Vinod Thomas | National University of Singapore (original) (raw)

Papers by Vinod Thomas

Research paper thumbnail of Reform of Trade Policy: Recent Evidence S from Theory and Practice

bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su r... more bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluative Directions for the World Bank Group's Safeguards and Sustainability Policies

Research paper thumbnail of Economic growth, natural disasters and climate change: New empirical estimates

This paper analyzes the association between climate change variables and the incidence of intense... more This paper analyzes the association between climate change variables and the incidence of intense hydro meteorological disasters within a framework that include global and local climate variables as well as socio-economic factors that aggravate disasters. We have shown that atmospheric carbon dioxide accumulation significantly increases hydro meteorological disasters and that the losses of human capital caused by such disasters induce significant negative effects on the rate of economic growth. A distinctive feature of this research is that the statistical-econometric analysis used considers all reported significant climate-related disasters during the period 1970-2013 in 184 countries, instead of focusing merely on selected disasters, periods or countries as most previous research has done.

Research paper thumbnail of The Anatomy of Climate-Related Natural Disasters

Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Research paper thumbnail of A New Development Paradigm

Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Research paper thumbnail of New Challenges Call for Shifts in direction

Multilateral Banks and The Development Process, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Climate-Related Disasters in Asia and the Pacific

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of S ao Paulo is the most industrialized area of Latin The Extent and Sources of Pollution

the third largest metropolitan center in the world. ' To- othes Ee ado Pannesc (18) s iannes... more the third largest metropolitan center in the world. ' To- othes Ee ado Pannesc (18) s ianneschi, day some of the most urgent problems of the urban others, Esteves and G Lanneschi (1980); Gianneschi, environment are found here, particularly in the highly Junior, and Salvador g1979); Licco, Oda, and Galvao industrialized sections of the Greater Sao Paulo Metro- World Bank. politan Area (GSP). Air pollutant discharges in the GsP currently amount to 8,000 tons daily. Carbon monoxide constitutes 65 Pollution: Problems and Policies percent of the emissions, sulfur dioxides 13 percent, hydrocarbons 10 percent, particulates 7 percent, and Until the early 1970s Brazilian policymakers tended nitrogen oxides 5 percent. In 1978 daily air quality to opt for environmental damage in the pursuit of eco- standards were exceeded 299 times for carbon monox-nomic growth and competitiveness in international ide, 121 times for particulate matter, and 17 times for markets. As pollution grew, however,...

Research paper thumbnail of World Bank Reprint Series: Number 375

bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su r... more bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed

Research paper thumbnail of The World Bank Washington, D.C.©2010 Independent Evaluation Group

This Evaluation Brief is a product of the staff of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the ... more This Evaluation Brief is a product of the staff of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the World Bank or IEG concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. IEG encourages the dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce

Research paper thumbnail of A Vision for Development: Dialogues on the Work of

bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su r... more bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed

Research paper thumbnail of Climate Change and Natural Disasters : Transforming Economies and Policies for a Sustainable Future, 1st Edition

Research paper thumbnail of Inspiring ADB's Future: Better Results in a Dynamic Region

Research paper thumbnail of Development Evaluation in an Age of Turbulence

Research paper thumbnail of Global Increase in Climate-Related Disasters

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Development Imperatives for the Asian Century

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil From Inside DEVELOPMENT IN A LAND OF CONTRASTS

bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su r... more bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed

Research paper thumbnail of Objectives-Based Evaluation for Accountability and Learning

Economic Evaluation of Sustainable Development, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in world poverty: ideology and research

New Delhi (June). Processed, 2000

Page 1. 1 Trends in World Poverty – Ideology and Research By Surjit S. Bhalla * First draft, June... more Page 1. 1 Trends in World Poverty – Ideology and Research By Surjit S. Bhalla * First draft, June 19, 2000; revised June 28, 2000 *President, Oxus Research and Investments. Discussions with Montek Ahluwalia, Yves Balcer ...

Research paper thumbnail of 2Measuring Education Inequality: Gini Coefficients of Education

comments and suggestions, and the Bank’s Research Committee for providing a part of the funding. ... more comments and suggestions, and the Bank’s Research Committee for providing a part of the funding. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed here are those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank, its Executive Directors or the countries they represent. Comments and questions should be sent to the corresponding authors, Yan Wang at and/or Xibo Fan at

Research paper thumbnail of Reform of Trade Policy: Recent Evidence S from Theory and Practice

bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su r... more bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluative Directions for the World Bank Group's Safeguards and Sustainability Policies

Research paper thumbnail of Economic growth, natural disasters and climate change: New empirical estimates

This paper analyzes the association between climate change variables and the incidence of intense... more This paper analyzes the association between climate change variables and the incidence of intense hydro meteorological disasters within a framework that include global and local climate variables as well as socio-economic factors that aggravate disasters. We have shown that atmospheric carbon dioxide accumulation significantly increases hydro meteorological disasters and that the losses of human capital caused by such disasters induce significant negative effects on the rate of economic growth. A distinctive feature of this research is that the statistical-econometric analysis used considers all reported significant climate-related disasters during the period 1970-2013 in 184 countries, instead of focusing merely on selected disasters, periods or countries as most previous research has done.

Research paper thumbnail of The Anatomy of Climate-Related Natural Disasters

Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Research paper thumbnail of A New Development Paradigm

Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Research paper thumbnail of New Challenges Call for Shifts in direction

Multilateral Banks and The Development Process, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Climate-Related Disasters in Asia and the Pacific

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of S ao Paulo is the most industrialized area of Latin The Extent and Sources of Pollution

the third largest metropolitan center in the world. ' To- othes Ee ado Pannesc (18) s iannes... more the third largest metropolitan center in the world. ' To- othes Ee ado Pannesc (18) s ianneschi, day some of the most urgent problems of the urban others, Esteves and G Lanneschi (1980); Gianneschi, environment are found here, particularly in the highly Junior, and Salvador g1979); Licco, Oda, and Galvao industrialized sections of the Greater Sao Paulo Metro- World Bank. politan Area (GSP). Air pollutant discharges in the GsP currently amount to 8,000 tons daily. Carbon monoxide constitutes 65 Pollution: Problems and Policies percent of the emissions, sulfur dioxides 13 percent, hydrocarbons 10 percent, particulates 7 percent, and Until the early 1970s Brazilian policymakers tended nitrogen oxides 5 percent. In 1978 daily air quality to opt for environmental damage in the pursuit of eco- standards were exceeded 299 times for carbon monox-nomic growth and competitiveness in international ide, 121 times for particulate matter, and 17 times for markets. As pollution grew, however,...

Research paper thumbnail of World Bank Reprint Series: Number 375

bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su r... more bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed

Research paper thumbnail of The World Bank Washington, D.C.©2010 Independent Evaluation Group

This Evaluation Brief is a product of the staff of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the ... more This Evaluation Brief is a product of the staff of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the World Bank or IEG concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. IEG encourages the dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce

Research paper thumbnail of A Vision for Development: Dialogues on the Work of

bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su r... more bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed

Research paper thumbnail of Climate Change and Natural Disasters : Transforming Economies and Policies for a Sustainable Future, 1st Edition

Research paper thumbnail of Inspiring ADB's Future: Better Results in a Dynamic Region

Research paper thumbnail of Development Evaluation in an Age of Turbulence

Research paper thumbnail of Global Increase in Climate-Related Disasters

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Development Imperatives for the Asian Century

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Brazil From Inside DEVELOPMENT IN A LAND OF CONTRASTS

bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su r... more bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed Pu bl ic Di sc lo su re A ut ho riz ed

Research paper thumbnail of Objectives-Based Evaluation for Accountability and Learning

Economic Evaluation of Sustainable Development, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in world poverty: ideology and research

New Delhi (June). Processed, 2000

Page 1. 1 Trends in World Poverty – Ideology and Research By Surjit S. Bhalla * First draft, June... more Page 1. 1 Trends in World Poverty – Ideology and Research By Surjit S. Bhalla * First draft, June 19, 2000; revised June 28, 2000 *President, Oxus Research and Investments. Discussions with Montek Ahluwalia, Yves Balcer ...

Research paper thumbnail of 2Measuring Education Inequality: Gini Coefficients of Education

comments and suggestions, and the Bank’s Research Committee for providing a part of the funding. ... more comments and suggestions, and the Bank’s Research Committee for providing a part of the funding. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed here are those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank, its Executive Directors or the countries they represent. Comments and questions should be sent to the corresponding authors, Yan Wang at and/or Xibo Fan at