Olivier Vanderhaeghe | Geoscience environment de Toulouse (original) (raw)

Olivier Vanderhaeghe


Papers by Olivier Vanderhaeghe

Research paper thumbnail of A tectonic model for the juxtaposition of granulite- and amphibolite-facies rocks in the Eburnean collision in the orogenic belt (Sassandra-Cavally domain, Côte d’Ivoire)

Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, Jun 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Archean to Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution in the Sassandra-Cavally domain (Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa): Insights from Hf and U-Pb zircon analyses

Precambrian Research, Nov 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Insights from mineral trace chemistry on the origin of NYF and mixed LCT + NYF pegmatites and their mineralization at Mangodara, SW Burkina Faso

Mineralium Deposita, Jul 4, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Collision vs. subduction-related magmatism: Two contrasting ways of granite formation and implications for crustal growth

Research paper thumbnail of The Variscan Belt

Research paper thumbnail of Archaean Regional Strain Field in the Yilgarn Craton (Western Australia):3D Progressive Deformation vs Fold Interferences

Research paper thumbnail of Archaean Regional Strain Field in the Yilgarn Craton (WA): Superposition of Incremental Strain Filed Interferences

Research paper thumbnail of Crustal growth and reworking in the Tcholliré-Banyo shear zone at Mbé – Sassa-Mbersi area (Central African Pan-African Belt, Cameroon)

Goldschmidt2022 abstracts, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Models of convection and segregation in heterogeneous partially molten crustal roots with a VOF method – I: flow regimes

Geophysical Journal International, Dec 28, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamical evolution of orogenic wedges and continental plateaux: Insights from thermal-mechanical modelling of convergent orogens

Journal of Geosciences, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Gold as tracer of fluid flow during exhumation of the Variscan orogenic root in the Canigou massif (Eastern Pyrénées, France)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 7, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Pegmatite emplacement and regional deformation: the Variscan Cap de Creus pegmatite field (Eastern Pyrenees)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Structural and geochronological constraints on the role of partial melting during the formation of the Shuswap metamorphic core complex at the latitude of the Thor-Odin dome, British Columbia

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Cathodoluminescence, micro thermometry and laser raman spectroscopy studies on hydrothermal quartz in Latala deposit, Central Iran

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 19, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Lu-Hf Isotopic Data of the Mbé-Sassa-Mbersi Tonalite (Central Cameroon Domain): Indicator of ca. 1.0 Ga Juvenile Tonian Magmatism in the Region

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling gravitational instabilities in the partially molten crust with a Volume-Of-Fluid method

Research paper thumbnail of Convection and segregation in partially molten orogenic crust: application to the formation of Naxos migmatite domes (Greece)

<p>The deep roots of the Archaean to Phanerozoic continental crust ... more <p>The deep roots of the Archaean to Phanerozoic continental crust reveal domed structures of kilometer to deca-kilometer sizes. These domes are typically cored by migmatites, which attest of the dynamics of the partially molten crust and associated heterogeneous mass redistribution. We model here numerically the development of gravity instabilities in a continental crust heated from below with no lateral motion, simulating the conditions prevailing at the transition between orogenic climax and collapse. The chemical and physical heterogeneity of the crust is represented by deformable inclusions of distinct viscosity and density with power-law temperature and strain-rate dependent viscosities. We use the VOF Method (Volume Of Fluid, OpenFoam code) that reproduces well the coalescence and separation of inclusions, of sizes of a few hundred meters.</p><p>In previous work (Louis-Napoleon et al., GJI, 2021) we identified three distinct flow regimes depending on two Rayleigh numbers Ra<sub>UM</sub> and Ra<sub>PM</sub>, which characterize the solid and molten domains, respectively. A"suspension" regime (high Ra<sub>UM</sub> and Ra<sub>PM)</sub> describes the entrainment of the inclusons in the convective cells. A “stratification” regime (low Ra<sub>UM</sub> and high Ra<sub>PM</sub>) characterizes how the light inclusions amalgamate as floating clusters under the rigid upper crust, which can then form kilometer scale dome structures. A “diapirism” regime corresponds to the segregation of the heavy and light inclusions to to form layers at the bottom and top of the molten layer, respectively.</p><p>The present study incorporates 3D models that evidence the key role of the size and concentration of the inclusions for the “stratification” regime, and pinpoint the fundamental characteristics of Earth’s rocks heterogeneity at the crustal scale.</p><p>Application of our results to the kilometer-scale subdomes within the crustal-scale migmatite dome exposed on Naxos Island (Greece) probe basal heating for 5-10 Ma, below a 45 km thick crust. There, several cycles of zircon precipitation dated from 24 to 16 Ma have been interpreted in terms of convective motion (Vanderhaeghe et al., 2018). Three distinct configurations validate this scenario in which the viscosity and density distributions, and the basal heating time were varied. All configurations also lead to the final formation and preservation of domes cored by the low-viscosity-density material of a diameter of 2 to 5 km, at a depth of ca. 15 km. These results show that the efficiency of material redistribution within a partially molten crust depends on the flow regime associated to the development of gravitational instabilites and is very sensitive to the physical heterogeneity of the crust.</p>

Research paper thumbnail of Interpreting U - Th distributions in the continental crust from radiometric data

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Structure of the Martian Highlands Without Impact Basins and Volcanoes

LPI Contributions, Jul 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Lavrion and Serifos mining centers: two worldwide unique mineralogical and geological monuments and perspectives for their protection

Research paper thumbnail of A tectonic model for the juxtaposition of granulite- and amphibolite-facies rocks in the Eburnean collision in the orogenic belt (Sassandra-Cavally domain, Côte d’Ivoire)

Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, Jun 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Archean to Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution in the Sassandra-Cavally domain (Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa): Insights from Hf and U-Pb zircon analyses

Precambrian Research, Nov 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Insights from mineral trace chemistry on the origin of NYF and mixed LCT + NYF pegmatites and their mineralization at Mangodara, SW Burkina Faso

Mineralium Deposita, Jul 4, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Collision vs. subduction-related magmatism: Two contrasting ways of granite formation and implications for crustal growth

Research paper thumbnail of The Variscan Belt

Research paper thumbnail of Archaean Regional Strain Field in the Yilgarn Craton (Western Australia):3D Progressive Deformation vs Fold Interferences

Research paper thumbnail of Archaean Regional Strain Field in the Yilgarn Craton (WA): Superposition of Incremental Strain Filed Interferences

Research paper thumbnail of Crustal growth and reworking in the Tcholliré-Banyo shear zone at Mbé – Sassa-Mbersi area (Central African Pan-African Belt, Cameroon)

Goldschmidt2022 abstracts, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Models of convection and segregation in heterogeneous partially molten crustal roots with a VOF method – I: flow regimes

Geophysical Journal International, Dec 28, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamical evolution of orogenic wedges and continental plateaux: Insights from thermal-mechanical modelling of convergent orogens

Journal of Geosciences, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Gold as tracer of fluid flow during exhumation of the Variscan orogenic root in the Canigou massif (Eastern Pyrénées, France)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 7, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Pegmatite emplacement and regional deformation: the Variscan Cap de Creus pegmatite field (Eastern Pyrenees)

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Structural and geochronological constraints on the role of partial melting during the formation of the Shuswap metamorphic core complex at the latitude of the Thor-Odin dome, British Columbia

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Cathodoluminescence, micro thermometry and laser raman spectroscopy studies on hydrothermal quartz in Latala deposit, Central Iran

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 19, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Lu-Hf Isotopic Data of the Mbé-Sassa-Mbersi Tonalite (Central Cameroon Domain): Indicator of ca. 1.0 Ga Juvenile Tonian Magmatism in the Region

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling gravitational instabilities in the partially molten crust with a Volume-Of-Fluid method

Research paper thumbnail of Convection and segregation in partially molten orogenic crust: application to the formation of Naxos migmatite domes (Greece)

<p>The deep roots of the Archaean to Phanerozoic continental crust ... more <p>The deep roots of the Archaean to Phanerozoic continental crust reveal domed structures of kilometer to deca-kilometer sizes. These domes are typically cored by migmatites, which attest of the dynamics of the partially molten crust and associated heterogeneous mass redistribution. We model here numerically the development of gravity instabilities in a continental crust heated from below with no lateral motion, simulating the conditions prevailing at the transition between orogenic climax and collapse. The chemical and physical heterogeneity of the crust is represented by deformable inclusions of distinct viscosity and density with power-law temperature and strain-rate dependent viscosities. We use the VOF Method (Volume Of Fluid, OpenFoam code) that reproduces well the coalescence and separation of inclusions, of sizes of a few hundred meters.</p><p>In previous work (Louis-Napoleon et al., GJI, 2021) we identified three distinct flow regimes depending on two Rayleigh numbers Ra<sub>UM</sub> and Ra<sub>PM</sub>, which characterize the solid and molten domains, respectively. A"suspension" regime (high Ra<sub>UM</sub> and Ra<sub>PM)</sub> describes the entrainment of the inclusons in the convective cells. A “stratification” regime (low Ra<sub>UM</sub> and high Ra<sub>PM</sub>) characterizes how the light inclusions amalgamate as floating clusters under the rigid upper crust, which can then form kilometer scale dome structures. A “diapirism” regime corresponds to the segregation of the heavy and light inclusions to to form layers at the bottom and top of the molten layer, respectively.</p><p>The present study incorporates 3D models that evidence the key role of the size and concentration of the inclusions for the “stratification” regime, and pinpoint the fundamental characteristics of Earth’s rocks heterogeneity at the crustal scale.</p><p>Application of our results to the kilometer-scale subdomes within the crustal-scale migmatite dome exposed on Naxos Island (Greece) probe basal heating for 5-10 Ma, below a 45 km thick crust. There, several cycles of zircon precipitation dated from 24 to 16 Ma have been interpreted in terms of convective motion (Vanderhaeghe et al., 2018). Three distinct configurations validate this scenario in which the viscosity and density distributions, and the basal heating time were varied. All configurations also lead to the final formation and preservation of domes cored by the low-viscosity-density material of a diameter of 2 to 5 km, at a depth of ca. 15 km. These results show that the efficiency of material redistribution within a partially molten crust depends on the flow regime associated to the development of gravitational instabilites and is very sensitive to the physical heterogeneity of the crust.</p>

Research paper thumbnail of Interpreting U - Th distributions in the continental crust from radiometric data

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Structure of the Martian Highlands Without Impact Basins and Volcanoes

LPI Contributions, Jul 1, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Lavrion and Serifos mining centers: two worldwide unique mineralogical and geological monuments and perspectives for their protection

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