Oh You (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Sep. 3rd, 2004|01:45 pm]Oh You!
[mood |sympathetic] [music Chingy - Right Thurr]nigger!!!!!!!
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(no subject) [Aug. 26th, 2004|08:37 pm]Oh You!
Look, it is a community I am pathetically trying to get into, thus I am posting a link to advertise it just as the rules said.
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(no subject) [Aug. 21st, 2004|11:32 am]Oh You!
[mood |excited]i totally posted the second entry ever on this community. i rock my world.
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(no subject) [Aug. 9th, 2004|03:43 am]Oh You!
[mood |retarded] [music Scissor Sisters - Return to Oz]This is my very second community, and hopefully it won't be as lame as the first one I made. I still can't do kick-ass customizations, but it doesn't matter. It is what's in here that counts *pats chest area over heart*!Tell your friends...Force them to join...If they don't comply, hijack their lj's and join for them. Show them the light!
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