oc_analysis - Profile (original) (raw)
Welcome. Your
moderator for this community is alryssa.
Have you created an original character, and you're not sure if it's bordering on Sue-ism or not?
This is the community to ask! Post profiles and story snippets, (under LJ-cut), and we'll do our best to offer constructive, reasonable criticism. Flaming is strictly banned. We're here to help others grow as writers - but our opinions will be honest, so don't post a character if you're going to be offended by frank responses. We welcome useful links, hints, and book recommendations on creating realistic characters, in whatever fandom you write for.
Sister community marysuesos is now open for those seeking to change Sueish characters and writing habits, and for critique on fic. [Modded by
We now offer a beta-reading service.
Please read this post before requesting a beta. The Mod is not responsible for said beta readers. All beta reading is subject to the individual's discretion.
NB: If a character is posted here, other posters beware, you are NOT, repeat NOT allowed to 'report' it in a Sues community if you dislike it for whatever reason. If I find out you've done this, since I *am* a member of several Sues communities, I will summarily kick and ban your ass from this community. People may indeed post Sueish characters, but they're here because they acknowledge this possibility and WANT to improve. Respect them for doing so. As far as I know this hasn't happened, but I want to pre-emptively deal with a potentially bad situation BEFORE it happens. Are we clear? Good.
Secondly: You are NOT to post other people's characters without permission for 'analysis', regardless of your 'intentions'. Doing so will get your post deleted without notice.
Thirdly: Any whining if you're offended by the aforementioned blunt and honest responses *will* be summarily ignored or responded to in kind. This is not a forum for coddling. Don't make excuses for yourself after the fact. We won't believe you.
Some useful URLs to get you started:
The Indispensable Writing Resources Site:
Creating a Character Profile:
Rich Hamper's Character Profile Sheet:
Behind The Name:
- Look up the meanings of first names: great for helping to give a character a suitable moniker.
How to Deal With Critiquing:
- a must-download text file that offers invaluable help for both those writing critiques and authors receiving them.
NB: When posting a profile to the oc_analysis community, please use this form (don't be afraid to waffle a little. The more you have, the more we get. Too little, and we'll think you're not fleshing out the character enough. Give us all you've got!):
Fandom: Character Name:
Brief background of character: Character's position or job: Strengths/Skills: Are these skills typical of the fandom? If not, why?: Weaknesses/Bad habits: Distinctive features, if any: Are these features unique in the fandom? If so, why?: Connections to canon characters (if any): How does your character get on with those around him/her?:
Story snippet/link to story:
Sister Communities:marysues (all fandom MS's) *
deleterius (HP/LOTR Sues) *
bad_crossovers *
braintrauma *
fic_flames *
twitchfic *
mock_the_sg_fic *
awfulbgfic *
Sister Sue Journals:
animesues ~
artemissues ~
avatarsues ~
beatlessues ~
beybladesues ~
buffysues ~
canon_sues ~
charmedsues ~
digimonsues ~
dot_hack_sues ~
escaflownesues ~
ff_sues ~
furuba_sues ~
furubasues ~
fushigiyuugisue ~
gbsues ~
gilmoresues ~
grandlinesues ~
gundamsues ~
gunsmoke_sues ~
hakushodbzsues ~
heave_ho (PotC) ~
hermionesues ~
hunterhq (MegaMan) ~
inuyashasues ~
jhonen_sues ~
jrocksues ~
jthmsues ~
khsues ~
kingdomsues ~
lotrsues ~
megasues ~
narutosues ~
outlawsues ~
newsiesues ~
peterpansues ~
phantomsues ~
pikasues ~
piratesues ~
potcsues ~
pottersues ~
pyrosues ~
raresues ~
redwallsues ~
reikaisues ~
rentsues ~
rttsues ~
rurounisues ~
sailormoonsues ~
sailorsues ~
sandmansues ~
savagesues ~
scifisues ~
silenthillsues ~
slayer_sues ~
smallvillesues ~
spacecasessues ~
startrek_sues ~
sue_confession ~
sue_hunting_duo ~
suereportsrus ~
sueslaps (POTC) ~
tenipuri_sues ~
theslayerssues ~
tmbgsues ~
underworldsues ~
vanhelsingsues ~
wolfsrainsues ~
x_menevosues ~
xmensues ~
ygosues ~
yugiohsues ~
zeldasues ~