SPJM (original) (raw)

[ mood | excited ]

Hey everyone! It's Morgen Stern! Just found out we had a LJ community by checking out the updated website. ::Shoots a playful glare at Kat:: (You gotta tell me these things!) And I thought with my first post I'd let you know that Fanime http://www.fanime.com is also having several Japanese artists performing at GakuFest this year! Unfortunately, PMX sheduled itself on the same weekend that Fanime has been running, so now the two compete with eachother, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew of all their options when it comes to the Jmusic they go listen to!

And hey, if you're really insane, GakuFest is a one day event, going to be held on Sunday of the con, so if you're *that* dedicated, you could go to PMX's music events, which appear to be being held on Friday? Dunno what they're doing with Silver Ash yet, and I've heard Miyavi will be there... Perhaps they're on Saturday..? And then swing up-state for Sunday and GakuFest! XD I SEVERLY doubt anyone will do that though. If you do... o.O Dude, you have my respect and fear.

As for what's going on at GakuFest, so far they have three Japanese artists confirmed to appear, but the only one officially annouced yet is BLOOD Which has resently undergone some drastic member reformations, so you might want to check them out and hear they're new sound!

I don't have any 100% confirmed info on the other two bands, yet, but if what I've been hearing on the grape-vine is true, then I'm *definately* looking forward to my time at Fanime this year! If you're going too, look out for me and feel free to say "Hey!" If you're going to PMX, watch out for other SPJM peoples, and for my friend Usako, but where ever you go, thanks for supporting J-music and please have a lot of fun!!! ^______________^