Justin Steckbauer | Olivet Nazarene University (original) (raw)

Papers by Justin Steckbauer

Research paper thumbnail of The Trope of "Christian Nationalism" is a Fraud

As the United States in the 1950s began to codify a uniquely Judaeo-Christian interdenominational... more As the United States in the 1950s began to codify a uniquely Judaeo-Christian interdenominational pluralistic religious mindset through various expressions of prayer and public valuation of religious content and structure, increasingly a counter-push began to form, and had its day in the 1960s, as secular forces began to rally around sexual liberation, drug culture, consciousness expansion, and antigovernment violence (Soper & Fetzer, 2018). So, the struggle began, around the question of what America was in respect to religious expression and government activity. Was the United States a country that ought to build a wall of separation from religion, was the United States a nation that would mandate hostility toward religion? Or was the United States instead a fundamentally Christian nation? Did Christianity deserve a pre-eminence in public life and a pre-eminence in government policy and activity? Or could there be a happy balance, could there be an American civil-religious nationalism, in which government did not enforce one particular religion, but also did not outlaw or separate religion from public life? Was there a way religion could be valued by government without being mandated by government? The United States was fundamentally formed on civil religious nationalism, the idea of no particular religion as the state religion, while the state also allowed for free expression of religion, and a general unity around religiousness in general.

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Research paper thumbnail of The New Fluid Orthodoxy: The New Religion emerging from the Vacuum of Relativism

The landscape of modern culture is one of constant change and adjustment in regard to worldview, ... more The landscape of modern culture is one of constant change and adjustment in regard to worldview, fueled by dozens of different factors, from news stories to pop culture to church communities to blog posts online to friends to the public education system to government policies and political movements, every single person seems to examine the landscape of thought and ideas from various angles, and each seem to approach the many options as if they were gathered around a buffet, picking and choosing which items they feel best suits them, adding to an ever growing eclectic mishmash of different ideas and philosophies pulled from all sorts of different places, from college textbooks to graffiti scrolled on subway walls to Facebook posts and gossip with friends and family.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Descent of the West from God: From Theism, Naturalism, to Nihilism and Existentialism

We see a slide taking place in regard to worldview. For human history some form of religion or de... more We see a slide taking place in regard to worldview. For human history some form of religion or deism was the chief worldview. Yet over the history of humanity, we see the descent of human worldview, as if one were taking steps down a flight of stairs, from theism, the original underpinnings of western civilization, to deism, then into naturalism, and naturalism in turn gave birth to nihilism, and in response to the emptiness of nihilism, existentialism came to attempt to restore meaning. This is the descent from theism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Humanism, Individualism, and Postmodernism: The Three Madmen

On a face examination one might assume when considering humanism, individualism and post-modernis... more On a face examination one might assume when considering humanism, individualism and post-modernism that one is examining nearly the same thing, however there are unique distinctions between each of these philosophies. They are however in my view, at least flowers growing from the same tree, naturalism, bubbling up from the soil of a purposeless universe careening toward infinite darkness. We will examine the dynamics between these worldviews, how they have affected society in the west, and how these worldviews express themselves today.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Call to Christ-Like Controversy: Do you have the Guts to be Unpopular

There are many challenges in serving Christ, but dare you be unpopular for Christ? This is the ch... more There are many challenges in serving Christ, but dare you be unpopular for Christ? This is the challenge we face from time to time. But, many a time, we come across a moment, when we are called to be unpopular for Christ, and we sidestep it. But there is no honor in such a thing, to sidestep that which we are called to. Will you take a stand, even if it means harming your future prospects? Will you take a stand even if it means others will tarnish your good name without cause?

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Research paper thumbnail of Assertive Submission: How to Balance Meekness and Boldness

In the context of an organizational structure, how do I properly balance a submissive attitude wi... more In the context of an organizational structure, how do I properly balance a submissive attitude with an assertive attitude? Let's take a look.

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Research paper thumbnail of Facets of Heaven: 7 Facts about Heaven

What will heaven be like? That is the great question. My mind is there much of the time. These a... more What will heaven be like? That is the great question. My mind is there much of the time. These are fascinating questions to me. They are practical rather than mystical or far away. They are directly real to me. And I hope it's real to you. It's the truth about everything. So I think it's wise to consider it. Let's consider heaven. What will it be like?

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Research paper thumbnail of 8 Questions in Regard to Contemporary Worldview

8 Questions to examine the worldviews of modern society in the light of race, gender, ethnicity, ... more 8 Questions to examine the worldviews of modern society in the light of race, gender, ethnicity, and social grouping.

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Research paper thumbnail of 7 Facts about Hell: A Guided tour of Hell

Examining what scripture says about hell

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Research paper thumbnail of The 7 Characteristics of Perfect Love

What is biblical love? What does it look like in proper application?

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Research paper thumbnail of The 7 Stages of the Spiritual Journey from Birth to Death: Beginning, Prevenient grace, New Birth, Growth, Holiness, Death, & Eternity

You were born into the world, a crying baby, in a hospital most likely, with no knowledge of anyt... more You were born into the world, a crying baby, in a hospital most likely, with no knowledge of anything in the world around you. We are born in many ways a blank slate, however, we are born into a particular mindset, of self-interest. We are born selfish, born prone to think about ourselves first, prone to sin, to do bad things. And of course we know that reality dates all the way back to the fall. So every human born on the planet is born in a selfish, fallen state. That’s why there’s so much chaos and destruction in the world, people are naturally disposed to do evil, instead of good.

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Research paper thumbnail of Satan's Rebellion or Obeying God's Design: Joseph obeyed God, What is your Choice

We are all always answering a question, and making a choice every single day, to either align our... more We are all always answering a question, and making a choice every single day, to either align ourselves with God's master design or to rebel. And to rebel is insanity. There is no escape from God.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Matrix Resurrections: What's really going on in The Matrix?

What's really going on in the matrix? What story is being told? Many have speculated about this. ... more What's really going on in the matrix? What story is being told? Many have speculated about this. There are critiques of government, power, capitalism, and so on. There are spiritual elements. But what is the rock bottom story being told? To really understand the matrix and what is happening, and why it's so profound and hits us so deeply, we have to understand theology. So yours truly is here to help. You may find this conclusion astonishing, but stay with me, as I explain the parallels. But yes, your mind is about to be completely blown. The matrix, the entire series, including resurrections, is about an attempt to stalemate God. The goal, to defeat God, force God into a truce, and circumvent the world system that God has created. I know, sounds crazy doesn't it? But stay with me here. The matrix is the coded reality in which humans are kept under control. Agents protect the system. There are convening powers, machines, that designed and set up the matrix. Humans are trapped within it.

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a more Complete Christian Walk: 7 Things I Learned from Catholics, Lutherans, Calvinists, Baptists, Apologists, Pentecostals, & Wesleyans

I really enjoy reading books and studying ideas from outside my denominational framework. I belie... more I really enjoy reading books and studying ideas from outside my denominational framework. I believe God works through many different denominations, not just the one that I'm a part of. So I like to see, what am I maybe missing that other denominations are doing? What do they believe? How do they practice their faith?

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Research paper thumbnail of What is Holiness Theology?

In a nutshell, what is holiness theology? Very simply holiness theology involves two distinctives... more In a nutshell, what is holiness theology? Very simply holiness theology involves two distinctives: One, falling away/losing one's salvation is possible through apostasy (departing the faith) or through willful sin (refusing to repent of active sin the Holy Spirit convicts a believer to turn from). Arminians would tend to affirm this concept, Calvinists would tend to deny this perspective. Two, holiness theology affirms the concept of "entire sanctification." This is broadly, the idea that believers can be mature, pure, and victorious over sin in Christ. They can be preserved blameless until the coming of Jesus Christ. This tends to be the view of some Arminians, and tends to be a view disputed by Calvinists. ' Holiness or sin? That is the question for Christian experience post-conversion.

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Research paper thumbnail of How the Church Functions in the Book of Acts: 7 Step Process

After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was ali... more After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with [a] water, but in a few days you will be baptized with [b] the Holy Spirit." The mysterious Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. After Jesus rose from the dead, and spent time with his disciples and others in the city, he told them that though he was leaving, he would send the Holy Spirit to lead them and guide them in their mission.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Book of Titus Overview

Overarching look at the main themes of Titus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of the Book of Romans

Romans is a systematic presentation of what it means to be a Christian. Romans was written by Pau... more Romans is a systematic presentation of what it means to be a Christian. Romans was written by Paul during his stay at Corinth, to the early church forming in Rome. It really outlines a deep dive into the overall theology of our faith. This is the beloved book of the Bible that helped transform Martin Luther's life. Luther was obsessed with justification, how could he be right with God? He was a catholic priest, who struggled greatly to understand what salvation is. He spent time in the monastery as a monk, and he would go the priest to confess his sins multiple times a day, because he was so obsessively concerned that he might've done something to offend God. He would beat himself with whips, he would fast for days, he would repent all day long, and it was never quite enough. But later when he traveled to university, he at last began to study the new testament, and he found in the book of Romans, the incredible concept that we are justified by God not through our own works, but by grace given by God, through faith in Jesus Christ. Our sins, are forgiven, wiped out, and this is what grace means, to receive something we don't deserve, we receive forgiveness, and are justified before God by putting our faith in Jesus Christ.

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of the Book of James

I've heard the book of james described as a gut punch to Christians. I like that. The book of Jam... more I've heard the book of james described as a gut punch to Christians. I like that. The book of James, written by Jesus' brother, somebody who grew up with Jesus, and saw Jesus' during his whole ministry, writes to us, challenging us to really practice what we believe. That is one of the main themes of James. Theologians and historians believe James was written at about AD 50. So about 50 years after death and resurrection of Jesus. This letter is not directed to a particular ancient church, but seems to be more generally written to jewish Christians who are suffering persecution across the ancient world. The opening of James focuses in on the concept of suffering, and how we should view suffering as a gift in our lives that is making us more like Jesus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Daniel's Life in the Babylonian Captivity

The hanging gardens of Babylon, the ancient majesty of a mighty capital city, splendid and myster... more The hanging gardens of Babylon, the ancient majesty of a mighty capital city, splendid and mysterious, beautiful, yet danger lurks in every corner for Daniel and his young friends. An examination of the scriptures regarding Daniel's life.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Trope of "Christian Nationalism" is a Fraud

As the United States in the 1950s began to codify a uniquely Judaeo-Christian interdenominational... more As the United States in the 1950s began to codify a uniquely Judaeo-Christian interdenominational pluralistic religious mindset through various expressions of prayer and public valuation of religious content and structure, increasingly a counter-push began to form, and had its day in the 1960s, as secular forces began to rally around sexual liberation, drug culture, consciousness expansion, and antigovernment violence (Soper & Fetzer, 2018). So, the struggle began, around the question of what America was in respect to religious expression and government activity. Was the United States a country that ought to build a wall of separation from religion, was the United States a nation that would mandate hostility toward religion? Or was the United States instead a fundamentally Christian nation? Did Christianity deserve a pre-eminence in public life and a pre-eminence in government policy and activity? Or could there be a happy balance, could there be an American civil-religious nationalism, in which government did not enforce one particular religion, but also did not outlaw or separate religion from public life? Was there a way religion could be valued by government without being mandated by government? The United States was fundamentally formed on civil religious nationalism, the idea of no particular religion as the state religion, while the state also allowed for free expression of religion, and a general unity around religiousness in general.

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Research paper thumbnail of The New Fluid Orthodoxy: The New Religion emerging from the Vacuum of Relativism

The landscape of modern culture is one of constant change and adjustment in regard to worldview, ... more The landscape of modern culture is one of constant change and adjustment in regard to worldview, fueled by dozens of different factors, from news stories to pop culture to church communities to blog posts online to friends to the public education system to government policies and political movements, every single person seems to examine the landscape of thought and ideas from various angles, and each seem to approach the many options as if they were gathered around a buffet, picking and choosing which items they feel best suits them, adding to an ever growing eclectic mishmash of different ideas and philosophies pulled from all sorts of different places, from college textbooks to graffiti scrolled on subway walls to Facebook posts and gossip with friends and family.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Descent of the West from God: From Theism, Naturalism, to Nihilism and Existentialism

We see a slide taking place in regard to worldview. For human history some form of religion or de... more We see a slide taking place in regard to worldview. For human history some form of religion or deism was the chief worldview. Yet over the history of humanity, we see the descent of human worldview, as if one were taking steps down a flight of stairs, from theism, the original underpinnings of western civilization, to deism, then into naturalism, and naturalism in turn gave birth to nihilism, and in response to the emptiness of nihilism, existentialism came to attempt to restore meaning. This is the descent from theism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Humanism, Individualism, and Postmodernism: The Three Madmen

On a face examination one might assume when considering humanism, individualism and post-modernis... more On a face examination one might assume when considering humanism, individualism and post-modernism that one is examining nearly the same thing, however there are unique distinctions between each of these philosophies. They are however in my view, at least flowers growing from the same tree, naturalism, bubbling up from the soil of a purposeless universe careening toward infinite darkness. We will examine the dynamics between these worldviews, how they have affected society in the west, and how these worldviews express themselves today.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Call to Christ-Like Controversy: Do you have the Guts to be Unpopular

There are many challenges in serving Christ, but dare you be unpopular for Christ? This is the ch... more There are many challenges in serving Christ, but dare you be unpopular for Christ? This is the challenge we face from time to time. But, many a time, we come across a moment, when we are called to be unpopular for Christ, and we sidestep it. But there is no honor in such a thing, to sidestep that which we are called to. Will you take a stand, even if it means harming your future prospects? Will you take a stand even if it means others will tarnish your good name without cause?

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Research paper thumbnail of Assertive Submission: How to Balance Meekness and Boldness

In the context of an organizational structure, how do I properly balance a submissive attitude wi... more In the context of an organizational structure, how do I properly balance a submissive attitude with an assertive attitude? Let's take a look.

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Research paper thumbnail of Facets of Heaven: 7 Facts about Heaven

What will heaven be like? That is the great question. My mind is there much of the time. These a... more What will heaven be like? That is the great question. My mind is there much of the time. These are fascinating questions to me. They are practical rather than mystical or far away. They are directly real to me. And I hope it's real to you. It's the truth about everything. So I think it's wise to consider it. Let's consider heaven. What will it be like?

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Research paper thumbnail of 8 Questions in Regard to Contemporary Worldview

8 Questions to examine the worldviews of modern society in the light of race, gender, ethnicity, ... more 8 Questions to examine the worldviews of modern society in the light of race, gender, ethnicity, and social grouping.

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Research paper thumbnail of 7 Facts about Hell: A Guided tour of Hell

Examining what scripture says about hell

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Research paper thumbnail of The 7 Characteristics of Perfect Love

What is biblical love? What does it look like in proper application?

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Research paper thumbnail of The 7 Stages of the Spiritual Journey from Birth to Death: Beginning, Prevenient grace, New Birth, Growth, Holiness, Death, & Eternity

You were born into the world, a crying baby, in a hospital most likely, with no knowledge of anyt... more You were born into the world, a crying baby, in a hospital most likely, with no knowledge of anything in the world around you. We are born in many ways a blank slate, however, we are born into a particular mindset, of self-interest. We are born selfish, born prone to think about ourselves first, prone to sin, to do bad things. And of course we know that reality dates all the way back to the fall. So every human born on the planet is born in a selfish, fallen state. That’s why there’s so much chaos and destruction in the world, people are naturally disposed to do evil, instead of good.

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Research paper thumbnail of Satan's Rebellion or Obeying God's Design: Joseph obeyed God, What is your Choice

We are all always answering a question, and making a choice every single day, to either align our... more We are all always answering a question, and making a choice every single day, to either align ourselves with God's master design or to rebel. And to rebel is insanity. There is no escape from God.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Matrix Resurrections: What's really going on in The Matrix?

What's really going on in the matrix? What story is being told? Many have speculated about this. ... more What's really going on in the matrix? What story is being told? Many have speculated about this. There are critiques of government, power, capitalism, and so on. There are spiritual elements. But what is the rock bottom story being told? To really understand the matrix and what is happening, and why it's so profound and hits us so deeply, we have to understand theology. So yours truly is here to help. You may find this conclusion astonishing, but stay with me, as I explain the parallels. But yes, your mind is about to be completely blown. The matrix, the entire series, including resurrections, is about an attempt to stalemate God. The goal, to defeat God, force God into a truce, and circumvent the world system that God has created. I know, sounds crazy doesn't it? But stay with me here. The matrix is the coded reality in which humans are kept under control. Agents protect the system. There are convening powers, machines, that designed and set up the matrix. Humans are trapped within it.

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a more Complete Christian Walk: 7 Things I Learned from Catholics, Lutherans, Calvinists, Baptists, Apologists, Pentecostals, & Wesleyans

I really enjoy reading books and studying ideas from outside my denominational framework. I belie... more I really enjoy reading books and studying ideas from outside my denominational framework. I believe God works through many different denominations, not just the one that I'm a part of. So I like to see, what am I maybe missing that other denominations are doing? What do they believe? How do they practice their faith?

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Research paper thumbnail of What is Holiness Theology?

In a nutshell, what is holiness theology? Very simply holiness theology involves two distinctives... more In a nutshell, what is holiness theology? Very simply holiness theology involves two distinctives: One, falling away/losing one's salvation is possible through apostasy (departing the faith) or through willful sin (refusing to repent of active sin the Holy Spirit convicts a believer to turn from). Arminians would tend to affirm this concept, Calvinists would tend to deny this perspective. Two, holiness theology affirms the concept of "entire sanctification." This is broadly, the idea that believers can be mature, pure, and victorious over sin in Christ. They can be preserved blameless until the coming of Jesus Christ. This tends to be the view of some Arminians, and tends to be a view disputed by Calvinists. ' Holiness or sin? That is the question for Christian experience post-conversion.

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Research paper thumbnail of How the Church Functions in the Book of Acts: 7 Step Process

After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was ali... more After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. 4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with [a] water, but in a few days you will be baptized with [b] the Holy Spirit." The mysterious Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. After Jesus rose from the dead, and spent time with his disciples and others in the city, he told them that though he was leaving, he would send the Holy Spirit to lead them and guide them in their mission.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Book of Titus Overview

Overarching look at the main themes of Titus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of the Book of Romans

Romans is a systematic presentation of what it means to be a Christian. Romans was written by Pau... more Romans is a systematic presentation of what it means to be a Christian. Romans was written by Paul during his stay at Corinth, to the early church forming in Rome. It really outlines a deep dive into the overall theology of our faith. This is the beloved book of the Bible that helped transform Martin Luther's life. Luther was obsessed with justification, how could he be right with God? He was a catholic priest, who struggled greatly to understand what salvation is. He spent time in the monastery as a monk, and he would go the priest to confess his sins multiple times a day, because he was so obsessively concerned that he might've done something to offend God. He would beat himself with whips, he would fast for days, he would repent all day long, and it was never quite enough. But later when he traveled to university, he at last began to study the new testament, and he found in the book of Romans, the incredible concept that we are justified by God not through our own works, but by grace given by God, through faith in Jesus Christ. Our sins, are forgiven, wiped out, and this is what grace means, to receive something we don't deserve, we receive forgiveness, and are justified before God by putting our faith in Jesus Christ.

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Research paper thumbnail of Overview of the Book of James

I've heard the book of james described as a gut punch to Christians. I like that. The book of Jam... more I've heard the book of james described as a gut punch to Christians. I like that. The book of James, written by Jesus' brother, somebody who grew up with Jesus, and saw Jesus' during his whole ministry, writes to us, challenging us to really practice what we believe. That is one of the main themes of James. Theologians and historians believe James was written at about AD 50. So about 50 years after death and resurrection of Jesus. This letter is not directed to a particular ancient church, but seems to be more generally written to jewish Christians who are suffering persecution across the ancient world. The opening of James focuses in on the concept of suffering, and how we should view suffering as a gift in our lives that is making us more like Jesus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Daniel's Life in the Babylonian Captivity

The hanging gardens of Babylon, the ancient majesty of a mighty capital city, splendid and myster... more The hanging gardens of Babylon, the ancient majesty of a mighty capital city, splendid and mysterious, beautiful, yet danger lurks in every corner for Daniel and his young friends. An examination of the scriptures regarding Daniel's life.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Reality Frozen in Anticipation: Moments of Truth... Wake me, Oh God

There are moments in life when the webbing of our delusions lift, and we are able to see the trut... more There are moments in life when the webbing of our delusions lift, and we are able to see the truth unobstructed. Oh so rarely do we get to see things in the fullness of how they really are. Our preconceptions cloud situations. Our minds cloud things. Society, media, and culture encourage and build upon the misconceptions. Can we see? Can we be humble?

Can I be teachable? Oh humility, remain with me. Let not pride take me to terrible places. Pride is the most deadly enemy. It wants to tell me sweet lies that shift my mind into dangerous places. It wants to blind me with sugary lies about who I am and what I can do.

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. -Proverbs 11:2.

So as I walk the empty autumn streets at nightfall I'm reminded of the beauty of a life found in the optimism of humility. And in the presence of God. But God was there with me on a thousand nightwalks before I called him my savior. He was leading my mind along beautiful roads. He was showing me awe inspiring imagery of wind blasted forests, cities stretching across valleys, bubbling rivers, star lit canvasses of trees, street, and black sky.

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Research paper thumbnail of I love Science: Science vs. Religion?

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Research paper thumbnail of Christian Counseling in Comparison to Secular Counseling Methods

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Research paper thumbnail of Recipes for the Babylonian Captivity: Guarding against Temptation in a Consumer Society

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Research paper thumbnail of Three Tales across Two Years with Jesus

In five days I'll be celebrating two years clean and sober, in the care of Jesus Christ. It's be... more In five days I'll be celebrating two years clean and sober, in the care of Jesus Christ. It's been an amazing and challenging ride thus far. I'm sure it'll be constantly changing, as it has been since day 1 of hope.

There are so many memories over my life. Yet they fade, slowly, until I can hardly remember any of my life. I live in the present. Yet I tend to project myself into the future. Is that you as well? I tend to imagine and write about who I'd like to be, and without even realizing it, I tend to project my ideal self into the future and see it come to fruition. I live by my core values, and try to see them translated into the physical world around me to my satisfaction. That is the core of being a dreamer-idealist (INFP).

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Research paper thumbnail of I'm very encouraged by Son of God, God's not Dead, and Noah. We're engaging a media obsessed culture in a Biblical manner.

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Research paper thumbnail of I'm outraged by the forced resignation of Mozilla's CEO over his support of traditional marriage, and you should be too.

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Research paper thumbnail of Choose Greatness

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Research paper thumbnail of Genesis Reflection Paper

Review of the themes of the book of Genesis and the covenant established with Abraham and Jacob.

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