NYC Bird Alliance (original) (raw)


For over 40 years, NYC Bird Alliance's conservation programs have studied and advocated on behalf of the City's wild birds. Working with a network of volunteers and scientists as part of programs such as Project Safe Flight collisions monitoring and Waterbirds of New York Harbor, we protect birds and preserve their habitat, from marshlands and nesting islands for herons and egrets to woodland park areas so important to migrating and nesting species.

Our Work


Since our founding, we've engaged in advocacy work in all five boroughs to speak up for our birds and their habitats. In 1978, a cadre of regular Central Park bird watchers successfully opposed a Central Park Conservancy plan to “restore” the Ramble through changes such as tree removal. These fledgling activists soon founded NYC Bird Alliance and launched 40 years of dedicated advocacy for habitat preservation and protection for birds.

Our Voice


For over 40 years, NYC Bird Alliance's conservation programs have studied and advocated on behalf of the City's wild birds. Working with a network of volunteers and scientists as part of programs such as Project Safe Flight collisions monitoring and Waterbirds of New York Harbor, we protect birds and preserve their habitat, from marshlands and nesting islands for herons and egrets to woodland park areas so important to migrating and nesting species.

Our Work


Since our founding, we've engaged in advocacy work in all five boroughs to speak up for our birds and their habitats. In 1978, a cadre of regular Central Park bird watchers successfully opposed a Central Park Conservancy plan to “restore” the Ramble through changes such as tree removal. These fledgling activists soon founded NYC Bird Alliance and launched 40 years of dedicated advocacy for habitat preservation and protection for birds.

Our Voice


RSVP for the Fall Roost

October 1 | Tavern on the Green
Join us for our annual buzzy and birdy cocktail party! Your support of the Fall Roost gala provides critical funds for the protection of wild birds and their habitats across New York City. Buy your tickets today!

Fall Migration is Here!

Free Outings | All 5 Boroughs
Millions of birds are passing through our City. Whether you're a beginner birder or avian expert, we have free bird outings just for you! View all upcoming programs.

Visit us on Governors Island

Weekends | Colonels Row, House 405B
Join us every weekend throughout the summer and fall at our seasonal environmental center. Learn more about our Governors Island programs, including free bird outings every Saturday at 2pm, bird-friendly glass workshops, Artists-in-Residence exhibitions, and more! view calendar


Over 100 of the 350 bird species that depend on New York City are of conservation concern. NYC Bird Alliance’s conservation programs research the dangers facing the birds that live in and migrate through New York City, engage our dedicated grassroots network of community scientists and volunteers, and provide innovative solutions that help birds.

All Work


A groundbreaking research study published in PLOS ONE on August 7, 2024 has uncovered alarming new evidence that building collisions are killing significantly more birds than previously estimated—well over one billion annually in the United States alone. The research, conducted by scientists at Fordham University, NYC Bird Alliance, American Bird Conservancy, and Stony Brook University examined outcomes for over 3,000 birds injured in building collisions and brought to rehabilitators across multiple states. Their findings uncovered that only 40% of birds with injuries from collisions survive, even with the highest standards of wildlife rehabilitator care.
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We're thrilled to share the new name of our organization: as of June 6, 2024, we’re now NYC Bird Alliance! In Spring 2023, we embarked on a process to choose a new name that is more welcoming and representative of our mission to protect wild birds and habitat across New York City. While our name has changed, our work will not. We remain a committed chapter of National Audubon and bird conservation organizations across the country, and are proud to have a name that represents our inclusive work and growing impact. Learn more at
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_The Urban Bird Call (_formerly The Urban Audubon)is our glossy publication mailed to NYC Bird Alliance members, connecting readers with the latest news on our organization’s activities and events, interesting topics in birding and conservation, and more. Our Fall 2024 issue has arrived, and you can read the digital version online right now!
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For over 40 years, NYC Bird Alliance scientists have monitored and protected 10 species of herons, egrets, and ibis—collectively known as the Harbor Herons—that nest on wild islands throughout our City’s waterways. This past year, NYC Bird Alliance surveyed 19 harbor islands revealing some amazing highs and concerning lows. We found that wading birds are demonstrating resilience to rising sea levels, and Great Blue Herons have nested in Manhattan—a first for modern times! But populations like the Black-crowned Night Heron and Glossy Ibis are also in steady decline. Learn what factors are affecting our NY Harbor wildlife–and how we can help—in our State of the Harbor Herons Report.
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Our collision monitoring program works with the City's most dangerous buildings for birds to implement solutions such as bird-friendly glass retrofits, green roof installations, and/or "Lights Out" protocol implementations -- helping to reduce the 250,000 annual bird deaths from collisions in New York City! Our high-profile work on retrofits at Circa Central Park made the front page of the Oct. 17 New York Times. It is one of many buildings we're working with to make our City safe for birds. Learn about the ever-growing list of "bird-safe actors" we work with!
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New York City: the City that Never Sleeps, the Center of the Universe…and a major raptor hotspot? It comes as a shock to many that in our huge metropolis, birds of prey could find a place to even survive, let alone thrive. Learn about all the birds of prey that surprisingly call New York City home (including the increasingly common Bald Eagle!) in our Urban Raptor online guide.
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Equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) is a central pillar of NYC Bird Alliance’s 2020-2025 strategic plan. The protection of birds depends on work and support across all of the City’s communities. The organization has worked consistently to center EDIA in our conservation, engagement, and advocacy work; in our communications and outreach; in our board governance; and in our internal operations. We are proud to share some highlights of this work.
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Many migrating birds are injured as they pass through New York City, most often in collisions with glass windows. Learn what to do if you find an injured bird and help it continue on its migratory journey.
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