A-Toe Tappin' Knee Slappin' Musical Jam Fest (original) (raw)

A-Toe Tappin' Knee Slappin' Musical Jam Fest [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded inOld Crow Medicine Show's LiveJournal:

Saturday, November 15th, 2008
_1:18 pm_[slpmary] In Boise on Monday will be seeing them soon! I can't stop talking about it!!! (Comment on this)
Tuesday, February 6th, 2007
_3:00 pm_[earthymom] Holy Inactive Communities, Batman! Ok... so I was going through my communities and had completely forgotten I was even a member of this one, since it has no activity atall. So I thought maybe I could post and illicit some kind of a response, a kind of electro-shock therapy for this poor community.I have been a OCMS fan for a few years now... I live near Memphis and was lucky enough to catch them live back in November. WIsh they would come back round these parts again soon. Anyways, I have been trying to spread the good word about these fine young men, and am proud to enlighten many a soul about them. Still, I didn't think they were getting the attention they so deserve... until yesterday, when a mainstream Memphis radio station (Drake&Zeke on 98.1) played Cocaine Habit and spoke generously of the Old Crow. Well I'll bd damned, I thought. Thats really something, especially for round these parts. Anyhoo... I would assume if you all like OCMS then you are a fan of the folk-bluegrass sound... so I would greatly encourage you all to check out mayapplerecords.com... GREAT STUFF on there, such as Big Smith, Mark Bilyeau, and the beautifully eloquent Cindy Woolf (who is a dear friend of mine... please check her out!!). Well, I've really nothing more of importance to say here... but I do hope you fellow OCMS fans will hop in to make this community more active!!Peace!! (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, September 25th, 2006
_2:32 pm_[gibbidy_gabbidy] If You Get To See There on tour now & well worth your timeI have gotten to see Mark & Julee a couple of times & if your in the area they really are worth your time. I am sure you won't be disappointed & they have a new CD. MARK WEEMS plays guitar, old-time banjo, fiddle, and piano, but is best known for his truly soulful vocal talent. He is a stunning singer and quite an up and coming songwriter who is well known in the traditional music community. He has also recently released a book of his collected poems and drawings (1987-2006). Coming from Alabama, Mark became enchanted with the grit and reality of roots music when he started to play guitar. Dabbling initially in Celtic, Folk and Bluegrass, he soon found his heart's desire in the infectious rhythms and lovely melodies of Appalachian string band music (and yes, he is distantly related to the incredible Weems String Band family, who recorded a few sides in the late twenties).In 1999, Mark moved to Durham, North Carolina in order to get closer to the music he loves. A UPS driver for seven years, he has recently become a full-time musician in order to better pursue his artistic dreams. He currently performs with Little Windows, The Stillhouse Bottom Band and the Weems-Gerrard Band.In 2000, along with A.C. Bushnell, Alan Julich and Bobb Head, he founded the popular triangle area string band, The Stillhouse Bottom Band, a group that has done a lot to rejuvenate old-time music in the area, by means of their musical diversity and creativity, high energy, and entertaining stage performances. Stillhouse Bottom plays an eclectic mix of old-time Appalachian string-band, traditional style bluegrass, and honky-tonk country music.In 2004, Mark and Alice Gerrard discovered their mutual interest in traditional country music, and the Weems-Gerrard Band was born. They enjoy singing killer, country harmony duets, many of which they are writing themselves while covering classic honky-tonk numbers as well. Their songs and harmonies stand on their own, but they also have with them a mighty fine band, which adds even more life and character to their songs.Their first recording, Foolish Lover's Waltz, was released at the end of 2005.In 2005, Mark and Julee realized quickly that the harmonic blending of their vocal tones was quite unique. Together they perform as a duet called Little Windows. In February 2006, they released their first recording together, entitled Just Beyond Me. It carries a strong Appalachian theme with some Old Time gospel songs as well as two songs composed by Mark himself. JULEE GLAUB, a native of North Carolina, studied literature and music at Wake Forest University, before following her longstanding interest in Irish culture to work with the poor in Dublin. Her meaningful experiences with the people of Ireland led her to a keener interest in the culture and in particular to their traditional music. For nearly seven years, she continued her work in Dublin while sitting at the feet of master players and singers and absorbing everything. She credits the combination of material from the Traditional Music Archive, from older singers, and her experiences in working with poor and working people in Dublin, as her major inspirations to her ballad singing.Upon returning home, she became involved in the Irish music scene here in the States and has quickly become recognized as one of the best traditional Irish singers in the U.S. She lived in the Northeast for seven years in order to be closer to the heartbeat of Irish music in America. Her first CD, Fields Faraway (2001), included members of the band Séad whom she still performs with from time to time...Brian Conway, Brendan Dolan, and Jerry O'Sullivan. More recently she has expanded her interest to include traditional North Carolina music and in 2004 released her second CD, Blue Waltz, a collection which explores the connections between Irish and Appalachian music. The project was produced by Vermonter Pete Sutherland, with whom she often performs in the Northeast. She recently returned to North Carolina to be closer to her roots and to join two worlds that are deeply connected and part of her own soul as well. She is currently touring in a duo with Mark Weems, called LITTLE WINDOWS. Current Mood: mischievous (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, September 24th, 2006
_8:50 am_[gibbidy_gabbidy] Hi Hi I am Beki & I play violin, clarinet, and assorted other obscure instrunments.Well I have a list of things I like on my pro & hope to make friends with you all soon. (Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 19th, 2005
_5:39 am_[louthewerewolf] Ah, My Mistake Well, I figured out why this community wasn't getting any attention, after all, there are over 155 listed as interested in the band. It hit me, this place wasn't listed in the communities. Bam. Fixed. We should get more traffic finally.Ah, excuse me, I'm so rude, how're you? (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, February 15th, 2005
_12:39 pm_[no_route_home] swoon amazing.that's all i can say.ocms is absolutely amazing. i heard them on the Prarie Home Companion over the summer, with gillian welch. had an opportunity to see them free in san fran, but was sick. (Comment on this)
Friday, December 24th, 2004
_5:02 pm_[leopard_panties] Hello I was so excited when I found this community!Let's post more!Old Crow Medicine Show is so wonderful. I found out about them when I saw them on Conan O'Brien. Do any of you know of more bands that are at all like OCMS? Current Mood: lonely (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
_5:57 pm_[louthewerewolf] A Revival, A Revolution, A Contribution It's gonna hit the world by storm. I can feel it. Music like this, it's remarkable. At a time in the decade where American Idol, NuMetal and Avril are the cause of musical malnutrition, folks like us will find a better source. Everyone else will follow.Why do you suppose bands long gone, all of a sudden resurfacing? The Pogues, The Pixies, The Cure? We can't seem to find what we want, so we've gone back in time to get what once was phenominal. These guys just took it several decades way back. And all the luck to them for that.Welcome to the Old Crow Medicine Show. (5 Comments |Comment on this)