"Baby's Boot," from Godey's Lady's Book, March 1873 (original) (raw)
Носочки с имитацией чулка. Требуется берлинская шерсть двух цветов и две спицы №12 (2,75 мм). Схема очень простая, вяжется от середины подошвы, затем края сшиваются.
Набрать 62 п. голубой нитью, провязать 10 р. платочной вязкой; 2 р. изнаночной гладью. Далее вязать белой нитью узором:
1р. (лицевой) *1лиц. 1изн.* провязать так 30 п.; 31 и 32 петли лиц.; *1изн. 1лиц.* до конца ряда.
2р. (изнаночный) вязать лицевые изнаночными и изнаночные лицевыми, кроме п. 31 и 32 (их вязать изн.)
Во втором ряду начать убавления - провязать 2 вместе лицевой с обеих сторон от центральной полосы лицевой глади.
3р. Как первый, но провязать 2 вместе изнаночной с обеих сторон от центральной полосы.
Продолжать вязать, убавляя, еще 13 р. Останется 32 п. Провязать 12 р. без убавления. В 29 р. начать прибавки: провязать дважды вторую и предпоследнюю петли, а также петли с обеих сторон от центральной полосы. Итого 36 п. Прибавить таким же образом в 36 р., итого 40 п. Провязать еще 6 р.
43-47 р. провязать платочной вязкой все петли, кроме центральных двух - из по-прежнему вязать лицевой гладью.
48 р. 1 лиц., * накид, 2 вместе лицевой* Повторять до конца ряда. Когда носочек будет закончен, продерните в эти отверстия шнурок из белой и голубой нитей, длиной около 45 см, на концах небольшие кисточки.
49-52р. Лицевая гладь.
Не закрывая петли, обвяжите верх носочка крючком голубой нитью:
1р. один ст/н в первые две петли носка, *4 возд. п., ст/н в следующие две петли носка*, повторять до конца ряда.
2р. *ст/н в арку из водю пю, 4 возд. п.* до конца ряда.
Перевернуть вязание на изнаночную сторону и аккуратно сшить носок.
Источник - http://www.geocities.com/vintageconnection/VintageConnection--KNITBabyBoot.html
This little boot, in imitation of a shoe and stocking, the model of which came from Germany, is, perhaps, rather longer in the stocking part than we generally see them; but this is no disadvantage, as it makes it keep on better. It is knitted with blue and white (or any color preferred) single Berlin wool and two needles No. 12, and is a very easy pattern, as it is commenced in the middle of the sole and entirely worked in rows backwards and forwards, the edges being sewn together on the wrong side when the boot is completed.
Cast on 62 stitches, and knit 10 rows plain with the blue wool; the next two rows are knitted so as to appear both purled on the right side. The blue wool is now to be exchanged for the white, and the rest knitted in moss stitch in the following manner: 1st rows. On the right side, * 1 plain, 1 purl, repeat from * till 30 stitches are knitted; the 31st and 32d, which are the 2 centre stitches are kept plain on the right side, all the way up the boot; continue * 1 purl, 1 plain, and repeat to end of row.
2nd. The stitches that appear plain must be purled, and the purl stitches knitted plain throughout the row, in order that the pattern may alternate, and of course the 2 centre stitches must be purled. In this 2d row, to begin forming the instep, a stitch must be taken-in by knitting 2 together on each side of the 2 centre purled stitches. 3d. Like 1st, but stitches by purling 2 together; continue in this way, decreasing on each side of the centre stitches till the 16th row is completed, when the stitches will be reduced to 32; then follow 12 rows of the moss stitch without any decreasing, still keeping the 2 plain stitches in the centre; which bring it to the 29th row, in which a stitch must be increased immediately after the 1st stitch, also on each side of the 2 centre stitches, and before the last stitch of the row by knitting twice (once from the back) in the same stitch before taking it off the needle, and the same increase is also to be made in the 36th row, so that there will then be 40 stitches, with which the moss stitch must be continued for 6 rows more till the 42d row is completed. The 5 next rows, from the 43d (which will be on the right side of the work) to the end of the 47th, are to be knitted all plain, so that two of them will look purled on the right side. Through all these the two plain stitches in the centre must be kept up.
48th. 1 plain, * over, knit 2 together, repeat from *. This will make a row of holes, through which to draw, when the boot is finished and joined, a narrow plait of blue and white wool, about half a yard in length, finished at the ends with small tassels.
49th to 52d. Knitted so as to appear all plain on the right side; and to finish the top of the boot, take the blue wool again, and crochet 2 rows as follows: 1st row. Take up the first 2 stitches together from the needle with a de, * 4 ch, take up the two next in the same way, and repeat from * to end of needle. 2d. * de in the centre of space of 4 ch, make 4 ch, and repeat from *. Turn the boot on the wrong side, and sew the edges carefully together, the blue part with blue wool, and the white with white. Work a length of chain stitches with blue wool, and make them up into a small double rosette with needle and thread, to be placed on the front of the shoe.