Lunar impact: A history of Project Ranger (original) (raw)



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Lunar impact: A history of Project RangerComplete history of the Ranger project is provided as a tool for understanding the evolution and operational form of NASA's continuing progress of unmanned space exploration. Basic management techniques, flight operating procedures and technology for NASA's later unmanned lunar and planetary missions were reviewed. Methods for selecting experiments and integrating them with the spacecraft were also investigated.

Acquisition Source

Legacy CDMS

Document Type

Special Publication (SP)


Hall, R. C.

(NASA Headquarters Washington, DC United States)

Date Acquired

August 9, 2013

Publication Date

January 1, 1977

Subject Category

Launch Vehicles And Space Vehicles

Accession Number


Distribution Limits



Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

Available Downloads

NameType 19780007206.pdf STI

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