OHNO's Journal (original) (raw)

(= ohno!)

[18 Mar 2004|01:59pm]
[ **mood** | horny ] Best. Community. Ever.

(= ohno!)

[21 Feb 2004|05:58pm]

(2 + oh! = ohno!)

[15 Jan 2004|10:44pm]

(1 + oh! = ohno!)

[13 Jan 2004|02:24am]

(1 + oh! = ohno!)

[06 Jan 2004|12:57am]
OHNO. uh. man, this sure is a really awesome community.love, Leah

(1 + oh! = ohno!)

Corndog. [31 Dec 2003|11:40am]
Oh Leah. You are my oracle.

(2 + oh! = ohno!)

OoOoOoOoOo [30 Dec 2003|04:29am]
I have pictures of Jose from elementary school. Damn the fact that i dont have a scanner.

(6 + oh! = ohno!)

[28 Dec 2003|09:24pm]
JOIN TODAY.butwait,theresmore.Join within the next fifteen minutes and you get.Something cool. LIKE A KISS ON THE LIPS.
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