omgleveragebb (original) (raw)
24 September 2010 @ 12:08 am
Hi all
In case anyone's still watching this support community, a beta post (both to offer and request) has been set up
Please check it out as you never know when you may need a second set of eyes to look over your fic.
Current Mood: content
I've made a beta sign up/request post over at thebigbangjob.
It can be found
If you are a beta or you need a beta, please check this post out.
So I've been looking around and the Supernatural and J2 big bangs especially, have their own BB icons. There are usually many options for the various genres (AU, crossover, het, gen, slash...whatever) so that whatever you're writing there is an option...
Why don't we have icons??
I'm looking at making a couple...when I do I will post them here...but if anyone else wants to get involved I think we should. There may only be a few of us doing it...but icons help spread the word so that next year there will be twice as many of us...or more!!
What do y'all think?? What would you like the icons to say?? They will have generic writing based backgrounds (pads of paper, books, etc) but what would you like for the actual text?? The more options you give me the more icons I can make!!!
Also...I hope everyone's writing is going well!! *waves pompoms* Go team!!
Mods...WTF is up with the tags? the user info page says there are 10 but I only see 1...can we get an icons tag please??
I know, I know, it's a little too early in the game to even think about titles let alone give out much of a plot summary to receive suggestions but I like to start the ball early on these types of things...less hassle when I finally get around to posting.
At the moment, my story has extended from two fandoms to three (thus includes Leverage), all of which I am very familiar with and I have a vague idea of where it's going to head but a more explicit thought of how it's going to start (Did that even make any sense? I am so tired. >.>).
My question is:
How do y'all figure out titles and story ideas? Title wise, it can hit me at any random moment and plots just sort of...form themselves at the most inopportune times.
ETA: And once again, I forgot to introduce myself! Hi y'all, I'm Beck, AKA Charlan(ka) and I've been a Leverage lover since the first preview (Where my fellow Angel fans at? Lindsey was la gorg and I was so happy CK finally got a new show!). Can't wait to get to know my fellow Big Bangers *frails and waves at Wendy*. You all rock just for signing up, IMHO.
Current Mood: sleepy
*waves* It's charlies_dragon here, just testing the comm out and making sure everyone know the friendly guidelines (see bottom of the post). Good luck with your fics and I hope to see you all finishing in October :D
This is what various html codes look like on here:
A couple of things (not really rules, but, friendly guidelines...):
- tag your post! It makes everyone's life easier
- if there isn't a tag that fits your post, please contact the mods at the email address on the profile page
- no rudeness/flaming of anyone/anything (Leverage related) is tolerated, at all
- keep posts related to Leverage and/or your BigBang please, no off-topic threads unless there really is a relevance for it
That's all folks! Good luck with whatever you're doing for thebigbangjob this year. I hope it all goes well.