nyu_gsp (original) (raw)

February 24th, 2008

Hey everyone,I have been accepted into NYU GSP, the information that came with my acceptance letter said that I have the opportunity to study in London for a semester my freshman year. I was just wondering if anyone here could offer any insight into the study abroad program (pros, cons, advice, etc.). Thank you in advance, I greatly appreciate any information you have to give on this subject! :)
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April 17th, 2007

My friends and I got an apartment on 2nd ave and 10th st. We have an extra room for the summer (May through August). It is $1250 a month (not including utilities). You should live with us! Call me (Erika) 516.680.7584 to come see it asap.
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March 12th, 2007

My sister's just been accepted to the GSP and I'm asking some questions on her behalf:Pre-med at NYU & while in GSP: any complaints, insight, advice from anyone who's been through it? Do you HAVE to follow the pre-med GSP track as outlined by the school's website? My sis is taking AP Physics as a senior right now and doing really well, and she'd rather take Physics again during Freshman year while she still remembers it, but the GSP guidelines recommend taking Physics in the Sophomore year. Can she switch things around? Thanks!
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April 18th, 2006

For a performance art pieceSEEKING: DANCERS, ACTORS, ARTISTS; professionals and amateurs Description:Great experience, meet interesting people in the arts field in a simple one-time performance. Requirements:Availability at 12 noon on Thursday, April 27; a shirt and pair pants of the same color This performance will be simple, well-documented (media coverage), and a positive resume-booster. Please respond to ks1531@nyu.edu if you have any interest or questions, preferably A.S.A.P. Thank you!
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April 11th, 2006

hi! i'll be attending gsp in the upcoming fall as a freshman.i have a slight problem. i originally applied to CAS for east asian studies/chinese language. obviously that doesn't really matter now that i'm in GSP, but my question is: can i take a foreign language my freshman year? i've been studying chinese with a private tutor for the past 3 years, but i was told that freshman can't take a foreign language unless they have taken it for 3 years in high school. chinese isn't offered in my high school! it's going to really suck [for lack of a better term] if i have to skip a year of chinese, because i'll basically be starting from scratch.on the other hand, i was also contemplating majoring in spanish. i have taken spanish for all 4 years of high school, but i heard freshman can't really take spanish either because it's so popular and the juniors and seniors want to take it to complete their requirement. is this true? even if i take the placement test and do really well on it??i'm sorry if i sound pissed off or crazy, i'm just really upset about the possibility of not being able to take either chinese or spanish my freshman year. any insight/experiences would be much obliged!
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April 5th, 2006

So. Housing. After a lot of perusing of the nyu.edu/housing website, my parents and I finally brought it down to three: Weinstein, Hayden, and Goddard. Right now Weinstein is my top choice, because of its proximity to Washington Square Park and.. well, food. I'd really appreciate if there's anything anyone can add on to the official NYU descriptions of these three residences. Like, do all the art/drama kids live in Hayden, is Goddard only for prisses, etc. Also, am I wrong in assuming that most of my classes as a GSP freshman will be held around Wash Sq Park (this was the idea I got when I took the tour..).Thanks very much for any help!!
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April 3rd, 2006

So. It's almost registration time.Now, as a sophomore, what do we do? We don't have those registration sessions to get cleared anymore. I think I've been to my advisor once in the past two years, do I need her for this? Aaaagh.
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April 2nd, 2006

Hello, we are two students at Rochester Institute of Technology currently engaged in an independent study project addressing the issue of hazing in New York. The goal of this project is two-pronged - we wish to discover the prevalence of hazing in the state as well as get your opinion on what should be done about it, if anything.Under the lj-cut is our survey, which asks a variety of questions about your personal experiences with hazing, and we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute or two from your time to fill it out really quickly. We even have questions at the beginning for those who have never experienced hazing but wish to share their opinion on the subject. Additionally, each question gives you the option to answer in more detail beyond the choices we have already provided. We encourage you to take advantage of this if you have more include in your answer.Your responses to this survey are anonymous, so please do not put your name (or any information that would identify you) anywhere on this survey. You may quit the survey at any time and for any reason, or you may decline to answer any of the questions, but your responses to every question are important and we ask that you answer as many of the questions as you possibly can. You may post your answers however you like - under your user name, anonymously, or you may e-mail them to us at hazing.survey@gmail.com. All posts will be screened, so no one except you, us, and the community administrator will be able to see your responses.Please inform us of any questions, concerns, or feedback you might have. If you do not feel that this survey belongs in this community, or if you are offended by any part of it, please let us know and we will be more than willing to take it down. Thank you in advance for your time.( SurveyCollapse )(X-posted to other New York communities)
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March 31st, 2006

So, the deal is that I was accepted to NYU's General Studies Program and now I am having a little trouble with the financial aspect of attending. I got a 7,000meritscholarshipandabout7,000 merit scholarship and about 7,000meritscholarshipandabout4,000 in grants.. i got some money from a potential work study and some of my own loans. Basically, my parents would have to pay about $26,000 in loans for me to attend. We definately can't pay this... My dad is going to call the school sometime very soon to ask for more--stressing that NYU is my top choice. Has anyone done this? Did it work? I'm not sure how much more we would need, but I just wanted to get an idea of how willing NYU is to assist students who are in these situations. Thanks
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March 26th, 2006

Well, I'm pretty dumb and paranoid, which is a great combination, so can somebody please reassure me and let me know when we're going to hear about our internal transfers? I put in the application and completed all the requirements... but I haven't heard squat. I'm feeling a little worried right about now.Thanks and Sorry.
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