Gantulga Jamiyan-Ombo | The National University of Mongolia (original) (raw)
Papers by Gantulga Jamiyan-Ombo
Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia, 2017
Статья посвящена использованию краски на каменных стелах (оленных камнях) Монголии в конце II-сер... more Статья посвящена использованию краски на каменных стелах (оленных камнях) Монголии в конце II-середине I тыс. до н.э. Описываются и анализируются выявленные росписи различных оттенков красного цвета. Во всех случаях остатки краски обнаружены на тех гранях стел, которые в результате падения или последующего вторичного использования камня оказались защищены от неблагоприятных воздействий окружающей среды. Иногда консервации краски дополнительно способствует корочка кальцитовых отложений, образовавшаяся в месте соприкосновения поверхности стелы с землей. Исходя из роли в создании визуальных образов, предложено выделять две группы росписей: несамостоятельные (заполняют силуэты выбитых рисунков) и самостоятельные (создают отдельные элементы композиции стелы). Первые наиболее распространенные. По композиции изученные стелы разделены на два типа: 1) с лицевой стороной на узкой вертикальной грани и изображениями оленей в монголо-забайкальском стиле; 2) с лицевой стороной на широкой грани, выделением верхнего яруса, но без изображений оленей и пояса с оружием. Их относительная хронология документируется случаями использования стел первого типа для нанесения композиций второго типа. Первый тип стел связан с погребально-поминальными памятниками культуры херексуров и оленных камней Центральной Монголии, а второй-с захоронениями культуры плиточных могил. Традиция раскрашивать выбитые фигуры красной минеральной краской как типичный прием оформления каменных стел появилась у скотоводов восточной части Евразийского степного пояса еще в эпоху ранней бронзы.
Bulletin Du Musee D Anthropologie Prehistorique De Monaco, 2010
En 2008, l'equipe archeologique conjointe Monaco-Mongolie qui conduisait une recherche sur la... more En 2008, l'equipe archeologique conjointe Monaco-Mongolie qui conduisait une recherche sur la commune d'Ikhtamir dans la province de l'Arkhangai (Mongolie) a decouvert une inscription turque inedite sur la montagne Khoyor Khavchig, situee dans la partie ouest de la vallee de Bayantsagaan. Cette inscription turque composee de quatre lignes et d'un signe « tamga » en forme de bouquetin a ete inscrite a l'aide d'un instrument pointu sur un rocher d'une largeur de 34 cm, d'une hauteur de 72 cm et d'une epaisseur de 30 cm. La profondeur du graffiti est approximativement de 1 mm, la hauteur des lettres entre 0,6 et 2 cm, la distance entre les lignes est de 1,5 a 2 cm. La premiere ligne comporte 5 caracteres, la seconde 8, la troisieme 7 et la quatrieme 6. En plus de ces 26 caracteres, la figure gravee d'un bouquetin a la particularite d'avoir des pattes anormalement longues. Nous proposons la traduction: « L'Empereur celeste (Tengger kagan) etait assis dans la yourte de nomade au sein de la Terre Mere (etugen) ».
Bulletin Du Musee D Anthropologie Prehistorique De Monaco, 2009
Mots-clés.-Mongolie, Tsatsiin Ereg, tombe, âge du Bronze ¿QDO DUW UXSHVWUH Résumé.-Placée sous le... more Mots-clés.-Mongolie, Tsatsiin Ereg, tombe, âge du Bronze ¿QDO DUW UXSHVWUH Résumé.-Placée sous le Haut Patronage de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II et sous l'Egide de l'UNESCO, la mission archéologique conjointe 2009 s'est déroulée du 22 juin au 29 juillet. Ce fut la quatrième campagne sur le site de Tsatsiin Ereg dans la province de l'Arkhangaï. Des fouilles archéologiques ont été PHQpHV VXU OD VWUXFWXUH IXQpUDLUH $ XQH WRPEH GH OD ¿Q GH OD l'âge du Bronze. L'équipe a continué la carte
Cette etude porte plus particulierement sur les traces de peinture presentes sur certaines steles... more Cette etude porte plus particulierement sur les traces de peinture presentes sur certaines steles dites « pierres a cerfs » de Mongolie, datant de la fin du deuxieme au milieu du premier millenaire BC. La peinture apparait selon diverses nuances de rouge. Dans tous les cas, les traces de peinture ont ete trouvees sur les faces protegees des intemperies notamment sur les steles qui furent en partie ensevelies ou qui avaient ete reutilisees dans des tombes. Une protection supplementaire pourrait avoir ete apportee par une croute de calcite formee au contact des steles avec le sol. De facon generale, l’utilisation de la peinture dans la constitution des iconographies se repartit en deux categories. La premiere, la plus rencontree, est le remplissage des figures gravees ou le rehaussement de leurs bords. La seconde correspond aux motifs peints distincts des figures gravees. En termes de composition, les steles se repartissent en deux types : l) celles dont la face avant est sur le cote ...
Founded in 2006, the joint Monaco – Mongolian archaeological mission carries out its research on ... more Founded in 2006, the joint Monaco – Mongolian archaeological mission carries out its research on the Tsatsyn Ereg site in the heart of Mongolia in the province of Arkhangaï. The archaeological evidence studied by this research project dates from the Middle Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (between 1300 B.C. and 500 B.C.). The burial site is made up of at least 500 graves, 62 decorated stelae and thousands of petroglyphs (Magail 2008; Magail et al. 2010; Esin et al. 2012). The architecture, finds, animal bone record and the recognized iconography belong to one of the first pre-Scythian pastoral nomad communities dwelling in Upper Asia.
This article narrate about the stone tools which founded by Mongol-Monaco joint expedition from t... more This article narrate about the stone tools which founded by Mongol-Monaco joint expedition from the Khoid Tamiryn gol site.
Although the quantities of above stone tools of Khoid Tamiryn gol site are counted in a few numbers, but possible to study their type of stone tool produc- tivity and chipping techniques. It is complicated to determine the concerning date when stone tools have been found from the surface, instead of cultural layer. However, there is a possibility to identify the chronology by their making tech- nique, tool type and erosion.
The most spectacular nding was a chopping type tool. This tool made from ne-grained siltstone (aleurolite). Although the chopping is considered as one of main representative of the lower Paleolithic, the stone tools on our hands has a probability to relate to the later period. Erosion-weathering is average. Accord- ing to the chipped technique, erosion, and main purpose, it is possible to concern to the middle Paleolithic age.
The manufacturing method of above campsites of the Tsats tolgoi and Khuru- ugyn uzuur are certainly similar and its technique, initial chipping and condi- tion is probably related to the Upper Paleolithic period, prevailing the ancient style of initial chipped micro-cores and also bifacial chipping method. The burin, scraper and picker, which were among the tool collection, have been used as the main materials to identify the chronology. A large number of the weapon and tool stones among the stone tools which have been found from above two sites are proves that these sites were the campsites of Paleolithic people who resided there for a for a time.
Above stated two campsites are similar by all things with the stone tools of set- tlements and campsites which have been found earlier from the Khoid Tamiryn gol site and also similar to making techniques and types of Paleolithic ndings of the Moiltyn am, Orkhon-1 and Orkhon sites of Upper Paleolithic. The chopper style of tools are very di erent from other tools and made by identical technique of chopping tools of the Moiltyn am sites` lower layer.
Studia Archaeologica - Instituti Archaeologici - MONGOLIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2013
J. Gantulga, Ch. Yeruul-Erdene, J. Magail, Yu.N. Esin QUELQUES RÉSULTATS RELATIFS A L’ÉTUDE D... more J. Gantulga, Ch. Yeruul-Erdene, J. Magail, Yu.N. Esin
La mission archéologique conjointe Mongolie-Monaco présente les dernières recherches menées sur les stèles dites “pierres à cerfs” de la Vallée du Khoit Tamir. L’étude de la chaine opératoire de la confection des stèles a permis de trouver une carrière d’où proviennent les stèles en granite blanc et de formuler des hypothèses sur le transport et la taille des pierres à cerfs. L’expérimentation a donné des résultats intéressant sur les méthodes et les outils utilisés pour graver les iconographies. Les positions primaires des pierres à cerfs et des structures satellites placées autour ont fait l’objet de plusieurs relevés afin de comprendre la chronologie des implantations des dépôts de têtes de chevaux et d’ossements brûlés. Enfin, de nouveaux types de gravures ont été également découverts sur deux stèles de la Vallée du Khoit Tamir.
In fall 2005, archaeologists followed a lead by the chief geologist D. Garamzhav of Ivanhoe Mines... more In fall 2005, archaeologists followed a lead by the chief geologist D. Garamzhav of Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc. and carried out a preliminary examination and documentation of a walled enclosure surrounded by a circular parapet. The walled site is located in the Galbyn Gobi north- west of the cave Gurvan Zeerdiin Agui in Khanbogd sum, Ömnögov’ aimag, about 10 km from the Mongolian-Chinese border1 (Fig. 1). No previous research exists for the site, but brief men- tion is given in the “Short History of Mongolian Weapons” by A. Damdinsüren (1990) to a place called Mangasyn Khuree, “monster circle”. The author cites the existence of the site as in- formation from the famous study of settlements in Mongolia by Kh. Perlee (1961), yet there is no information to be found on Mangasyn Khuree within Perlee’s book. The fortified site of Baian Bulag is mentioned in Perlee’s book, and it can be assumed that Damdinsüren obtained information on a complex called Mangasyn Khuree which he later confused with the ruins of Baian Bulag in the process of providing citations.
Сүүлийн үед хүрэл, түрүү төмрийн үеийн дурсгалын судалгааны ажил нилээд түлхүү хийгдэж байгаагийн... more Сүүлийн үед хүрэл, түрүү төмрийн үеийн дурсгалын судалгааны ажил
нилээд түлхүү хийгдэж байгаагийн ачаар хэд хэдэн шинэ төрлийн дурсгалууд илэрч олдоод байгаа билээ. Түүгээр ч зогсохгүй тэдгээрийн заримыг судлаж эхлээд байна.
Тэдгээр шинэ төрлийн дурсгалуудын нэг төлөөлөл нь чулуун дараасны дөрвөн буландаа хөшөө чулуутай булш юм. Гэвч сүүлийн үед зарим судлаачид уг булшны хэрэглэгдэхүүнийг хиргисүүр болон Тувагийн Мөнгөн тайгийн хэлбэрийн булш буюу “Эд өлгийн зүйлгүй” булшныхтай адилтган үзэж эхэлсэн. Тиймээс энэхүү булшийг хиргисүүр болон Мөнгөн тайгийн хэлбэрийн булштай холбоотой эсэхийг тодруулсан тусгай өгүүлэл удахгүй нийтлэгдэх тул энэ удаад уг булшийг цаашид хэрхэн нэрлэх санал болон булшны гадаад, дотоод бүтэц зохион байгуулалт, оршуулгын зан үйл, эд өлгийн зүйлс, палеоантропологийн судалгааны талаар товч өгүүлэхийг зорьлоо.
In this article we present the framework and first results of a recently initiated project that f... more In this article we present the framework and first results of a recently initiated project that focuses on a micro-region in the Upper Orkhon Valley with the unique necropolis of Maikhan Tolgoi where khirgisuurs, slab graves, deer stones and currently undefined structures co-exist in one ritual space and overlap in time.
About 3km northeast another small necropolis – Ar Bulan Bronze – is situated on a hill above the Orkhon, a small Xiongnu period cemetery consisting of nine graves, is located nearby. In a first phase of the project the visible structures have been documented and mapped. In 2011, 2012 and 2015 excavations have been conducted. In this article we report shortly on the structures that had been excavated in the years 2011 and 2012. The cemetery of Maikhan Tolgoi is characterized by a unique density and variety of structures situated along the slope of a mountain ridge. The necropolis exhibits at least 108 identifiable surface structures (Fig. 1). While 31 structures are classifiable as slab graves and 37 as khirgisuurs other surface structures, such as stone rings and coverings of various designs are not specific for any known culture.
The density and variety of structures in this cemetery is not only exceptional for the whole upper and middle Orkhon valley, but also for other regions as well. So far a total of twelve structures of different shape, size, and construction have been investigated in Maikhan Tolgoi (Fig. 1; structures 3, 10, satellite 3 and 9 of khirgisuur 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 51, 52, and 89). In Ar Bulan Bronze, two satellite structures of khirgisuurs and two slab graves have been excavated (ABB gr. 2 and 10, Figs. 8-12). In the Xiongnu period cemetery one grave (ABKH, gr. 2, Fig. 13-15) has been investigated together with its northern stone line.
Especially noteworthy is grave 3 with a slight figure shape that was E-W orientated. It dates between 1737-1526 BC and thus is currently the oldest grave of such a type in Central Mongolia. Four structures (Maikhan Tolgoi nos. 3, 13, 52, Ar Bulan Khunnu, gr. 2) produced almost complete skeletons with good bone preservation, thus allowing for a complex anthropological investigation. But also the partial skeletons of Ar Bulan Bronze, gr. 2 and 10 allowed for the conduction of isotopical analyses. All skeletons from Maikhan Tolgoi and Ar Bulan display muscle attachment features indicative of significant mechanical stress caused by work related loading that are more pronounced on the lower extremities than on the upper body.
Khoid Tamir valley of Arkhangai province is one of rich region of archaeological heritage of many... more Khoid Tamir valley of Arkhangai province is one of rich region of archaeological heritage of many historical periods. This is the important region related to Upper Paleolithic Age to Middle Age’s monuments study. Among those sites the ancient tribes tamgas are exclusive. Since XIX century, researchers have been interesting and styding tamgas on the rockstone.
At the present time, total 168 tamgas and various marks on 5 sites as Taikhir Stone (28) and Khöröögiin Üzüür Mountains (130), sacrificing stall stones of Genden Bulag (5), Bugat (4) and Khoyor Khavchig (1) and usually crafted by dint technique, red ochre and black ink.
Generally, tamgas of these sites dating back Bronze and Early Iron Age, Xiongnu, ancient Turkic and Middle Age. In addition it should be noted some tamgas are dating back to late stage of clans.
Петроглифы Хуроогийн узуур нанесены на поверхность базальтовых валунов и скальные обнажения неско... more Петроглифы Хуроогийн узуур нанесены на поверхность базальтовых валунов и скальные обнажения нескольких сопок по правому берегу р. Хойт Тамир. Древнейший их пласт представ- лен, прежде всего, изображениями копытных животных: козлов и баранов, лошадей, быков. Изо- бражения животных обычно вырезаны по контуру тонкими линиями, иногда контур внутри «за- штрихован» или покрыт орнаментом, встречаются также фигуры животных с прошлифованным силуэтом. С точки зрения стиля для этих рисунков характерно массивное туловище, вытянутая вперед шея и небольшая голова, показано только две ноги, передняя нога обычно слегка подогну- та; у лошадей иногда короткими штрихами показана грива. Ранний возраст данных изображений подтверждают случаи, когда они перекрыты рисунками эпохи поздней бронзы и эпохи железа (рис. 1, 1). Об этом же свидетельствует цвет «загара» изображений, который, в отличие от петрог- лифов других стилистических групп, практически не отличается от цвета поверхности камня.
In this article we present the framework and first results of a recently initiated project that f... more In this article we present the framework and first results of a recently initiated project that focuses
on a unique necropolis where khirigsuurs, slab graves, deer stones and currently undefined structures
co-exist in this ritual space, and in time. By combining the approach of landscape archaeology with
bioarchaeological research and in-depth investigation of life-histories of monuments and their ritual
structures we aim at a better understanding of the past population(s).
Key words: Bronze Age, Iron Age, Mongolia, bioarchaeology, isotope analyses
La mission archéologique conjointe Mongolie-Monaco présente les dernières recherches menées sur l... more La mission archéologique conjointe Mongolie-Monaco présente les dernières recherches menées sur les stèles dites “pierres à cerfs” de la Vallée du Khoit Tamir. L’étude de la chaine opératoire de la confection des stèles a permis de trouver une carrière d’où proviennent les stèles en granite blanc et de formuler des hypothèses sur le transport et la taille des pierres à cerfs. L’expérimentation a donné des résultats intéressant sur les méthodes et les outils utilisés pour grav- er les iconographies. Les positions primaires des pierres à cerfs et des structures satellites placées autour ont fait l’objet de plusieurs relevés afin de comprendre la chronologie des implantations des dépôts de têtes de chevaux et d’ossements brûlés. Enfin, de nouveaux types de gravures ont été également découverts sur deux stèles de la Vallée du Khoit Tamir.
Valley of Tamir River is the formally vital site of Mongolian archaeologi- cal study. Human have ... more Valley of Tamir River is the formally vital site of Mongolian archaeologi- cal study. Human have been lived here since Paleolithic period and it keeps various archaeological culture which formed by later nomadic people. Espe- cially, this site is the biggest point of Deer stones of Mongolian Bronze and Early Iron Age.
The archeological research in Tamir river basin started at the end of XIX century, the beginning of XX century, the survey have been focused generally for Paleolithic age, tomb and burial, petroglyphs, monuments, ancient scripts and ruins and the study can be divided as the beginning of the study (1894- 1909), middle of the study (1950-1999) and the modern period (since 2000).
The result of Mongolian-Monaco joint archaeological expedition (MMJAE) since 2006 introduced here in brief.
Төв Азийн нүүдэлчдийн анхны төрт улс болох хүннүгийн оршуулгын дурсгал, ялангуяа хаад, язгууртны ... more Төв Азийн нүүдэлчдийн анхны төрт улс болох хүннүгийн оршуулгын дурсгал, ялангуяа хаад, язгууртны булшийг малтан судлах ажил сүүлийн жилүүдэд эрчимтэй хийгдэж байгаа билээ. Үүний үр дүнд судалгааны шинэ баримт хэрэглэгдэхүүн хуримтлагдахын хирээр урьд өмнө төдий л тодорхой бус байсан судалгааны асуудлууд шийдвэрлэгдэх боломж бүрдэж байна.
Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia, 2017
Статья посвящена использованию краски на каменных стелах (оленных камнях) Монголии в конце II-сер... more Статья посвящена использованию краски на каменных стелах (оленных камнях) Монголии в конце II-середине I тыс. до н.э. Описываются и анализируются выявленные росписи различных оттенков красного цвета. Во всех случаях остатки краски обнаружены на тех гранях стел, которые в результате падения или последующего вторичного использования камня оказались защищены от неблагоприятных воздействий окружающей среды. Иногда консервации краски дополнительно способствует корочка кальцитовых отложений, образовавшаяся в месте соприкосновения поверхности стелы с землей. Исходя из роли в создании визуальных образов, предложено выделять две группы росписей: несамостоятельные (заполняют силуэты выбитых рисунков) и самостоятельные (создают отдельные элементы композиции стелы). Первые наиболее распространенные. По композиции изученные стелы разделены на два типа: 1) с лицевой стороной на узкой вертикальной грани и изображениями оленей в монголо-забайкальском стиле; 2) с лицевой стороной на широкой грани, выделением верхнего яруса, но без изображений оленей и пояса с оружием. Их относительная хронология документируется случаями использования стел первого типа для нанесения композиций второго типа. Первый тип стел связан с погребально-поминальными памятниками культуры херексуров и оленных камней Центральной Монголии, а второй-с захоронениями культуры плиточных могил. Традиция раскрашивать выбитые фигуры красной минеральной краской как типичный прием оформления каменных стел появилась у скотоводов восточной части Евразийского степного пояса еще в эпоху ранней бронзы.
Bulletin Du Musee D Anthropologie Prehistorique De Monaco, 2010
En 2008, l'equipe archeologique conjointe Monaco-Mongolie qui conduisait une recherche sur la... more En 2008, l'equipe archeologique conjointe Monaco-Mongolie qui conduisait une recherche sur la commune d'Ikhtamir dans la province de l'Arkhangai (Mongolie) a decouvert une inscription turque inedite sur la montagne Khoyor Khavchig, situee dans la partie ouest de la vallee de Bayantsagaan. Cette inscription turque composee de quatre lignes et d'un signe « tamga » en forme de bouquetin a ete inscrite a l'aide d'un instrument pointu sur un rocher d'une largeur de 34 cm, d'une hauteur de 72 cm et d'une epaisseur de 30 cm. La profondeur du graffiti est approximativement de 1 mm, la hauteur des lettres entre 0,6 et 2 cm, la distance entre les lignes est de 1,5 a 2 cm. La premiere ligne comporte 5 caracteres, la seconde 8, la troisieme 7 et la quatrieme 6. En plus de ces 26 caracteres, la figure gravee d'un bouquetin a la particularite d'avoir des pattes anormalement longues. Nous proposons la traduction: « L'Empereur celeste (Tengger kagan) etait assis dans la yourte de nomade au sein de la Terre Mere (etugen) ».
Bulletin Du Musee D Anthropologie Prehistorique De Monaco, 2009
Mots-clés.-Mongolie, Tsatsiin Ereg, tombe, âge du Bronze ¿QDO DUW UXSHVWUH Résumé.-Placée sous le... more Mots-clés.-Mongolie, Tsatsiin Ereg, tombe, âge du Bronze ¿QDO DUW UXSHVWUH Résumé.-Placée sous le Haut Patronage de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II et sous l'Egide de l'UNESCO, la mission archéologique conjointe 2009 s'est déroulée du 22 juin au 29 juillet. Ce fut la quatrième campagne sur le site de Tsatsiin Ereg dans la province de l'Arkhangaï. Des fouilles archéologiques ont été PHQpHV VXU OD VWUXFWXUH IXQpUDLUH $ XQH WRPEH GH OD ¿Q GH OD l'âge du Bronze. L'équipe a continué la carte
Cette etude porte plus particulierement sur les traces de peinture presentes sur certaines steles... more Cette etude porte plus particulierement sur les traces de peinture presentes sur certaines steles dites « pierres a cerfs » de Mongolie, datant de la fin du deuxieme au milieu du premier millenaire BC. La peinture apparait selon diverses nuances de rouge. Dans tous les cas, les traces de peinture ont ete trouvees sur les faces protegees des intemperies notamment sur les steles qui furent en partie ensevelies ou qui avaient ete reutilisees dans des tombes. Une protection supplementaire pourrait avoir ete apportee par une croute de calcite formee au contact des steles avec le sol. De facon generale, l’utilisation de la peinture dans la constitution des iconographies se repartit en deux categories. La premiere, la plus rencontree, est le remplissage des figures gravees ou le rehaussement de leurs bords. La seconde correspond aux motifs peints distincts des figures gravees. En termes de composition, les steles se repartissent en deux types : l) celles dont la face avant est sur le cote ...
Founded in 2006, the joint Monaco – Mongolian archaeological mission carries out its research on ... more Founded in 2006, the joint Monaco – Mongolian archaeological mission carries out its research on the Tsatsyn Ereg site in the heart of Mongolia in the province of Arkhangaï. The archaeological evidence studied by this research project dates from the Middle Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (between 1300 B.C. and 500 B.C.). The burial site is made up of at least 500 graves, 62 decorated stelae and thousands of petroglyphs (Magail 2008; Magail et al. 2010; Esin et al. 2012). The architecture, finds, animal bone record and the recognized iconography belong to one of the first pre-Scythian pastoral nomad communities dwelling in Upper Asia.
This article narrate about the stone tools which founded by Mongol-Monaco joint expedition from t... more This article narrate about the stone tools which founded by Mongol-Monaco joint expedition from the Khoid Tamiryn gol site.
Although the quantities of above stone tools of Khoid Tamiryn gol site are counted in a few numbers, but possible to study their type of stone tool produc- tivity and chipping techniques. It is complicated to determine the concerning date when stone tools have been found from the surface, instead of cultural layer. However, there is a possibility to identify the chronology by their making tech- nique, tool type and erosion.
The most spectacular nding was a chopping type tool. This tool made from ne-grained siltstone (aleurolite). Although the chopping is considered as one of main representative of the lower Paleolithic, the stone tools on our hands has a probability to relate to the later period. Erosion-weathering is average. Accord- ing to the chipped technique, erosion, and main purpose, it is possible to concern to the middle Paleolithic age.
The manufacturing method of above campsites of the Tsats tolgoi and Khuru- ugyn uzuur are certainly similar and its technique, initial chipping and condi- tion is probably related to the Upper Paleolithic period, prevailing the ancient style of initial chipped micro-cores and also bifacial chipping method. The burin, scraper and picker, which were among the tool collection, have been used as the main materials to identify the chronology. A large number of the weapon and tool stones among the stone tools which have been found from above two sites are proves that these sites were the campsites of Paleolithic people who resided there for a for a time.
Above stated two campsites are similar by all things with the stone tools of set- tlements and campsites which have been found earlier from the Khoid Tamiryn gol site and also similar to making techniques and types of Paleolithic ndings of the Moiltyn am, Orkhon-1 and Orkhon sites of Upper Paleolithic. The chopper style of tools are very di erent from other tools and made by identical technique of chopping tools of the Moiltyn am sites` lower layer.
Studia Archaeologica - Instituti Archaeologici - MONGOLIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2013
J. Gantulga, Ch. Yeruul-Erdene, J. Magail, Yu.N. Esin QUELQUES RÉSULTATS RELATIFS A L’ÉTUDE D... more J. Gantulga, Ch. Yeruul-Erdene, J. Magail, Yu.N. Esin
La mission archéologique conjointe Mongolie-Monaco présente les dernières recherches menées sur les stèles dites “pierres à cerfs” de la Vallée du Khoit Tamir. L’étude de la chaine opératoire de la confection des stèles a permis de trouver une carrière d’où proviennent les stèles en granite blanc et de formuler des hypothèses sur le transport et la taille des pierres à cerfs. L’expérimentation a donné des résultats intéressant sur les méthodes et les outils utilisés pour graver les iconographies. Les positions primaires des pierres à cerfs et des structures satellites placées autour ont fait l’objet de plusieurs relevés afin de comprendre la chronologie des implantations des dépôts de têtes de chevaux et d’ossements brûlés. Enfin, de nouveaux types de gravures ont été également découverts sur deux stèles de la Vallée du Khoit Tamir.
In fall 2005, archaeologists followed a lead by the chief geologist D. Garamzhav of Ivanhoe Mines... more In fall 2005, archaeologists followed a lead by the chief geologist D. Garamzhav of Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc. and carried out a preliminary examination and documentation of a walled enclosure surrounded by a circular parapet. The walled site is located in the Galbyn Gobi north- west of the cave Gurvan Zeerdiin Agui in Khanbogd sum, Ömnögov’ aimag, about 10 km from the Mongolian-Chinese border1 (Fig. 1). No previous research exists for the site, but brief men- tion is given in the “Short History of Mongolian Weapons” by A. Damdinsüren (1990) to a place called Mangasyn Khuree, “monster circle”. The author cites the existence of the site as in- formation from the famous study of settlements in Mongolia by Kh. Perlee (1961), yet there is no information to be found on Mangasyn Khuree within Perlee’s book. The fortified site of Baian Bulag is mentioned in Perlee’s book, and it can be assumed that Damdinsüren obtained information on a complex called Mangasyn Khuree which he later confused with the ruins of Baian Bulag in the process of providing citations.
Сүүлийн үед хүрэл, түрүү төмрийн үеийн дурсгалын судалгааны ажил нилээд түлхүү хийгдэж байгаагийн... more Сүүлийн үед хүрэл, түрүү төмрийн үеийн дурсгалын судалгааны ажил
нилээд түлхүү хийгдэж байгаагийн ачаар хэд хэдэн шинэ төрлийн дурсгалууд илэрч олдоод байгаа билээ. Түүгээр ч зогсохгүй тэдгээрийн заримыг судлаж эхлээд байна.
Тэдгээр шинэ төрлийн дурсгалуудын нэг төлөөлөл нь чулуун дараасны дөрвөн буландаа хөшөө чулуутай булш юм. Гэвч сүүлийн үед зарим судлаачид уг булшны хэрэглэгдэхүүнийг хиргисүүр болон Тувагийн Мөнгөн тайгийн хэлбэрийн булш буюу “Эд өлгийн зүйлгүй” булшныхтай адилтган үзэж эхэлсэн. Тиймээс энэхүү булшийг хиргисүүр болон Мөнгөн тайгийн хэлбэрийн булштай холбоотой эсэхийг тодруулсан тусгай өгүүлэл удахгүй нийтлэгдэх тул энэ удаад уг булшийг цаашид хэрхэн нэрлэх санал болон булшны гадаад, дотоод бүтэц зохион байгуулалт, оршуулгын зан үйл, эд өлгийн зүйлс, палеоантропологийн судалгааны талаар товч өгүүлэхийг зорьлоо.
In this article we present the framework and first results of a recently initiated project that f... more In this article we present the framework and first results of a recently initiated project that focuses on a micro-region in the Upper Orkhon Valley with the unique necropolis of Maikhan Tolgoi where khirgisuurs, slab graves, deer stones and currently undefined structures co-exist in one ritual space and overlap in time.
About 3km northeast another small necropolis – Ar Bulan Bronze – is situated on a hill above the Orkhon, a small Xiongnu period cemetery consisting of nine graves, is located nearby. In a first phase of the project the visible structures have been documented and mapped. In 2011, 2012 and 2015 excavations have been conducted. In this article we report shortly on the structures that had been excavated in the years 2011 and 2012. The cemetery of Maikhan Tolgoi is characterized by a unique density and variety of structures situated along the slope of a mountain ridge. The necropolis exhibits at least 108 identifiable surface structures (Fig. 1). While 31 structures are classifiable as slab graves and 37 as khirgisuurs other surface structures, such as stone rings and coverings of various designs are not specific for any known culture.
The density and variety of structures in this cemetery is not only exceptional for the whole upper and middle Orkhon valley, but also for other regions as well. So far a total of twelve structures of different shape, size, and construction have been investigated in Maikhan Tolgoi (Fig. 1; structures 3, 10, satellite 3 and 9 of khirgisuur 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 51, 52, and 89). In Ar Bulan Bronze, two satellite structures of khirgisuurs and two slab graves have been excavated (ABB gr. 2 and 10, Figs. 8-12). In the Xiongnu period cemetery one grave (ABKH, gr. 2, Fig. 13-15) has been investigated together with its northern stone line.
Especially noteworthy is grave 3 with a slight figure shape that was E-W orientated. It dates between 1737-1526 BC and thus is currently the oldest grave of such a type in Central Mongolia. Four structures (Maikhan Tolgoi nos. 3, 13, 52, Ar Bulan Khunnu, gr. 2) produced almost complete skeletons with good bone preservation, thus allowing for a complex anthropological investigation. But also the partial skeletons of Ar Bulan Bronze, gr. 2 and 10 allowed for the conduction of isotopical analyses. All skeletons from Maikhan Tolgoi and Ar Bulan display muscle attachment features indicative of significant mechanical stress caused by work related loading that are more pronounced on the lower extremities than on the upper body.
Khoid Tamir valley of Arkhangai province is one of rich region of archaeological heritage of many... more Khoid Tamir valley of Arkhangai province is one of rich region of archaeological heritage of many historical periods. This is the important region related to Upper Paleolithic Age to Middle Age’s monuments study. Among those sites the ancient tribes tamgas are exclusive. Since XIX century, researchers have been interesting and styding tamgas on the rockstone.
At the present time, total 168 tamgas and various marks on 5 sites as Taikhir Stone (28) and Khöröögiin Üzüür Mountains (130), sacrificing stall stones of Genden Bulag (5), Bugat (4) and Khoyor Khavchig (1) and usually crafted by dint technique, red ochre and black ink.
Generally, tamgas of these sites dating back Bronze and Early Iron Age, Xiongnu, ancient Turkic and Middle Age. In addition it should be noted some tamgas are dating back to late stage of clans.
Петроглифы Хуроогийн узуур нанесены на поверхность базальтовых валунов и скальные обнажения неско... more Петроглифы Хуроогийн узуур нанесены на поверхность базальтовых валунов и скальные обнажения нескольких сопок по правому берегу р. Хойт Тамир. Древнейший их пласт представ- лен, прежде всего, изображениями копытных животных: козлов и баранов, лошадей, быков. Изо- бражения животных обычно вырезаны по контуру тонкими линиями, иногда контур внутри «за- штрихован» или покрыт орнаментом, встречаются также фигуры животных с прошлифованным силуэтом. С точки зрения стиля для этих рисунков характерно массивное туловище, вытянутая вперед шея и небольшая голова, показано только две ноги, передняя нога обычно слегка подогну- та; у лошадей иногда короткими штрихами показана грива. Ранний возраст данных изображений подтверждают случаи, когда они перекрыты рисунками эпохи поздней бронзы и эпохи железа (рис. 1, 1). Об этом же свидетельствует цвет «загара» изображений, который, в отличие от петрог- лифов других стилистических групп, практически не отличается от цвета поверхности камня.
In this article we present the framework and first results of a recently initiated project that f... more In this article we present the framework and first results of a recently initiated project that focuses
on a unique necropolis where khirigsuurs, slab graves, deer stones and currently undefined structures
co-exist in this ritual space, and in time. By combining the approach of landscape archaeology with
bioarchaeological research and in-depth investigation of life-histories of monuments and their ritual
structures we aim at a better understanding of the past population(s).
Key words: Bronze Age, Iron Age, Mongolia, bioarchaeology, isotope analyses
La mission archéologique conjointe Mongolie-Monaco présente les dernières recherches menées sur l... more La mission archéologique conjointe Mongolie-Monaco présente les dernières recherches menées sur les stèles dites “pierres à cerfs” de la Vallée du Khoit Tamir. L’étude de la chaine opératoire de la confection des stèles a permis de trouver une carrière d’où proviennent les stèles en granite blanc et de formuler des hypothèses sur le transport et la taille des pierres à cerfs. L’expérimentation a donné des résultats intéressant sur les méthodes et les outils utilisés pour grav- er les iconographies. Les positions primaires des pierres à cerfs et des structures satellites placées autour ont fait l’objet de plusieurs relevés afin de comprendre la chronologie des implantations des dépôts de têtes de chevaux et d’ossements brûlés. Enfin, de nouveaux types de gravures ont été également découverts sur deux stèles de la Vallée du Khoit Tamir.
Valley of Tamir River is the formally vital site of Mongolian archaeologi- cal study. Human have ... more Valley of Tamir River is the formally vital site of Mongolian archaeologi- cal study. Human have been lived here since Paleolithic period and it keeps various archaeological culture which formed by later nomadic people. Espe- cially, this site is the biggest point of Deer stones of Mongolian Bronze and Early Iron Age.
The archeological research in Tamir river basin started at the end of XIX century, the beginning of XX century, the survey have been focused generally for Paleolithic age, tomb and burial, petroglyphs, monuments, ancient scripts and ruins and the study can be divided as the beginning of the study (1894- 1909), middle of the study (1950-1999) and the modern period (since 2000).
The result of Mongolian-Monaco joint archaeological expedition (MMJAE) since 2006 introduced here in brief.
Төв Азийн нүүдэлчдийн анхны төрт улс болох хүннүгийн оршуулгын дурсгал, ялангуяа хаад, язгууртны ... more Төв Азийн нүүдэлчдийн анхны төрт улс болох хүннүгийн оршуулгын дурсгал, ялангуяа хаад, язгууртны булшийг малтан судлах ажил сүүлийн жилүүдэд эрчимтэй хийгдэж байгаа билээ. Үүний үр дүнд судалгааны шинэ баримт хэрэглэгдэхүүн хуримтлагдахын хирээр урьд өмнө төдий л тодорхой бус байсан судалгааны асуудлууд шийдвэрлэгдэх боломж бүрдэж байна.
La mission archeologique conjointe Monaco-Mongolie, fondee en 2006, mene des recherches sur le si... more La mission archeologique conjointe Monaco-Mongolie, fondee en 2006, mene des recherches sur le site de Tsatsyn Ereg, ou ont ete repertories 500 tombes de l'age du Bronze, 62 steles ornees et plusieurs milliers de petroglyphes.
L’Institut d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de l’Académie des Sciences de Mongolie et le Musée d’Anthr... more L’Institut d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de l’Académie des Sciences de Mongolie et le Musée d’Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco coopèrent dans le domaine de l’archéologie depuis 2006 dans les vallées du Khoid Tamir et de la Khunuin gol, à 50 km au nord de la ville de Tsetserleg, capitale de la province de l’Arkhangaï. La région est très riche en vestiges funéraires, cérémoniels et iconographiques de l’âge du Bronze final et du début de l’âge du Fer. En effet, la zone étudiée par la mission conjointe comprend plus de 800 tombes, 108 stèles ornées et un site d’art rupestre composé de plus d’un millier de pétroglyphes.
It has been ve years since the beginning of the Mongol-Monaco’s joint archaeological research in... more It has been ve years since the beginning of the Mongol-Monaco’s joint archaeological research in Khoid Tamiryn gol site. During these years besides of the archaeological survey and excavation research we have been managed rescue work of the archaeological monuments.
The Khoid Tamiryn gol site is very rich with the historical and cultural monuments maximal than other sites, and we are publishing this catalog dedicating for the 5th anniversary of the joint project, by the selected 44 deer stones among those monuments.
Deer stone is a widely spread monument in the territory of Mongolia, but there are over 100 deer stones in the basin of the Khoid Tamir river, it shows that this area was the one center of ceremony, ritual and culture of the deer stones. Also the stone exploitation site for deer stones discovered in this area which additionally con rms the concept.
The deer stones in the basin of the Khoid Tamir River concern to the classi cation of Mongol-Transbaikalian deer stone type [Volkov, 2002, 13-25]. As a result of eld research of the Mongol-Monaco joint expedition which carried out between 2006-2010 in the sites of Tsats tolgoi, Tsatsyn Ereg, Bayantsagaan valley, Elstyn gol and Khavtsalyn am we have discovered in total of 19 deer stones and put into the scienti c use.
On these selected deer stones depicted 12 types of illustrations of 3 sorts of images such as sky, animal and tools and totally depicted; sun and moon 51, deer 412, horse 24, wild goat 13, earring 8, necklace 10, mirror 24, belt 20, dagger 36, pickaxe 24, bow and arrow 10, quiver 5, shield 22, hook and other tools 17 (see appendix-2,3, diagram-2).
Also the result of the height comparison work on the deer stones as follows: 11 deer stones with height of 65-150 cm, 24 deer stones with 150-250 cm, 8 deer stones with height of 250-350 cm, 1 deer stone with height of 350-408 cm (see appendix-3, diagram-3).
We suggest that the small and big single sphere illustrations on the top of the monument are either illustrations of the sun and moon or the sky and probably it is a symbol of the spirit-world in the sky. The deer illustration on the deer stone is the transportation of a spirit of deceased to another world and weapon and other animal illustrations, where depicted on middle part, are the representatives of the real objects which are going together with the owner.
Probably, the deer stone is a symbolized ritual monument of the nomads that shows the process how the spirit of a de- ceased is going up to the sky and demonstrates nomad’s imagination of a spirit-world.