Alper Odabas | Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey (original) (raw)
Papers by Alper Odabas
Cornell University - arXiv, Sep 29, 2022
In this paper, we define the notion of exterior isoclinism of crossed modules. Functions for comp... more In this paper, we define the notion of exterior isoclinism of crossed modules. Functions for computing with these structures have been written using the GAP computational discrete algebra programming language.
Polish Journal of Radiology
Purpose: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a special place in the evaluation of orbital and pe... more Purpose: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a special place in the evaluation of orbital and periorbital lesions. Segmentation is one of the deep learning methods. In this study, we aimed to perform segmentation in orbital and periorbital lesions. Material and methods: Contrast-enhanced orbital MRIs performed between 2010 and 2019 were retrospectively screened, and 302 cross-sections of contrast-enhanced, fat-suppressed, T1-weighted, axial MRI images of 95 patients obtained using 3 T and 1.5 T devices were included in the study. The dataset was divided into 3: training, test, and validation. The number of training and validation data was increased 4 times by applying data augmentation (horizontal, vertical, and both). Pytorch UNet was used for training, with 100 epochs. The intersection over union (IOU) statistic (the Jaccard index) was selected as 50%, and the results were calculated. Results: The 77 th epoch model provided the best results: true positives, 23; false positives, 4; and false negatives, 8. The precision, sensitivity, and F1 score were determined as 0.85, 0.74, and 0.79, respectively. Conclusions: Our study proved to be successful in segmentation by deep learning method. It is one of the pioneering studies on this subject and will shed light on further segmentation studies to be performed in orbital MR images.
BioMed Research International
The purpose of the paper was the assessment of the success of an artificial intelligence (AI) alg... more The purpose of the paper was the assessment of the success of an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm formed on a deep-convolutional neural network (D-CNN) model for the segmentation of apical lesions on dental panoramic radiographs. A total of 470 anonymized panoramic radiographs were used to progress the D-CNN AI model based on the U-Net algorithm (CranioCatch, Eskisehir, Turkey) for the segmentation of apical lesions. The radiographs were obtained from the Radiology Archive of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology of the Faculty of Dentistry of Eskisehir Osmangazi University. A U-Net implemented with PyTorch model (version 1.4.0) was used for the segmentation of apical lesions. In the test data set, the AI model segmented 63 periapical lesions on 47 panoramic radiographs. The sensitivity, precision, and F1-score for segmentation of periapical lesions at 70% IoU values were 0.92, 0.84, and 0.88, respectively. AI systems have the potential to overcome clinical proble...
Background Pulmonary embolism is a type of thromboembolism seen in the main pulmonary artery and ... more Background Pulmonary embolism is a type of thromboembolism seen in the main pulmonary artery and its branches. This study aimed to diagnose acute pulmonary embolism using the deep learning method in computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) and perform the segmentation of pulmonary embolism data. Methods The CTPA images of patients diagnosed with pulmonary embolism who underwent scheduled imaging were retrospectively evaluated. After data collection, the areas that were diagnosed as embolism in the axial section images were segmented. The dataset was divided into three parts as training, validation, and testing. The results were calculated by selecting 50% as the cut-off value for the intersection over union. Results Images were obtained from 1,550 patients. The mean age of the patients was 64.23 ± 15.45 years. A total of 2,339 axial computed tomography images obtained from the 1,550 patients were used. There were a total of 5,992 labels, with 1,879 images. PyTorch U-Net was...
Journal of Symbolic Computation
The category XSq of crossed squares is equivalent to the category Cat2 of cat 2-groups. Functions... more The category XSq of crossed squares is equivalent to the category Cat2 of cat 2-groups. Functions for computing with these structures have been developed in the package XMod written using the GAP computational discrete algebra programming language. This paper includes details of the algorithms used. It contains tables listing the 1, 000 isomorphism classes of cat 2-groups on groups of order at most 30.
Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) algorithms have been proven to be among the best algorith... more Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) algorithms have been proven to be among the best algorithms in machine learning. XGBoost, the most popular GBDT algorithm, has won many competitions on websites like Kaggle. However, XGBoost is not the only GBDT algorithm with state-of-the-art performance. There are other GBDT algorithms that have more advantages than XGBoost and sometimes even more potent like LightGBM and CatBoost. This paper aims to compare the performance of CPU implementation of the top three gradient boosting algorithms. We start by explaining how the three algorithms work and the hyperparameters similarities between them. Then we use a variety of performance criteria to evaluate their performance. We divide the performance criteria into four: accuracy, speed, reliability, and ease of use. The performance of the three algorithms has been tested with five classification and regression problems. Our findings show that the LightGBM algorithm has the best performance of the ...
In this paper, we define the notion of crossed modules of groups with action and investigate rela... more In this paper, we define the notion of crossed modules of groups with action and investigate related structures. Functions for computing of these structures have been written using the GAP computational discrete algebra programming language.
Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Apr 28, 2021
Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) algorithms have been proven to be among the best algorith... more Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) algorithms have been proven to be among the best algorithms in machine learning. XGBoost, the most popular GBDT algorithm, has won many competitions on websites like Kaggle. However, XGBoost is not the only GBDT algorithm with state-of-the-art performance. There are other GBDT algorithms that have more advantages than XGBoost and sometimes even more potent like LightGBM and CatBoost. This paper aims to compare the performance of CPU implementation of the top three gradient boosting algorithms. We start by explaining how the three algorithms work and the hyperparameters similarities between them. Then we use a variety of performance criteria to evaluate their performance. We divide the performance criteria into four: accuracy, speed, reliability, and ease of use. The performance of the three algorithms has been tested with five classification and regression problems. Our findings show that the LightGBM algorithm has the best performance of the three with a balanced combination of accuracy, speed, reliability, and ease of use, followed by XGBoost with the histogram method, and CatBoost came last with slow and inconsistent performance.
In this paper we define 3-crossed modules for commutative (Lie) algebras and investigate the rela... more In this paper we define 3-crossed modules for commutative (Lie) algebras and investigate the relation between this construction and the simplicial algebras. Also we define the projective 3-crossed resolution for investigate a higher dimensional homological information and show the existence of this resolution for an arbitrary k-algebra.
We show that the forgetful functor from the category of braided regular crossed modules to the ca... more We show that the forgetful functor from the category of braided regular crossed modules to the category of regular (or whiskered) groupoids is a fibration and also a cofibration.
Alanya Akademik Bakış, 2021
Effective performance evaluation is an important indicator of the success of every business parti... more Effective performance evaluation is an important indicator of the success of every business particularly the banking sector. Banks are one of the most fundamental elements of the financial system. The financial structures of banks should be measured and evaluated accurately, the results should be analyzed salubriously and presented to the relevant users. The performance of each bank is evaluated by financial criteria which are ranked according to their financial performance. This is important both for the bank and the decision makers in the banking sector in which it operates. The aim of this study is to evaluate the financial performance of foreign banks having branches in Turkey. In the study, in Turkey four foreign banks having branches and Ziraat Bank with the largest assets were analyzed. The data were obtained from the annual reports of banks between 2014 and 2018. CAMELS criteria were used as financial performance indicators in the study. TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and ELECTRE (Elimination and Choice Translating Reality) which are multi-criteria decision-making methods were used to evaluate the financial performance of these banks. As a result of the application of these
Aims of the Study: A radiographic examination is a significant part of the clinical routine for t... more Aims of the Study: A radiographic examination is a significant part of the clinical routine for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up of the disease. Artificial intelligence in dentistry shows that the deep learning technique high enough quality and effective to diagnose and interpret the images in the dental practice. For this purpose, it is aimed to evaluate diagnostic charting on panoramic radiography using a deep-learning AI system in this study. Methods: 1084 anonymized dental panoramic radiographs were labeled for 10 different dental situations including crown, pontic, root-canal treated tooth, implant, implant-supported crown, impacted tooth, residual root, filling, caries, and dental calculus. AI Model (Craniocatch, Eskisehir, Turkey) based on a deep CNN method was proposed. A Faster R-CNN Inception v2 (COCO) model implemented with Tensorflow library was used for model development. The training and validation data sets were used to predict and generate optimal CNN algorit...
Bu calismada cat' gruplart ve caprazlanmis modulleri hesaplayabilmek icin, grup teorisi progr... more Bu calismada cat' gruplart ve caprazlanmis modulleri hesaplayabilmek icin, grup teorisi programlama dili olan GAP [II} program I ile yazdtgtmtz bir program paketini [2} sunduk. Bu programda caprazlanmts modiiller ve cat' - gruplarin morjizmlerinin yam sira bu morfizimlerin bileskesini iceren fonksiyonlar yer almaktadir. Aynca paket icerisinde caprazlanmts modullerin derivation 'u ve bir cat' - grup 'un section'imda yerlestirmis bulunmaktaytz. Caprazlanmis modullerin kategorisi XMod ile cat' - gruplartn kategorisi Catl arasindaki esdegerlik bagtnttstnt gerceklestirecek olan funktorlar da yer almaktadir. Ek olarak bu caltsma, dereceleri 36 olan gruplarin cat I - gruplarinin izomorfirmlerin tablo halinde stralanmasint icermektedir. Kucuk dereceden gruplartn cat I - gruplartntn izomorjizmleri [l) de verilmistir. 41-47. dereceden gruplarin ca/- grup 'lartntn izomorjizmleri de [3} de verilmistir.
Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, panoramik radyografide dis eksikliklerinin degerlendirilmesi icin tasa... more Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, panoramik radyografide dis eksikliklerinin degerlendirilmesi icin tasarlanmis tani amacli bilgisayar yaziliminin islevini gelistirmek ve degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontemler: Veri seti eksik dis tespiti icin 99 tam dis ve 54 eksik dis olmak uzere 153 goruntuden olusmaktadir. Tum goruntuler Agiz, Dis ve Cene Radyolojisi uzmanlari tarafindan tekrar kontrol edilmis ve dogrulanmistir. Veri setindeki tum goruntuler egitim oncesinde 971 X 474 piksel olarak yeniden boyutlandirilmistir. Acik kaynak kodlu python programlama dili ve OpenCV, NumPy, Pandas, ile Matplotlib kutuphaneleri etkin olarak kullanilarak bir rastgele dizilim olusturulmustur. Onceden egitilmis bir Google Net Inception v3 CNN agi on isleme icin kullanilmis ve veri setleri transfer ogrenimi kullanilarak egitilmistir. Bulgular: Egitim de kullanilan goruntulerin modeli tahminlendirmesi ile cikan basari orani % 94.7’dir. Egitimde kullanilmayan test icin ayrilan goruntulerin tahminlemesindeki basari ...
arXiv: Category Theory, 2016
In this work, we explore the close relationship between an ideal map structure S --> End(R) on... more In this work, we explore the close relationship between an ideal map structure S --> End(R) on a homomorphism of commutative k-algebras R --> S and an ideal simplicial algebra structure on the associated bar construction Bar(S, R).
arXiv: Rings and Algebras, 2016
We introduce the notion of isoclinism among crossed modules of Lie algebras, which will be called... more We introduce the notion of isoclinism among crossed modules of Lie algebras, which will be called "Lie crossed modules" hereafter, and investigate some basic properties. Additionally, we introduce the notion of class preserving actor of a Lie crossed module and the relation with isoclinism.
BMC Medical Imaging, 2021
Background Panoramic radiography is an imaging method for displaying maxillary and mandibular tee... more Background Panoramic radiography is an imaging method for displaying maxillary and mandibular teeth together with their supporting structures. Panoramic radiography is frequently used in dental imaging due to its relatively low radiation dose, short imaging time, and low burden to the patient. We verified the diagnostic performance of an artificial intelligence (AI) system based on a deep convolutional neural network method to detect and number teeth on panoramic radiographs. Methods The data set included 2482 anonymized panoramic radiographs from adults from the archive of Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. A Faster R-CNN Inception v2 model was used to develop an AI algorithm (CranioCatch, Eskisehir, Turkey) to automatically detect and number teeth on panoramic radiographs. Human observation and AI methods were compared on a test data set consisting of 249 panoramic radiographs. True positive, false positive, and fa...
Current Medical Imaging Formerly Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 2021
Background: Every year, lung cancer contributes to a high percentage deaths in the world. Early d... more Background: Every year, lung cancer contributes to a high percentage deaths in the world. Early detection of lung cancer is important for its effective treatment, and non-invasive rapid methods are usually used for diagnosis. Introduction: In this study, we aimed to detect lung cancer using deep learning methods and determine the contribution of deep learning to the classification of lung carcinoma using a convolutional neural network (CNN). Methods: A total of 301 patients diagnosed with lung carcinoma pathologies in our hospital were included in the study. In the thorax, Computed Tomography (CT) was performed for diagnostic purposes prior to the treatment. After tagging the section images, tumor detection, small and non-small cell lung carcinoma differentiation, adenocarcinoma-squamous cell lung carcinoma differentiation, and adenocarcinoma-squamous cell-small cell lung carcinoma differentiation were sequentially performed using deep CNN methods. Result: In total, 301 lung carcino...
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 2021
Objective: This study evaluated the use of a deep-learning approach for automated detection and n... more Objective: This study evaluated the use of a deep-learning approach for automated detection and numbering of deciduous teeth in children as depicted on panoramic radiographs. Methods and materials: An artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm (CranioCatch, Eskisehir-Turkey) using Faster R-CNN Inception v2 (COCO) models were developed to automatically detect and number deciduous teeth as seen on pediatric panoramic radiographs. The algorithm was trained and tested on a total of 421 panoramic images. System performance was assessed using a confusion matrix. Results: The AI system was successful in detecting and numbering the deciduous teeth of children as depicted on panoramic radiographs. The sensitivity and precision rates were high. The estimated sensitivity, precision, and F1 score were 0.9804, 0.9571, and 0.9686, respectively. Conclusion: Deep-learning-based AI models are a promising tool for the automated charting of panoramic dental radiographs from children. In addition to servin...
Cornell University - arXiv, Sep 29, 2022
In this paper, we define the notion of exterior isoclinism of crossed modules. Functions for comp... more In this paper, we define the notion of exterior isoclinism of crossed modules. Functions for computing with these structures have been written using the GAP computational discrete algebra programming language.
Polish Journal of Radiology
Purpose: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a special place in the evaluation of orbital and pe... more Purpose: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a special place in the evaluation of orbital and periorbital lesions. Segmentation is one of the deep learning methods. In this study, we aimed to perform segmentation in orbital and periorbital lesions. Material and methods: Contrast-enhanced orbital MRIs performed between 2010 and 2019 were retrospectively screened, and 302 cross-sections of contrast-enhanced, fat-suppressed, T1-weighted, axial MRI images of 95 patients obtained using 3 T and 1.5 T devices were included in the study. The dataset was divided into 3: training, test, and validation. The number of training and validation data was increased 4 times by applying data augmentation (horizontal, vertical, and both). Pytorch UNet was used for training, with 100 epochs. The intersection over union (IOU) statistic (the Jaccard index) was selected as 50%, and the results were calculated. Results: The 77 th epoch model provided the best results: true positives, 23; false positives, 4; and false negatives, 8. The precision, sensitivity, and F1 score were determined as 0.85, 0.74, and 0.79, respectively. Conclusions: Our study proved to be successful in segmentation by deep learning method. It is one of the pioneering studies on this subject and will shed light on further segmentation studies to be performed in orbital MR images.
BioMed Research International
The purpose of the paper was the assessment of the success of an artificial intelligence (AI) alg... more The purpose of the paper was the assessment of the success of an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm formed on a deep-convolutional neural network (D-CNN) model for the segmentation of apical lesions on dental panoramic radiographs. A total of 470 anonymized panoramic radiographs were used to progress the D-CNN AI model based on the U-Net algorithm (CranioCatch, Eskisehir, Turkey) for the segmentation of apical lesions. The radiographs were obtained from the Radiology Archive of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology of the Faculty of Dentistry of Eskisehir Osmangazi University. A U-Net implemented with PyTorch model (version 1.4.0) was used for the segmentation of apical lesions. In the test data set, the AI model segmented 63 periapical lesions on 47 panoramic radiographs. The sensitivity, precision, and F1-score for segmentation of periapical lesions at 70% IoU values were 0.92, 0.84, and 0.88, respectively. AI systems have the potential to overcome clinical proble...
Background Pulmonary embolism is a type of thromboembolism seen in the main pulmonary artery and ... more Background Pulmonary embolism is a type of thromboembolism seen in the main pulmonary artery and its branches. This study aimed to diagnose acute pulmonary embolism using the deep learning method in computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) and perform the segmentation of pulmonary embolism data. Methods The CTPA images of patients diagnosed with pulmonary embolism who underwent scheduled imaging were retrospectively evaluated. After data collection, the areas that were diagnosed as embolism in the axial section images were segmented. The dataset was divided into three parts as training, validation, and testing. The results were calculated by selecting 50% as the cut-off value for the intersection over union. Results Images were obtained from 1,550 patients. The mean age of the patients was 64.23 ± 15.45 years. A total of 2,339 axial computed tomography images obtained from the 1,550 patients were used. There were a total of 5,992 labels, with 1,879 images. PyTorch U-Net was...
Journal of Symbolic Computation
The category XSq of crossed squares is equivalent to the category Cat2 of cat 2-groups. Functions... more The category XSq of crossed squares is equivalent to the category Cat2 of cat 2-groups. Functions for computing with these structures have been developed in the package XMod written using the GAP computational discrete algebra programming language. This paper includes details of the algorithms used. It contains tables listing the 1, 000 isomorphism classes of cat 2-groups on groups of order at most 30.
Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) algorithms have been proven to be among the best algorith... more Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) algorithms have been proven to be among the best algorithms in machine learning. XGBoost, the most popular GBDT algorithm, has won many competitions on websites like Kaggle. However, XGBoost is not the only GBDT algorithm with state-of-the-art performance. There are other GBDT algorithms that have more advantages than XGBoost and sometimes even more potent like LightGBM and CatBoost. This paper aims to compare the performance of CPU implementation of the top three gradient boosting algorithms. We start by explaining how the three algorithms work and the hyperparameters similarities between them. Then we use a variety of performance criteria to evaluate their performance. We divide the performance criteria into four: accuracy, speed, reliability, and ease of use. The performance of the three algorithms has been tested with five classification and regression problems. Our findings show that the LightGBM algorithm has the best performance of the ...
In this paper, we define the notion of crossed modules of groups with action and investigate rela... more In this paper, we define the notion of crossed modules of groups with action and investigate related structures. Functions for computing of these structures have been written using the GAP computational discrete algebra programming language.
Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Apr 28, 2021
Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) algorithms have been proven to be among the best algorith... more Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDT) algorithms have been proven to be among the best algorithms in machine learning. XGBoost, the most popular GBDT algorithm, has won many competitions on websites like Kaggle. However, XGBoost is not the only GBDT algorithm with state-of-the-art performance. There are other GBDT algorithms that have more advantages than XGBoost and sometimes even more potent like LightGBM and CatBoost. This paper aims to compare the performance of CPU implementation of the top three gradient boosting algorithms. We start by explaining how the three algorithms work and the hyperparameters similarities between them. Then we use a variety of performance criteria to evaluate their performance. We divide the performance criteria into four: accuracy, speed, reliability, and ease of use. The performance of the three algorithms has been tested with five classification and regression problems. Our findings show that the LightGBM algorithm has the best performance of the three with a balanced combination of accuracy, speed, reliability, and ease of use, followed by XGBoost with the histogram method, and CatBoost came last with slow and inconsistent performance.
In this paper we define 3-crossed modules for commutative (Lie) algebras and investigate the rela... more In this paper we define 3-crossed modules for commutative (Lie) algebras and investigate the relation between this construction and the simplicial algebras. Also we define the projective 3-crossed resolution for investigate a higher dimensional homological information and show the existence of this resolution for an arbitrary k-algebra.
We show that the forgetful functor from the category of braided regular crossed modules to the ca... more We show that the forgetful functor from the category of braided regular crossed modules to the category of regular (or whiskered) groupoids is a fibration and also a cofibration.
Alanya Akademik Bakış, 2021
Effective performance evaluation is an important indicator of the success of every business parti... more Effective performance evaluation is an important indicator of the success of every business particularly the banking sector. Banks are one of the most fundamental elements of the financial system. The financial structures of banks should be measured and evaluated accurately, the results should be analyzed salubriously and presented to the relevant users. The performance of each bank is evaluated by financial criteria which are ranked according to their financial performance. This is important both for the bank and the decision makers in the banking sector in which it operates. The aim of this study is to evaluate the financial performance of foreign banks having branches in Turkey. In the study, in Turkey four foreign banks having branches and Ziraat Bank with the largest assets were analyzed. The data were obtained from the annual reports of banks between 2014 and 2018. CAMELS criteria were used as financial performance indicators in the study. TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and ELECTRE (Elimination and Choice Translating Reality) which are multi-criteria decision-making methods were used to evaluate the financial performance of these banks. As a result of the application of these
Aims of the Study: A radiographic examination is a significant part of the clinical routine for t... more Aims of the Study: A radiographic examination is a significant part of the clinical routine for the diagnosis, management, and follow-up of the disease. Artificial intelligence in dentistry shows that the deep learning technique high enough quality and effective to diagnose and interpret the images in the dental practice. For this purpose, it is aimed to evaluate diagnostic charting on panoramic radiography using a deep-learning AI system in this study. Methods: 1084 anonymized dental panoramic radiographs were labeled for 10 different dental situations including crown, pontic, root-canal treated tooth, implant, implant-supported crown, impacted tooth, residual root, filling, caries, and dental calculus. AI Model (Craniocatch, Eskisehir, Turkey) based on a deep CNN method was proposed. A Faster R-CNN Inception v2 (COCO) model implemented with Tensorflow library was used for model development. The training and validation data sets were used to predict and generate optimal CNN algorit...
Bu calismada cat' gruplart ve caprazlanmis modulleri hesaplayabilmek icin, grup teorisi progr... more Bu calismada cat' gruplart ve caprazlanmis modulleri hesaplayabilmek icin, grup teorisi programlama dili olan GAP [II} program I ile yazdtgtmtz bir program paketini [2} sunduk. Bu programda caprazlanmts modiiller ve cat' - gruplarin morjizmlerinin yam sira bu morfizimlerin bileskesini iceren fonksiyonlar yer almaktadir. Aynca paket icerisinde caprazlanmts modullerin derivation 'u ve bir cat' - grup 'un section'imda yerlestirmis bulunmaktaytz. Caprazlanmis modullerin kategorisi XMod ile cat' - gruplartn kategorisi Catl arasindaki esdegerlik bagtnttstnt gerceklestirecek olan funktorlar da yer almaktadir. Ek olarak bu caltsma, dereceleri 36 olan gruplarin cat I - gruplarinin izomorfirmlerin tablo halinde stralanmasint icermektedir. Kucuk dereceden gruplartn cat I - gruplartntn izomorjizmleri [l) de verilmistir. 41-47. dereceden gruplarin ca/- grup 'lartntn izomorjizmleri de [3} de verilmistir.
Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, panoramik radyografide dis eksikliklerinin degerlendirilmesi icin tasa... more Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, panoramik radyografide dis eksikliklerinin degerlendirilmesi icin tasarlanmis tani amacli bilgisayar yaziliminin islevini gelistirmek ve degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontemler: Veri seti eksik dis tespiti icin 99 tam dis ve 54 eksik dis olmak uzere 153 goruntuden olusmaktadir. Tum goruntuler Agiz, Dis ve Cene Radyolojisi uzmanlari tarafindan tekrar kontrol edilmis ve dogrulanmistir. Veri setindeki tum goruntuler egitim oncesinde 971 X 474 piksel olarak yeniden boyutlandirilmistir. Acik kaynak kodlu python programlama dili ve OpenCV, NumPy, Pandas, ile Matplotlib kutuphaneleri etkin olarak kullanilarak bir rastgele dizilim olusturulmustur. Onceden egitilmis bir Google Net Inception v3 CNN agi on isleme icin kullanilmis ve veri setleri transfer ogrenimi kullanilarak egitilmistir. Bulgular: Egitim de kullanilan goruntulerin modeli tahminlendirmesi ile cikan basari orani % 94.7’dir. Egitimde kullanilmayan test icin ayrilan goruntulerin tahminlemesindeki basari ...
arXiv: Category Theory, 2016
In this work, we explore the close relationship between an ideal map structure S --> End(R) on... more In this work, we explore the close relationship between an ideal map structure S --> End(R) on a homomorphism of commutative k-algebras R --> S and an ideal simplicial algebra structure on the associated bar construction Bar(S, R).
arXiv: Rings and Algebras, 2016
We introduce the notion of isoclinism among crossed modules of Lie algebras, which will be called... more We introduce the notion of isoclinism among crossed modules of Lie algebras, which will be called "Lie crossed modules" hereafter, and investigate some basic properties. Additionally, we introduce the notion of class preserving actor of a Lie crossed module and the relation with isoclinism.
BMC Medical Imaging, 2021
Background Panoramic radiography is an imaging method for displaying maxillary and mandibular tee... more Background Panoramic radiography is an imaging method for displaying maxillary and mandibular teeth together with their supporting structures. Panoramic radiography is frequently used in dental imaging due to its relatively low radiation dose, short imaging time, and low burden to the patient. We verified the diagnostic performance of an artificial intelligence (AI) system based on a deep convolutional neural network method to detect and number teeth on panoramic radiographs. Methods The data set included 2482 anonymized panoramic radiographs from adults from the archive of Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. A Faster R-CNN Inception v2 model was used to develop an AI algorithm (CranioCatch, Eskisehir, Turkey) to automatically detect and number teeth on panoramic radiographs. Human observation and AI methods were compared on a test data set consisting of 249 panoramic radiographs. True positive, false positive, and fa...
Current Medical Imaging Formerly Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 2021
Background: Every year, lung cancer contributes to a high percentage deaths in the world. Early d... more Background: Every year, lung cancer contributes to a high percentage deaths in the world. Early detection of lung cancer is important for its effective treatment, and non-invasive rapid methods are usually used for diagnosis. Introduction: In this study, we aimed to detect lung cancer using deep learning methods and determine the contribution of deep learning to the classification of lung carcinoma using a convolutional neural network (CNN). Methods: A total of 301 patients diagnosed with lung carcinoma pathologies in our hospital were included in the study. In the thorax, Computed Tomography (CT) was performed for diagnostic purposes prior to the treatment. After tagging the section images, tumor detection, small and non-small cell lung carcinoma differentiation, adenocarcinoma-squamous cell lung carcinoma differentiation, and adenocarcinoma-squamous cell-small cell lung carcinoma differentiation were sequentially performed using deep CNN methods. Result: In total, 301 lung carcino...
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 2021
Objective: This study evaluated the use of a deep-learning approach for automated detection and n... more Objective: This study evaluated the use of a deep-learning approach for automated detection and numbering of deciduous teeth in children as depicted on panoramic radiographs. Methods and materials: An artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm (CranioCatch, Eskisehir-Turkey) using Faster R-CNN Inception v2 (COCO) models were developed to automatically detect and number deciduous teeth as seen on pediatric panoramic radiographs. The algorithm was trained and tested on a total of 421 panoramic images. System performance was assessed using a confusion matrix. Results: The AI system was successful in detecting and numbering the deciduous teeth of children as depicted on panoramic radiographs. The sensitivity and precision rates were high. The estimated sensitivity, precision, and F1 score were 0.9804, 0.9571, and 0.9686, respectively. Conclusion: Deep-learning-based AI models are a promising tool for the automated charting of panoramic dental radiographs from children. In addition to servin...