You know what? (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Jun. 3rd, 2005|01:17 pm]Lorenzo / OOC!Rodyle
[**mood** |coldcold]Brrrrrrrr...damned fridge.It's too quiet, I wonder what's happening?*Gets out and looks out the window*Bwah...the Katz Army. o.o They're gone...all of them. Even that psycho bastard, Clone Lloyd.
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(no subject) [Jun. 2nd, 2005|10:44 am]Lorenzo / OOC!Rodyle
[**mood** |anxiousanxious]*heard this*Dah...o_o;*runs and hides in the fridge in the basement*I'MGOINGTODIE!OMG!
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A little sky dance [Jun. 1st, 2005|11:03 am]Lorenzo / OOC!Rodyle
[**mood** |highhigh]Fore dah the beneavolenzt skyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!8D\-<8D -<8D/-<8D\-<8D
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(no subject) [May. 30th, 2005|09:09 pm]Lorenzo / OOC!Rodyle
[mood** |highhigh]...and it was like whoa. *_*And then it was likeWHOA**! O.OAnd then it was like...whooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........*___* And the sky, it talks dude! The sky talks! The sky is a benevolent master and ocean and stuff!Hail the sky! =^____^=
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(no subject) [May. 29th, 2005|10:47 pm]Lorenzo / OOC!Rodyle
[**mood** |highhigh]Whoa.Like whoa.Whoooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like... Duuuuude..............*___________**giggles**eyes dilated* *And he's wearing a bright blue Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and sandals.*This is as good as booze, dude.This goooood feeling is like, I dunno. It's like awesome, dude.((OOC: Yes, it's drug_chef's fault too.))
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During the conference at Lord Forcystus ranch [May. 24th, 2005|08:58 am]Lorenzo / OOC!Rodyle
[**mood** |anxiousanxious]*warily looks out the window**for a moment he saw the Lloyd clone flying a few miles away**then he blink his eyes and the Lloyd clone teleports and is gone*..............Lord Forcystus...the Lloyd clone...he teleported and dissappeared!This doesn't bode well.
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In Forcystus's ranch [May. 23rd, 2005|01:24 pm]Lorenzo / OOC!Rodyle
[**mood** |nervousnervous]*fidgets back and forth nervously**mutters* That Clone Lloyd is going to get me. I'm doomed to die.*repeats**takes out a small bottle of wine to relax*
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(no subject) [May. 23rd, 2005|08:46 am]Lorenzo / OOC!Rodyle
[**mood** |goodgood]Sleeping is good. I keep having nightmares of being a Katz though. All I ever dream about is eating fish, fish, and damn it, even more fish and playing with pink balls of yarn.While I'm wearing a Katz suit. *shudders*Now to that breakfast (with Irish Ale) that kid Lloyd promised.*walks downstairs*To OOC!Lloyd: Hey Kid, how's breakfast going?
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(no subject) [May. 22nd, 2005|08:43 pm]Lorenzo / OOC!Rodyle
[mood |brainwashed]*meow*meow*meow*
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