for life's not a paragraph (original) (raw)

oh my darling dear, what a great big mess we've made.

ETA 2/25/17 -- I no longer use this journal for anything other than updating about fic. I'm still keeping it f-locked to preserve any previous personal posts, but feel free to follow if you want to stay up to date about my fic!

You can also find me on tumblr or AO3 to stay up to date on my fic and fandom involvement!

And finally, since my masterpost hadn't been updated in years, you can find all my works are archived by tags.

fic: the avalanche of aching


August 16th, 2017

Title: the avalanche of aching
Pairings: Kimberly Hart/Trini (Power Rangers 2017)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 5,200
Summary: What happens if, after you become a hero, there's still a part of you that wonders if you deserve to be? What happens if, after it all, there's still a part of you that you don't like? What happens if your friends are still the best part of you? Can you really call yourself a hero? (aka in which Kimberly discovers Feelings™️ and wrestles with self acceptance and maybe falls in love a little bit on the way)
Warnings: N/A

( Later, they make a tradition of it. )

fic: to be born again



July 9th, 2017

Title: to be born again
Pairings: Diana Prince/Steve Trevor
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 2,000
Summary: “Do you really believe that all men are good?” “Do you really believe that all men are bad?” (cutscene)
Warnings: N/A

( The thing about being a spy is that after a while, you only know who you are in layers, in contrasts. )

fic: one page over



January 10th, 2017

Title: one page over
Pairings: James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy, gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: approx. 3,800
Summary: Leonard hosts the crew at his family's old ranch in Georgia for Christmas. Shenanigans ensue.
Warnings: n/a
A/N: written for blue-vulcan for the stnetwork gift exchange!

( There are many things Leonard never in his life imagined he’d be doing. )

fic: what remains



December 22nd, 2016

Title: what remains
Pairings: Chirrut Îmwe/Baze Malbus
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 4,900
Summary: In the end, misgivings about the Force and destiny and the will of the universe be damned, Chirrut is the beginning and end of Baze's entire world, and he would follow him anywhere, even into death. (soulmate au)
Warnings: spoilers for Rogue One!

( What does ‘red’ look like?. )

fic: the violence of comets (3/3)



September 19th, 2016

Title: the violence of comets
Pairings: James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 57,700
Summary: Jim has never once, in his life, believed in love. He wears his bare skin with only his own tattoo circling his ankle as a badge of honor.
He meets a man named Leonard McCoy on a shuttle in Riverside, Iowa who believes exactly the opposite.
(That AU in which everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle that no one else has and every time you fall in love, their tattoo appears somewhere on your body.)
Warnings: n/a

( The easiness of summer passes into the rush of fall when the school year picks back up again. )

fic: the violence of comets (2/3)



August 3rd, 2016

Title: the violence of comets
Pairings: James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 27,500
Summary: Jim has never once, in his life, believed in love. He wears his bare skin with only his own tattoo circling his ankle as a badge of honor.
He meets a man named Leonard McCoy on a shuttle in Riverside, Iowa who believes exactly the opposite.
(That AU in which everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle that no one else has and every time you fall in love, their tattoo appears somewhere on your body.)
Warnings: n/a

( A few weeks into the new academic year, just as San Francisco fall is in the full swing of the brief few weeks of warm weather it graces them with each year, Bones has a huge paper due for his xenobiology class due the next day and not enough hours to do it, and Jim camps out on Bones’ bed all night with his PADD to work on some homework of his own and catch up on celebrity gossip – solidarity and all that. )

fic: the violence of comets (1/3)



July 11th, 2016

Title: the violence of comets
Pairings: James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 12,200
Summary: Jim has never once, in his life, believed in love. He wears his bare skin with only his own tattoo circling his ankle as a badge of honor.
He meets a man named Leonard McCoy on a shuttle in Riverside, Iowa who believes exactly the opposite.
(That AU in which everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle that no one else has and every time you fall in love, their tattoo appears somewhere on your body.)
Warnings: n/a

( Jim meets a man named Leonard McCoy on a shuttle headed from Riverside, Iowa to San Francisco, California and he doesn’t know it then, but it changes everything.. )

fic: every city was a gift (5/?)



June 30th, 2016

Title: every city was a gift
Pairings: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: approx. 19,000
Summary: SHIELD’s greatest urban legend is that when Natasha Romanoff later declares, “Agent Barton was sent to kill me; he made a different call”, she means that on that day, he chose to spare her, chose to bring her in instead. But what actually happens is something much stranger and much wilder, something that ends up spanning several years and countless cities and, here and there, a drink or a meal or a quiet smile exchanged on the rooftop of a building in Brooklyn.
He lets her go.
This is what follows.
Warnings: n/a

( Sometime after Clint runs off to Cancun and comes trudging back, the dust finally settles around him. )