IOANNIS LIRITZIS | Northwestern Polytechnical University (original) (raw)
The effects of the fallout from the nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl have been monitored at ... more The effects of the fallout from the nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl have been monitored at various sites to Greece . Here we present the first estimates of gamma dose rates, an essential parameter in the dating of archaeological materials by thermoluminescence (TL) and ESR methods. The dose rates are derived from the long-lived radionuclides of 137Cs, 134 Cs, 1°6 Ru and 144Ce (with t112 >-1 yr). The present dose rates vary between 30 and 60 mrad/yr, but maximum values of around 811 mrad/yr have also been recorded, for ground-surface exposures. These dose rate values must be regarded as very significant to TL and ESR dating of samples from now on and a correction factor should be applied.
Over the years, numerous gold and silver artifacts have been excavated from the tombs of the Tang... more Over the years, numerous gold and silver artifacts have been excavated from the tombs of the Tang dynasty, which give evidence of the sophisticated metalworking techniques at that time. Few of the artifacts were thoroughly studied and their manufacturing processes were barely known. The present investigation concerns a metal headgear from a newly excavated tomb of a female in Xi'an of the Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.), using advanced techniques in a complementary way, especially performing a detailed analysis of the corrosion products and alloying processes. The combined state-of-the-art methods and instrumentation used for the corrosion study included spectroscopy, diffraction, electron microscopy, synchrotron and their versions for specific measurements and sample preparation. The investigated headgear metal consists of a copper-based core, which is gilded by a thin gold layer, consisting of an Au-Hg alloy with a thin layer of about 400 nm. The technique used for shaping and hammered embellishments led to the creation of nanosized grains on the side that would eventually be the interior of the headgear. It was gilded using the mercury-amalgamation process, and the liquid diffusion caused the development of intermetallic compounds. This is the first recorded instance of these nano-scale and eutectic phases being observed on objects from an archaeological context. The crystallographic analysis offered valuable insights into the formation of needle-like malachite crystals growing on a layer of cuprite found on the surface of the corroded piece. The results highlight that the artisans utilized advanced methods in the creation of funerary items during the Tang dynasty. † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See
Is archaeology and cultural heritage able to foster peace in a turmoiled world?. Herança, 7(Speci... more Is archaeology and cultural heritage able to foster peace in a turmoiled world?. Herança, 7(Special). We are witnesses to a multidimensional crisis throughout the world. The lack of leadership, bigotry, imperialism, the imposition of force through slavery and exploitation, the foolish and ahistorical (indeed psychopathic) insistence of uncultured brutes who call themselves humans to change the tradition of peoples with a thousand-year history, the lack of respect for ancient peoples for geopolitical reasons, the insist for hegemony by some neglecting the physical law that in every action there is a reaction; all call for a "divine" justice (nemesis) and punishment. We live in a turmoiled world . We have witnessed the recent extermination of ancient peoples under the guise of their religious transformation . The economic imposition of the renewed political doctrine of leaders who, with the power of electronic weapons and the so-called "democratic imposition", appear to compensate for their animal instincts at the cost of human lives (Pew Research Center, 2020). Under the pretext of a threat, one great force against another invents alliances against the other evil, with the aim of the well-being of a group 1 . The enlightened civilized leader is wanted! The bright personalities in the history of the civilized world who established, and at the cost of their lives, at times, global organizations, global principles of ethics for a peaceful world, are missed or threatened to their voice. This violent, impudent and arrogant attitude/behavior, which constituted for the ancient Greek world a violation of the moral order and an attempt to overthrow the social balance and the order of the world in general, was believed that (repeatedly, and even after warnings from the gods themselves) ultimately lead to the downfall and destruction of the "insolent one". By expressing the perception of insolence and its consequences, as it is presented at least in its most ancient form, with the pattern ὕβρις (hubris, insult) → ἄτη (Ati, the blindness of the mind) → νεμεσις (nemesis, the divine justice) → τίσις (tisis, punishment) (Aeschylus Persians, 821-822 2 ), we can say that the ancients believed that an "insolence"(Aeschylus, Seven on Thebes, 423-446 3 ) usually caused the intervention of the gods, and mainly of Zeus, who sent the "ἄτη" (Homer Iliad, Τ 91-94 4 ) to the insolent one, that is the clouding, the blindness of the mind. This, in turn, led the insulter to new insults, until he committed a very great folly, to fall into a very serious error, which caused the "nemesis" 5 (Sophocles, Ajax, 776-777 6 ), that is, the wrath 1 2 It originally meant fair distribution, the sharing done by legitimate authority. Over time, it came to mean the taking of judicial action by authority to administer justice. This wrath of the gods, as well as their desire to avenge the insults of mortals, is called Nemesis. In the Hesiod's Theogony, it is mentioned that she was one of the first deities to appear, who was born single-parentally from Night. Nemesis was responsible for the fair administration of justice to humans, which in the case of those who committed insult (hubris), was their punishment.
Deleted Journal, Jan 9, 2024
The study of the magnetization of artifacts discovered at archaeological sites, such as ceramics ... more The study of the magnetization of artifacts discovered at archaeological sites, such as ceramics or hearth remnants, is known as archaeomagnetism. This technique is based on the idea that some materials get magnetized in the direction and intensity of the Earth's magnetic field at the time when heated or exposed to extreme heat. Development in the field has been made to improve magnetometer devices and sample size, as well as measuring techniques of thermal remanent magnetization. It helped to study the variation of the complex Earth's magnetic field or geomagnetic field (GMF) for both geophysical and archaeological dating benefits. The rapid change in GMF within a few hundred or decades, as being of genuine origin or methodological and sample unsuitability has been a matter of debate. Data from about 40 years ago derived from well-dated Byzantine churches that first confirmed such geomagnetic spikes is discussed along with recent archaeomagnetic data from Mesopotamian inscribed bricks and Levantine slags.
Deleted Journal, Jan 25, 2024
Multivariate techniques and especially cluster analysis have been commonly used in Archaeometry. ... more Multivariate techniques and especially cluster analysis have been commonly used in Archaeometry. Exploratory and model-based techniques of clustering have been applied in geochemical (continuous) data of archaeological artifacts for provenance studies. Model-based clustering techniques like classification maximum-likelihood and mixture maximum likelihood had been used in a lesser extent in this context and although they seem to be suitable for such data, they either present practical difficulties -like high dimensionality of the data-or their performance give no evidence to support that they prevail on the standard methods . In this paper standard statistical methods (hierarchical clustering, principal components analysis) and the recently developed one of the multivariate mixture of normals with unknown number of components (see in the category of the modelbased ones, are applied and compared. The data set comprises of chemical compositions in 188 ceramic samples derived from the Aegean islands and surrounding areas.
Revue d'archéométrie, 1984
Cette etude etend et ameliore les resultats chronologiques obtenus par la thermoluminescence (TL)... more Cette etude etend et ameliore les resultats chronologiques obtenus par la thermoluminescence (TL) sur les fours Minoeens et presentes initialement en 1980 par Liritzis et Thomas. Elle developpe aussi le sujet grâce a l'application de l'analyse par activation neutronique (NAA) et de l'analyse par la fluorescence X. L'objectif est d'etudier les occurrences de matiere fondue, verte, dans les fours en vue de determiner si ces fours avaient des fonctions metallurgiques ou simplement de production de poteries. En conclusion, la datation de nombreux echantillons par TL pour le meme four peut reduire l'incertitude finale sur l'âge. Les techniques d'analyse appliquees aux materiaux examines confirment la fonction de production de poterie de chaque four Minoen etudie.
Revue d'archéométrie, 1986
Les calculs theoriques et les donnees experimentales sont presentes ici pour les ordres de grande... more Les calculs theoriques et les donnees experimentales sont presentes ici pour les ordres de grandeur des particules beta et gamma de la dose interne dans les ceramiques. On y discute de la plus haute dose beta des echantillons solides par rapport aux echantillons en poudre. En plus, il faut faire attention au soin apporte dans la mesure des doses beta.
TÜBA - AR, Jun 15, 1999
MM*. Inakus. ArooM. luc-ırkunlmık. Alüvıol. İlk tuitç Çağı. Turan ı\ at Aıhenı. Retttırh Unlır lo... more MM*. Inakus. ArooM. luc-ırkunlmık. Alüvıol. İlk tuitç Çağı. Turan ı\ at Aıhenı. Retttırh Unlır lor Aalrouamy and Applied M»! İm mum • 11 .u.ı |i ni<>. Bir. ı • • Alh*n*ıj(Tirî* SB LHUTZIS -RA*VQ£*OULQU
Revue d'archéométrie, 1985
Une nouvelle approche de la détermination absolue du taux annuel de la dose due au rayonnement ga... more Une nouvelle approche de la détermination absolue du taux annuel de la dose due au rayonnement gamma a déjà été recherchée (Liritzis et Galloway, 1980). Grâce à cette technique, des déductions ont été tirées concernant 1) les réponses relatives au rayonnement gamma de différents minéraux dans quatre sols dopés radioactivement, 2) les variations saisonnières des taux de la dose gamma dans de la tourbe.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 21, 2022
Since the early days of mankind, humans have looked to the stars for answers to their biggest que... more Since the early days of mankind, humans have looked to the stars for answers to their biggest questions, expecting the fulfillment of the most basic need to comprehend the universe they inhabit, both from a scientific perspective and from other cultural standpoints. The skyscape has been the source of inspiration, imagination, for science and philosophy. The dual interaction between man and the skyscape, so-called cultural astronomy and/or archaeoastronomy, concerns with cultural, artistic, everyday perceptions and understandings of astronomical phenomena, and forms a rich cross-disciplinary field. The determination of time and identification of human or animal images from the starry configurations has exerted a strong influence on the human cultures throughout the millennia. The four solar stands, the lunar phases, the planetary orbits, the rise and setting of bright stars and the constellations have triggered past societies to determine the time for daily works. In essence, the determination of time was deemed necessary for many daily aspects. World examples from the five continents on these aspects are outlined, focused on the determination of time with solar stands in daylight, the lunar periodic movements, and bright stars and associated configurations (constellations). Seven broad categories are recognized: Cat.
Encyclopedia of earth sciences, 2015
Revue d'archéométrie, 1980
La methode de datation Th-23O/U-234 a ete appliquee pour dater les travertines de la grotte Petra... more La methode de datation Th-23O/U-234 a ete appliquee pour dater les travertines de la grotte Petralora, Grece ; un site avec beaucoup de signification archeologique. ; Ces travertines ont couvert un ensemble d'os et d'outils humains qui ont ete associes a une occupation anterieure de la grotte. Les âges presentes ici, sont ranges d'environ 70 000 ans a plus de 350 000 ans (B.P.). ; A cause de l'etat de conservation des materiaux, les methodes possibles de correction ont ete appliquees. ; Priorite est donnee a l'interpretation des resultats en tenant compte de leurs âges corriges et de leurs implications paleoclimatologiques et archeologiques.
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Aug 1, 1983
... As a city, Eretria was well fortified with strong walls, towers and an Acropolis. Its port wa... more ... As a city, Eretria was well fortified with strong walls, towers and an Acropolis. Its port was protected from the west by an artificial jetty and from the east by a small jetty and the isle of Pezonision. Fig. 2A, B shows the sub-merged ...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 29, 2021
New technologies of DNA sequencing can provide valuable insights into the identity of archaeobota... more New technologies of DNA sequencing can provide valuable insights into the identity of archaeobotanical remains, early human-environment interactions and an understanding of social and religious activities. In the Late Bronze archaeological site of Kastrouli, Phokis (Greece), plant biomass remains in a ceramic vessel of the Mycenaean period are analysed. To determine the identity of the biomass, a high throughput sequencing technology was used to obtain whole genome sequencing (WGS) of plant, bacterial and fungal genomes. Whole genome analysis (WGS) of ancient DNA (aDNA) showed that despite the small DNA fragments recovered from the plant remains several reads were assigned to reference plant genomes The molecular analyses in the archaeobotanical and medicinal plant remains identified 10 agronomically important plant species (oak, Eucalyptus, tobacco, grape, cotton, cowpea, conyza) and characterized a diverse microbial community associated with the plant biomass. Surprising is the detection of wild tobacco, tomato and cotton. The taxa represented by plant parts, provide socio-cultural insight on plant use by the inhabitants of the settlement. A complementary microscopic analysis of the plant biomass revealed floral parts and leaves of different morphologies belonging to different taxa. In particular, the microbial community within the vessel environment had distinct associations with plant, rhizosphere, soil, marine and water ecosystems; which are evident in Kastrouli environs. The sequencing information recovered from the approaximately 3000-year-old biological samples revealed unexpected findings on biocultural diversity, early agriculture and species domestication in this corner of the Mediterranean basin.
Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 2012
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, Oct 5, 2021
The responsibility for the content of the materials published falls entirely on the authors. This... more The responsibility for the content of the materials published falls entirely on the authors. This volume uses the free open-source typeface Gentium by SIL International.
Despite its ubiquity in historical and mythological narratives, the ancient region of southern Ph... more Despite its ubiquity in historical and mythological narratives, the ancient region of southern Phokis in central Greece has been approached primarily as a backdrop for more prominent neighbors (e.g. Delphi, Boiotia), whose roles have been codified in extant histories. Archaeological research has been likewise limited, with the result that southern Phokis has remained largely untouched and unintegrated into the larger narratives of each of the major periods of antiquity. Recent work by the Southern Phokis Regional Project (SPRP) in the Desfina Plain is correcting this lacuna. SPRP is blending the strongest attributes of several disciplinary approaches (e.g. classics, archaeochemistry, digital humanities) to produce a comprehensive transdisciplinary study of the natural and cultural landscape of the region, thereby illuminating the important role of southern Phokis during some of the richest epochs of human history.<br> Our 2018 study of Desfina's natural and cultural enviro...
The effects of the fallout from the nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl have been monitored at ... more The effects of the fallout from the nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl have been monitored at various sites to Greece . Here we present the first estimates of gamma dose rates, an essential parameter in the dating of archaeological materials by thermoluminescence (TL) and ESR methods. The dose rates are derived from the long-lived radionuclides of 137Cs, 134 Cs, 1°6 Ru and 144Ce (with t112 >-1 yr). The present dose rates vary between 30 and 60 mrad/yr, but maximum values of around 811 mrad/yr have also been recorded, for ground-surface exposures. These dose rate values must be regarded as very significant to TL and ESR dating of samples from now on and a correction factor should be applied.
Over the years, numerous gold and silver artifacts have been excavated from the tombs of the Tang... more Over the years, numerous gold and silver artifacts have been excavated from the tombs of the Tang dynasty, which give evidence of the sophisticated metalworking techniques at that time. Few of the artifacts were thoroughly studied and their manufacturing processes were barely known. The present investigation concerns a metal headgear from a newly excavated tomb of a female in Xi'an of the Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.), using advanced techniques in a complementary way, especially performing a detailed analysis of the corrosion products and alloying processes. The combined state-of-the-art methods and instrumentation used for the corrosion study included spectroscopy, diffraction, electron microscopy, synchrotron and their versions for specific measurements and sample preparation. The investigated headgear metal consists of a copper-based core, which is gilded by a thin gold layer, consisting of an Au-Hg alloy with a thin layer of about 400 nm. The technique used for shaping and hammered embellishments led to the creation of nanosized grains on the side that would eventually be the interior of the headgear. It was gilded using the mercury-amalgamation process, and the liquid diffusion caused the development of intermetallic compounds. This is the first recorded instance of these nano-scale and eutectic phases being observed on objects from an archaeological context. The crystallographic analysis offered valuable insights into the formation of needle-like malachite crystals growing on a layer of cuprite found on the surface of the corroded piece. The results highlight that the artisans utilized advanced methods in the creation of funerary items during the Tang dynasty. † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See
Is archaeology and cultural heritage able to foster peace in a turmoiled world?. Herança, 7(Speci... more Is archaeology and cultural heritage able to foster peace in a turmoiled world?. Herança, 7(Special). We are witnesses to a multidimensional crisis throughout the world. The lack of leadership, bigotry, imperialism, the imposition of force through slavery and exploitation, the foolish and ahistorical (indeed psychopathic) insistence of uncultured brutes who call themselves humans to change the tradition of peoples with a thousand-year history, the lack of respect for ancient peoples for geopolitical reasons, the insist for hegemony by some neglecting the physical law that in every action there is a reaction; all call for a "divine" justice (nemesis) and punishment. We live in a turmoiled world . We have witnessed the recent extermination of ancient peoples under the guise of their religious transformation . The economic imposition of the renewed political doctrine of leaders who, with the power of electronic weapons and the so-called "democratic imposition", appear to compensate for their animal instincts at the cost of human lives (Pew Research Center, 2020). Under the pretext of a threat, one great force against another invents alliances against the other evil, with the aim of the well-being of a group 1 . The enlightened civilized leader is wanted! The bright personalities in the history of the civilized world who established, and at the cost of their lives, at times, global organizations, global principles of ethics for a peaceful world, are missed or threatened to their voice. This violent, impudent and arrogant attitude/behavior, which constituted for the ancient Greek world a violation of the moral order and an attempt to overthrow the social balance and the order of the world in general, was believed that (repeatedly, and even after warnings from the gods themselves) ultimately lead to the downfall and destruction of the "insolent one". By expressing the perception of insolence and its consequences, as it is presented at least in its most ancient form, with the pattern ὕβρις (hubris, insult) → ἄτη (Ati, the blindness of the mind) → νεμεσις (nemesis, the divine justice) → τίσις (tisis, punishment) (Aeschylus Persians, 821-822 2 ), we can say that the ancients believed that an "insolence"(Aeschylus, Seven on Thebes, 423-446 3 ) usually caused the intervention of the gods, and mainly of Zeus, who sent the "ἄτη" (Homer Iliad, Τ 91-94 4 ) to the insolent one, that is the clouding, the blindness of the mind. This, in turn, led the insulter to new insults, until he committed a very great folly, to fall into a very serious error, which caused the "nemesis" 5 (Sophocles, Ajax, 776-777 6 ), that is, the wrath 1 2 It originally meant fair distribution, the sharing done by legitimate authority. Over time, it came to mean the taking of judicial action by authority to administer justice. This wrath of the gods, as well as their desire to avenge the insults of mortals, is called Nemesis. In the Hesiod's Theogony, it is mentioned that she was one of the first deities to appear, who was born single-parentally from Night. Nemesis was responsible for the fair administration of justice to humans, which in the case of those who committed insult (hubris), was their punishment.
Deleted Journal, Jan 9, 2024
The study of the magnetization of artifacts discovered at archaeological sites, such as ceramics ... more The study of the magnetization of artifacts discovered at archaeological sites, such as ceramics or hearth remnants, is known as archaeomagnetism. This technique is based on the idea that some materials get magnetized in the direction and intensity of the Earth's magnetic field at the time when heated or exposed to extreme heat. Development in the field has been made to improve magnetometer devices and sample size, as well as measuring techniques of thermal remanent magnetization. It helped to study the variation of the complex Earth's magnetic field or geomagnetic field (GMF) for both geophysical and archaeological dating benefits. The rapid change in GMF within a few hundred or decades, as being of genuine origin or methodological and sample unsuitability has been a matter of debate. Data from about 40 years ago derived from well-dated Byzantine churches that first confirmed such geomagnetic spikes is discussed along with recent archaeomagnetic data from Mesopotamian inscribed bricks and Levantine slags.
Deleted Journal, Jan 25, 2024
Multivariate techniques and especially cluster analysis have been commonly used in Archaeometry. ... more Multivariate techniques and especially cluster analysis have been commonly used in Archaeometry. Exploratory and model-based techniques of clustering have been applied in geochemical (continuous) data of archaeological artifacts for provenance studies. Model-based clustering techniques like classification maximum-likelihood and mixture maximum likelihood had been used in a lesser extent in this context and although they seem to be suitable for such data, they either present practical difficulties -like high dimensionality of the data-or their performance give no evidence to support that they prevail on the standard methods . In this paper standard statistical methods (hierarchical clustering, principal components analysis) and the recently developed one of the multivariate mixture of normals with unknown number of components (see in the category of the modelbased ones, are applied and compared. The data set comprises of chemical compositions in 188 ceramic samples derived from the Aegean islands and surrounding areas.
Revue d'archéométrie, 1984
Cette etude etend et ameliore les resultats chronologiques obtenus par la thermoluminescence (TL)... more Cette etude etend et ameliore les resultats chronologiques obtenus par la thermoluminescence (TL) sur les fours Minoeens et presentes initialement en 1980 par Liritzis et Thomas. Elle developpe aussi le sujet grâce a l'application de l'analyse par activation neutronique (NAA) et de l'analyse par la fluorescence X. L'objectif est d'etudier les occurrences de matiere fondue, verte, dans les fours en vue de determiner si ces fours avaient des fonctions metallurgiques ou simplement de production de poteries. En conclusion, la datation de nombreux echantillons par TL pour le meme four peut reduire l'incertitude finale sur l'âge. Les techniques d'analyse appliquees aux materiaux examines confirment la fonction de production de poterie de chaque four Minoen etudie.
Revue d'archéométrie, 1986
Les calculs theoriques et les donnees experimentales sont presentes ici pour les ordres de grande... more Les calculs theoriques et les donnees experimentales sont presentes ici pour les ordres de grandeur des particules beta et gamma de la dose interne dans les ceramiques. On y discute de la plus haute dose beta des echantillons solides par rapport aux echantillons en poudre. En plus, il faut faire attention au soin apporte dans la mesure des doses beta.
TÜBA - AR, Jun 15, 1999
MM*. Inakus. ArooM. luc-ırkunlmık. Alüvıol. İlk tuitç Çağı. Turan ı\ at Aıhenı. Retttırh Unlır lo... more MM*. Inakus. ArooM. luc-ırkunlmık. Alüvıol. İlk tuitç Çağı. Turan ı\ at Aıhenı. Retttırh Unlır lor Aalrouamy and Applied M»! İm mum • 11 .u.ı |i ni<>. Bir. ı • • Alh*n*ıj(Tirî* SB LHUTZIS -RA*VQ£*OULQU
Revue d'archéométrie, 1985
Une nouvelle approche de la détermination absolue du taux annuel de la dose due au rayonnement ga... more Une nouvelle approche de la détermination absolue du taux annuel de la dose due au rayonnement gamma a déjà été recherchée (Liritzis et Galloway, 1980). Grâce à cette technique, des déductions ont été tirées concernant 1) les réponses relatives au rayonnement gamma de différents minéraux dans quatre sols dopés radioactivement, 2) les variations saisonnières des taux de la dose gamma dans de la tourbe.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 21, 2022
Since the early days of mankind, humans have looked to the stars for answers to their biggest que... more Since the early days of mankind, humans have looked to the stars for answers to their biggest questions, expecting the fulfillment of the most basic need to comprehend the universe they inhabit, both from a scientific perspective and from other cultural standpoints. The skyscape has been the source of inspiration, imagination, for science and philosophy. The dual interaction between man and the skyscape, so-called cultural astronomy and/or archaeoastronomy, concerns with cultural, artistic, everyday perceptions and understandings of astronomical phenomena, and forms a rich cross-disciplinary field. The determination of time and identification of human or animal images from the starry configurations has exerted a strong influence on the human cultures throughout the millennia. The four solar stands, the lunar phases, the planetary orbits, the rise and setting of bright stars and the constellations have triggered past societies to determine the time for daily works. In essence, the determination of time was deemed necessary for many daily aspects. World examples from the five continents on these aspects are outlined, focused on the determination of time with solar stands in daylight, the lunar periodic movements, and bright stars and associated configurations (constellations). Seven broad categories are recognized: Cat.
Encyclopedia of earth sciences, 2015
Revue d'archéométrie, 1980
La methode de datation Th-23O/U-234 a ete appliquee pour dater les travertines de la grotte Petra... more La methode de datation Th-23O/U-234 a ete appliquee pour dater les travertines de la grotte Petralora, Grece ; un site avec beaucoup de signification archeologique. ; Ces travertines ont couvert un ensemble d'os et d'outils humains qui ont ete associes a une occupation anterieure de la grotte. Les âges presentes ici, sont ranges d'environ 70 000 ans a plus de 350 000 ans (B.P.). ; A cause de l'etat de conservation des materiaux, les methodes possibles de correction ont ete appliquees. ; Priorite est donnee a l'interpretation des resultats en tenant compte de leurs âges corriges et de leurs implications paleoclimatologiques et archeologiques.
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Aug 1, 1983
... As a city, Eretria was well fortified with strong walls, towers and an Acropolis. Its port wa... more ... As a city, Eretria was well fortified with strong walls, towers and an Acropolis. Its port was protected from the west by an artificial jetty and from the east by a small jetty and the isle of Pezonision. Fig. 2A, B shows the sub-merged ...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 29, 2021
New technologies of DNA sequencing can provide valuable insights into the identity of archaeobota... more New technologies of DNA sequencing can provide valuable insights into the identity of archaeobotanical remains, early human-environment interactions and an understanding of social and religious activities. In the Late Bronze archaeological site of Kastrouli, Phokis (Greece), plant biomass remains in a ceramic vessel of the Mycenaean period are analysed. To determine the identity of the biomass, a high throughput sequencing technology was used to obtain whole genome sequencing (WGS) of plant, bacterial and fungal genomes. Whole genome analysis (WGS) of ancient DNA (aDNA) showed that despite the small DNA fragments recovered from the plant remains several reads were assigned to reference plant genomes The molecular analyses in the archaeobotanical and medicinal plant remains identified 10 agronomically important plant species (oak, Eucalyptus, tobacco, grape, cotton, cowpea, conyza) and characterized a diverse microbial community associated with the plant biomass. Surprising is the detection of wild tobacco, tomato and cotton. The taxa represented by plant parts, provide socio-cultural insight on plant use by the inhabitants of the settlement. A complementary microscopic analysis of the plant biomass revealed floral parts and leaves of different morphologies belonging to different taxa. In particular, the microbial community within the vessel environment had distinct associations with plant, rhizosphere, soil, marine and water ecosystems; which are evident in Kastrouli environs. The sequencing information recovered from the approaximately 3000-year-old biological samples revealed unexpected findings on biocultural diversity, early agriculture and species domestication in this corner of the Mediterranean basin.
Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 2012
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, Oct 5, 2021
The responsibility for the content of the materials published falls entirely on the authors. This... more The responsibility for the content of the materials published falls entirely on the authors. This volume uses the free open-source typeface Gentium by SIL International.
Despite its ubiquity in historical and mythological narratives, the ancient region of southern Ph... more Despite its ubiquity in historical and mythological narratives, the ancient region of southern Phokis in central Greece has been approached primarily as a backdrop for more prominent neighbors (e.g. Delphi, Boiotia), whose roles have been codified in extant histories. Archaeological research has been likewise limited, with the result that southern Phokis has remained largely untouched and unintegrated into the larger narratives of each of the major periods of antiquity. Recent work by the Southern Phokis Regional Project (SPRP) in the Desfina Plain is correcting this lacuna. SPRP is blending the strongest attributes of several disciplinary approaches (e.g. classics, archaeochemistry, digital humanities) to produce a comprehensive transdisciplinary study of the natural and cultural landscape of the region, thereby illuminating the important role of southern Phokis during some of the richest epochs of human history.<br> Our 2018 study of Desfina's natural and cultural enviro...
The evolution of human societies and in general of human history, do not follow a liner trend but... more The evolution of human societies and in general of human history, do not follow a liner trend but rests mainly on mutual interactions amongst different components. The interacted multifactorial issues derive from three concentric circles or dynamical systems, a) the internal (issues derived from within a given society), b) the external (issues derived from interaction with neighbor societies) and c) the environmental (issues related to the context and other environmental phenomena). Thus, cultures experience cycles of birth, life, decline and death, often supplanted by a potent new culture, formed around a compelling new cultural symbol. In the 4th millennium BC, at around the same time, communities in the valleys of a few large river of Asia and Africa, widely separated from each other, took to growing
WAC-9, 2020
Dear Colleagues. We are pleased to announce our Session on RIVER CULTURES: COLLAPSE & GROWTH in ... more Dear Colleagues.
We are pleased to announce our Session on RIVER CULTURES: COLLAPSE & GROWTH in the WAC-9 Prague conference (see below).
21. World Archaeologies: the past, the present and the future
(deadline of Abstracts: 15 Nov 2019)
Prof.Ioannis LIRITZIS (University of the Aegean, Lab. of Archaeometry; Lab of Environmental Archaeology & Preventive Conservation, Rhodes, Greece & Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development & College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng, China);
Prof.Changhong MIAO (Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development & College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, 475001Kaifeng, China)
The evolution of human societies and in general of human history, do not follow a liner trend but rests mainly on mutual interactions amongst different components. The interacted multifactorial issues derive from three concentric circles or dynamical systems, a) the internal (issues derived from within a given society), b) the external (issues derived from interaction with neighbor societies) and c) the environmental (issues related to the context and other environmental phenomena). Thus, cultures experience cycles of birth, life, decline and death, often supplanted by a potent new culture, formed around a compelling new cultural symbol. In the 4th millennium BC, at around the same time, communities in the valleys of a few large river of Asia and Africa, widely separated from each other, took to growing crops systematically. Rivers provided ancient societies with access to trade; not only of products, but ideas, including language, writing, and technology. River-based irrigation permitted communities to specialize and develop, even in areas lacking adequate rainfall. For those cultures that depended on them, rivers were the lifeblood. The earliest forms of civilizations were said to be located on the four river valleys: the Tigris-Euphrates River in ancient Mesopotamia, the Nile River in ancient Egypt, the Huang He (Yellow River) and Yangtze River in China, and the Indus River in ancient India. These four river valley civilizations had many differences yet still lived common life-modes. Also, along river valleys in other parts of the World nuclei of settlements have developed that helped societies to grow and trade. What are the advantages and drawbacks for an ancient river valley societal culture to grow and collapse? What is the evidence for small and grand scale river valleys that accommodated great cultures? How the cultural heritage of these ancient river valley civilizations can be sustained?
Keywords: disaster archaeology, river valleys, ancient cultures, human evolution, civilization.
We look forward to receiving your ABSTRACT!
Deadline of Abstracts 15 Nov 2019!
Kind Regards,
Ioannis & Changhong
PREPARE your ABSTRACT maximum 250 Words and you may add a few references and submit to us:
The 4th Luminescence in Archaeology International Symposium will be hosted by the Sedimentary Geo... more The 4th Luminescence in Archaeology International Symposium will be hosted by the Sedimentary Geology and Quaternary Research Group at the University of Freiburg (Germany) 3-6 April 2019.
LAIS 2019 continues the series of symposia initiated in Delphi 2009, Lisbon 2012 and Paris 2015. It is an international initiative focussing on the use of luminescence for the dating and analysis of materials in archaeological and geoarchaeological context. In addition it supports archaeological and archaeometrical communities to further develop and expose luminescence methodology.
Brief and helpful elucidations for comprehension The so called pyramidals i.e. megalithic like st... more Brief and helpful elucidations for comprehension The so called pyramidals i.e. megalithic like stone (mainly limestone) structures in Greece has been an attractive subject for the amateurs, imaginary specialists, naturalists, romantics, wrong or predetermined or (mis)-understood specialists, yet also a few skeptical, open minded and seriously considering any scientific result produced. Retired ones but active and updated with strong memory and innovative concepts are a few, most should retreat and enjoy but not intervening to scientific affairs. Each is free to expression, but I recommend those hobbyists first to be conscientious and have the sense of moderation before they write while tired. In a recent academia summary pdf file entitled: The So-Called Pyramids of the Peloponnese. A Compilation and Reconsideration of the Evidence, by D. J. Windell and R. Webb (2019), this hot subject appears again. These authors give an account of travelers' drawings and engravings as well as nice photos. Although they tried to present a subject out of their adoration of Greek archaeology gathering as much as possible references, the reading of some the papers and published scientific work has been jeopardized: misunderstood, preoccupied as it seems and biased. Regarding my own work I should like to clarify the following:
A ceramic assemblage selected from a recently excavated Late Helladic settlement at Kastrouli (Ce... more A ceramic assemblage selected from a recently excavated Late Helladic settlement at Kastrouli (Central Greece) has been chemically analyzed and statistically elaborated, to add new information and contribution to the Mycenaean culture in the wider studied area. The chemical composition of 142 ceramic sherds represented by wide range of household typologies was measured by using a calibrated non-destructive portable X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) setup. Fired briquettes prepared from 8 local clay sources and several mixtures of them were similarly analyzed. A robust statistical analysis is applied based on 15 major and minor/trace elements employing hierarchical cluster analysis with several linkages, descriptive statistics, biplots and boxplots, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), as well as, Euclidean and Mahalanobis distances on standardized ratio transformed data. Τhe chemical characterization and the statistical evaluation were coupled by petrographic analysis. The results obtained revealed that some local clay sources and their mixtures are placed within the archaeologically identified broad ceramics group, providing, thus, evidence for a local production of the studied pottery, and artisan's skills employed a variety of manufacture technologies.
Α World unique unprecedented Master course that supports, integrates and enrols the students in t... more Α World unique unprecedented Master course that supports, integrates and enrols the students in the contemporary labour market and the requirements of the digital and mobile technology; an ideal combination of anthropology, archaeology, art through proper management, preservation and ethical approach to the material cultural heritage. An original combination of modern concept and needs for identification, documentation, maintenance, rescue and diffusion of at risk world heritage. Contemporary approaches which act as catalysts in the preservation and documentation of cultural heritage, that is also relevant to past social and anthropological interpretations through the interdisciplinary approach. The course includes concrete hands-on field & laboratory interactions, theoretical evaluation & modern digital and other technological tools. Saves students from the World to move away from home, benefits them from the current financial depression, enhances safety issues without reduction in the quality and experiences needed.
K. Ernstson, C. Sideris, I. Liritzis, A. Neumair, 2012
Archaeological excavation at Chieming-Stöttham in the Chiemgau region of Southeast Germany reveal... more Archaeological excavation at Chieming-Stöttham in the Chiemgau region of Southeast Germany revealed a diamictic (breccia) layer sandwiched between a Neolithic and a Roman occupation layer. This exotic layer bears evidence of its deposition in a catastrophic event that is attributed to the Chiemgau meteorite impact. In the extended crater strewn field produced by the impact, geological excavations have uncovered comparable horizons with an anomalous geological inventory intermixed with archaeological material. Evidences of extreme destruction, temperatures and pressures including impact shock effects suggest that the current views on its being an undisturbed colluvial depositional sequence as postulated by archaeologists and pedologists/geomorphologists is untenable.
Academy of Athens, 1991
Archaeomagnetic (Greek and Balkan) and Limnomagnetic (British Lake sediments) data analysis over ... more Archaeomagnetic (Greek and Balkan) and Limnomagnetic (British Lake sediments) data analysis over the past 10,000 years. Time series analysis, periodicities, and compatibility of these two data sets.
In Honor of Prof. Liritzis Ioannis: Essays in Archaeology & Archaeometry and the Hellenic Contrib... more In Honor of Prof. Liritzis Ioannis: Essays in Archaeology & Archaeometry and the Hellenic Contribution to Egyptology