Jason Gagnon | OECD - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Jason Gagnon

Research paper thumbnail of Are All Migrants Really Worse Off in Urban Labour Markets? New Empirical Evidence from China

Social Science Research Network, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Migration in Asia

OECD development policy papers, Jul 5, 2021

This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinion... more This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the OECD, its Development Centre or of their member countries. This document, and any map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Research paper thumbnail of Labor-Market Shifts and Immigration: J. Gagnon

Selected Topics in Migration Studies, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Facts, perceptions, reactions

Development Centre Studies, 2011

The recent global financial crisis, Arab Spring and famine in Africa have drawn added attention t... more The recent global financial crisis, Arab Spring and famine in Africa have drawn added attention to migration, an issue closely linked to growing global interdependence and environmental factors. Contrary to widespread belief there is more South-South than South-North migration. The financial crisis has made local populations more hostile to immigration, perceived as a threat to jobs and social cohesion. Migration policies have become more restrictive and immigrants greater targets of hostility and prejudice. At the same time, many developing countries seek to benefit from the export of surplus labour and rely heavily on money sent back by migrants. All these factors provide challenges both to sending and recipient countries. Migration strategies are often unilateral and expensive. Three interlocking issues need to be addressed. How can flows be regulated – or is that even possible? Once immigrants have arrived in receiving countries, can they be integrated and if so how? And what is the nexus between migration and development in the immigrants' home countries?

Research paper thumbnail of “Stay with Us”? The Impact of Emigration on Wages in Honduras

Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference, Hannover 2010, 2010

Cette série de documents de travail a pour but de diffuser rapidement auprès des spécialistes dan... more Cette série de documents de travail a pour but de diffuser rapidement auprès des spécialistes dans les domaines concernés les résultats des travaux de recherche du Centre de développement. Ces documents ne sont disponibles que dans leur langue originale, anglais ou français ; un résumé du document est rédigé dans l'autre langue. Tout commentaire relatif à ce document peut être adressé au Centre de développement de l'OCDE,

Research paper thumbnail of Towards more sustainable solutions to forced displacement

OECD Development Policy Papers, 2020

The majority of forcibly displaced people worldwide are hosted by developing countries. Alternati... more The majority of forcibly displaced people worldwide are hosted by developing countries. Alternative routes to sustainable solutions for the forcibly displaced, particularly in developing countries, are drying up, and the path towards and support for local integration and longer-term development is becoming urgent. Based on a questionnaire, this report delves into the question of how donor countries are addressing forced displacement and whether the shift towards a focus incorporating the humanitarian-development-peace nexus in addressing forced displacement is tangible. It highlights lessons learned so far and proposes recommendations on broadening the current approach to addressing forced displacement in developing economies.

Research paper thumbnail of European Governance of Migration

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects... more This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. new difficulties arising from the enlargement of the Union, and, particularly, the increased difference between them in history, traditions, conditions and, of course, political culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Migration : eine zu erschliessende Entwicklungsquelle

Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Entwicklungspolitik, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of “Quédate con nosotros”? The Impact of Emigration on Wages in Honduras


Page 1. 1 “Quédate con nosotros”? The Impact of Emigration on Wages in Honduras By Jason Gagnon1 ... more Page 1. 1 “Quédate con nosotros”? The Impact of Emigration on Wages in Honduras By Jason Gagnon1 Junior Policy Analyst at the OECD Development Centre and PhD candidate at the Paris School of Economics Paris, France ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Southward Shift in International Migration: Social Challenges and Policy Implications

Research paper thumbnail of The Southward Shift in International Migration: Social Challenges and Policy Implications The Southward Shift in International Migration: Social Challenges and Policy Implications

South-South migration flows outnumber the flows between South and North, and a series of developi... more South-South migration flows outnumber the flows between South and North, and a series of developing countries have, over time, become net immigration countries. This phenomenon implies new challenges, in particular at the social level, for both the countries of origin and destination, and requires a different approach in the way we think about the governance of migration flows. This paper first describes recent trends and changing patterns in global migration, focusing on South-South migration. It discusses the new geography of migration, induced by both more restrictive migration policies in the North and more opportunities in the fast-growing converging economies of the South. The paper then highlights the social challenges that an increasing inflow of migrants entails for developing countries, in particular with regards to the integration of immigrants. Finally, building on the experience of both OECD and non-OECD countries, the paper draws a series of policy recommendations aime...

Research paper thumbnail of “Stay with us”? Emigration and the labour market in Honduras

Previous research has argued that migration forms an essential component to economic convergence ... more Previous research has argued that migration forms an essential component to economic convergence between countries, particularly through the labour market. This paper contributes to the debate on the use of the skill cell approach of migration devised by Borjas (2003) by applying it to Honduras in the years following Hurricane Mitch, from 2001 to 2007. Relying on individual cross-sectional data and an instrumental variable approach, the estimates show that a 10 % shift in emigration of the labour force from Honduras increased wages in Honduras by around 20%, an elasticity which is much higher than previous findings in other studies on other countries. Emigration also raised the average hours worked and and underemployment (albeit marginally) and decreased self-employment, with stronger impacts for women and individuals working in rural areas. The paper also refutes the idea that the adequate ‘labour market ’ on which to measure such impacts is local rather than national, an idea coh...

Research paper thumbnail of Migration et développement: un mariage arrangé

Sous la direction de Denise Efionayi-Mader, Alessandro MONSUTTI, Gerard Perroulaz et Catherine Sc... more Sous la direction de Denise Efionayi-Mader, Alessandro MONSUTTI, Gerard Perroulaz et Catherine Schumperli Younossian Depuis une trentaine d’annees, les migrations internationales se sont intensifiees, parallelement a la mobilite croissante des marchandises, des services, des capitaux et de l’information, aux niveaux tant regional qu’intercontinental. Forcees ou volontaires, elles sont le reflet des inegalites sociales et de la recherche d’un avenir que les emigres esperent meilleur. Les approches unilaterales pour reguler les migrations apparaissent de plus en plus inoperantes. Les Etats, tres jaloux de leur souverainete en la matiere, prennent peu a peu conscience du fait que seule une action coordonnee au niveau international est a meme de contribuer au developpement des pays d’origine, de transit et de destination tout en offrant des conditions-cadres plus favorables au deplacement et a l’integration des migrants eux-memes. Avec le lancement de l’Initiative de Berne en 2001, la S...

Research paper thumbnail of Stay with us"? Emigration and the labour market in Honduras

Previous research has argued that migration forms an essential component to economic convergence ... more Previous research has argued that migration forms an essential component to economic convergence between countries, particularly through the labour market. This paper contributes to the debate on the use of the skill cell approach of migration devised by Borjas (2003) by applying it to Honduras in the years following Hurricane Mitch, from 2001 to 2007. Relying on individual cross-sectional data and an instrumental variable approach, the estimates show that a 10% shift in emigration of the labour force from Honduras increased wages in Honduras by around 20%, an elasticity which is much higher than previous findings in other studies on other countries. Emigration also raised the average hours worked and and underemployment (albeit marginally) and decreased self-employment, with stronger impacts for women and individuals working in rural areas. The paper also refutes the idea that the adequate ‘labour market’ on which to measure such impacts is local rather than national, an idea coher...

Research paper thumbnail of Essays on migration and labour markets in developing countries

Ce present travail comporte trois essais. Le premier etudie la migration en Chine vers les zones ... more Ce present travail comporte trois essais. Le premier etudie la migration en Chine vers les zones urbaines pour determiner si les migrants sont victimes de discrimination en matiere de salaires et de type d’emploi dans le marche du travail urbain. Une decomposition de type Oaxaca-Blinder sur les salaires montre que les migrants ruraux sont discrimines sur le salaire, mais que tous les migrants (ruraux et urbains) sont victimes de discrimination d’emploi avec contrats formels. L’essai 3 etudie l’effet de l’emigration sur le marche du travail au Honduras. Utilisant le modele des cellules de competences de Borjas (2003) il trouve que l’emigration soudaine et intense du Honduras suivant l'ouragan Mitch a abouti a une augmentation des salaires de l'ordre de 20 % pour chaque emigration de 10% de la population entre les annees 2001 et 2007, une elasticite qui est beaucoup plus eleve que les etudes precedentes sur le sujet. En outre, l'emigration en provenance du Honduras a augme...

Research paper thumbnail of Labor-Market Shifts and Immigration

Research paper thumbnail of Tackling the policy challenges of migration : regulation, integration, development

This book contributes to the current debate on migration policy, focusing on three main elements ... more This book contributes to the current debate on migration policy, focusing on three main elements in the standard migration policy dialogue: the regulation of flows, the integration of immigrants and the impact of labour mobility on development. In particular it argues that the current governance of international migration is both insufficient and inefficient. Restrictive and non-cooperative migration policies not only affect development in sending countries but also have counterproductive effects in the countries that implement them. Likewise, the lack of integration policies generates costs for society. In this respect, the book focuses on South-South migration and highlights the specific risks of neglecting integration in developing countries. It also analyses the effects of emigration on origin-country labour markets and underlines the externalities of immigration policies in migrant-sending countries. The book explores the feasibility of implementing a coherent governance framew...

Research paper thumbnail of Emigration et marché du travail: Quels sont les enjeux pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest ?

Research paper thumbnail of Migration und Entwicklung : Eine Zweckallianz

Research paper thumbnail of Kooperieren oder nicht kooperieren? Eine Analyse der Governance-Aspekte der internationalen Migration

Globale Wanderungsbewegungen

Der derzeitige Umgang mit der internationalen Migration ist durch mangelnde Kooperation gekennzei... more Der derzeitige Umgang mit der internationalen Migration ist durch mangelnde Kooperation gekennzeichnet. Wahrend die Globalisierung von Handel und Finanzen auf dem Prinzip des Laissez-faire beruht, verfolgen die meisten Lander eine restriktive Migrationspolitik. Der Hauptgrund dafur ist die asymmetrische Verteilung des sich aus der Migration ergebenden Nutzens zwischen einkommensstarken Landern auf der einen und Entwicklungslandern auf der anderen Seite. Die fehlende Gegenseitigkeit ist jedoch eine Illusion und keinesfalls real. Erstens ist eine restriktive Migrationspolitik nicht nur fur Migrant/innen und deren Herkunftslander kostspielig, sondern auch fur die Ziellander, die die Migration beschranken. Zweitens bedeuten hohe Kosten keinesfalls, dass die Masnahmen zur Begrenzung der Einwanderung wirkungsvoll sind. Denn formale Migrationsbewegungen lassen sich durch strenge Grenzkontrollen zwar verringern, doch fuhren Grenzkontrollen stets auch zum Anstieg der irregularen Migration. Drittens profitieren die Ziellander auch von der Einwanderung. So wirken Zuwander/innen dem Arbeitskraftemangel in bestimmten Branchen entgegen und tragen dazu bei, das demografische Ungleichgewicht infolge der Alterung der Bevolkerung zu verringern. Viertens konnen die Ziellander das Thema Einwanderung in politischen Verhandlungen dazu nutzen, um in anderen wichtigen Politikfeldern Verbesserungen durchzusetzen. Der Spielraum fur Kooperationsmoglichkeiten ist also groser, als allgemein angenommen wird.

Research paper thumbnail of Are All Migrants Really Worse Off in Urban Labour Markets? New Empirical Evidence from China

Social Science Research Network, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Migration in Asia

OECD development policy papers, Jul 5, 2021

This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinion... more This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the OECD, its Development Centre or of their member countries. This document, and any map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Research paper thumbnail of Labor-Market Shifts and Immigration: J. Gagnon

Selected Topics in Migration Studies, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Facts, perceptions, reactions

Development Centre Studies, 2011

The recent global financial crisis, Arab Spring and famine in Africa have drawn added attention t... more The recent global financial crisis, Arab Spring and famine in Africa have drawn added attention to migration, an issue closely linked to growing global interdependence and environmental factors. Contrary to widespread belief there is more South-South than South-North migration. The financial crisis has made local populations more hostile to immigration, perceived as a threat to jobs and social cohesion. Migration policies have become more restrictive and immigrants greater targets of hostility and prejudice. At the same time, many developing countries seek to benefit from the export of surplus labour and rely heavily on money sent back by migrants. All these factors provide challenges both to sending and recipient countries. Migration strategies are often unilateral and expensive. Three interlocking issues need to be addressed. How can flows be regulated – or is that even possible? Once immigrants have arrived in receiving countries, can they be integrated and if so how? And what is the nexus between migration and development in the immigrants' home countries?

Research paper thumbnail of “Stay with Us”? The Impact of Emigration on Wages in Honduras

Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference, Hannover 2010, 2010

Cette série de documents de travail a pour but de diffuser rapidement auprès des spécialistes dan... more Cette série de documents de travail a pour but de diffuser rapidement auprès des spécialistes dans les domaines concernés les résultats des travaux de recherche du Centre de développement. Ces documents ne sont disponibles que dans leur langue originale, anglais ou français ; un résumé du document est rédigé dans l'autre langue. Tout commentaire relatif à ce document peut être adressé au Centre de développement de l'OCDE,

Research paper thumbnail of Towards more sustainable solutions to forced displacement

OECD Development Policy Papers, 2020

The majority of forcibly displaced people worldwide are hosted by developing countries. Alternati... more The majority of forcibly displaced people worldwide are hosted by developing countries. Alternative routes to sustainable solutions for the forcibly displaced, particularly in developing countries, are drying up, and the path towards and support for local integration and longer-term development is becoming urgent. Based on a questionnaire, this report delves into the question of how donor countries are addressing forced displacement and whether the shift towards a focus incorporating the humanitarian-development-peace nexus in addressing forced displacement is tangible. It highlights lessons learned so far and proposes recommendations on broadening the current approach to addressing forced displacement in developing economies.

Research paper thumbnail of European Governance of Migration

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects... more This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. new difficulties arising from the enlargement of the Union, and, particularly, the increased difference between them in history, traditions, conditions and, of course, political culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Migration : eine zu erschliessende Entwicklungsquelle

Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Entwicklungspolitik, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of “Quédate con nosotros”? The Impact of Emigration on Wages in Honduras


Page 1. 1 “Quédate con nosotros”? The Impact of Emigration on Wages in Honduras By Jason Gagnon1 ... more Page 1. 1 “Quédate con nosotros”? The Impact of Emigration on Wages in Honduras By Jason Gagnon1 Junior Policy Analyst at the OECD Development Centre and PhD candidate at the Paris School of Economics Paris, France ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Southward Shift in International Migration: Social Challenges and Policy Implications

Research paper thumbnail of The Southward Shift in International Migration: Social Challenges and Policy Implications The Southward Shift in International Migration: Social Challenges and Policy Implications

South-South migration flows outnumber the flows between South and North, and a series of developi... more South-South migration flows outnumber the flows between South and North, and a series of developing countries have, over time, become net immigration countries. This phenomenon implies new challenges, in particular at the social level, for both the countries of origin and destination, and requires a different approach in the way we think about the governance of migration flows. This paper first describes recent trends and changing patterns in global migration, focusing on South-South migration. It discusses the new geography of migration, induced by both more restrictive migration policies in the North and more opportunities in the fast-growing converging economies of the South. The paper then highlights the social challenges that an increasing inflow of migrants entails for developing countries, in particular with regards to the integration of immigrants. Finally, building on the experience of both OECD and non-OECD countries, the paper draws a series of policy recommendations aime...

Research paper thumbnail of “Stay with us”? Emigration and the labour market in Honduras

Previous research has argued that migration forms an essential component to economic convergence ... more Previous research has argued that migration forms an essential component to economic convergence between countries, particularly through the labour market. This paper contributes to the debate on the use of the skill cell approach of migration devised by Borjas (2003) by applying it to Honduras in the years following Hurricane Mitch, from 2001 to 2007. Relying on individual cross-sectional data and an instrumental variable approach, the estimates show that a 10 % shift in emigration of the labour force from Honduras increased wages in Honduras by around 20%, an elasticity which is much higher than previous findings in other studies on other countries. Emigration also raised the average hours worked and and underemployment (albeit marginally) and decreased self-employment, with stronger impacts for women and individuals working in rural areas. The paper also refutes the idea that the adequate ‘labour market ’ on which to measure such impacts is local rather than national, an idea coh...

Research paper thumbnail of Migration et développement: un mariage arrangé

Sous la direction de Denise Efionayi-Mader, Alessandro MONSUTTI, Gerard Perroulaz et Catherine Sc... more Sous la direction de Denise Efionayi-Mader, Alessandro MONSUTTI, Gerard Perroulaz et Catherine Schumperli Younossian Depuis une trentaine d’annees, les migrations internationales se sont intensifiees, parallelement a la mobilite croissante des marchandises, des services, des capitaux et de l’information, aux niveaux tant regional qu’intercontinental. Forcees ou volontaires, elles sont le reflet des inegalites sociales et de la recherche d’un avenir que les emigres esperent meilleur. Les approches unilaterales pour reguler les migrations apparaissent de plus en plus inoperantes. Les Etats, tres jaloux de leur souverainete en la matiere, prennent peu a peu conscience du fait que seule une action coordonnee au niveau international est a meme de contribuer au developpement des pays d’origine, de transit et de destination tout en offrant des conditions-cadres plus favorables au deplacement et a l’integration des migrants eux-memes. Avec le lancement de l’Initiative de Berne en 2001, la S...

Research paper thumbnail of Stay with us"? Emigration and the labour market in Honduras

Previous research has argued that migration forms an essential component to economic convergence ... more Previous research has argued that migration forms an essential component to economic convergence between countries, particularly through the labour market. This paper contributes to the debate on the use of the skill cell approach of migration devised by Borjas (2003) by applying it to Honduras in the years following Hurricane Mitch, from 2001 to 2007. Relying on individual cross-sectional data and an instrumental variable approach, the estimates show that a 10% shift in emigration of the labour force from Honduras increased wages in Honduras by around 20%, an elasticity which is much higher than previous findings in other studies on other countries. Emigration also raised the average hours worked and and underemployment (albeit marginally) and decreased self-employment, with stronger impacts for women and individuals working in rural areas. The paper also refutes the idea that the adequate ‘labour market’ on which to measure such impacts is local rather than national, an idea coher...

Research paper thumbnail of Essays on migration and labour markets in developing countries

Ce present travail comporte trois essais. Le premier etudie la migration en Chine vers les zones ... more Ce present travail comporte trois essais. Le premier etudie la migration en Chine vers les zones urbaines pour determiner si les migrants sont victimes de discrimination en matiere de salaires et de type d’emploi dans le marche du travail urbain. Une decomposition de type Oaxaca-Blinder sur les salaires montre que les migrants ruraux sont discrimines sur le salaire, mais que tous les migrants (ruraux et urbains) sont victimes de discrimination d’emploi avec contrats formels. L’essai 3 etudie l’effet de l’emigration sur le marche du travail au Honduras. Utilisant le modele des cellules de competences de Borjas (2003) il trouve que l’emigration soudaine et intense du Honduras suivant l'ouragan Mitch a abouti a une augmentation des salaires de l'ordre de 20 % pour chaque emigration de 10% de la population entre les annees 2001 et 2007, une elasticite qui est beaucoup plus eleve que les etudes precedentes sur le sujet. En outre, l'emigration en provenance du Honduras a augme...

Research paper thumbnail of Labor-Market Shifts and Immigration

Research paper thumbnail of Tackling the policy challenges of migration : regulation, integration, development

This book contributes to the current debate on migration policy, focusing on three main elements ... more This book contributes to the current debate on migration policy, focusing on three main elements in the standard migration policy dialogue: the regulation of flows, the integration of immigrants and the impact of labour mobility on development. In particular it argues that the current governance of international migration is both insufficient and inefficient. Restrictive and non-cooperative migration policies not only affect development in sending countries but also have counterproductive effects in the countries that implement them. Likewise, the lack of integration policies generates costs for society. In this respect, the book focuses on South-South migration and highlights the specific risks of neglecting integration in developing countries. It also analyses the effects of emigration on origin-country labour markets and underlines the externalities of immigration policies in migrant-sending countries. The book explores the feasibility of implementing a coherent governance framew...

Research paper thumbnail of Emigration et marché du travail: Quels sont les enjeux pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest ?

Research paper thumbnail of Migration und Entwicklung : Eine Zweckallianz

Research paper thumbnail of Kooperieren oder nicht kooperieren? Eine Analyse der Governance-Aspekte der internationalen Migration

Globale Wanderungsbewegungen

Der derzeitige Umgang mit der internationalen Migration ist durch mangelnde Kooperation gekennzei... more Der derzeitige Umgang mit der internationalen Migration ist durch mangelnde Kooperation gekennzeichnet. Wahrend die Globalisierung von Handel und Finanzen auf dem Prinzip des Laissez-faire beruht, verfolgen die meisten Lander eine restriktive Migrationspolitik. Der Hauptgrund dafur ist die asymmetrische Verteilung des sich aus der Migration ergebenden Nutzens zwischen einkommensstarken Landern auf der einen und Entwicklungslandern auf der anderen Seite. Die fehlende Gegenseitigkeit ist jedoch eine Illusion und keinesfalls real. Erstens ist eine restriktive Migrationspolitik nicht nur fur Migrant/innen und deren Herkunftslander kostspielig, sondern auch fur die Ziellander, die die Migration beschranken. Zweitens bedeuten hohe Kosten keinesfalls, dass die Masnahmen zur Begrenzung der Einwanderung wirkungsvoll sind. Denn formale Migrationsbewegungen lassen sich durch strenge Grenzkontrollen zwar verringern, doch fuhren Grenzkontrollen stets auch zum Anstieg der irregularen Migration. Drittens profitieren die Ziellander auch von der Einwanderung. So wirken Zuwander/innen dem Arbeitskraftemangel in bestimmten Branchen entgegen und tragen dazu bei, das demografische Ungleichgewicht infolge der Alterung der Bevolkerung zu verringern. Viertens konnen die Ziellander das Thema Einwanderung in politischen Verhandlungen dazu nutzen, um in anderen wichtigen Politikfeldern Verbesserungen durchzusetzen. Der Spielraum fur Kooperationsmoglichkeiten ist also groser, als allgemein angenommen wird.