Игорь Дмитриев | Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg Branch of the Institute for the History of Science and Technology (original) (raw)
Papers by Игорь Дмитриев
Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia, 2019
The author expresses critical remarks regarding the article by O.V. Mikhailov on teaching the top... more The author expresses critical remarks regarding the article by O.V. Mikhailov on teaching the topic “Mendeleev’s Periodic law” by at the national research University. Some specific errors of O.V. Mikhailov relating to historical-scientific and quantum-chemical issues are indicated. The article also presents a general critical assessment of his approach to teaching.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2011
Addressing the ups and downs of life and to labyrinths of creative work of such personalities as ... more Addressing the ups and downs of life and to labyrinths of creative work of such personalities as Lomonosov and Mendeleev, who are generally titled Encyclopaedist scientists, a researcher should be ready to permanently face the following three phenomena: the phenomenon of eternal "loose end," when the abundance and greatness of plans do not coincide with real achievements, the phenomenon of profetism, i.e. transfer of a situation to the expected future, and the phenomenon of "searchlight," when the light is the brighter the more remote the light source and the dimmer the closer the light source. Such is Lomonosov, but Russia is such, too.
Discourse, 2018
F. Bacon, like many other philosophers of the early modern era, highlighted the importance of art... more F. Bacon, like many other philosophers of the early modern era, highlighted the importance of artistic representation of his philosophical concepts. F. Bacon's innovative ideas are revealed not only through actual philosophical narrative, but also through the interpretation of mythological and historical subjects, as well as through the complex symbolism of engravings adorning the title pages of the works of the English philosopher. The famous engraving on the frontispiece of F. Bacon's treatise "Instauratio Magna" (1620) expresses metaphorically the idea of science development project presented in this work. The article regards the symbolism of this engraving and its historical and philosophical contexts.
Discourse, 2016
Traditional historiography of science has constructed secrecy in opposition to openness. It is de... more Traditional historiography of science has constructed secrecy in opposition to openness. It is demonstrated that openness and secrecy are often interlocked. Focusing on the early modern period, two cases are introduced that are difficult to analyze with a simple oppositional understanding of openness and secrecy: 1) Isaac Newton's refusal to publish his method of series and fluxions, and 2) the tensions within the Royal Society, between the ideal of openness and the practical need for secrecy. In these cases the dynamic of access and control cannot straightforwardly be classified in a dichotomy «open - secretive».
Discourse, 2019
Introduction. In the philosophy of science great attention is traditionally paid to theoretical k... more Introduction. In the philosophy of science great attention is traditionally paid to theoretical knowledge. However, scientific theories are considered, as a rule, as something already formed, whereas the analysis of the birth and formation of the theory plays a much smaller role. Among the various issues that arise at the intersection of philosophy and history of science the great attention of researchers is attracted by the question about the nature of scientific revolutions. In this work, the question is studied by examing the Planck’s discovery– whether a conservative in science to make a scientific revolution?Methodology and sources. Methodologically, the work is based on historical and scientific analysis of primary sources and research literature. Results and discussion. The paper according the results of the study of primary sources shows that the only desire Planck in his study of blackbody radiation and the only justification for his “Akt der Verzweilung” (Act of delays) wa...
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2021
The article focuses on the following three issues: the characteristic features of understanding a... more The article focuses on the following three issues: the characteristic features of understanding and using the term “law of nature” before F. Bacon, the novelty of F. Bacon’s approach to the interpretation of this concept, theological and legal origins of the concept. It is shown that in works related to the Middle Ages the term “law of nature” had either a purely descriptive (descriptive-stating) or mixed prescriptive-descriptive character. It is shown that in the works of medieval authors the term “law of nature” had either a purely descriptive or mixed prescriptive-descriptive character. The novelty of the approach to understanding the law of nature in the works of F. Bacon lies primarily in the fact that in his interpretation the contours of the understanding of the “law of nature” as an expression of the causal relationship between facts and phenomena are clearly visible. Moreover, Bacon points to the “Latentis Processus et Latentis Schematismi” of bodies as the deepest causes o...
The article formulates some aspects concerning the nature and structure of scientific revolutions... more The article formulates some aspects concerning the nature and structure of scientific revolutions. As a reference example, the scientific (more precisely, natural-philosophical) revolution of the 16th-17th centuries (SR1) was taken, which in turn became part of the intellectual revolution of the Early Modern period. It is shown that SR1 is not at all monodirectional and not predetermined in its milestones process, when the break with the Aristotelian tradition automatically cleared the way to the new science and philosophy. In reality, there was an intellectual war, the outcome of which was by no means known to any of the opposing sides in advance. In the article eight factors are noted that contributed to the SR1: 1) weakening ideological control on the part of the Church; 2) chaotization and fragmentation of intellectual space; 3) the redundancy of the intellectual resource for the emergence of innovative theories and practices; 4) the presence of intellectual reserve (the legacy ...
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2020
The article is the study of some aspects of the methodology of scientific knowledge that F. Bacon... more The article is the study of some aspects of the methodology of scientific knowledge that F. Bacon addressed in his treatise “New Organon” (1620) and in other works in one way or another related to his work on the project of the Instauratio Magna Scientiarum. The article focuses on the following three questions: Bacon’s attitude to Aristotle’s legacy, the context of Bacon’s doctrine of idols and the reasons for the English philosopher to choose a fragmented (aphoristic) form of presentation of his ideas in the “New Organon” and in some other works. Based on an analysis of Bacon’s works related to the above project, it was shown that his statements about Aristotle and his philosophy were differentiated depending on whether the corresponding text was intended for printing or served as a working draft. In the latter case, the estimates of Aristotle by Bacon were more stringent. Baconian criticism of Aristotelianism was formed in the context of the development by the English philosopher ...
В статье рассматривается карьерная траектория выдающегося немецко-американского физика нидерландс... more В статье рассматривается карьерная траектория выдающегося немецко-американского физика нидерландского происхождения, лауреата Нобелевской премии Питера Дебая (1884–1966) от начала его научной деятельности в 1900-х гг. до эмиграции в США (1940). Особый акцент сделан на жизни и работе П. Дебая, начиная с 1933 г., т. е. во времена Третьего рейха. Главная задача приведенного анализа — выявить те особенности личности ученого и внешние обстоятельства его жизни при нацистском режиме, которые формировали его карьеру в 1933–1940 гг. Показано, что к числу таких факторов (кроме таланта) можно отнести следующие: желание родителей дать способному юноше хорошее образование, несмотря на скромный достаток семьи; географическое расположение родного города (Маастрихта), позволившее Дебаю, живя в Нидерландах, учиться в Германии; возможность получить хорошую научную подготовку у А. Зоммерфельда; умение завязывать дружеские связи с самыми разными людьми; хорошее понимание и умелое использование психолог...
В статье показано, что распространенное в литературе по истории и философии науки понятие «ньютон... more В статье показано, что распространенное в литературе по истории и философии науки понятие «ньютонианская парадигма», формирование которой связывают с публикацией трактата И. Ньютона «Математические начала натуральной философии» (1687), лишено исторического смысла. При всей важности этой работы Ньютона она не могла быть положена в основание новой парадигмы по крайней мере по двум причинам: это отсутствие ясной и правильной формулировки второго закона механики и выбор автором геометрического способа изложения материала и доказательств. Фактически новая парадигма аналитической механики была сформирована в XVIII столетии на континенте усилиями таких ученых, как И. и Д. Бернулли, Л. Эйлер, А. Клеро, Ж. Даламбер, Л. Лагранж и др. Кроме того, из приведенного анализа следует, что так называемая научная революция раннего Нового времени происходила в два этапа: натурфилософский этап (XVI–XVII вв.) и собственно научный этап (XVIII в.).
The article describes two Arctic projects of passage from Arkhangelsk to the shores of Alaska. On... more The article describes two Arctic projects of passage from Arkhangelsk to the shores of Alaska. One of the projects belonged to M. M. Lomonosov, the other to D. I. Mendeleev. Elements of adventurism appeared in both projects.
Continental Paradigm of Island Science (Who Became the Creator of “Newtonian Science”?), 2020
В статье показано, что распространенное в литературе по истории и философии науки понятие «ньютон... more В статье показано, что распространенное в литературе по истории и философии науки понятие «ньютонианская парадигма», формирование которой связывают с публикацией трактата
И. Ньютона «Математические начала натуральной философии» (1687), лишено исторического смысла. При всей важности этой работы Ньютона она не могла быть положена в основание новой парадигмы по крайней мере по двум причинам: это отсутствие ясной и правильной формулировки второго закона механики и выбор автором геометрического способа изложения материала и доказательств. Фактически новая парадигма аналитической механики была сформирована в XVIII столетии на континенте усилиями таких ученых, как И. и Д. Бернулли, Л. Эйлер, А. Клеро, Ж. Даламбер, Л. Лагранж и др. Кроме того, из приведенного анализа
следует, что так называемая научная революция раннего Нового времени происходила в два этапа: натурфилософский этап (XVI–XVII вв.) и собственно научный этап (XVIII в.).
The article shows that the concept of “Newtonian paradigm”, widespread in the literature on the history and philosophy of science, the formation of which is associated with the publication of the treatise by I. Newton “The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” (1687), has no historical meaning. For all the importance of this work of Newton, it could not be laid the foundation of a new paradigm for at least two reasons: the lack of a clear and correct formulation of the second law of
mechanics and the author’s choice of a geometric way of presenting material and demonstrations. In fact, a new paradigm of analytical mechanics was formed in the XVIII century on the continent by the
efforts of such scientists as I. and D. Bernoulli, L. Euler, A. Clairaut, J. D’Alembert, L. Lagrange and others. In addition, from the above analysis it follows that the so-called “scientific revolution” of The Early Modern period took place in two stages: the natural-philosophical stage (XVI–XVII centuries) and the scientific stage itself (XVIII century).
The Scientific Revolution came to be understood as a key period in Western history. The seventeen... more The Scientific Revolution came to be understood as a key period in Western history. The seventeenth century "scientific revolution", i.e. the crystallization and establishment of scientific knowledge in the Early Modern Period, marks the beginnings not only of modern science but of the modern world. The particular focus of the present endeavour is not on the individual ideas or methods that surfaced in the context of this epochal process, but rather on the connections to the specific economic, social, and political contexts.
Drafts by Игорь Дмитриев
«The Mere Touch of Cold Philosophy» (Theological Factor of the Scientific Revolution of Early Modern Time), 2022
The article examines the relationship between theology and natural philosophy in the period of th... more The article examines the relationship between theology and natural philosophy in the period of the intellectual revolution of the early modern epoch, mainly using the example of R. Descartes, as well as criticism of Cartesian ideas from his younger contemporaries, primarily G. V. Leibniz and I. Newton. It is shown that the role of the theological factor in the formation of a new European natural philosophy in this period can be represented (if we take out the pantheistic and similar approaches, for example, B. Pascal's) three representative examples reflecting the typology of the attitude of the heroes of the scientific revolution to the theological component built by them world pictures:
– Cartesian solution: God is the creator of the laws of nature and «eternal truths», who, however, despite the complete freedom of his will, does not interfere with the course of nature created by Him by virtue of the unity of His will and reason;
– Newtonian solution: God is, first of all, Pantokrator, the absolute ruler of the Universe, who not only created the world and its laws, but also directly participates in the management of the universe, which is not purely mechanical, because it contains non-mechanical «active principles», and which is without divine corrective intervention, acting only according to the laws of nature, could not exist at all, and therefore a theological explanation of the causes of natural phenomena has the same status as a purely natural philosophical;
– Leibniz's solution: God is the root cause of everything, but a mediating link should be introduced into the «God – nature» system, i. e. – «the substantial principle», which constitutes a single substance with matter, or a single one in itself (unum per se), that is, a monad.
Thus, the theological factor turned out to be the most important component of the intellectual revolution of the early modern period, although the problem «God – a knowable world» was solved by different thinkers in various manners.
MENDELEEV: THE PATH TO THE LAW (On the history of the discovery of the Periodic Law), 2019
В статье рассматривается история открытия Периодического закона. Особый акцент сделан на приорите... more В статье рассматривается история открытия Периодического закона. Особый акцент сделан на приоритетной полемике Д. И. Менделеева и Л. Майера (L. Meyer).
Аннотация. В статье на примере биографий двух крупнейших отечественных натурфилософов-энциклопеди... more Аннотация. В статье на примере биографий двух крупнейших отечественных натурфилософов-энциклопедистов-М. В. Ломоносова и Д. И. Менделеева-рассмотрено влияние социо-культурных условий России XVIII-XIX вв., а также личностных особенностей указанных персонажей на их карьерные траектории. В статье показано, что имеет место известный изоморфизм (или, говоря мягче, соответствие) между личностными особенностями интеллектуалов, спецификой выбранной ими дисциплинарной области (областей) и социо-культурными и иными условиями их деятельности, в том смысле, что две последние группы факторов играют роль своеобразных фильтров, селективно отбирающих индивидов не тольео по их талантам, но и по типологическим личностным характеристикам. И только тот, кто прошел через «фильтры» эпохи, мог с большими или меньшими потерями и усилиями выстроить свое персональное protected space, а следовательно, и более или менее приемлемую карьерную траекторию.
Abstract. The article on the example of the biographies of the most famous natural philosopher-encyclopaedists, M. V. Lomonosov and D. I. Mendeleyev examines the influence of the socio-cultural circumstances in the XVIIIth-XIXth centuries, as well as the personal characteristics of these characters on their career trajectories. The article shows that there is an isomorphism (or, to put it mildly, a correspondence) between the personal characteristics of intellectuals, the specificity of the disciplinary area (s) chosen by them, and the socio-cultural and other circumstances of their activity, in the sense that the last two groups of factors play the role a kind of filters that select individuals not only by their talents, but also by typological personal characteristics. And only those who passed through the «filters» of the epoch could, with greater or lesser losses and efforts, build their personal protected space, and consequently, a more or less acceptable career trajectory. 1 Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ, проект № 17-03-00085-ОГН-А.
This article is the study of the initial phases of career trajectories of two outstanding British... more This article is the study of the initial phases of career trajectories of two outstanding British scientists - Robert Boyle (1627 – 1691) and Robert Hooke (1635 – 1703). The aim of the work is to find out how scientific careers were formed in conditions that did not contribute to the development of interest in the study of nature (at least on socially significant scales) and in the absence of a socio-professional niche for scientific studies. It is shown that in addition to some objective conditions of the Restoration period, Boyle and Hook's early scientific career was also promoted by their personal characteristics: in the case of Boyle - good financial means, talent, intellectual distancing from contemporaries, ability to combine natural philosophical and ethical-religious discourses, mastery of art edifying rhetoric that meets the needs of the country and fits into the ideological imperatives of the epoch; in the case of Hooke - talent, diligence, the need to earn a living, the status of an indispensible master of experiment. An important role in the formative years of Boyle and Hooke as men of science ("experimental philosophers") was played by their intellectual microsocium, that is, the environment that stimulated and supported their scientific interests and practices. For Boyle, such a microsocium was the circle of people who communicated with Samuel Hartlib (c. 1600 – 1662) (the so-called "Hartlib circle"), for Hooke – Oxford natural philosophers, some of whom also belonged to the "Hartlib circle". In addition, unlike M. Hunter, I proceed from the point of view that the beginning of Boyle's systematic scientific studies was not the result of his "conversion" оr “seismic shift” in 1649, but a process that took several years and passed certain stages.
Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia, 2019
The author expresses critical remarks regarding the article by O.V. Mikhailov on teaching the top... more The author expresses critical remarks regarding the article by O.V. Mikhailov on teaching the topic “Mendeleev’s Periodic law” by at the national research University. Some specific errors of O.V. Mikhailov relating to historical-scientific and quantum-chemical issues are indicated. The article also presents a general critical assessment of his approach to teaching.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2011
Addressing the ups and downs of life and to labyrinths of creative work of such personalities as ... more Addressing the ups and downs of life and to labyrinths of creative work of such personalities as Lomonosov and Mendeleev, who are generally titled Encyclopaedist scientists, a researcher should be ready to permanently face the following three phenomena: the phenomenon of eternal "loose end," when the abundance and greatness of plans do not coincide with real achievements, the phenomenon of profetism, i.e. transfer of a situation to the expected future, and the phenomenon of "searchlight," when the light is the brighter the more remote the light source and the dimmer the closer the light source. Such is Lomonosov, but Russia is such, too.
Discourse, 2018
F. Bacon, like many other philosophers of the early modern era, highlighted the importance of art... more F. Bacon, like many other philosophers of the early modern era, highlighted the importance of artistic representation of his philosophical concepts. F. Bacon's innovative ideas are revealed not only through actual philosophical narrative, but also through the interpretation of mythological and historical subjects, as well as through the complex symbolism of engravings adorning the title pages of the works of the English philosopher. The famous engraving on the frontispiece of F. Bacon's treatise "Instauratio Magna" (1620) expresses metaphorically the idea of science development project presented in this work. The article regards the symbolism of this engraving and its historical and philosophical contexts.
Discourse, 2016
Traditional historiography of science has constructed secrecy in opposition to openness. It is de... more Traditional historiography of science has constructed secrecy in opposition to openness. It is demonstrated that openness and secrecy are often interlocked. Focusing on the early modern period, two cases are introduced that are difficult to analyze with a simple oppositional understanding of openness and secrecy: 1) Isaac Newton's refusal to publish his method of series and fluxions, and 2) the tensions within the Royal Society, between the ideal of openness and the practical need for secrecy. In these cases the dynamic of access and control cannot straightforwardly be classified in a dichotomy «open - secretive».
Discourse, 2019
Introduction. In the philosophy of science great attention is traditionally paid to theoretical k... more Introduction. In the philosophy of science great attention is traditionally paid to theoretical knowledge. However, scientific theories are considered, as a rule, as something already formed, whereas the analysis of the birth and formation of the theory plays a much smaller role. Among the various issues that arise at the intersection of philosophy and history of science the great attention of researchers is attracted by the question about the nature of scientific revolutions. In this work, the question is studied by examing the Planck’s discovery– whether a conservative in science to make a scientific revolution?Methodology and sources. Methodologically, the work is based on historical and scientific analysis of primary sources and research literature. Results and discussion. The paper according the results of the study of primary sources shows that the only desire Planck in his study of blackbody radiation and the only justification for his “Akt der Verzweilung” (Act of delays) wa...
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2021
The article focuses on the following three issues: the characteristic features of understanding a... more The article focuses on the following three issues: the characteristic features of understanding and using the term “law of nature” before F. Bacon, the novelty of F. Bacon’s approach to the interpretation of this concept, theological and legal origins of the concept. It is shown that in works related to the Middle Ages the term “law of nature” had either a purely descriptive (descriptive-stating) or mixed prescriptive-descriptive character. It is shown that in the works of medieval authors the term “law of nature” had either a purely descriptive or mixed prescriptive-descriptive character. The novelty of the approach to understanding the law of nature in the works of F. Bacon lies primarily in the fact that in his interpretation the contours of the understanding of the “law of nature” as an expression of the causal relationship between facts and phenomena are clearly visible. Moreover, Bacon points to the “Latentis Processus et Latentis Schematismi” of bodies as the deepest causes o...
The article formulates some aspects concerning the nature and structure of scientific revolutions... more The article formulates some aspects concerning the nature and structure of scientific revolutions. As a reference example, the scientific (more precisely, natural-philosophical) revolution of the 16th-17th centuries (SR1) was taken, which in turn became part of the intellectual revolution of the Early Modern period. It is shown that SR1 is not at all monodirectional and not predetermined in its milestones process, when the break with the Aristotelian tradition automatically cleared the way to the new science and philosophy. In reality, there was an intellectual war, the outcome of which was by no means known to any of the opposing sides in advance. In the article eight factors are noted that contributed to the SR1: 1) weakening ideological control on the part of the Church; 2) chaotization and fragmentation of intellectual space; 3) the redundancy of the intellectual resource for the emergence of innovative theories and practices; 4) the presence of intellectual reserve (the legacy ...
Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2020
The article is the study of some aspects of the methodology of scientific knowledge that F. Bacon... more The article is the study of some aspects of the methodology of scientific knowledge that F. Bacon addressed in his treatise “New Organon” (1620) and in other works in one way or another related to his work on the project of the Instauratio Magna Scientiarum. The article focuses on the following three questions: Bacon’s attitude to Aristotle’s legacy, the context of Bacon’s doctrine of idols and the reasons for the English philosopher to choose a fragmented (aphoristic) form of presentation of his ideas in the “New Organon” and in some other works. Based on an analysis of Bacon’s works related to the above project, it was shown that his statements about Aristotle and his philosophy were differentiated depending on whether the corresponding text was intended for printing or served as a working draft. In the latter case, the estimates of Aristotle by Bacon were more stringent. Baconian criticism of Aristotelianism was formed in the context of the development by the English philosopher ...
В статье рассматривается карьерная траектория выдающегося немецко-американского физика нидерландс... more В статье рассматривается карьерная траектория выдающегося немецко-американского физика нидерландского происхождения, лауреата Нобелевской премии Питера Дебая (1884–1966) от начала его научной деятельности в 1900-х гг. до эмиграции в США (1940). Особый акцент сделан на жизни и работе П. Дебая, начиная с 1933 г., т. е. во времена Третьего рейха. Главная задача приведенного анализа — выявить те особенности личности ученого и внешние обстоятельства его жизни при нацистском режиме, которые формировали его карьеру в 1933–1940 гг. Показано, что к числу таких факторов (кроме таланта) можно отнести следующие: желание родителей дать способному юноше хорошее образование, несмотря на скромный достаток семьи; географическое расположение родного города (Маастрихта), позволившее Дебаю, живя в Нидерландах, учиться в Германии; возможность получить хорошую научную подготовку у А. Зоммерфельда; умение завязывать дружеские связи с самыми разными людьми; хорошее понимание и умелое использование психолог...
В статье показано, что распространенное в литературе по истории и философии науки понятие «ньютон... more В статье показано, что распространенное в литературе по истории и философии науки понятие «ньютонианская парадигма», формирование которой связывают с публикацией трактата И. Ньютона «Математические начала натуральной философии» (1687), лишено исторического смысла. При всей важности этой работы Ньютона она не могла быть положена в основание новой парадигмы по крайней мере по двум причинам: это отсутствие ясной и правильной формулировки второго закона механики и выбор автором геометрического способа изложения материала и доказательств. Фактически новая парадигма аналитической механики была сформирована в XVIII столетии на континенте усилиями таких ученых, как И. и Д. Бернулли, Л. Эйлер, А. Клеро, Ж. Даламбер, Л. Лагранж и др. Кроме того, из приведенного анализа следует, что так называемая научная революция раннего Нового времени происходила в два этапа: натурфилософский этап (XVI–XVII вв.) и собственно научный этап (XVIII в.).
The article describes two Arctic projects of passage from Arkhangelsk to the shores of Alaska. On... more The article describes two Arctic projects of passage from Arkhangelsk to the shores of Alaska. One of the projects belonged to M. M. Lomonosov, the other to D. I. Mendeleev. Elements of adventurism appeared in both projects.
Continental Paradigm of Island Science (Who Became the Creator of “Newtonian Science”?), 2020
В статье показано, что распространенное в литературе по истории и философии науки понятие «ньютон... more В статье показано, что распространенное в литературе по истории и философии науки понятие «ньютонианская парадигма», формирование которой связывают с публикацией трактата
И. Ньютона «Математические начала натуральной философии» (1687), лишено исторического смысла. При всей важности этой работы Ньютона она не могла быть положена в основание новой парадигмы по крайней мере по двум причинам: это отсутствие ясной и правильной формулировки второго закона механики и выбор автором геометрического способа изложения материала и доказательств. Фактически новая парадигма аналитической механики была сформирована в XVIII столетии на континенте усилиями таких ученых, как И. и Д. Бернулли, Л. Эйлер, А. Клеро, Ж. Даламбер, Л. Лагранж и др. Кроме того, из приведенного анализа
следует, что так называемая научная революция раннего Нового времени происходила в два этапа: натурфилософский этап (XVI–XVII вв.) и собственно научный этап (XVIII в.).
The article shows that the concept of “Newtonian paradigm”, widespread in the literature on the history and philosophy of science, the formation of which is associated with the publication of the treatise by I. Newton “The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” (1687), has no historical meaning. For all the importance of this work of Newton, it could not be laid the foundation of a new paradigm for at least two reasons: the lack of a clear and correct formulation of the second law of
mechanics and the author’s choice of a geometric way of presenting material and demonstrations. In fact, a new paradigm of analytical mechanics was formed in the XVIII century on the continent by the
efforts of such scientists as I. and D. Bernoulli, L. Euler, A. Clairaut, J. D’Alembert, L. Lagrange and others. In addition, from the above analysis it follows that the so-called “scientific revolution” of The Early Modern period took place in two stages: the natural-philosophical stage (XVI–XVII centuries) and the scientific stage itself (XVIII century).
The Scientific Revolution came to be understood as a key period in Western history. The seventeen... more The Scientific Revolution came to be understood as a key period in Western history. The seventeenth century "scientific revolution", i.e. the crystallization and establishment of scientific knowledge in the Early Modern Period, marks the beginnings not only of modern science but of the modern world. The particular focus of the present endeavour is not on the individual ideas or methods that surfaced in the context of this epochal process, but rather on the connections to the specific economic, social, and political contexts.
«The Mere Touch of Cold Philosophy» (Theological Factor of the Scientific Revolution of Early Modern Time), 2022
The article examines the relationship between theology and natural philosophy in the period of th... more The article examines the relationship between theology and natural philosophy in the period of the intellectual revolution of the early modern epoch, mainly using the example of R. Descartes, as well as criticism of Cartesian ideas from his younger contemporaries, primarily G. V. Leibniz and I. Newton. It is shown that the role of the theological factor in the formation of a new European natural philosophy in this period can be represented (if we take out the pantheistic and similar approaches, for example, B. Pascal's) three representative examples reflecting the typology of the attitude of the heroes of the scientific revolution to the theological component built by them world pictures:
– Cartesian solution: God is the creator of the laws of nature and «eternal truths», who, however, despite the complete freedom of his will, does not interfere with the course of nature created by Him by virtue of the unity of His will and reason;
– Newtonian solution: God is, first of all, Pantokrator, the absolute ruler of the Universe, who not only created the world and its laws, but also directly participates in the management of the universe, which is not purely mechanical, because it contains non-mechanical «active principles», and which is without divine corrective intervention, acting only according to the laws of nature, could not exist at all, and therefore a theological explanation of the causes of natural phenomena has the same status as a purely natural philosophical;
– Leibniz's solution: God is the root cause of everything, but a mediating link should be introduced into the «God – nature» system, i. e. – «the substantial principle», which constitutes a single substance with matter, or a single one in itself (unum per se), that is, a monad.
Thus, the theological factor turned out to be the most important component of the intellectual revolution of the early modern period, although the problem «God – a knowable world» was solved by different thinkers in various manners.
MENDELEEV: THE PATH TO THE LAW (On the history of the discovery of the Periodic Law), 2019
В статье рассматривается история открытия Периодического закона. Особый акцент сделан на приорите... more В статье рассматривается история открытия Периодического закона. Особый акцент сделан на приоритетной полемике Д. И. Менделеева и Л. Майера (L. Meyer).
Аннотация. В статье на примере биографий двух крупнейших отечественных натурфилософов-энциклопеди... more Аннотация. В статье на примере биографий двух крупнейших отечественных натурфилософов-энциклопедистов-М. В. Ломоносова и Д. И. Менделеева-рассмотрено влияние социо-культурных условий России XVIII-XIX вв., а также личностных особенностей указанных персонажей на их карьерные траектории. В статье показано, что имеет место известный изоморфизм (или, говоря мягче, соответствие) между личностными особенностями интеллектуалов, спецификой выбранной ими дисциплинарной области (областей) и социо-культурными и иными условиями их деятельности, в том смысле, что две последние группы факторов играют роль своеобразных фильтров, селективно отбирающих индивидов не тольео по их талантам, но и по типологическим личностным характеристикам. И только тот, кто прошел через «фильтры» эпохи, мог с большими или меньшими потерями и усилиями выстроить свое персональное protected space, а следовательно, и более или менее приемлемую карьерную траекторию.
Abstract. The article on the example of the biographies of the most famous natural philosopher-encyclopaedists, M. V. Lomonosov and D. I. Mendeleyev examines the influence of the socio-cultural circumstances in the XVIIIth-XIXth centuries, as well as the personal characteristics of these characters on their career trajectories. The article shows that there is an isomorphism (or, to put it mildly, a correspondence) between the personal characteristics of intellectuals, the specificity of the disciplinary area (s) chosen by them, and the socio-cultural and other circumstances of their activity, in the sense that the last two groups of factors play the role a kind of filters that select individuals not only by their talents, but also by typological personal characteristics. And only those who passed through the «filters» of the epoch could, with greater or lesser losses and efforts, build their personal protected space, and consequently, a more or less acceptable career trajectory. 1 Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ, проект № 17-03-00085-ОГН-А.
This article is the study of the initial phases of career trajectories of two outstanding British... more This article is the study of the initial phases of career trajectories of two outstanding British scientists - Robert Boyle (1627 – 1691) and Robert Hooke (1635 – 1703). The aim of the work is to find out how scientific careers were formed in conditions that did not contribute to the development of interest in the study of nature (at least on socially significant scales) and in the absence of a socio-professional niche for scientific studies. It is shown that in addition to some objective conditions of the Restoration period, Boyle and Hook's early scientific career was also promoted by their personal characteristics: in the case of Boyle - good financial means, talent, intellectual distancing from contemporaries, ability to combine natural philosophical and ethical-religious discourses, mastery of art edifying rhetoric that meets the needs of the country and fits into the ideological imperatives of the epoch; in the case of Hooke - talent, diligence, the need to earn a living, the status of an indispensible master of experiment. An important role in the formative years of Boyle and Hooke as men of science ("experimental philosophers") was played by their intellectual microsocium, that is, the environment that stimulated and supported their scientific interests and practices. For Boyle, such a microsocium was the circle of people who communicated with Samuel Hartlib (c. 1600 – 1662) (the so-called "Hartlib circle"), for Hooke – Oxford natural philosophers, some of whom also belonged to the "Hartlib circle". In addition, unlike M. Hunter, I proceed from the point of view that the beginning of Boyle's systematic scientific studies was not the result of his "conversion" оr “seismic shift” in 1649, but a process that took several years and passed certain stages.