Dirk Smits | Odisee - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Dirk Smits

Research paper thumbnail of Geweld in de welzijnssector: uitzonderlijk en alledaags

Research paper thumbnail of Fysieke activiteit bij kleuters: kwantificatie, promotie en normering

nrpages: 42status: publishe

Research paper thumbnail of Functioneel optometrische screening bij 500 kinderen: resultaten

Research paper thumbnail of Kwantitatief en kwalitatief onderzoek: Een inleiding in belangrijke concepten

Research paper thumbnail of Zorgen voor de levenskwaliteit van ouder wordende personen met een handicap

... De onderzoekers wensen de leden van de stuurgroep te bedanken: Fred Deven (voorzitter), Lut V... more ... De onderzoekers wensen de leden van de stuurgroep te bedanken: Fred Deven (voorzitter), Lut Vanden Boer, Joost Bronselaer, Erik Dekker, Etienne Clevers, Mariella Maes, Jurn Verschraegen, Walter Brusselaers, Ritje Pauwels, Mie Moerenhout, Catherine Molleman en Prof. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Objectieve meting van sensibiliteitsstoornissen na een beroerte

Research paper thumbnail of Post-processing in digital radiography. A burden or a blessing?

Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy, Aug 11, 2015

Objective: Nanotechnology has developed for both cancer diagnosis and therapy. The purpose of thi... more Objective: Nanotechnology has developed for both cancer diagnosis and therapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the cytotoxic effect of magnetic nanoparticles as a carrier of 5-fluorouracil and x-ray on the level of proliferation capacity of DU145 prostate carcinoma cell line in monolayer model. Materials and Methods: Therefore, DU145 cells were cultured as monolayer and treated with different concentrations of 5-FU/ or nanoparticles as 5-FU carriers for 24 hours and 2Gy x-ray (6MV). After treatment with nanoparticles, the iron uptake of DU145 cells was monitored using atomic adsorption spectrometry (AAS). The cytotoxic effect of these nanoparticles on the cells was evaluated using the colony formation assay. Results: Our results indicated that iron content and therefore the cellular uptake of 5-FU loaded nanoparticles increased with the increase of nanoparticles concentrations. The viability of the cells is constant as along with the increase of the concentration of free 5-FU and 5-FU encapsulated in nanoparticles. Our finding showed that proliferation capacity of the cells decreased as along with the increase of the concentration of free 5-FU and PLGA coated iron oxide nanoparticles as a carrier of 5-fluorouracil in combination with x-ray. Our results point to the possibility that iron oxide nanoparticles as 5-fu carrier can affect more efficient that 5-Fu as enhanced radiation. Conclusion: According to this study, drug loaded nanoparticles could deliver 5-Fu more efficient into the cells. So, magnetic nanoparticles are effective drug delivery vehicles for 5-FU. PLGA coated iron oxide nanoparticles are biocompatible and this coating is an appropriate surface that can penetrate into the cells.

Research paper thumbnail of Praktijkgericht onderzoek, vanidee tot projectvoorstel

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 9 Latent item predictors with fixed effects

The Rasch model (Rasch, 1960) and the linear logistic test model (LLTM, Fischer, 1973, 1977) are ... more The Rasch model (Rasch, 1960) and the linear logistic test model (LLTM, Fischer, 1973, 1977) are two commonly used item response models. Both models are discussed in Chapter 2. The Rasch model assumes item indica­ tors as predictors, so that each item has a specific effect, the weight of the corresponding item indicator. The LLTM explains these effects in terms of item properties, or in other words item properties are used as item predic­ tors. Therefore, the LLTM may be considered an item explanatory model, in contrast with the Rasch model which is descriptive. The requirement that the values of the item properties be known in advance for every item is both a strength and a limitation of the LLTM. The strength is that the model supports a more parsimonious account of item effects, but the limitation is that the values specified for items on the properties imply additional model assumptions. In the current chapter, a model will be introduced with latent item properties: The values of these latent item properties do not have to be known apriori, but they may have unknown values that are estimated as model parameters. The model introduced in this chapter is called the model with internal restrietion on item difficulties (MIRID; Butter, De Boeck, & Verhelst, 1998). The MIRID was originally published by Butter et al. (1998), based on Butter (1994). In Butter et al. (1998), a conditional maximum likelihood formulation and estimation method was explained, and the results of a simulation study were presented. An application of the MIRID and an ex­ tension of the MIRID to the OPLM-MIRID (originally described by Butter, 1994) and the 2PL-MIRID can be found in Smits and De Boeck (2003). A comparison between two estimation methods for the MIRID and the OPLM-MIRID - a conditional maximum likelihood estimation (Smits, De Boeck, Verhelst, & Butter, 2001) and a marginal maximum likelihood es­ timation, implemented within PROC NLMIXED - can be found in Smits, De Boeck, and Verhelst (2003). The MIRID in its standard form will be explained in the first part of

Research paper thumbnail of Mixed model estimation methods for item response models

Research paper thumbnail of Associations between emotions: correspondence across different types of data and componential basis

European Journal of Personality, Apr 1, 2004

Two issues regarding associations between negative emotions are addressed: (i) whether different ... more Two issues regarding associations between negative emotions are addressed: (i) whether different types of data imply similar associations and (ii) whether these associations can be accounted for by the overlap between emotion components. In study 1, issue (i) was examined using individual differences covariation, situational covariation, and judged emotion similarity data. Results showed that the associations implied by the different data types were highly similar. Regarding issue (ii), we argue theoretically that component overlap may account for the obtained correspondence. Study 2 empirically demonstrated that the different types of association were strongly related to overlap in appraisals and action tendencies. Similarity judgments, however, seemed to be primarily based on emotion co-occurrence, and were only to a smaller degree directly related to component overlap.

Research paper thumbnail of Kenmerken van een goede onderzoeksvraag

Research paper thumbnail of Slecht leren begint met slecht zien

«K inderen met leerproblemen hebben tot 18 procent meer visuele stoornissen dan kinderen zonder l... more «K inderen met leerproblemen hebben tot 18 procent meer visuele stoornissen dan kinderen zonder leerproblemen. Ze hebben meer moeite om scherp te zien, om hun blik te focussen op woorden en cijfers of om afstanden en dieptes in te schatten. Ze verwerken visuele informatie minder effi ciënt dan andere kinderen en hun ogen zijn sneller vermoeid.» Dit verrassend verband ontdekten bioloog Robert Marquet en psycholoog Dirk Smits van Ehsal na visuele screeningstests bij 500 vier-tot twaalfjarigen in Vlaanderen. «De juiste diagnose kan problemen helpen voorkomen, maar ze wordt niet altijd gesteld», zeggen ze. Wat zien leraren en CLB's over het hoofd? Slecht leren Uit: Star Trek Voyager KLASSE NR.163 11 Algemeen: aantal/percentage kinderen met visuele stoornissen: zonder leerproblemen met leerproblemen 6 % 20 % Dieptezicht-percentage kinderen (6-7 j.) zonder dieptezicht: zonder leerproblemen met leerproblemen 8 % 18 % 12 KLASSE NR.163 ᮣ www.centrumbeterzien.be Met o.a. tips voor een goede 'kijkhouding'. © KLASSE «De meeste CLB's en oogartsen testen het oog als camera. Dat volstaat niet.» Dirk Smits: «Visuele problemen kunnen leerproblemen mee doen ontstaan of versterken.»

Research paper thumbnail of Het Toverbos uitgetest in de praktijk

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence-based Education. Over onderzoek en/in onderwijs in Vlaanderen

Research paper thumbnail of Observaties vierde leerjaar: instrumentontwikkeling en basisrapportage (schooljaar 2006-2007)

E. Goossens, L. Moens, I. Van Droogenbroeck, J. Verschueren, D. Smits, M. Van Opstal, F. Maes, E.... more E. Goossens, L. Moens, I. Van Droogenbroeck, J. Verschueren, D. Smits, M. Van Opstal, F. Maes, E. D'Haenens & J. Van Damme ... Promotoren coördinatieteam: J. Van Damme, P. Ghesquière, I. Nicaise, P. Onghena & P. Van Petegem Overige promotoren: B. De Fraine, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Plagiaat of niet

Wetenschappelijk tijdschrift voor ergotherapie, Aug 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of From anger to verbal aggression: Inhibition at different levels

Personality and Individual Differences, Jul 1, 2007

A factor-analytic-based method to measure the inhibition of three verbally aggressive behaviours ... more A factor-analytic-based method to measure the inhibition of three verbally aggressive behaviours was investigated in two studies on self-report data. Inhibition was subdivided into two types: inhibition of the tendency to become verbally aggressive and inhibition of the verbally aggressive behaviour. In Study 1, it was investigated whether both kinds can be separated and measured by using a factor-analytic model. In Study 2, the approach was validated by relating both types of inhibition to broad and specific trait measures, either related to behaviour regulation or not. Inhibition of the tendency to become verbally aggressive was negatively related to Extraversion and Anger Out, and positively to hostility and a general inhibition measure. The inhibition of verbally aggressive behaviour was positively related to Agreeableness, Anger In (keeping anger inside) and anger out control (control of outward expression of anger), and negatively to Verbal Aggression and Anger Out.

Research paper thumbnail of Werken met het IOO-profiel-vorm op opleidingsniveau

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence Based Practice', dat doe je niet alleen

Research paper thumbnail of Geweld in de welzijnssector: uitzonderlijk en alledaags

Research paper thumbnail of Fysieke activiteit bij kleuters: kwantificatie, promotie en normering

nrpages: 42status: publishe

Research paper thumbnail of Functioneel optometrische screening bij 500 kinderen: resultaten

Research paper thumbnail of Kwantitatief en kwalitatief onderzoek: Een inleiding in belangrijke concepten

Research paper thumbnail of Zorgen voor de levenskwaliteit van ouder wordende personen met een handicap

... De onderzoekers wensen de leden van de stuurgroep te bedanken: Fred Deven (voorzitter), Lut V... more ... De onderzoekers wensen de leden van de stuurgroep te bedanken: Fred Deven (voorzitter), Lut Vanden Boer, Joost Bronselaer, Erik Dekker, Etienne Clevers, Mariella Maes, Jurn Verschraegen, Walter Brusselaers, Ritje Pauwels, Mie Moerenhout, Catherine Molleman en Prof. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Objectieve meting van sensibiliteitsstoornissen na een beroerte

Research paper thumbnail of Post-processing in digital radiography. A burden or a blessing?

Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy, Aug 11, 2015

Objective: Nanotechnology has developed for both cancer diagnosis and therapy. The purpose of thi... more Objective: Nanotechnology has developed for both cancer diagnosis and therapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the cytotoxic effect of magnetic nanoparticles as a carrier of 5-fluorouracil and x-ray on the level of proliferation capacity of DU145 prostate carcinoma cell line in monolayer model. Materials and Methods: Therefore, DU145 cells were cultured as monolayer and treated with different concentrations of 5-FU/ or nanoparticles as 5-FU carriers for 24 hours and 2Gy x-ray (6MV). After treatment with nanoparticles, the iron uptake of DU145 cells was monitored using atomic adsorption spectrometry (AAS). The cytotoxic effect of these nanoparticles on the cells was evaluated using the colony formation assay. Results: Our results indicated that iron content and therefore the cellular uptake of 5-FU loaded nanoparticles increased with the increase of nanoparticles concentrations. The viability of the cells is constant as along with the increase of the concentration of free 5-FU and 5-FU encapsulated in nanoparticles. Our finding showed that proliferation capacity of the cells decreased as along with the increase of the concentration of free 5-FU and PLGA coated iron oxide nanoparticles as a carrier of 5-fluorouracil in combination with x-ray. Our results point to the possibility that iron oxide nanoparticles as 5-fu carrier can affect more efficient that 5-Fu as enhanced radiation. Conclusion: According to this study, drug loaded nanoparticles could deliver 5-Fu more efficient into the cells. So, magnetic nanoparticles are effective drug delivery vehicles for 5-FU. PLGA coated iron oxide nanoparticles are biocompatible and this coating is an appropriate surface that can penetrate into the cells.

Research paper thumbnail of Praktijkgericht onderzoek, vanidee tot projectvoorstel

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 9 Latent item predictors with fixed effects

The Rasch model (Rasch, 1960) and the linear logistic test model (LLTM, Fischer, 1973, 1977) are ... more The Rasch model (Rasch, 1960) and the linear logistic test model (LLTM, Fischer, 1973, 1977) are two commonly used item response models. Both models are discussed in Chapter 2. The Rasch model assumes item indica­ tors as predictors, so that each item has a specific effect, the weight of the corresponding item indicator. The LLTM explains these effects in terms of item properties, or in other words item properties are used as item predic­ tors. Therefore, the LLTM may be considered an item explanatory model, in contrast with the Rasch model which is descriptive. The requirement that the values of the item properties be known in advance for every item is both a strength and a limitation of the LLTM. The strength is that the model supports a more parsimonious account of item effects, but the limitation is that the values specified for items on the properties imply additional model assumptions. In the current chapter, a model will be introduced with latent item properties: The values of these latent item properties do not have to be known apriori, but they may have unknown values that are estimated as model parameters. The model introduced in this chapter is called the model with internal restrietion on item difficulties (MIRID; Butter, De Boeck, & Verhelst, 1998). The MIRID was originally published by Butter et al. (1998), based on Butter (1994). In Butter et al. (1998), a conditional maximum likelihood formulation and estimation method was explained, and the results of a simulation study were presented. An application of the MIRID and an ex­ tension of the MIRID to the OPLM-MIRID (originally described by Butter, 1994) and the 2PL-MIRID can be found in Smits and De Boeck (2003). A comparison between two estimation methods for the MIRID and the OPLM-MIRID - a conditional maximum likelihood estimation (Smits, De Boeck, Verhelst, & Butter, 2001) and a marginal maximum likelihood es­ timation, implemented within PROC NLMIXED - can be found in Smits, De Boeck, and Verhelst (2003). The MIRID in its standard form will be explained in the first part of

Research paper thumbnail of Mixed model estimation methods for item response models

Research paper thumbnail of Associations between emotions: correspondence across different types of data and componential basis

European Journal of Personality, Apr 1, 2004

Two issues regarding associations between negative emotions are addressed: (i) whether different ... more Two issues regarding associations between negative emotions are addressed: (i) whether different types of data imply similar associations and (ii) whether these associations can be accounted for by the overlap between emotion components. In study 1, issue (i) was examined using individual differences covariation, situational covariation, and judged emotion similarity data. Results showed that the associations implied by the different data types were highly similar. Regarding issue (ii), we argue theoretically that component overlap may account for the obtained correspondence. Study 2 empirically demonstrated that the different types of association were strongly related to overlap in appraisals and action tendencies. Similarity judgments, however, seemed to be primarily based on emotion co-occurrence, and were only to a smaller degree directly related to component overlap.

Research paper thumbnail of Kenmerken van een goede onderzoeksvraag

Research paper thumbnail of Slecht leren begint met slecht zien

«K inderen met leerproblemen hebben tot 18 procent meer visuele stoornissen dan kinderen zonder l... more «K inderen met leerproblemen hebben tot 18 procent meer visuele stoornissen dan kinderen zonder leerproblemen. Ze hebben meer moeite om scherp te zien, om hun blik te focussen op woorden en cijfers of om afstanden en dieptes in te schatten. Ze verwerken visuele informatie minder effi ciënt dan andere kinderen en hun ogen zijn sneller vermoeid.» Dit verrassend verband ontdekten bioloog Robert Marquet en psycholoog Dirk Smits van Ehsal na visuele screeningstests bij 500 vier-tot twaalfjarigen in Vlaanderen. «De juiste diagnose kan problemen helpen voorkomen, maar ze wordt niet altijd gesteld», zeggen ze. Wat zien leraren en CLB's over het hoofd? Slecht leren Uit: Star Trek Voyager KLASSE NR.163 11 Algemeen: aantal/percentage kinderen met visuele stoornissen: zonder leerproblemen met leerproblemen 6 % 20 % Dieptezicht-percentage kinderen (6-7 j.) zonder dieptezicht: zonder leerproblemen met leerproblemen 8 % 18 % 12 KLASSE NR.163 ᮣ www.centrumbeterzien.be Met o.a. tips voor een goede 'kijkhouding'. © KLASSE «De meeste CLB's en oogartsen testen het oog als camera. Dat volstaat niet.» Dirk Smits: «Visuele problemen kunnen leerproblemen mee doen ontstaan of versterken.»

Research paper thumbnail of Het Toverbos uitgetest in de praktijk

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence-based Education. Over onderzoek en/in onderwijs in Vlaanderen

Research paper thumbnail of Observaties vierde leerjaar: instrumentontwikkeling en basisrapportage (schooljaar 2006-2007)

E. Goossens, L. Moens, I. Van Droogenbroeck, J. Verschueren, D. Smits, M. Van Opstal, F. Maes, E.... more E. Goossens, L. Moens, I. Van Droogenbroeck, J. Verschueren, D. Smits, M. Van Opstal, F. Maes, E. D'Haenens & J. Van Damme ... Promotoren coördinatieteam: J. Van Damme, P. Ghesquière, I. Nicaise, P. Onghena & P. Van Petegem Overige promotoren: B. De Fraine, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Plagiaat of niet

Wetenschappelijk tijdschrift voor ergotherapie, Aug 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of From anger to verbal aggression: Inhibition at different levels

Personality and Individual Differences, Jul 1, 2007

A factor-analytic-based method to measure the inhibition of three verbally aggressive behaviours ... more A factor-analytic-based method to measure the inhibition of three verbally aggressive behaviours was investigated in two studies on self-report data. Inhibition was subdivided into two types: inhibition of the tendency to become verbally aggressive and inhibition of the verbally aggressive behaviour. In Study 1, it was investigated whether both kinds can be separated and measured by using a factor-analytic model. In Study 2, the approach was validated by relating both types of inhibition to broad and specific trait measures, either related to behaviour regulation or not. Inhibition of the tendency to become verbally aggressive was negatively related to Extraversion and Anger Out, and positively to hostility and a general inhibition measure. The inhibition of verbally aggressive behaviour was positively related to Agreeableness, Anger In (keeping anger inside) and anger out control (control of outward expression of anger), and negatively to Verbal Aggression and Anger Out.

Research paper thumbnail of Werken met het IOO-profiel-vorm op opleidingsniveau

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence Based Practice', dat doe je niet alleen