Here's What's Up (original) (raw)

NFBWNW Update [Feb. 17th, 2008|09:30 pm]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Bellingham, WA] [Current Mood okayokay]I'm sorry for the lack of updates to this community. So, we'll go ahead and take it from here, shall we?What's Going On? Well, we just had a meeting in which we practiced sleep shade travel at Bellis Fair Mall. It was excellent; we all (including one of our sighted members) practiced skills that needed brushing up on from negotiating obstacles to problem-solving/orientation. As it was an exciting exercise, we intend to do it again.Exciting NewsWashington State now has a student division. We formed during fall convention of 2007 in Olympia, Washington. Stay tuned for upcoming events of interest to blind students.Upcoming EventsSaturday, february 23: The NFBW Student Division, with the kind help of the Greater Seattle Chapter, is hosting a pizza party for all interested blind students at Zeek's Pizza in downtown Seattle. I believe that the party goes from eleven to two, which is generally the accepted time frame for such parties.Early March: We don't know when, but we're planning another NFBW Northwest activity which will be an extension of the activity we had today.Leadership seminar: Our state's leadership seminar is coming up. Usually, it's the third weekend in April. Keep your eyes open for more updates.New MembersSince we last spoke, we have welcomed Severin Shurger to our chapter as well as Toni Johnson.Events behind the ScenesLisa and Jedi are proud to announce our graduation from Whatcom Community College on June 15, 2007. Both of us now attend Western.
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Meeting Announcements [Dec. 26th, 2006|10:35 pm]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood blahblah]Hello all. Not much has been going on in NFBWNW. In october, we'd planned a pumpkin carving that fell through. We've had state convention a while back, and I'll update you on that if you wish. But anyway, we have a meeting coming up on the 6th of January. It's be at my place, and it'll have the same time schedule as our summer meetings have. That is to say that dinner is at 6 pm and the meeting is at 7. We'll be picking up where we left off in our discussion of blindness and NFB philosophy, and we'll be catching up on reports as far as the treasury and whatnot goes. We'll be having elections soon. probably within the next month or so. So please attend if you are a part of the Northwest chapter. Thanks. Sorry for the blah blah blah affect of this message. I just hooked up my clearwire service and did all the necessaries with it.
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This Month's Braille Monitor [Jun. 27th, 2006|11:31 pm]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood excitedexcited]This is lonejedi with some info about National Convention, as well as some recommended reading for your leisure time.First, let's start with National Convention. We will be leaving Bellingham, that is to say, on the plane and getting ready to take off at 7:40 PM. You will be picked up if you are going, so don't fuss over it. I'd suggest that you bring your own snacks as I imagine that such items won't be plentiful on the flight due to the hours we'll be spending in the air. Energy bars and such work well for trips like these. Please note that if you drink lots of fluids, you'll probably need to locate the bathroom. so be warned.Also, please, please, please bring your cane if you use one. I can't stress the importance of having your travel tools in good working order in the airport. While there, take the opportunity to learn how blind people travel, and likewise, remember to keep a cool head in the airport, especially with skycaps and security personell. Believe me, it can get hairy sometimes.Ok, now for recommended reading. Rarely do I find a Braille Monitor issue that I think outshines all of the others. Mind you, I really appreciate the Monitor for the ability it carries to lift our spirits when we feel a little too isolated. This month's issue has many superb suggestions for life in general and blindness, as well as excellent reading regarding NFB philosophy without forcing the matter down your throat. I think you'll like it. Here's the link to the full issue.'ll see some of you on Thursday. for those of you who are not going, the Monitor for next month will undoubtedly contain a very detailed record of what happened. So, you won't be missing too much...
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Convention Announcements [Jun. 21st, 2006|12:42 am]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood tiredtired]I will be receiving our grants in the mail for this year's national Convention. Our grants will be $300, so you'll want to spend your money wisely while in Dallas. I need to find out from you how it is you want me to get the money to you before we leave.Also, I have some information about when we are leaving. We are leaving Bellingham Airport at 7:30 pm if memory serves. I can post our itinerary here or e-mail it to each of you. we'll be arriving in dallas at 5:30 am local time.Finally, here is a suggested list of things to bring with you for National convention.1. toiletries and personal medications. IF you think there's a chance of losing said items, put your name on them somehow.2. Your money. Don't leave that at home. It would really suck if you did.3. clothing. A word on clothing. Casual clothes are fine for all other functions except Banquet. You're going to want to bring the most formal thing you've got. If you don't have anything formal, jeans are fine so long as you press them and wear a nicely pressed shirt to go with them. Please make sure your jeans don't have holes and the like, and your shirt is best left modest. We will be dining in the company of folks who may not want to see what you've got to offer if you know what I mean.4. appropriate shoes. I'd also bring shoes with your banquet outfit if required. I don't know what you're wearing, but I'll just put it out there just in case.5. bring something to do on the plane. I'd recommend you put said items in a carry-on. also, if you bring a computer or something like one, be prepared to take it out of its case during security checks.6. Your cane if you use one. You'll need it.7. Sunglasses and other appropriate wear for all kinds of weather. be forewarned that when it rains in the south, it pours. And i don't mean the little skinny drops we see up here. I mean the big fat ones.8. Bring a swimsuit just in case there's a pool or hot tub. You'll want it.9. Finally, it's suggested that you should bring some energy bars and snacks of the like because it'll save you money if you don't have to buy everything you'll eat while you're there.I'll post some good tips for Convention other than what to bring at some point in the near future.
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Some Helpful stuff For Convention Attendees [Jun. 11th, 2006|03:46 pm]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood hyperCaffeinated]Hey All.I have here some links for you to look at so you can get a good idea of what's going on at this year's convention. I've got a link for some general info, which also includes some links to specific convention related stuff. I've also got a link or two from the braille Monitor, which should help you get an idea of what the hotel will be like, as well as what programs we'll offer.The general Link's a link that includes a sort of verbal map of the hotel for your benefit., here's a link about this Convention's agenda. think that'll be all for now. I'd suggest that you take a print copy of the agenda from the NFB info desk when you get to Dallas if you need one. Brailled copies are available. But if you have a note taker, I'd suggest that you download a copy into your note taker so you can have a portable copy. Trust me, it makes a difference. As the time nears, I will post some tips from personal experience to help you get acquainted with the NFB Convention lifestyle. If you want to download a copy of the agenda for a note taker or other computer of some kind, go to the first link I gave you. On the left-hand frame, there are a set of links you can use.
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If YOu Get Bored Sometime... [May. 30th, 2006|10:55 pm]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood bouncyExcited]The National federation of the Blind of New Jersey proudly presents Produced by the Northeast Chapter of the NFBNJ, it's a great way for the National Federation of the blind to get its message out there. I've checked it out, and it's pretty cool.Also, please remember that our meeting is this Sunday at 2 pm. We're meeting at bellis Fair Mall at the movie theater. We'll hopefully have some sleep shades available for travel practice before convention. But if not, we'll find other means by which to put people in the mode of thinking about blind travel. cheers.
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Meeting Updater and Other Things [May. 27th, 2006|09:17 pm]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood hungryhungry] [Current Music The Dishwasher]Hey folks! This is your Prez lonejedi with some NFBWNW news and other things.We had our meeting at Denny's last Sunday, and it was a pretty good meeting. we got to listen to Dr. Jernigan's Blindness, Concepts and Misconceptions". If you're interested in reading it more closely, follow this link: Feel free to discuss this piece in the comment section, or ask questions about it. we really didn't get an opportunity to talk about it in depth.Also, we spent some time talking about some fundraising ideas and ideas for the barbecue we'd like to host for the CFB as well as our chapter.Finally, I have two more links for your consideration. The first is to the page where you can download Presidential Releases in mp3 format in case you need a repeat of information from it or if you missed one from a meeting you couldn't attend. The second is a link to this month's braille Monitor, where our chapter has been listed in the Monitor Miniature section. Take a look and bask in the Glory that we've created together!On the Presidential Releases page, the last release was number 340. you are interested in the braille Monitor and what it says about us, visit: We are under the heading "New Chapter".Our next meeting will be held on the first Sunday in June and will take place at Bellis Fair Mall at 2 pm. Let's meet inside the mall right next to the movie theater. If you have a cane, please bring it because you'll want to. Sleep shades will hopefully be available to those who wish to use them for the benefit of practice, and mentrship in travel skills will be available.
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Attention NFB-ers! [May. 12th, 2006|06:06 pm]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood okayokay]I suggest you either keep up with the listserv or check out jmosen's journal. some important stuff regarding web Braille. Might take a few minutes to find it. But go there anyway.
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May 7th Meeting [May. 9th, 2006|09:59 pm]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood okayokay]Hey all. This is lonejedi with some NFBWNW news. We had our meeting on May 7, 2006 at Denny's Restaurant. Present were myself (Jedi), Jacob, Lisa, Mark, and CT. Absent were Ron, Kim, Leila, Toni, and Rick. Topics discussed were the treasurer's and Secretary's reports, National Convention, the new amendment to our constitution (which was voted in), and some ideas for publicity we're hoping to put into action.As to the amendment to the constitution concerning the treasury, I'll go ahead and post the original language as well as the amendment.Original LanguageARTICLE IV. OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIESThere shall be elected annually a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary-Treasurer. The terms of these officers shall begin at the close of themeeting at which they are elected and qualified. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the active members who are present and voting. Electionshall be by voice vote, standing vote, show of hands, or roll call vote unless at least four-fifths of the active members who are present and voting decidethat a secret ballot shall be used. There shall be no proxy voting. If no nominee receives a majority vote on the first ballot, the name of the personreceiving the fewest votes shall be dropped from the list of nominees, and a second ballot shall be taken. This procedure shall continue until one of thenominees has received a majority vote from the active members present and voting. The duties of each officer shall be those ordinarily associated withthat office. The President, the Vice President, and a majority of the Officers must be blind.The amendment reads:Amendment I: Constitutional Officesthe Constitution of the National federation of the Blind of Washington Northwest Chapter provides for the offices of President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer. As voted on May 7, 2006, the office of Secretary-Treasurer shall be split respectively, and the duties of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be those ordinarily associated with those offices. All rules and regulations regarding the qualifications of potential officers and election practices shall remain unchanged.If you have any questions, please let me know.
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Meeting Announcement [May. 2nd, 2006|09:53 pm]Northwest Outpost
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood okayokay]The first meeting in may will be held on Sunday, May 7, 2006. The meeting will begin at 2pm and will be held at Denny's Restaurant on the Guide Meridian in Bellingham. I've not yet finalized discussion topics. However, I will be reading a proposed amendment to our constitution. So, if you'd like to know what the amendment is about, you should come.Last meeting, our turn-out wasn't so great. the good news, however, is that we were able to have a much needed officers meeting. Lisa, Jacob, Mark, and myself were there, and Ron was more or less there by proxy.We voted to split the job of Secretary-Treasurer so that Lisa could focus on our treasury, which currently has $110 in it. we discussed our current membership, as well as specific members who we haven't seen much of lately. As a result of their absence, I have instituted a mentorship program which should help to encourage our newer members to participate and give them a leg up in the process of blindness. The mentorship assignments are as follows:Mentor MenteeJedi CTJacob RickLisa LeilaMark KimRon ToniIf you have any questions, please let me know. We also formed four committees that people can join. They are the fundraising committee which is headed by Lisa, the activities committee which is headed by Mark, the legislative committee headed by Jacob, and the outreach committee headed by none other than yours truly. The functions of the committees are as follows:The activities committee: The activities committee is responsible for assisting the chapter in gaining membership and keeping membership. This will be done by planning non-official NFB outings for members and potential members. Besides membership, the goals of the outings are to get to know each other, to provide mentoring opportunities, and to promote the use of solid skills of blindness. For more information, please contact markurock.The Fundraising Committee: Basically, the goal of this committee is to come up with CREATIVE ways to raise funds for the chapter which will cover everything from general expenses to outings and other Federation events including donations to the state and national organization. for more information, please visit my journal at lonejedi. Lisa isn't a LiveJournal member, but I'd be happy to forward her contact info to you if you are interested in joining.The Legislative committee: There are lots of things going on in all levels of the organization regarding politics. For a chapter, particularly a new one so far from the metropolitan center of the state, following everything is a real chore. So, the legislative committee will keep its ear to the ground and inform the chapter on the latest information about our government regarding blindness related policies as well as other important political matters. They will inform us about upcoming rallies and the like, and advise us as to how to respond in unison with our organization's political efforts. Please contact monorailman for more info. The best way to contact him is by e-mail, which is listed on his user page.The Outreach Committee: The outreach committee is meant to distribute various NFB-related materials to the community. Our other goals include seeking out new membership, creating solid relationships with other groups in the community, and to head educational seminars and such for the general public. In other words, we are the PR nerds of the chapter. For more info, you know where to find me.The final announcement in this post is that Mark is the new Secretary until we can find a qualified blind member in good standing. The motion was moved and carried. For more info on this announcement, feel free to give me a shout.
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