Andrew J Lederer – Cold Comfort (original) (raw)

Posted on 26/08/2012 by one4review

4 Star


I have known Andrew J Lederer for a number of years now and have always admired him as a performer. He is not a flash performer, he is an honest to goodness journeyman, but the New York City born guy always gives himself a mountain to climb. And no more than this year.

Cold Comfort is just one of three shows that he is performing this year, more than enough for most, but just three months ago he underwent massive surgery so how does this man cope?

He does however and in his own inimitable style, tells the story of this traumatic event, his trademark style of mesmerising prose as always to the fore. Even with the Fringe drawing to its conclusion and the audience numbers not so high, this charismatic performer entertains for his full hour making light of the very serious situation he found himself in by weaving in funny material throughout.

I feel he should get some recognition for the hard yards he has put in over the years for little reward. He really is what the Fringe should really be about.

Reviewed by Geoff

The Royal Mile Tavern

Until 25 August

17-00 to 18-00

Filed under: 2012, Comedy |