Talaat T El-Gamal | Old Dominion University (original) (raw)
محاضرات عن تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث by Talaat T El-Gamal
تستكمل هذة المحاضرة الحديث عن تطور الري وتتحدث عن أولي أعمال محمد علي في مجال الري وهو ردم ترعة ا... more تستكمل هذة المحاضرة الحديث عن تطور الري وتتحدث عن أولي أعمال محمد علي في مجال الري وهو ردم ترعة الفرعونية والتي كانت تصل بين فرعي دمياط ورشيد وتؤثر بصورة سلبية على نهاية فرع دمياط
تتحدث هذة المحاضرة عن حقيقة أرتباط الفلاح المصري بالأرض وذلك ضمن التعريف بالأنظمة والأوضاع في مصر... more تتحدث هذة المحاضرة عن حقيقة أرتباط الفلاح المصري بالأرض وذلك ضمن التعريف بالأنظمة والأوضاع في مصر في القرن التاسع عشر كمقدمة للحديث عن تطور الري منذ ذلك الوقت حتي الآن
تعرض هذة الورقة ملخص محاضرتين ضمن محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث، وهاتين المحاضرتين هما... more تعرض هذة الورقة ملخص محاضرتين ضمن محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث، وهاتين المحاضرتين هما ضمن المحاضرات الأولي التي تصف الأنظمة والأوضاع قبل عهد محمد على، وتصف هاتين المحاضرتين أوضاع الفلاح في بداية القرن التاسع عشر
هذا المستند هو تلخيص للمحاضرتين 6 & 7 من محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث وهما استمرار ... more هذا المستند هو تلخيص للمحاضرتين 6 & 7 من محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث وهما
استمرار لوصف الأوضاع والأنظمة في بداية القرن التاسع عشر، حيث يتم مناقشة نظم الملكية الزراعية ونظام جمع الضرائب (الإلتزام) وكذلك ماحة الأرض الزراعية في بدايه عهد محمد علي
تتحدث هذة المحاضرات عن عن مقياس النيل كأسلوب لرصد الفيضان في مصر حيث تصف المقياس ووحدات القياس به... more تتحدث هذة المحاضرات عن عن مقياس النيل كأسلوب لرصد الفيضان في مصر حيث تصف المقياس ووحدات القياس به وحد الكفاية لري الأرض وكيف تغير ذلك في القرن التاسع عشر، كما تتحدث عن بعض الأمور المتعلقة بالمقياس مثل الإعلان عن الفيضان والإحتفال بوفاء النيل
هذة الورقة تعرض ملخص للمحاضرتين (2 & 2) من سلسلة محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث مع رابط... more هذة الورقة تعرض ملخص للمحاضرتين (2 & 2) من سلسلة محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث مع رابط لتلك المحاضرات
هذة بداية سلسلة من المحاضرات عن التطورات والتغيرات التي حدثت للري في مصر منذ بداية العصر الحديث (... more هذة بداية سلسلة من المحاضرات عن التطورات والتغيرات التي حدثت للري في مصر منذ بداية العصر الحديث (بداية حكم محمد علي) حتي الأن، وتعرض هذة الورقة ملخص للمحاضرة الأولي وهي مقدمة للدراسة مع رابط للمحاضرة
كتاب عن مصر والنيل by Talaat T El-Gamal
مقدمة دراسة عن العلاقة بين النيل ومصر وأثر النيل على حياه المصريين
جزء من دراسة يتم إعدادها عن العلاقة بين النيل ومصر وأثر النيل على حياة المصريين
جزء من دراسة يتم إعدادها عن العلاقة بين النيل ومصر وأثر النيل على حياة المصريين
Opinion by Talaat T El-Gamal
تناقش هذه الورقة أهمية بناء المجتمع ومعالجة آفاته الإجتماعية لإحداث تغيير حقيقي، في حين أن الثورة... more تناقش هذه الورقة أهمية بناء المجتمع ومعالجة آفاته الإجتماعية لإحداث تغيير حقيقي، في حين أن الثورة بدون إعداد للمجتمع تكون مجرد إضطرابات يعاني منها المجتمع أكثر مما يستفيد
تناقش هذه الورقة بعض الآفات الإجتماعية التي تؤثر في حياتنا من خلال مناقشة أحد المقالات الرائعة لل... more تناقش هذه الورقة بعض الآفات الإجتماعية التي تؤثر في حياتنا من خلال مناقشة أحد المقالات الرائعة للإمام محمد عبدة وتوضيح كيف أن تلك المشاكل مازالت قائمة في المجتمع مع مناقشة أسبابها وتأثيرها علي مستقبلنا
Studies by Talaat T El-Gamal
This study discussed the impact of the new irrigation project in Egypt (The rehabilitation of the... more This study discussed the impact of the new irrigation project in Egypt (The rehabilitation of the irrigation canal and applying modern irrigation systems in the old lands) on overall irrigation efficiency and water saving.
تناقش هذه الدراسة تأثير مشاريع الري الحالية (إعادة تأهيل الترع وتطبيق نٌظم الري الحديث في الأراضي القديمة) على رفع كفاءة الري الكلية والوفر المائي.
The future of Irrigation Improvement in Egypt
This study discusses the future of irrigation improvement in Egypt in the shadow of the evaluatio... more This study discusses the future of irrigation improvement in Egypt in the shadow of the evaluation of Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP) that was implemented during last decades.
The evaluation showed that there was a problem in achieving the targets of the project. More over and based on general observation, the sustainability of the project is threaten.
The study discuss the factor behind this limited performance including the general factors that are related to different society factors or the specific factors that are related to the project itself.
The study ended by discussing how the elements of IIP could be incorporated into an integrated approach for better achievement of irrigation improvement.
Egyptian Irrigation at the era of "Soft State"
تناقش هذه الورقة كيف تراجعت أحوال الري فى مصر في العقود الأخيرة مع بدء ما يطلق عليه "عصر الدولة ا... more تناقش هذه الورقة كيف تراجعت أحوال الري فى مصر في العقود الأخيرة مع بدء ما يطلق عليه "عصر الدولة الرخوة" والتي يري البعض إلي أنه يبدأ منذ نهاية الستينيات وحتي الأن. إن حالة التراخي والفوضي التي أصابت الدولة قد أثرت سلبيا علي مختلف مجالات الري وبدأ النظام كلة في التآكل تدريجيا مما كان لة إنعكاساته السلبية علي الأمن الغذائى ومختلف أنماط الحياة في مصر. ويشرح هذا المقال خصائص الدولة الرخوة في مجال الري، من خلال بعض الأمثله في مجالات الري المختلفة.
This paper describes how the irrigation conditions in Egypt have declined during the last with th... more This paper describes how the irrigation conditions in Egypt have declined during the last with the beginning of what is called “Soft state era”. The looseness and weakness of the state in recent decades has negatively influenced different irrigation fields until the whole system began to decay gradually, which in turn has its negative impact on food security and different lift aspects in Egypt. The article explained the characteristics of the soft state in the irrigation field and gave some examples about the deterioration of different irrigation fields.
تستكمل هذة المحاضرة الحديث عن تطور الري وتتحدث عن أولي أعمال محمد علي في مجال الري وهو ردم ترعة ا... more تستكمل هذة المحاضرة الحديث عن تطور الري وتتحدث عن أولي أعمال محمد علي في مجال الري وهو ردم ترعة الفرعونية والتي كانت تصل بين فرعي دمياط ورشيد وتؤثر بصورة سلبية على نهاية فرع دمياط
تتحدث هذة المحاضرة عن حقيقة أرتباط الفلاح المصري بالأرض وذلك ضمن التعريف بالأنظمة والأوضاع في مصر... more تتحدث هذة المحاضرة عن حقيقة أرتباط الفلاح المصري بالأرض وذلك ضمن التعريف بالأنظمة والأوضاع في مصر في القرن التاسع عشر كمقدمة للحديث عن تطور الري منذ ذلك الوقت حتي الآن
تعرض هذة الورقة ملخص محاضرتين ضمن محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث، وهاتين المحاضرتين هما... more تعرض هذة الورقة ملخص محاضرتين ضمن محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث، وهاتين المحاضرتين هما ضمن المحاضرات الأولي التي تصف الأنظمة والأوضاع قبل عهد محمد على، وتصف هاتين المحاضرتين أوضاع الفلاح في بداية القرن التاسع عشر
هذا المستند هو تلخيص للمحاضرتين 6 & 7 من محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث وهما استمرار ... more هذا المستند هو تلخيص للمحاضرتين 6 & 7 من محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث وهما
استمرار لوصف الأوضاع والأنظمة في بداية القرن التاسع عشر، حيث يتم مناقشة نظم الملكية الزراعية ونظام جمع الضرائب (الإلتزام) وكذلك ماحة الأرض الزراعية في بدايه عهد محمد علي
تتحدث هذة المحاضرات عن عن مقياس النيل كأسلوب لرصد الفيضان في مصر حيث تصف المقياس ووحدات القياس به... more تتحدث هذة المحاضرات عن عن مقياس النيل كأسلوب لرصد الفيضان في مصر حيث تصف المقياس ووحدات القياس به وحد الكفاية لري الأرض وكيف تغير ذلك في القرن التاسع عشر، كما تتحدث عن بعض الأمور المتعلقة بالمقياس مثل الإعلان عن الفيضان والإحتفال بوفاء النيل
هذة الورقة تعرض ملخص للمحاضرتين (2 & 2) من سلسلة محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث مع رابط... more هذة الورقة تعرض ملخص للمحاضرتين (2 & 2) من سلسلة محاضرات تطور الري المصري في العصر الحديث مع رابط لتلك المحاضرات
هذة بداية سلسلة من المحاضرات عن التطورات والتغيرات التي حدثت للري في مصر منذ بداية العصر الحديث (... more هذة بداية سلسلة من المحاضرات عن التطورات والتغيرات التي حدثت للري في مصر منذ بداية العصر الحديث (بداية حكم محمد علي) حتي الأن، وتعرض هذة الورقة ملخص للمحاضرة الأولي وهي مقدمة للدراسة مع رابط للمحاضرة
مقدمة دراسة عن العلاقة بين النيل ومصر وأثر النيل على حياه المصريين
جزء من دراسة يتم إعدادها عن العلاقة بين النيل ومصر وأثر النيل على حياة المصريين
جزء من دراسة يتم إعدادها عن العلاقة بين النيل ومصر وأثر النيل على حياة المصريين
تناقش هذه الورقة أهمية بناء المجتمع ومعالجة آفاته الإجتماعية لإحداث تغيير حقيقي، في حين أن الثورة... more تناقش هذه الورقة أهمية بناء المجتمع ومعالجة آفاته الإجتماعية لإحداث تغيير حقيقي، في حين أن الثورة بدون إعداد للمجتمع تكون مجرد إضطرابات يعاني منها المجتمع أكثر مما يستفيد
تناقش هذه الورقة بعض الآفات الإجتماعية التي تؤثر في حياتنا من خلال مناقشة أحد المقالات الرائعة لل... more تناقش هذه الورقة بعض الآفات الإجتماعية التي تؤثر في حياتنا من خلال مناقشة أحد المقالات الرائعة للإمام محمد عبدة وتوضيح كيف أن تلك المشاكل مازالت قائمة في المجتمع مع مناقشة أسبابها وتأثيرها علي مستقبلنا
This study discussed the impact of the new irrigation project in Egypt (The rehabilitation of the... more This study discussed the impact of the new irrigation project in Egypt (The rehabilitation of the irrigation canal and applying modern irrigation systems in the old lands) on overall irrigation efficiency and water saving.
تناقش هذه الدراسة تأثير مشاريع الري الحالية (إعادة تأهيل الترع وتطبيق نٌظم الري الحديث في الأراضي القديمة) على رفع كفاءة الري الكلية والوفر المائي.
The future of Irrigation Improvement in Egypt
This study discusses the future of irrigation improvement in Egypt in the shadow of the evaluatio... more This study discusses the future of irrigation improvement in Egypt in the shadow of the evaluation of Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP) that was implemented during last decades.
The evaluation showed that there was a problem in achieving the targets of the project. More over and based on general observation, the sustainability of the project is threaten.
The study discuss the factor behind this limited performance including the general factors that are related to different society factors or the specific factors that are related to the project itself.
The study ended by discussing how the elements of IIP could be incorporated into an integrated approach for better achievement of irrigation improvement.
Egyptian Irrigation at the era of "Soft State"
تناقش هذه الورقة كيف تراجعت أحوال الري فى مصر في العقود الأخيرة مع بدء ما يطلق عليه "عصر الدولة ا... more تناقش هذه الورقة كيف تراجعت أحوال الري فى مصر في العقود الأخيرة مع بدء ما يطلق عليه "عصر الدولة الرخوة" والتي يري البعض إلي أنه يبدأ منذ نهاية الستينيات وحتي الأن. إن حالة التراخي والفوضي التي أصابت الدولة قد أثرت سلبيا علي مختلف مجالات الري وبدأ النظام كلة في التآكل تدريجيا مما كان لة إنعكاساته السلبية علي الأمن الغذائى ومختلف أنماط الحياة في مصر. ويشرح هذا المقال خصائص الدولة الرخوة في مجال الري، من خلال بعض الأمثله في مجالات الري المختلفة.
This paper describes how the irrigation conditions in Egypt have declined during the last with th... more This paper describes how the irrigation conditions in Egypt have declined during the last with the beginning of what is called “Soft state era”. The looseness and weakness of the state in recent decades has negatively influenced different irrigation fields until the whole system began to decay gradually, which in turn has its negative impact on food security and different lift aspects in Egypt. The article explained the characteristics of the soft state in the irrigation field and gave some examples about the deterioration of different irrigation fields.
This chapter describes Egyptian irrigation after the construction of Aswan High Dam. First, it di... more This chapter describes Egyptian irrigation after the construction of Aswan High Dam. First, it discusses the motivation for the construction and the previous researches on over-year storage followed by the general steps involved in constructing the dam, the characteristics of the lake and the positive and negative impacts of the dam. This chapter addresses the change in the Egyptian irrigation network and the change in their flow characteristics after the construction of the High Dam. Then, it describes the current water management system and different changes that have adversely affected irrigation field. It concludes by addressing the degradation in the irrigation system that necessitates further research projects to mitigate the escalating problems.
This chapter aims to describe and clarify the present irrigation and drainage management system a... more This chapter aims to describe and clarify the present irrigation and drainage management system and the actual water distribution and farmer behavior in the delta using case studies conducted at several sites in the middle delta covering the field, on-farm and basin levels. Using these cases, the chapter will clarify the differences in water management between paddy and non-paddy areas, the upstream-downstream problems, and the comparison between the traditional and improved systems. This chapter also describes the movement of water and salt at both the basin and field levels. Through elucidating the realities of water management, this chapter will provide information on the special characteristics of water management of the delta. It is necessary to account for these characteristics in order to understand the expected impacts of water conservation actions on the water management in the delta.
This book was published by UN University. The editors are Hiroshan Hettiarachchi & Reza Ardakania... more This book was published by UN University. The editors are Hiroshan Hettiarachchi & Reza Ardakanian
I shared in the book (Chapter 3) about waste water challenges in Egypt
Operating an Irrigation Canal Network, 2018
A mathematical model is developed to route unsteady flow through an irrigation canal network. The... more A mathematical model is developed to route unsteady flow through an irrigation canal network. The model is designed to handle branches, lateral inflow and outflow, sluice gates, and various boundary conditions. The model is developed for use on a personal computer. A specific irrigation canal network in Egypt is used as a case study to verify the model, and the results are presented. Full documentation is included in the appendix.
This is my dissertation for PhD, and it was published by Lambert Academic Publishing. The abstrac... more This is my dissertation for PhD, and it was published by Lambert Academic Publishing.
The abstract for the dissertation was :
"An optimization model for the determination of efficient management strategies for an irrigation canal network is developed. The objective is to minimize the total water consumed while satisfying various system constraints. An unsteady flow model is used to simulate the flow in the network. A genetic algorithm- (GA-) based framework is used to solve the model. The suitable GA parameters that should be used within the model, as well as the performance of various constraint-handling techniques, are studied. Uncertainties in crop pattern and water consumption rates are incorporated into the search procedure to identify more reliable solutions. A graphical interface is also developed to make the model more user-friendly."
Ain Shams Engineering Journal
In most of the main canals in Egypt, such as the Mit Yazid canal, the tail end regions have a hig... more In most of the main canals in Egypt, such as the Mit Yazid canal, the tail end regions have a high dependence on agricultural drainage water. The current study aims to improve the situation in tail regions by mixing the drainage water with the surface water at head reaches while maintaining environmental standards. Simulations and water quality models (HEC-RAS model) were used to validate the proposed solutions. The study investigated two scenarios to lift 10.50 and 12.0 m 3 /s of drainage water at the head reach. The results showed that it is possible to considerably increase the flow to downstream areas while maintaining water quality standards. The study is important as municipal water and its effluent is increasing while irrigation water is decreasing, and therefore, the dependence of tail end farmers on polluted drainage water will increase. The situation in these regions will be unsustainable unless the burden is distributed between the head and tail regions.
Improving quantitative and qualitative equity of water distribution systems, 2022
In most of the main canals in Egypt, such as the Mit Yazid canal, the tail end regions have a hig... more In most of the main canals in Egypt, such as the Mit Yazid canal, the tail end regions have a high dependence on agricultural drainage water. The current study aims to improve the situation in tail regions by mixing the drainage water with the surface water at head reaches while maintaining environmental standards. Simulations and water quality models (HEC-RAS model) were used to validate the proposed solutions. The study investigated two scenarios to lift 10.50 and 12.0 m 3 /s of drainage water at the head reach. The results showed that it is possible to considerably increase the flow to downstream areas while maintaining water quality standards. The study is important as municipal water and its effluent is increasing while irrigation water is decreasing, and therefore, the dependence of tail end farmers on polluted drainage water will increase. The situation in these regions will be unsustainable unless the burden is distributed between the head and tail regions.
Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering
This study summarizes the results of evaluating the improved canals in Egypt. These results const... more This study summarizes the results of evaluating the improved canals in Egypt. These results constituted a part of an evaluation programme that was conducted by Water Management Research Institute (WMRI) to evaluate the first phase of the Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP1). This part of the evaluation programme was built on measuring specific hydraulic indicators, such as Relative Water Supply (RWS) and Water Use Index (WUI) in improved and unimproved canals to assess achieving the targets of the improvement project. The programme concluded that most of the targets were not achieved yet illustrating that the main reason was the inappropriate operation of the system. The study illustrated that the chance to achieve the improvement targets should be mainly through the effective operation of the system. The introduced operation system was the continuous flow system, with which water supply will be provided to different branch canals continuously and on volumetric basis and an interna...
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering
Irrigated Agriculture in Egypt, 2017
This chapter describes Egyptian irrigation after the construction of Aswan High Dam. First, it di... more This chapter describes Egyptian irrigation after the construction of Aswan High Dam. First, it discusses the motivation for the construction and the previous researches on over-year storage followed by the general steps involved in constructing the dam, the characteristics of the lake and the positive and negative impacts of the dam. This chapter addresses the change in the Egyptian irrigation network and the change in their flow characteristics after the construction of Aswan High Dam. Then, it describes the current water management system and different changes that have adversely affected irrigation field. It concludes by addressing the degradation in the irrigation system that necessitates further research projects to mitigate the escalating problems.
El-Bagoriya canal is a main canal in the Middle Delta and it is the main water source for West Ka... more El-Bagoriya canal is a main canal in the Middle Delta and it is the main water source for West Kafr El-Sheikh irrigation directorate. As originally a natural canal, El-Bagoriya canal has specific characteristics that affected its hydraulic performance, and which resulted in a problem in conveying required water supply to downstream irrigation directorates. With the installation of two new municipal stations on the canal, there was a plan to dredge of the canal inside El-Monofiya irrigation directorate to increase its hydraulic capacity. A research project was conducted to help the irrigation directorate implementing the dredging in the best way.
The research activities included surveying the cross sections using modern surveying techniques, using ArcMap program to develop contour maps from the surveyed points and derive cross sections from these counter maps. The activities also included using the simulation model to check the original situation, the suggested dredging scenario, and the actual dredging.
The results showed that the suggested dredging could improve the flow inside the investigated reach from 53.5 m3/sec to 64.5 m3/sec while maintaining minimum water slope inside the reach. Actual dredging could improve the flow inside this reach to 57.5 m3/sec while maintaining the same water slopes.
The current study investigated the influence of Water Users Associations (WUAs) in the operating ... more The current study investigated the influence of Water Users Associations (WUAs) in the operating and maintaining the facilities of improved areas in Egypt. It was planned that WUAs would play an important role in improving water management and ensuring the sustainability of the improved system through enhancing the cooperation between farmers, scheduling the irrigation and maintaining the improved Mesqas (distributaries). The study was carried out through collecting data from samples according to design questionnaires in the improved areas, and analyzing the collected data to investigate the influence of these associations. The results showed that the influence of WUAs in Egypt was still very limited. Irrigation practices were performed in a trend close to the old trend. The operator was the main responsible person in the improved Mesqa, and he is scheduling the operation just by the reservation of the farmers. Old pumps were still used in conjunction with the new system, and the maintenance of the system was poor. The study discussed the reasons behind the weak influence of WUAs including the characteristics of such organizations and different factors that affect their performance. In addition, the study suggested the required steps to improve the capacities of these organizations and to enhance the coordination between farmers including the precise distribution of water supply, and the support from the government.
In 1990s, the first phase of Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP) has been conducted in Kafr El-S... more In 1990s, the first phase of Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP) has been conducted in Kafr El-Sheikh and El-Behera governorates with a goal being to increase water use efficiency and to achieve equitable distribution of water through and within branch canals. The core idea of IIP stands above two pillars; establishing single lifting points that replace old pumps on Mesqas level and applying the continuous flow through the branch canals. Implementing the continuous flow required the remodeling of the branch canals as well as the construction of new automatic control gates. Due to some problems, no canal is purely operated under the continuous flow condition even so many branch canals were open continuously. Many factors adversely affected the application of the continuous flow. This includes the familiarity with the new trend, different design, execution, and operation factors besides the intervention with IIP concepts and tools, which contains the increase of the rice ratio, the disposing of the thrash into the irrigation canals, and the interruption of the control structures. Design factors refer to the quality of the data used while simulating the flow through branch canals. Execution factors are mainly related to remodeling of the branch canals, which was not implemented correctly. Operation factors include failing to implement an internal rotation between lifting points, operating branch canals based on water levels and using old cross regulators to control the flow through the branch canals. Two improved and handed-over canals, Dakalt canal in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate and Besentway canal in El-Behera governorate, were investigated. Both canals are different in the remolding status and in the operation of the head regulators. These differences with the monitored results on both canals, illustrate different problems that adversely affect applying the continuous flow.
The implementation of the first phase of the Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP1) has begun in E... more The implementation of the first phase of the Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP1) has begun in Egypt in the last decade with two types of works on branch canals level and Mesqas [tertiary] level. The improvement of main canals was not considered during this phase. However, the operation of improved branch canals and their lifting points [Mesqas] is seriously affected by the characteristics of main canals. This includes the capacity of main canals to convey the required water supply. It also ,includes the additional constraints that affect the operation of main canals like municipal water consumption, which requires maintaining certain water levels and volumes at some locations. IIP1 was implemented covered parts of three main canals, which are El-Mahmoudia canal in EL-Behira governorate and Mit Yazid and El-Manifa canals in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate. In the coming phase of the improvement project [Integrated Irrigation Improvement and Management Project-IIIMP], the entire areas of El-Mahmoudia and Mit Yazid canals will be considered. IIIMP will consider the main canals level as well. This makes the investigation of these two main canals is important considering the current phase and the coming phases of the improvement project. Considering the current phase, this study could help understanding the effect of main canals on the operation of the improved branch canals. It checks the relation between main canals and the disability to achieve some improvement targets such as water saving besides the disability to apply the continuous flow in branch canals. In the future, and through IIIMP, such investigation could be helpful when improving these main canals. The current study investigates different physical and hydraulic characteristics in El-Mahmoudia and Mit Yazid canals. The study describes water distribution at different improved and unimproved regions, a relative comparison between water consumption in both regions and the equity of water distribution at different locations in the improved areas in Mit Yazid canal. The study also contains a description of some areas of high water losses in Mit Yazid canal and the effect of the municipal water consumption in El-Mahmoudia canal. The studies concluded by some suggestion for further investigations. The study was performed during summer 2007 and winter 2007-08. Considering summer season, the results referred to a water shortage in Mit Yazid canal downstream Beltag regulator, except at the area between Beltag and El-Wasat regulators where water consumption is very high. For the end part of the improved area downstream El-Mofty regulator, water crises were severe. Regarding the results of El-Mahmoudia canal, high municipal water consumption is the key point especially at the end part downstream Kafr El-Dawar regulator. Water supply for the improved areas is partly enough to operate the system while the irrigation water supply downstream Kafr El-Dawar regulator was very low. Water crises were not clear downstream Kafr El-Dawar regulator although water supply was small due to low rice ratio at this area. The study concluded that it is hard to except water saving from the improvement project during summer seasons especially in Kafr El-Sheikh, as the water supply is less than the design. The concern should to enhance the equity of water distribution as the tail regions in both main canals which suffer from water shortage. This might require increasing the capacity of both main canals especially while considering the improvement of the new areas, which might be associated with an increase in the rice ratio. The study recommended continuing the investigation in both main canals while considering the whole areas of both canals. The proposed study should consider the operation of all branch canals and detailed consumption of municipal water in order to confirm the results, enhance the accuracy and investigate how the equity of water distribution could be achieved. Studying the whole canals could lead to solve problem of water supply at the tail regions by controlling the flow at the head regions, which is expected to have higher consumption. The recommended study should investigate the areas with high water losses, such as the area between Beltag and El-Wasat regulators in more details.
Tanta Navigation Canal is a 38.0 km long main canal serving 65,000 ha. in the Nile Middle Delta o... more Tanta Navigation Canal is a 38.0 km long main canal serving 65,000 ha. in the Nile Middle Delta of Egypt. The main branch of Tanta canal is El-Kased canal with 34.0 km long, and serving 60% of Tanta Canal served area. The main problem was the inability to convey the required water supply to the second reach of El-Kased canal as it requires high-water levels at its head, which couldn't be maintained because of the big difference between water levels required in Tanta canal and water levels in the drains parallel to the canal led to a collapse of this bank in 2006. A simulation model was used to investigate the problem and propose feasible solutions. The results showed that the dredging of Dalel El-Kased canal improved the water management and hydraulic performance of the canal enabling maintaining high water levels upstream Sorad regulator. On the other hand, constructing a new regulator at km 18.5 is another solution to solve the irrigation problem in El-Kased canal and the conjoint bank between Tanat canal and Tala drain. However, this solution requires further investigations of the impact of this regulator on the water table in the surrounding areas.
Although the implementation of Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP) in Egypt was associated with ... more Although the implementation of Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP) in Egypt was associated with a big hope of water saving, the evaluation programme did not confirm such expectation, and there was no significant change in the water supply at the head of the improved command areas. This study aims to check the reasons behind the inability of IIP to save water by analyzing different water saving elements, and the ability of IIP to influence each element. The investigation included losses from water distribution system and the effect of IIP on irrigation practices and water use. The study illustrated that IIP has positively affected the conveyance losses. However, these losses were minor. The major losses were downstream the lifting points, where the contribution of IIP was limited. The study concluded that the achievement of water saving requires real change of water management strategies that could encourage the rational use of water.
Improving the irrigation system, and in consequence the irrigation efficiency became an essential... more Improving the irrigation system, and in consequence the irrigation efficiency became an essential issue with the limitation of water resources, and defining the optimal strategy to improve the irrigation system depend on the accurate investigation of this system. The objective of this study is to investigate different components of the Egyptian irrigation system. A typical command area at the north of the Middle Delta (Mit Yazid command area) was selected to represent the Egyptian irrigation network, and MASSCOTE approach was used as an assessment tool. Mapping System and Services for Canal Operation Techniques (MASSCOTE), which was developed by FAO, is a pre-improvement evaluation approach. The approach provides a systematic way to evaluate any irrigation system, which gives a chance to compare this system with other irrigation systems. The approach consists of ten steps in two categories. The first category investigates the irrigation system, and the second category introduces the modernization suggestions based on the results of the first part. The current study applied the first category, which contained applying Rapid Appraisal Procedure (RAP), checking the capacity of the irrigation system, and assessing the sensitivity and perturbation at different control structures. The assessment defined the specific weakness of the irrigation system and it showed that irrigation performance decrease significantly at the lowest level of the system. The reasons for such decrease and the effect of Irrigation Improvement Project on improving the performance were discussed.
With the gradual increase of water demand and the limitation of water supply, the feasible soluti... more With the gradual increase of water demand and the limitation of water supply, the feasible solution to meet water requirements in Egypt is through the reuse of different agricultural, municipal and industrial wastes. The Egyptian irrigation system is considered a closed system, where different water losses return to the drainage system, as well as a mixed system. This led to an increase in pollution in the drainage water, and it makes its reuse a serious problem. Providing sewage service and water treatment were among the main priorities of the government in recent decades. However, due to the economic challenges, the service did not catch up with rapid population growth. Therefore, it is important to find alternative solutions to mitigate the pollution problem that are economically and technically feasible. Constructed wetlands constitute a promising technique to face the problem. The technique was applied in Egypt on a large scale in northern lakes and on a small scale in some secondary drains (in-stream wetland). The pilot projects showed very promising removal efficiency for different pollution elements. In-stream wetland does not require additional areas, and as a simple and cheap technique, it could be applied in parallel at In: Hiroshan Hettiarachchi and Reza Ardakanian (eds). Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture: Good Practice Examples ©UNU-FLORES 2016 44 45 different sites, by incorporating non-governmental organisations, with a suitable dissemination and capacity programme, which could result in considerable progress in improving water quality, and help to save the use of wastewater.
This study aims to explore the change in farmers' coordination under different water availability... more This study aims to explore the change in farmers' coordination under different water availability and improvement conditions, with a focus on the improvements and their ability to enhance coordination.
The study illustrates that the coordination can be achieved successfully when there is a necessity, such as sharing lifting points and a Marwa, and the direct conflicts are rare. However, many farmers tend to create a private lifting point, whenever it is possible. This adversely affects other farmers and complicates the water distribution process. WUAs are still very weak at Mesqas level and they are not functioning at the higher levels.
بعرض هذا التقرير لتقييم مبدئي عن تأثير أعمال التأهيل على تحسين حالة الري بترعة بحر الغرق بالفيوم ... more بعرض هذا التقرير لتقييم مبدئي عن تأثير أعمال التأهيل على تحسين حالة الري بترعة بحر الغرق بالفيوم وهو يعتمد بصورة أساسية على تحميع آراء بعض المزارعين بواسطة استمارات استبيان بالإضافة لبعض القياسات
This report presents the results regarding water application in some rice fields that were cultiv... more This report presents the results regarding water application in some rice fields that were cultivated using SRI technique Nekla canal (Beheria Governorate). The study also covered other rice fields that were cultivated using the original technique and water productivity for SRI Fields.
This report describes some preliminary results for a project that aims to use remote sensing in w... more This report describes some preliminary results for a project that aims to use remote sensing in water distribution through calculating water consumption from satellite images and develop a numerical model to use such data for water distribution
This is the final findings for M&E of Irrigation Improvement Project IIP1 in Egypt. This program ... more This is the final findings for M&E of Irrigation Improvement Project IIP1 in Egypt. This program was conducted between 2002 and 2008 and it concluded by a final report, and this is the first volume of this report. This volume summaries the results that were discussed in details in other volumes.
This report is the first report in a research project that investigated the rehabilitation of two... more This report is the first report in a research project that investigated the rehabilitation of two main canals in Middle Delta, which were El-Bagoriya canal & Tanat Navigation canal.
This reports is a preliminary report about El-Bagoriya canal
This is the second report in the rehabilitation project and it focuses in El-Bagoriya canal (Arab... more This is the second report in the rehabilitation project and it focuses in El-Bagoriya canal (Arabic).
This is the third report in this study, and it focuses in the rehabilitation of Tanat Navigation ... more This is the third report in this study, and it focuses in the rehabilitation of Tanat Navigation Canal (Arabic)
This report is the final report for the project. It evaluated the impact of dredging the two main... more This report is the final report for the project. It evaluated the impact of dredging the two main canals (El-Bagoriya & Tanta Navigation Canal) on the discharge and water levels in both canals.
This presentation try to answer three questions: Is Modern Irrigation Systems currently applied e... more This presentation try to answer three questions:
Is Modern Irrigation Systems currently applied effectively (Focusing on old lands in Egypt)?
What is the expected impact on Egyptian water balance if Modern Irrigation Systems applied effectively?
What are the factors that might diminish the ability to apply Modern Irrigation Systems in old lands in Egypt?
Egyptian Irrigation Modernization & International Experiences, 2021
This report aims to assess the rehabilitation/improvement projects that has taken place in Egypt ... more This report aims to assess the rehabilitation/improvement projects that has taken place in Egypt in recent decades in comparison with international experiences. The report aims to clarify that the weak point in these projects is the attention to the construction aspect only, while neglecting the aspect of efficient operations of the system after its establishment, including water management and the institutional aspect related to the participation of beneficiaries. Considering the successful international experiences of some countries, and despite their differences in style, there is one common point, which is the efficient operation of the irrigation system. The report also presents other models, which were negatively affected by the inability to control the distribution and use of water, and this led to major water problems, although some of them were well rehabilitated.
يحاول هذا التقرير تقييم أعمال التأهيل / التطوير التي تمت في مصر في العقود الأخيرة في مقارنة مع الخبرات الدولية. ويهدف التقرير إلى توضيح أن نقطة الضعف في هذه المشاريع والمشاريع الأخرى هو الاهتمام بالجانب الإنشائي فقط مع إهمال لجانب إدارة المنظومة بعد إنشائها ويشمل ذلك إدارة المياه والجانب المؤسسي المتعلق بمشاركة المنتفعين. وبالنسبة للخبرات الدولية الناجحة لبعض الدول، فهي رغم اختلافها في الأسلوب ترتبط جميعا بنقطة واحدة وهي كفاءة إدارة منظومة الري. ويعرض التقرير كذلك لبعض النماذج السلبية، والتي تأثرت سلبيا بعدم القدرة على ضبط توزيع واستخدام المياه، وأدي ذلك لمشاكل مائية كبيرة بالرغم من أن بعضها قد تم تأهيله بصورة جيدة.
This presentation is a about using remote sensing to calculate water consumption values at irriga... more This presentation is a about using remote sensing to calculate water consumption values at irrigation district level with a target to improve water use efficiency
The presentation summarizes the results of M&E programmes, and it discusses the reasons behind li... more The presentation summarizes the results of M&E programmes, and it discusses the reasons behind limited achievement of the targets
This presentation was given in the calibration of the book "Irrigated Agricultural in Egypt". The... more This presentation was given in the calibration of the book "Irrigated Agricultural in Egypt". The author shared with a chapter about "Egyptian irrigation After the Aswan High Dam", and this presentation was a brief summary about the topic
This presentation describes the challenges that face Egypt to fill the gap between limited water ... more This presentation describes the challenges that face Egypt to fill the gap between limited water resources and rapidly increased water requirements, and it discusses different suggestions to confront this challenge .
This presentation contains the results of the evaluation of Integrated Irrigation Improvement & M... more This presentation contains the results of the evaluation of Integrated Irrigation Improvement & Management Project (IIIMP) during last seasons (S 12, W 12-13 & S 13)
This is the first volume of Nile Basin Encyclopedia By Hurst and others.
This volume of the book had the flow measurements at different locations of the river at the begi... more This volume of the book had the flow measurements at different locations of the river at the beginning of the 20th century
This volume of the book had the flow measurements at different locations of the river at the begi... more This volume of the book had the flow measurements at different locations of the river at the beginning of the 20th century
This is the first volume of Nile Basin Encyclopedia By Hurst and others. The Encyclopedia is a gr... more This is the first volume of Nile Basin Encyclopedia By Hurst and others. The Encyclopedia is a great work that had a full description of Nile Basin
هذة واحدة من أولي المذكرات التي وٌضعت لتصميم الترع في مصر، وقد وضعها دي بوي مفتش ري الوجة البحري ... more هذة واحدة من أولي المذكرات التي وٌضعت لتصميم الترع في مصر، وقد وضعها دي بوي مفتش ري الوجة البحري في ذلك الوقت عام 1902
It is a very comprehensive book about the History of the Egyptian Irrigation from the ancient tim... more It is a very comprehensive book about the History of the Egyptian Irrigation from the ancient time until recent
The Egyptian Water Use and Management Project (EWUP) was created in 1977 through action by the Mi... more The Egyptian Water Use and Management Project (EWUP) was created in 1977 through action by the Ministry of Irrigation (MOI), the Ministry of Agricultural (MOA), and the United State Agency for International Development (USAID). The general objective of the project was to improve the social and economic conditions of small farmers through development and use of improved irrigation water management and associated practices. This final report that was released in 1984 summarized the activities and the findings of the project.
This document is the first annual report for Permanent Joint Technical Commission (1960/1961) and... more This document is the first annual report for Permanent Joint Technical Commission (1960/1961) and it contains the agreement of 1959 besides other information about Nile Basin and proposed control projects.
A copy of Nile Water Agreement (1929) that was signed between Egypt and England, which represente... more A copy of Nile Water Agreement (1929) that was signed between Egypt and England, which represented the south countries during this time
This book is among the most important books about the Egyptian irrigation at the beginning of the... more This book is among the most important books about the Egyptian irrigation at the beginning of the perennial irrigation period.