in sports

Sport, Education and Social Policy, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Using court reports to enhance knowledge of sexual abuse in sport

Sport scientists face difficulties in gaining access to data on sexual abuse in sport through con... more Sport scientists face difficulties in gaining access to data on sexual abuse in sport through conventional research sources and also in verifying media reports of such cases. One potential alternative source of data is court reports. The study reported here used a small number of court reports to examine issues confronting those researching sexual abuse in sport. Two questions were investigated: What do the court reports tell us about the perpetrators and their abuse strategies? How useful is content analysis of court reports for acquiring more knowledge about sexual abuse cases in sport? Data were drawn from electronic searches of the Norwegian Lovdata (Lawdata) website. 15 sport-based cases were revealed by the searches and then subjected to content analysis, both within- and cross-case. The findings confirm previous studies in relation to the perpetrator strategies and the absence of any perpetrator stereotype. The article concludes that court reports provide one valuable, yet st...

Research paper thumbnail of European female sport students as future coaches?

European Journal for Sport and Society, 2013

Female coaches are strongly underrepresented in the world of sport. The role of the female coach ... more Female coaches are strongly underrepresented in the world of sport. The role of the female coach has therefore received broad attention from scholars during the last three decades. Theoretical and empirical studies have focused on individual, cultural and structural gender barriers in trying to explain this underrepresentation. The purpose of this article is to contribute to this debate by investigating Norwegian and Czech female sport students’ coaching experiences, the significance of these experiences and their future coaching intentions. Mixed methods were used in the gathering of the data: a questionnaire to 407 female sport students and 19 semi-structured qualitative interviews. More than half of the sport students had coaching experience and 2/3 of them had future coaching intentions. Furthermore, coaching experiences seemed to be of importance for their coaching intentions which may be explained by their positive experiences as coaches. To have a female as a present coach al...

Research paper thumbnail of Theorizing Military Masculinities and National Identities: The Norwegian Experience

The Palgrave International Handbook of Gender and the Military, 2017

Norway has based its security on aid from great military powers, and is therefore a useful site f... more Norway has based its security on aid from great military powers, and is therefore a useful site for examining the idea of complicit masculinities: a position that benefits from the current social order, and thus complying with dominant group interests and hegemonic ideals. This chapter illustrates how such a position led Norway to take an active part in Western interventionism, resulting in a military transformation that challenged national identity, the traditional hegemonic masculinity ideal and the established gender order. This caused a struggle over military identity. By examining this identity struggle the chapter contributes to the broader debates of masculinities, how they work, how they are linked to hierarchical social structures, and how military masculinity is challenged by women’s bodies.

Research paper thumbnail of Gendered pathways to elite coaching reflecting the accumulation of capitals

Sport, Education and Society, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Gender constructions in breaking

Sport in Society, 2017

Abstract Drawing on the perspectives of youth involved in breaking, also known as breakdance, the... more Abstract Drawing on the perspectives of youth involved in breaking, also known as breakdance, the aim of this article is to explore how their experiences contribute to the doing, redoing and undoing of gender. The negotiation of gender is highlighted through the female breakers’ experiences in a male-dominated culture. The analysis is based on fieldwork and qualitative interviews with young breakers in Norway. The results show that the female breakers challenged the perception of masculinity and femininity as they extended their practice of gender. Their desire to disprove the gendered expectations of female breakers resulted in a mixing of masculinity and femininity. Accordingly, the gender regime among the breakers was simultaneously re-constructed and challenged. We argue that both male and female breakers challenge normative perceptions of doing gender. Consequently, breaking has the capacity to dismantle the gender binary, and to redo and undo the gender order.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance Level and Sexual Harassment Prevalence among Female Athletes in the Czech Republic

Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 2010

This article investigates whether there is a relationship between the sport performance level of ... more This article investigates whether there is a relationship between the sport performance level of female athletes inside the sport (at clubs, competitions, or training events) and outside sport (in family or community settings) and the likelihood that they will be victims of sexual harassment. The study sample consisted of 595 women from the Czech Republic and was divided into three performance groups: elite, non-elite/competing, and exercisers. No significant differences were found between the groups in relation to overall cases of sexual harassment, but when their experiences of sexual harassment inside and outside sport were examined, the picture changed. The chances of being harassed by someone in sport increased with performance level, from 29.7% among the exercisers to 55.2% among the elite-level athletes. However, the highest proportion of women experiencing sexual harassment was seen in the group of the exercises outside of sport (73%). This article discusses the prevalence o...

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Roles and Barriers to Participation in Sports

Sociology of Sport Journal, 1985

This study attempts to measure quantitative and qualitative dimensions of leisure time in an effo... more This study attempts to measure quantitative and qualitative dimensions of leisure time in an effort to see how they are related to the sport participation rates of women and men. Using data collected from a sample of 83 women and 128 men—all of whom were employed, married parents—it was found that women did more housework than men did but the time spent on housework did not account for differences in participation rates for either women or men. Most important in explaining participation in sports among women was the average number of hours per week their spouses were away from home in the evenings. On the basis of these findings it was concluded that the quantitative dimensions of leisure were not associated with sport participation rates; however, the qualitative dimensions of leisure were associated with barriers to participation for women but not for men. The data suggested that compared to men, women were less likely to feel they had the freedom to participate in sport. This dif...