on_the_phone - Profile (original) (raw)

This community if for all sex-workers, but with an emphasis on phone workers. All genders and gender expressions, races, sizes, sexualities, and abilities are welcome here.

I hope people will use this space to network with their fellow phone workers, get some ideas, vent frustration and generally just connect with others who do these sorts of jobs.

Please use respectful language. Have an open mind. Listen.

As of right now, this is an open community. I hope that as people join, the people who will use this community will work together to decide how it needs to be run. Any abuse of the open community will not be tolerated. I have no fear about banning people or closing membership.

adult entertainment, adult film, adult services, bdsm, bordellos, brothels, call girls, callgirls, cam girls, camgirls, cams, clients, dancing, domination, dominatrix, dominatrixes, dommes, erotica, eroticism, escort services, escorting, escorts, exhibitionism, exotic dancers, exotic dancing, fantasy artists, fantasy operators, feminism, fetish, fetish modeling, free speech, freedom of speech, hookers, incall, johns, madames, massage, massage parlors, modeling, models, money, nude model, nude modeling, outcall, peep shows, peepshows, performing, phone fantasy operators, phone sex, phone sex operators, phone sex workers, phone workers, pinup girls, porn, pornographers, pornography, pro-sex feminism, pros, prositutes, prostitutes, prostitution, queer, s&m, sacred prostitution, sacred sexuality, sacred whoredom, sacred whores, sadomasochism, safe sex, safer sex, safety, sex, sex education, sex industry, sex positive feminism, sex positivity, sex radicalism, sex toys, sex work, sex work politics, sex worker rights, sex worker support, sex workers, sex workers unionization, sex workers' rights, sex-positive, sex-positivity, sexual health, sexual politics, sexuality, sexwork, sexworkers, strip clubs, strip tease, stripclubs, strippers, stripping, support, the sex industry, topless dancers, topless dancing, tricks, web cam girls, webcam fantasy girls, webcam girls, webcam operators, whoredom, whores, women