HUANG Jianli 黃坚立 | National University of Singapore (original) (raw)

Books by HUANG Jianli 黃坚立

Research paper thumbnail of Zheng He and the Afro-Asian World.

Edited by Chia Lin Sien & Sally K. Church.

Research paper thumbnail of The Politics of Depoliticization in Republican China: Guomindang Policy Towards Student Political Activism, 1927-1949 民国时期去政治化的政治:国民党对学生运动的政策, 1927-1949 (Bern: Peter Lang AG, 1996) (Second edition, 1999), 242 pp.

This study complements the extant scholarship on Chinese student political activism by focusing o... more This study complements the extant scholarship on Chinese student political activism by focusing on how the ruling Guomindang party in republican China viewed the issue and formulated its response from 1927 to 1949. Basically, a set of restrictive regulations governing student unions was imposed and served as the core of its student policy. It was, however, a two-pronged approach, involving also ideological indoctrination, political cultivation of student loyalists, and even a party youth wing. Hence, it was a strategy of depoliticization with politics never out of the picture. A substantial part of the book analyses the Guomindang Youth Corps, adding significant details to the pioneering studies of Lloyd Eastman and enhancing our understanding of its role. Research on this work was conducted primarily at the Guomindang archives in Taiwan and the Chinese Second Historical Archives in Nanjing of mainland China.

[Research paper thumbnail of Nanzhan de shuangyi: Zhongguo Guomindang miandui xuesheng yundong de kunjing yu juece, 1927-1949 难展的双翼:中国国民党面对学生运动的困境与决策,1927-1949 [Difficulties of a Two Prong Approach: Dilemma and Decision of the Guomindang on Student Movements in China, 1927-1949] (Beijing 北京: Commercial Press 商务印书馆, 2010), 271pp.](

Research paper thumbnail of The Scripting of a National History: Singapore and its Pasts 国家历史的编写:新加坡及其往事 (Co-authored) (Singapore: NUS Press, in conjunction with Hong Kong University Press, 2008), 300 pp.

Rather than presenting another narrative of Singapore history, The Scripting of a National Histor... more Rather than presenting another narrative of Singapore history, The Scripting of a National History: Singapore and Its Pasts studies the constructed nature of the history endorsed by the state, which blurs the distinction between what happened in the past, and how the state intends that past to be understood. The People’s Action Party (PAP) government’s unbroken mandate to rule has come in no small part form the way it explains its lineage and record to Singaporeans. The power vested in various aspects of Singapore’s history is thus examined through a consideration of past and present politics.

The authors trace state discourses on Singapore history from the decision immediately after independence to recognise the nineteenth-century British acquisition of the island as its founding moment, to the 1980s and 1990s when an essentially Confucian heritage was recognized under the rubric of “Asian values’, and finally to an emphasis on the history of racial fragility and harmony in response to the threat of terrorism in the twenty-first century, embedded within these discourses is the story of the PAP as the heir of the economic dynamics of the pax Britannica, as an exponent of the morality and righteousness of the Chinese scholar-gentlemen, and as the firm hand that balances the interests of the majority Chinese against those of the minority populations, particularly the Malays.

The authors examine the underlying template of Singapore history, the negotiation with its immigrant past, and the popularization of history through conscription of national heroes. The chapters range from considering how political leaders claim to be historians by virtue of being the makers of history, to the vicissitudes undergone by two originally private homes turned into symbols of Singapore’s Chinese modernity.

The Scripting of a National History: Singapore and Its Pasts is highly relevant not only to academics but also for the Singapore general reader interested to see what are meant to be received wisdoms for the citizenry interrogated in a well-reasoned and engaging exercise, as well as for an international readership to whom Singapore has become a fascinating enigma. They may well be intrigued by the anxieties of being Singaporean.

Research paper thumbnail of Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order 华人世界次序的权力与认同, (Co-edited) (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003), 460 pp.

Wang Gungwu is one of the most influential historians of his generation. Initially renowned for h... more Wang Gungwu is one of the most influential historians of his generation. Initially renowned for his pioneering work on the structure of power in early imperial China, he is more widely known for expanding the horizons of Chinese history to include the histories of the Chinese and their descendants outside China. It is probably no coincidence, Philip Kuhn observes, that the most comprehensive historian of the Overseas Chinese is the historian most firmly grounded in the history of China itself.

This book is a celebration of the life, work, and impact of Professor Wang Gungwu over the past four decades. It commemorates his contribution to the study of Chinese history and the abiding influence he has exercised over later generations of historians, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

The book begins with a historiographical survey by Philip Kuhn (Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History at Harvard University) of Wang Gungwu’s enduring contribution to scholarship. It concludes with an engaging oral history of Professor Wang’s life, career, and research trajectory.

The intervening chapters explore many of the fields in which Wang Gungwu’s influence has been felt over the years, including questions of political authority, national identity, commercial life, and the history of the diaspora from imperial times to the present day. These chapters are authored by former students of Professor Wang, now working and teaching in Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Australasia, Taiwan and Canada.

[Research paper thumbnail of Haiwai huaren yanjiu de dashiye yu xinfangxiang 海外华人研究的大视野与新方向 [Macro Perspectives and New Directions in the Studies of Chinese Overseas], (Co-edited) (River Edge, New Jersey: Global Publishing, 2002), 436 pp.](

王赓武教授是享誉海内外的著名历史学家和教育家。 他1930年出生于印尼泗水,在马来亚长大及受教育,曾就读于马来亚大学,获学士学位和硕士学位。1957年获伦敦大学亚非研究学院哲学博士学位。旋任教于... more 王赓武教授是享誉海内外的著名历史学家和教育家。 他1930年出生于印尼泗水,在马来亚长大及受教育,曾就读于马来亚大学,获学士学位和硕士学位。1957年获伦敦大学亚非研究学院哲学博士学位。旋任教于马来亚大学,1963~1968年任讲座教授和系主任。1968年转赴堪培拉澳洲国立大学,任远东史讲座教授和系主任。1975~1980年出掌该校太平洋研究院院长。1986年任香港大学校长。1997年任新加坡国立大学东亚研究所所长,1996年任陈嘉庚国际学会会长。


Papers by HUANG Jianli 黃坚立

Research paper thumbnail of History and the Imaginaries of ‘Big Singapore’: Positioning the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall

Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004

The establishment of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall marks the PAP govern-ment's c... more The establishment of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall marks the PAP govern-ment's charting of a revolutionary, modernising genealogy of seismic proportions for the fashioning of a 'Big Singapore' as the political, economic and cultural focus of the Chinese diaspora. ...

Research paper thumbnail of "Resurgent Spirits of Civil Society Activism:  Rediscovering the Bukit Brown Cemetery in Singapore  公民社会的浴火重生:新加坡武吉布朗坟场之重新发现" in Journl of Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报, 87,2 (Dec 2014): 21-45.

The proposed building of a major highway and expected extensive housing projects in the forgotte... more The proposed building of a major highway and expected extensive housing projects in the forgotten Chinese cemetery at Bukit Brown of Singapore in 2011 had ignited unprecedented national and international attention. Opened in 1922 by the British colonial authorities and eventually embedded with over 100,000 graves of the Chinese diaspora within a site rich in biodiversity, it is now touted as one of the largest Chinese cemeteries outside of China and a possible candidate for listing as an UNESCO World Heritage site. This paper is not intended as a major theoretical framing of larger issues, instead the focus is on chronicling the important resurgence of civil society activism in the process of rediscovery and tracing the challenges posed to the disciplinary political authorities of Singapore. Previous studies about contestation over Chinese burial grounds in Singapore are centred on Western versus Chinese practices and on parochial sub-communal interest versus modernist developmental regimes, without bringing heritage concerns directly into the microphysics of power. This new narrative on Bukit Brown will unveil the extent to which heritage, history and identity had suddenly surged to the forefront of citizenry consciousness and interrogated the fundamentals of governance and national developmental agenda.

Research paper thumbnail of "Biography and Representation: A Nanyang University Scholar and Her Configuration of the Sinophone Intelligentsia in Singapore 传记和表述:一个南洋大学学者与她所构造的新加坡华文知识分子," Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies 南方华裔研究杂志, 5 (2011-12): pp. 3-28.

This study uses the corpus of writings and range of activities of a Nanyang University scholar as... more This study uses the corpus of writings and range of activities of a Nanyang University scholar as the lens to refract the transfiguration of the Chineseeducated intelligentsia in Singapore over five decades of English-educated PAP hegemony. It is a weaving of biography and representation, bringing to the forefront Lee Guan Kin’s educational experience and public intellectual activism, and pairing these with her scholarly analysis of them. Her insider’s perspective would allow for a greater appreciation of the dilemma, anguish, aspirations and intra-dynamics of this segment of the Chinese community amidst the larger national environment of declining Chinese language competency.

Research paper thumbnail of “Ong Pang Boon 王邦文” and “Wang Gungwu 王赓武,” in  Southeast Asian Personalities of Chinese Descent: A Biographical Dictionary 东南亚著名华裔:人物大词典, edited by Leo Suryadinata (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2012), pp. 838-841 and 1250-1252.

[Research paper thumbnail of "Yishi yu qianliu: Nanyang de Xinhai Geming jinian, 1925-1941, 仪式与潜流:南洋的辛亥革命纪念,1925-1941 [Rituals and Undercurrents: Commemorating the 1911 Revolution in Nanyang, 1925-1941], "](

in Sun Zhongshang yu Geming zhishi: lishi, jiyi yu fansi 孙中山和革命志士:历史,记忆与反思 [Sun Yat-sen and the Revolutionaries: History, Memory and Reflection], edited by Huang Xianqiang, Chen Dinghui, Pan Xuanhui, pp. 57-82. (Singapore: Sun Yat-sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, 2012)

Research paper thumbnail of HUANG Jianli, "Heritage and History: The 600th Anniversary Commemoration of Zheng He Voyages in Singapore", in Zheng He and the Afro-Asian World, edited by Chia Lin Sien and Sally K Church, pp. 216-243 (Melaka: Perbadanan Muzium Melaka and International Zheng He Society, 2012).

[Research paper thumbnail of "Huaqiao wei geming zhimu: Zanyu zhi laili yu xushu 华侨为革命之母:赞誉之来历于叙述 [Overseas Chinese as the Mother of Revolution: Origins and Discourse of the Epithet]", Huaren yanjiu guoji xuebao 华人研究国际学报 [International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies], 2, 2 (Dec 2011): 21-56.](

在近百年追述孙中山、南洋与辛亥革命这三方关系的过程中,“华侨为革命之母”已成为了最典型的名言之一。本文通过孙中山和其他人的著作与演讲来追探此赞誉不明的来历。我们也将分析其为人们运用与叙述的高低潮... more 在近百年追述孙中山、南洋与辛亥革命这三方关系的过程中,“华侨为革命之母”已成为了最典型的名言之一。本文通过孙中山和其他人的著作与演讲来追探此赞誉不明的来历。我们也将分析其为人们运用与叙述的高低潮,这让我们发觉它在1930年代经常被人引用,但在1940年代却暗淡下来。1950年代到1980年代时,它成为了台湾冷战时期的工具。在中华人民共和国1978年改革开放后,它又呈现为中国学界研究课题的焦点之一。本文的最后一个部分,探讨了南洋大众文化是怎样通过纪念馆的文物陈列、戏剧的表演和电影的制作把这赞誉性别化。古往今来,此赞誉在不同的历史背景下经历过无穷的变数与叙述,但它一直持续地作为海外华侨、华人与他们祖国联系中的关键脐带。

Research paper thumbnail of “Umbilical Ties: The Framing of the Overseas Chinese as the Mother of the Revolution 脐带联系:华侨为革命之母” Frontiers of History in China 中国历史学前沿, 6, 2 (Jun 2011): 183-228.

One of the most iconic expressions in the last one hundred years associated with Sun Yat-sen, Nan... more One of the most iconic expressions in the last one hundred years associated with Sun Yat-sen, Nanyang and the 1911 Revolution of China has been “The Overseas Chinese are the Mother of the Revolution.” This paper traces the hazy origin of the slogan in its particular, well-known form as well as through paraphrases by examining its linkages to Sun Yat-sen and a wide body of writings from different periods. It highlights the waxing and waning of its usage, pointing to a period of high currency in the early 1930s, fading out in the 1940s, emergence as a Cold War coinage in Taiwan from the 1950s to the 1980s, and its surfacing as a focus of scholarship in the mainland of China after 1978. The final sections of the essay explore the more recent transformation of the saying in Nanyang popular culture through museum displays, theatre performance, and film. Over time, the saying, in its various configurations, serves to use it as an umbilical cord connecting the Chinese diaspora with its ancestral land.

Research paper thumbnail of “Umbilical Ties: The Framing of the Overseas Chinese as the Mother of the Revolution 脐带联系:华侨为革命之母,” in Sun Yan-sen, Nanyang and the 1911 Revolution 孙中山,南洋与辛亥革命, edited by Lee Lai To and Lee Hock Guan (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2011), pp.75-129.

Research paper thumbnail of “Conceptualizing Chinese Migration and Chinese Overseas: The Contribution of Wang Gungwu 海外华人与移民的概念化:王赓武的贡献,” Journal of Chinese Overseas 海外华人学报, 6, 1 (May 2010): 1-21.

The movement of people leaving and returning to China from the second half of the19th century to ... more The movement of people leaving and returning to China from the second half of the19th century to the present is of such a phenomenal magnitude and complexity that Wang Gungwu has devoted a lifetime of his scholarship to tracking and explaining the various cycles of Chinese migration and settlement. Through this effort, he has not only contributed to China studies in general but has also pioneered and become the doyen of a new sub-field in the study of Chinese communities located outside of China and scattered all over the world. This has been a long and rewarding engagement for him, but not one without its moments of difficulties, especially at the conceptual level. Centering on Wang’s pool of scholarly writings and reminiscences, this article discusses his vigorous examination of the accuracy and appropriateness of various terms of analysis, such as “Nanyang Chinese,” “Overseas Chinese,” “Huaqiao,” “Greater China,” “Chinese Diaspora,” and “Chinese Overseas.” This discussion on terminology will also be used to reflect on Wang’s position on larger issues such as the danger of emotive responses to inappropriate labelling, the role of scholars in facilitating a better understanding of the contemporary world, as well as the relationship between scholarship and politics.

Research paper thumbnail of “Portable Histories in Mobile City Singapore: The (Lack)lustre of Admiral Zheng He 流动城新加坡的便携式历史: (缺乏)光泽的郑和,” (co-authored) South East Asia Research 东南亚研究, 17, 2 (Jul 2009): 287-309.

‘Singapore stories’ are frequently tales of departure and arrival, but in the midst of this the n... more ‘Singapore stories’ are frequently tales of departure and arrival, but in the midst of this the nation-state has set out to construct a sense of permanence, and with that a future, such that the transits might become meaningful in the national narrative. Those who leave are supposed to be overseas Singaporeans; those who come, new Singaporeans. To this end, the country could do with an icon of mobility such as Zheng He, who evokes history, characterand expansiveness. His legendary journeys stimulated imaginations and marked the apex of the navigational technology of his day. In mainstream historical accounts, he was a figure of peace, representing the mighty yet benevolent Middle Kingdom, and even a folk deity. The 600th anniversary of the launching of the first voyage in 1405 was celebrated throughout China and the Chinese diaspora. In Singapore, the Singapore Tourism Board and private agencies rode on the worldwide publicity generated by the 2002 book by Gavin Menzies – arguing that China discovered America before Columbus and circumnavigated the world before Magellan – to host a range of mega-events, including an international exhibition based on the book’s claims. However, the celebrations were dampened by the efforts of Singapore-based Geoff Wade, a historian of Ming dynasty China, who has tirelessly disputed such claims. Other scholars and businessmen in Singapore have also entered the fray. From Raffles to Zheng He, Singapore’s search for history serves only to emphasize its historical rootlessness.

Research paper thumbnail of “Shifting Culture and Identity: Three Portraits of Singapore Entrepreneur Lee Kong Chian (1893-1967) 文化与身份的转移:新加坡企业家李光前形象的三种建构,” Journal of Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报, 82, 1 (Jun 2009): 71-100.

Lee Kong Chian was one of the most important Chinese entrepreneurs in the Asian diasporic landsca... more Lee Kong Chian was one of the most important Chinese entrepreneurs in the Asian diasporic landscape from the 1920s to 1960s. Born in late Qing China, he migrated to colonial British Singapore as a young boy in 1903, but went back for part of his education from 1908 to 1912. Empowered by a bilingual competency, he began his working career in an assortment of jobs and eventually ended up working for the leading Chinese businessman and community leader Tan Kah Kee and later marrying his daughter. He surged into the public limelight as a force in his own right from the late 1920s and steadily built up a formidable business empire, due in part to his entrepreneurial flair in taking advantage of the Great Depression and the Korean War. He soon acquired the reputation of being the ‘Rubber King’ and ‘Pineapple King’ of Southeast Asia and left profound imprints in the realms of business, education, and philanthropy, the last in particular having reverberations to the present day through the uninterrupted dispensation of his largesse by the Lee Foundation he set up in 1952.

As a public figure who had lived through the tumultuous decades of high nationalism in China, Second World War, British decolonization, nation building and the Cold War, different images of Lee Kong Chian have invariably been produced and projected at different points in time and space. This paper begins with a critical review of the substantive pool of Chinese-language writings on him and then examines closely three major ways in which he has been portrayed amidst the changing circuits of power and shifting identity formation.

[Research paper thumbnail of “Shenfen rentong de zhuanxing: Nanyang qiyejia liguangqian sanzhongxingxiang de jiangou 身份认同的转型:南洋企业家李光前三种形象的建构 [Shifting Identity: Three Portraits of Singapore Entrepreneur Lee Kong Chian],” Huaren yanjiu guoji xuebao华人研究国际学报[International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies], 1, 2 (Dec 2009): 49-73.](

李光前是1920年代至1960年代亚洲移民世界中最具影响力的华人企业家之一。李的一生经历了许多重要的历史时期,作为一个公众人物,其个人形象也总是随着时空的变化而不断地被设计和塑造着。本文从对一些... more 李光前是1920年代至1960年代亚洲移民世界中最具影响力的华人企业家之一。李的一生经历了许多重要的历史时期,作为一个公众人物,其个人形象也总是随着时空的变化而不断地被设计和塑造着。本文从对一些关于李光前的中文文献进行批判性分析入手,进而考察在权力关系的变迁和身份认同的转移中,建构李光前个人形象的三种主要趋向:杰出的南洋资本家和慈善家;爱国华侨的代表;新加坡新历史叙述中的本土“先贤”。

[Research paper thumbnail of “Zuixun guowang de xuesheng yundong 追寻过往的学生运动[In Search of Student Politics of the Past],” in Yuan qiexian 圆切线 [Tangent], 6.2 (Aug 2007): 19-23.](

Research paper thumbnail of Zheng He and the Afro-Asian World.

Edited by Chia Lin Sien & Sally K. Church.

Research paper thumbnail of The Politics of Depoliticization in Republican China: Guomindang Policy Towards Student Political Activism, 1927-1949 民国时期去政治化的政治:国民党对学生运动的政策, 1927-1949 (Bern: Peter Lang AG, 1996) (Second edition, 1999), 242 pp.

This study complements the extant scholarship on Chinese student political activism by focusing o... more This study complements the extant scholarship on Chinese student political activism by focusing on how the ruling Guomindang party in republican China viewed the issue and formulated its response from 1927 to 1949. Basically, a set of restrictive regulations governing student unions was imposed and served as the core of its student policy. It was, however, a two-pronged approach, involving also ideological indoctrination, political cultivation of student loyalists, and even a party youth wing. Hence, it was a strategy of depoliticization with politics never out of the picture. A substantial part of the book analyses the Guomindang Youth Corps, adding significant details to the pioneering studies of Lloyd Eastman and enhancing our understanding of its role. Research on this work was conducted primarily at the Guomindang archives in Taiwan and the Chinese Second Historical Archives in Nanjing of mainland China.

[Research paper thumbnail of Nanzhan de shuangyi: Zhongguo Guomindang miandui xuesheng yundong de kunjing yu juece, 1927-1949 难展的双翼:中国国民党面对学生运动的困境与决策,1927-1949 [Difficulties of a Two Prong Approach: Dilemma and Decision of the Guomindang on Student Movements in China, 1927-1949] (Beijing 北京: Commercial Press 商务印书馆, 2010), 271pp.](

Research paper thumbnail of The Scripting of a National History: Singapore and its Pasts 国家历史的编写:新加坡及其往事 (Co-authored) (Singapore: NUS Press, in conjunction with Hong Kong University Press, 2008), 300 pp.

Rather than presenting another narrative of Singapore history, The Scripting of a National Histor... more Rather than presenting another narrative of Singapore history, The Scripting of a National History: Singapore and Its Pasts studies the constructed nature of the history endorsed by the state, which blurs the distinction between what happened in the past, and how the state intends that past to be understood. The People’s Action Party (PAP) government’s unbroken mandate to rule has come in no small part form the way it explains its lineage and record to Singaporeans. The power vested in various aspects of Singapore’s history is thus examined through a consideration of past and present politics.

The authors trace state discourses on Singapore history from the decision immediately after independence to recognise the nineteenth-century British acquisition of the island as its founding moment, to the 1980s and 1990s when an essentially Confucian heritage was recognized under the rubric of “Asian values’, and finally to an emphasis on the history of racial fragility and harmony in response to the threat of terrorism in the twenty-first century, embedded within these discourses is the story of the PAP as the heir of the economic dynamics of the pax Britannica, as an exponent of the morality and righteousness of the Chinese scholar-gentlemen, and as the firm hand that balances the interests of the majority Chinese against those of the minority populations, particularly the Malays.

The authors examine the underlying template of Singapore history, the negotiation with its immigrant past, and the popularization of history through conscription of national heroes. The chapters range from considering how political leaders claim to be historians by virtue of being the makers of history, to the vicissitudes undergone by two originally private homes turned into symbols of Singapore’s Chinese modernity.

The Scripting of a National History: Singapore and Its Pasts is highly relevant not only to academics but also for the Singapore general reader interested to see what are meant to be received wisdoms for the citizenry interrogated in a well-reasoned and engaging exercise, as well as for an international readership to whom Singapore has become a fascinating enigma. They may well be intrigued by the anxieties of being Singaporean.

Research paper thumbnail of Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order 华人世界次序的权力与认同, (Co-edited) (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003), 460 pp.

Wang Gungwu is one of the most influential historians of his generation. Initially renowned for h... more Wang Gungwu is one of the most influential historians of his generation. Initially renowned for his pioneering work on the structure of power in early imperial China, he is more widely known for expanding the horizons of Chinese history to include the histories of the Chinese and their descendants outside China. It is probably no coincidence, Philip Kuhn observes, that the most comprehensive historian of the Overseas Chinese is the historian most firmly grounded in the history of China itself.

This book is a celebration of the life, work, and impact of Professor Wang Gungwu over the past four decades. It commemorates his contribution to the study of Chinese history and the abiding influence he has exercised over later generations of historians, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

The book begins with a historiographical survey by Philip Kuhn (Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History at Harvard University) of Wang Gungwu’s enduring contribution to scholarship. It concludes with an engaging oral history of Professor Wang’s life, career, and research trajectory.

The intervening chapters explore many of the fields in which Wang Gungwu’s influence has been felt over the years, including questions of political authority, national identity, commercial life, and the history of the diaspora from imperial times to the present day. These chapters are authored by former students of Professor Wang, now working and teaching in Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Australasia, Taiwan and Canada.

[Research paper thumbnail of Haiwai huaren yanjiu de dashiye yu xinfangxiang 海外华人研究的大视野与新方向 [Macro Perspectives and New Directions in the Studies of Chinese Overseas], (Co-edited) (River Edge, New Jersey: Global Publishing, 2002), 436 pp.](

王赓武教授是享誉海内外的著名历史学家和教育家。 他1930年出生于印尼泗水,在马来亚长大及受教育,曾就读于马来亚大学,获学士学位和硕士学位。1957年获伦敦大学亚非研究学院哲学博士学位。旋任教于... more 王赓武教授是享誉海内外的著名历史学家和教育家。 他1930年出生于印尼泗水,在马来亚长大及受教育,曾就读于马来亚大学,获学士学位和硕士学位。1957年获伦敦大学亚非研究学院哲学博士学位。旋任教于马来亚大学,1963~1968年任讲座教授和系主任。1968年转赴堪培拉澳洲国立大学,任远东史讲座教授和系主任。1975~1980年出掌该校太平洋研究院院长。1986年任香港大学校长。1997年任新加坡国立大学东亚研究所所长,1996年任陈嘉庚国际学会会长。


Research paper thumbnail of History and the Imaginaries of ‘Big Singapore’: Positioning the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall

Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004

The establishment of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall marks the PAP govern-ment's c... more The establishment of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall marks the PAP govern-ment's charting of a revolutionary, modernising genealogy of seismic proportions for the fashioning of a 'Big Singapore' as the political, economic and cultural focus of the Chinese diaspora. ...

Research paper thumbnail of "Resurgent Spirits of Civil Society Activism:  Rediscovering the Bukit Brown Cemetery in Singapore  公民社会的浴火重生:新加坡武吉布朗坟场之重新发现" in Journl of Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报, 87,2 (Dec 2014): 21-45.

The proposed building of a major highway and expected extensive housing projects in the forgotte... more The proposed building of a major highway and expected extensive housing projects in the forgotten Chinese cemetery at Bukit Brown of Singapore in 2011 had ignited unprecedented national and international attention. Opened in 1922 by the British colonial authorities and eventually embedded with over 100,000 graves of the Chinese diaspora within a site rich in biodiversity, it is now touted as one of the largest Chinese cemeteries outside of China and a possible candidate for listing as an UNESCO World Heritage site. This paper is not intended as a major theoretical framing of larger issues, instead the focus is on chronicling the important resurgence of civil society activism in the process of rediscovery and tracing the challenges posed to the disciplinary political authorities of Singapore. Previous studies about contestation over Chinese burial grounds in Singapore are centred on Western versus Chinese practices and on parochial sub-communal interest versus modernist developmental regimes, without bringing heritage concerns directly into the microphysics of power. This new narrative on Bukit Brown will unveil the extent to which heritage, history and identity had suddenly surged to the forefront of citizenry consciousness and interrogated the fundamentals of governance and national developmental agenda.

Research paper thumbnail of "Biography and Representation: A Nanyang University Scholar and Her Configuration of the Sinophone Intelligentsia in Singapore 传记和表述:一个南洋大学学者与她所构造的新加坡华文知识分子," Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies 南方华裔研究杂志, 5 (2011-12): pp. 3-28.

This study uses the corpus of writings and range of activities of a Nanyang University scholar as... more This study uses the corpus of writings and range of activities of a Nanyang University scholar as the lens to refract the transfiguration of the Chineseeducated intelligentsia in Singapore over five decades of English-educated PAP hegemony. It is a weaving of biography and representation, bringing to the forefront Lee Guan Kin’s educational experience and public intellectual activism, and pairing these with her scholarly analysis of them. Her insider’s perspective would allow for a greater appreciation of the dilemma, anguish, aspirations and intra-dynamics of this segment of the Chinese community amidst the larger national environment of declining Chinese language competency.

Research paper thumbnail of “Ong Pang Boon 王邦文” and “Wang Gungwu 王赓武,” in  Southeast Asian Personalities of Chinese Descent: A Biographical Dictionary 东南亚著名华裔:人物大词典, edited by Leo Suryadinata (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2012), pp. 838-841 and 1250-1252.

[Research paper thumbnail of "Yishi yu qianliu: Nanyang de Xinhai Geming jinian, 1925-1941, 仪式与潜流:南洋的辛亥革命纪念,1925-1941 [Rituals and Undercurrents: Commemorating the 1911 Revolution in Nanyang, 1925-1941], "](

in Sun Zhongshang yu Geming zhishi: lishi, jiyi yu fansi 孙中山和革命志士:历史,记忆与反思 [Sun Yat-sen and the Revolutionaries: History, Memory and Reflection], edited by Huang Xianqiang, Chen Dinghui, Pan Xuanhui, pp. 57-82. (Singapore: Sun Yat-sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, 2012)

Research paper thumbnail of HUANG Jianli, "Heritage and History: The 600th Anniversary Commemoration of Zheng He Voyages in Singapore", in Zheng He and the Afro-Asian World, edited by Chia Lin Sien and Sally K Church, pp. 216-243 (Melaka: Perbadanan Muzium Melaka and International Zheng He Society, 2012).

[Research paper thumbnail of "Huaqiao wei geming zhimu: Zanyu zhi laili yu xushu 华侨为革命之母:赞誉之来历于叙述 [Overseas Chinese as the Mother of Revolution: Origins and Discourse of the Epithet]", Huaren yanjiu guoji xuebao 华人研究国际学报 [International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies], 2, 2 (Dec 2011): 21-56.](

在近百年追述孙中山、南洋与辛亥革命这三方关系的过程中,“华侨为革命之母”已成为了最典型的名言之一。本文通过孙中山和其他人的著作与演讲来追探此赞誉不明的来历。我们也将分析其为人们运用与叙述的高低潮... more 在近百年追述孙中山、南洋与辛亥革命这三方关系的过程中,“华侨为革命之母”已成为了最典型的名言之一。本文通过孙中山和其他人的著作与演讲来追探此赞誉不明的来历。我们也将分析其为人们运用与叙述的高低潮,这让我们发觉它在1930年代经常被人引用,但在1940年代却暗淡下来。1950年代到1980年代时,它成为了台湾冷战时期的工具。在中华人民共和国1978年改革开放后,它又呈现为中国学界研究课题的焦点之一。本文的最后一个部分,探讨了南洋大众文化是怎样通过纪念馆的文物陈列、戏剧的表演和电影的制作把这赞誉性别化。古往今来,此赞誉在不同的历史背景下经历过无穷的变数与叙述,但它一直持续地作为海外华侨、华人与他们祖国联系中的关键脐带。

Research paper thumbnail of “Umbilical Ties: The Framing of the Overseas Chinese as the Mother of the Revolution 脐带联系:华侨为革命之母” Frontiers of History in China 中国历史学前沿, 6, 2 (Jun 2011): 183-228.

One of the most iconic expressions in the last one hundred years associated with Sun Yat-sen, Nan... more One of the most iconic expressions in the last one hundred years associated with Sun Yat-sen, Nanyang and the 1911 Revolution of China has been “The Overseas Chinese are the Mother of the Revolution.” This paper traces the hazy origin of the slogan in its particular, well-known form as well as through paraphrases by examining its linkages to Sun Yat-sen and a wide body of writings from different periods. It highlights the waxing and waning of its usage, pointing to a period of high currency in the early 1930s, fading out in the 1940s, emergence as a Cold War coinage in Taiwan from the 1950s to the 1980s, and its surfacing as a focus of scholarship in the mainland of China after 1978. The final sections of the essay explore the more recent transformation of the saying in Nanyang popular culture through museum displays, theatre performance, and film. Over time, the saying, in its various configurations, serves to use it as an umbilical cord connecting the Chinese diaspora with its ancestral land.

Research paper thumbnail of “Umbilical Ties: The Framing of the Overseas Chinese as the Mother of the Revolution 脐带联系:华侨为革命之母,” in Sun Yan-sen, Nanyang and the 1911 Revolution 孙中山,南洋与辛亥革命, edited by Lee Lai To and Lee Hock Guan (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2011), pp.75-129.

Research paper thumbnail of “Conceptualizing Chinese Migration and Chinese Overseas: The Contribution of Wang Gungwu 海外华人与移民的概念化:王赓武的贡献,” Journal of Chinese Overseas 海外华人学报, 6, 1 (May 2010): 1-21.

The movement of people leaving and returning to China from the second half of the19th century to ... more The movement of people leaving and returning to China from the second half of the19th century to the present is of such a phenomenal magnitude and complexity that Wang Gungwu has devoted a lifetime of his scholarship to tracking and explaining the various cycles of Chinese migration and settlement. Through this effort, he has not only contributed to China studies in general but has also pioneered and become the doyen of a new sub-field in the study of Chinese communities located outside of China and scattered all over the world. This has been a long and rewarding engagement for him, but not one without its moments of difficulties, especially at the conceptual level. Centering on Wang’s pool of scholarly writings and reminiscences, this article discusses his vigorous examination of the accuracy and appropriateness of various terms of analysis, such as “Nanyang Chinese,” “Overseas Chinese,” “Huaqiao,” “Greater China,” “Chinese Diaspora,” and “Chinese Overseas.” This discussion on terminology will also be used to reflect on Wang’s position on larger issues such as the danger of emotive responses to inappropriate labelling, the role of scholars in facilitating a better understanding of the contemporary world, as well as the relationship between scholarship and politics.

Research paper thumbnail of “Portable Histories in Mobile City Singapore: The (Lack)lustre of Admiral Zheng He 流动城新加坡的便携式历史: (缺乏)光泽的郑和,” (co-authored) South East Asia Research 东南亚研究, 17, 2 (Jul 2009): 287-309.

‘Singapore stories’ are frequently tales of departure and arrival, but in the midst of this the n... more ‘Singapore stories’ are frequently tales of departure and arrival, but in the midst of this the nation-state has set out to construct a sense of permanence, and with that a future, such that the transits might become meaningful in the national narrative. Those who leave are supposed to be overseas Singaporeans; those who come, new Singaporeans. To this end, the country could do with an icon of mobility such as Zheng He, who evokes history, characterand expansiveness. His legendary journeys stimulated imaginations and marked the apex of the navigational technology of his day. In mainstream historical accounts, he was a figure of peace, representing the mighty yet benevolent Middle Kingdom, and even a folk deity. The 600th anniversary of the launching of the first voyage in 1405 was celebrated throughout China and the Chinese diaspora. In Singapore, the Singapore Tourism Board and private agencies rode on the worldwide publicity generated by the 2002 book by Gavin Menzies – arguing that China discovered America before Columbus and circumnavigated the world before Magellan – to host a range of mega-events, including an international exhibition based on the book’s claims. However, the celebrations were dampened by the efforts of Singapore-based Geoff Wade, a historian of Ming dynasty China, who has tirelessly disputed such claims. Other scholars and businessmen in Singapore have also entered the fray. From Raffles to Zheng He, Singapore’s search for history serves only to emphasize its historical rootlessness.

Research paper thumbnail of “Shifting Culture and Identity: Three Portraits of Singapore Entrepreneur Lee Kong Chian (1893-1967) 文化与身份的转移:新加坡企业家李光前形象的三种建构,” Journal of Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 马来西亚皇家亚洲学会学报, 82, 1 (Jun 2009): 71-100.

Lee Kong Chian was one of the most important Chinese entrepreneurs in the Asian diasporic landsca... more Lee Kong Chian was one of the most important Chinese entrepreneurs in the Asian diasporic landscape from the 1920s to 1960s. Born in late Qing China, he migrated to colonial British Singapore as a young boy in 1903, but went back for part of his education from 1908 to 1912. Empowered by a bilingual competency, he began his working career in an assortment of jobs and eventually ended up working for the leading Chinese businessman and community leader Tan Kah Kee and later marrying his daughter. He surged into the public limelight as a force in his own right from the late 1920s and steadily built up a formidable business empire, due in part to his entrepreneurial flair in taking advantage of the Great Depression and the Korean War. He soon acquired the reputation of being the ‘Rubber King’ and ‘Pineapple King’ of Southeast Asia and left profound imprints in the realms of business, education, and philanthropy, the last in particular having reverberations to the present day through the uninterrupted dispensation of his largesse by the Lee Foundation he set up in 1952.

As a public figure who had lived through the tumultuous decades of high nationalism in China, Second World War, British decolonization, nation building and the Cold War, different images of Lee Kong Chian have invariably been produced and projected at different points in time and space. This paper begins with a critical review of the substantive pool of Chinese-language writings on him and then examines closely three major ways in which he has been portrayed amidst the changing circuits of power and shifting identity formation.

[Research paper thumbnail of “Shenfen rentong de zhuanxing: Nanyang qiyejia liguangqian sanzhongxingxiang de jiangou 身份认同的转型:南洋企业家李光前三种形象的建构 [Shifting Identity: Three Portraits of Singapore Entrepreneur Lee Kong Chian],” Huaren yanjiu guoji xuebao华人研究国际学报[International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies], 1, 2 (Dec 2009): 49-73.](

李光前是1920年代至1960年代亚洲移民世界中最具影响力的华人企业家之一。李的一生经历了许多重要的历史时期,作为一个公众人物,其个人形象也总是随着时空的变化而不断地被设计和塑造着。本文从对一些... more 李光前是1920年代至1960年代亚洲移民世界中最具影响力的华人企业家之一。李的一生经历了许多重要的历史时期,作为一个公众人物,其个人形象也总是随着时空的变化而不断地被设计和塑造着。本文从对一些关于李光前的中文文献进行批判性分析入手,进而考察在权力关系的变迁和身份认同的转移中,建构李光前个人形象的三种主要趋向:杰出的南洋资本家和慈善家;爱国华侨的代表;新加坡新历史叙述中的本土“先贤”。

[Research paper thumbnail of “Zuixun guowang de xuesheng yundong 追寻过往的学生运动[In Search of Student Politics of the Past],” in Yuan qiexian 圆切线 [Tangent], 6.2 (Aug 2007): 19-23.](

Research paper thumbnail of “In Search of Student Politics of the Past 追寻过往的学生运动,” in Tangent 圆切线, 6.2 (Aug 2007): 24-29.

Research paper thumbnail of “Chinese Diasporic Culture and National Identity: The Taming of the Tiger Balm Gardens in Singapore 中国散居文化与国民认同:新加坡虎豹别墅的驯服,” (co-authored) Modern Asian Studies 现代亚洲研究, 41, 1 (Jan 2007): 41-76.

The Tiger Balm Gardens or Haw Par Villa, built in the 1930s by overseas Chinese pharmaceuticals t... more The Tiger Balm Gardens or Haw Par Villa, built in the 1930s by overseas Chinese pharmaceuticals tycoon Aw Boon Haw, has been and remains a symbol of the positioning of Singapore’s Chineseness. In the colonial era, it marked the success not only of one man but also of the Chinese migrant community. In the later period of nation-building, it was initially considered as a challenge to multiracialism and nationhood. However, as state policy shifted towards an ethnicized cultural identity as prompted by the rise of Asia as a major economic force, especially China, the Villa was renovated first into an orientalized theme park and then resuscitated as the repository of diasporic Chinese entrepreneurship. Amidst these state initiatives, the history of the Villa and its founder were sidelined.

Research paper thumbnail of “Positioning the Student Political Activism of Singapore: Articulation, Contestation and Omission 新加坡学生运动的定位:表达、争执、省略,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 亚洲文化研究, 7.3 (Sep 2006): 403-430.

For much of the second half of 20th century, student political activism occupied a special place ... more For much of the second half of 20th century, student political activism occupied a special place in the history of many countries and Singapore is no exception. Driven by their youthful energy, idealism and romanticism before they were tied down by the heavy burdens of family, career and property ownership, students of Singapore had also once surged to the forefront of national politics, exerted an influence out of proportion to their numbers and become a force to be reckoned with. Although student politics is an important part of the history of Singapore, the understanding of this topic has been much shackled and its positioning ambiguous. Under the influence of the Cold War rhetoric and with an eagerness to inscribe a victor’s version of events, the ruling People’s Action Party has scripted a national history which simplified the student community into the polarized binary of those who received education under the Chinese medium of instruction and those who learnt in English. The rigidity of this official articulation has led to the tendency of apportioning much greater attention to student activism associated with the former group, while sidelining parallel developments in the latter and largely ignoring the inter-connectivity between these two groups. It has also framed Chinese educated activists as being the natural agents of Communism. In recent years, this official paradigm has come under contestation by historical political memories, reinterpretation of sources, and emergence of alternative representations through popular culture. This revisionism exposes the disjuncture between the party’s current attempt to entice present-day students out of their deeply-seated political apathy and its omission to reconsider the nature and contribution of past student politics. It also opens up unprecedented space for reflections about civic culture and political maturity in Singapore today.

Research paper thumbnail of “Entanglement of Business and Politics in the Chinese Diaspora: Interrogating the Wartime Patriotism of Aw Boon Haw 华人散居者商务与政治的纠缠:战时胡文虎的爱国主义之质问,” Journal of Chinese Overseas 海外华人学报, 2.1 (May 2006): 79-110.

This article focuses on the wartime experiences of Aw Boon Haw who was the renowned billionaire p... more This article focuses on the wartime experiences of Aw Boon Haw who was the renowned billionaire peddler of the Tiger Balm ointment and owner of an influential chain of regional newspapers. After the Sino-Japanese War broke out in July 1937, he traveled from Singapore to the wartime Chinese capital of Chongqing to meet up with Chiang Kai-shek and his Guomindang leaders. But soon after, he opted to stay in Hong Kong throughout the occupation period and became closely associated with the Japanese-sponsored government of Wang Jingwei, even making a trip to Tokyo to meet the Japanese Prime Minister. When the war ended, amidst accusations of him having been a traitor who collaborated with the occupation authorities, he switched his loyalty back to China and the British colonial settlements and resumed his business operations and philanthropic activities.

This wartime experience of Aw brings into sharp relief the sort of political entanglement which prominent Chinese overseas business people can be entrapped in. Suspicions about his wartime patriotism initially hounded him and he had to issue denials. However, in the midst of confusion over the outbreak of the Chinese Civil War and the American reversal of occupation policy in Japan, there was an absence of formal governmental or public actions, allowing the issue to fade away and Aw’s business and charity to return to normalcy. It was more than 30 years later, at the height of the economic reopening of Communist mainland China and the renewed importance of Chinese overseas capital in the 1980s and 1990s, that Aw’s wartime patriotism was re-examined, this time calculated to pass a new and presumably last verdict that Aw had been most unfairly judged and that he was actually an iconic true overseas Chinese patriot. This posthumous honor was conferred on him despite the fact that the supposedly new empirical evidence was far from conclusive. It was an act of political restoration in semiacademic garb and enacted with an eye to facilitating further business ties between a resurgent China and the Chinese diaspora.

Research paper thumbnail of "History and the Imaginaries of 'Big Singapore': Positioning the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall 历史与‘大新加坡’的想象:孙中山南洋纪念馆的定位," (Co-authored) Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 东南亚研究学报, 35.1 (Feb 2004): 65-89.

The establishment of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall marks the PAP government’s charting of... more The establishment of the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall marks the PAP government’s charting of a revolutionary, modernising genealogy of seismic proportions for the fashioning of a ‘Big Singapore’ as the political, economic and cultural focus of the Chinese diaspora. Such effort in reorienting history is problematic and the ethnicisation of national identity is contested, not least by Singapore’s Chinese-language intellectuals.

Research paper thumbnail of "Politics of Depoliticization: Policy on the Wartime Expansion of the Guomindang Youth Corps into Schools 去政治化的政治:有关战时国民党三民主义青年团进军学校的政策," Journal of Oriental Studies 东方研究, 34.2 (1996): 210-240.