ONION.GIRLS @ LJ Fanworks by Amet & Sephy (original) (raw)

December 20th @ 6:13pm
Loyalty (1/1): TRON Legacy

TITLE: Loyalty
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
SUMMARY: Tron's thoughts on building the grid, and Kevin Flynn.
PAIRINGS: Tron/Kevin Flynn
WARNINGS: Light slash (a kiss, suggested computer-ish sex), implied character "death" (that is canon)
SPOILERS: If you haven't seen Legacy, do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
FEEDBACK: Makes the world go 'round! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian~ Who put up with me letting this eat me last night.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I wrote this in a total blitz yesterday, edited it today, and I'm still not sure it's quite finished but I'm going to stop hyper-focusing on comma placement and let it be free before my head explodes. I haven't written like this in months, so I'm pretty rusty, but after waiting all year for the TRON sequel and realizing that Tron/Kevin Flynn is still alive and well in the new flick just threw me into creative overdrive. Seriously, as soon as Rinzler went into that roll over Flynn's craft it was all over.

( Tron will die for his user.Collapse )

Current Mood: accomplished

October 18th @ 7:54pm
Interlude (1/1): Kingdom Hearts

TITLE: Interlude
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts
SUMMARY: Alice's thoughts on the events of the first game, and idiot boys who squander their power.
PAIRINGS: mentions of Riku/Sora
SPOILERS: Ansem's a bad guy, Alice gets kidnapped. You knew this.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Makes the world go 'round! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian. ♥ I wouldn't get anything done without her.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is a series of flashbacks meant to be a part of a larger framework (see Madness Without), but since I've been trying to figure out a way to salvage that plotline since Nomura started retconning again, this is going to have to stand on its own for a while.

( Alice became convinced that he could save them all if he would just believe.Collapse )

Current Mood: blank

February 7th @ 9:57pm
Madness Without (1/?): Kingdom Hearts + American McGee's Alice

TITLE: Madness Without
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts, American McGee's Alice (ph34r the crossover!)
RATING: PG-13ish for now
SUMMARY: Just because you saved the worlds doesn't mean they stay that way.
PAIRINGS: Riku/Sora(Roxas) and variations thereof, brief Kairi(Naminé)/OC for this chapter
WARNINGS: Boykissing. ♥ Vaguely suggestive situations if you squint.
SPOILERS: Play through KHII first if you're spoiler phobic.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Makes the world go 'round! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian. ♥ I wouldn't get anything done without her.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is the beginning to a behemoth of a fic that I've been dying to do for a couple of years now and finally just gave up and started in on. It's a crossover, but you really only need a familiarity with Kingdom Hearts to follow it—all you need to know about American McGee's is that Alice went insane when her parents died in a fire and as she grew up Wonderland warped into a nightmare landscape reflecting her neuroses. This fic takes place after Alice saves Wonderland and sets things to right, and after KH2. I figure it'll be Jossed in short order by the new KH games, so we'll just call it an AU.

( Riku said he expected this crap from him these days.Collapse )

Current Mood: awake

January 4th @ 11:30pm
Anonymous Music (1/1): Gundam Wing

TITLE: Anonymous Music
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Gundam Wing
SUMMARY: Trowa comes back, but that doesn't mean Quatre's ready to face him.
PAIRINGS: Quatre/Trowa, shades of Duo/Heero
WARNINGS: Boykissing. ♥
SPOILERS: Trowa lives! But you knew that. And if you didn't I scoff at you. Also, Titanic? The boat sinks.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian for reading this over as I was writing it. Beta-as-you-go is the best kind! XD
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I started this a couple of weeks ago, worked on it furiously for a few days and then got eaten by Re:CoM. Thanks to Sunhawk for putting out another looooong and awesome Gundam Wing fic, because it got me back in the headspace to play with these guys again. ^.^ Also, I apologize for the sap, because Quatre and Trowa always get it everywhere.

( And the boy he loves is gone.Collapse )

Current Mood: accomplished

January 3rd @ 6:37pm
A Little More Normal (1/1): Resident Evil

TITLE: Someplace More Normal
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Resident Evil (Degeneration, specifically.)
SUMMARY: Leon. Claire. Actual sunlight. Yeah, Leon's not too sure how that happened, either.
PAIRINGS: shades of Leon/Ada, mentions of UST w/ Angela
SPOILERS: Not really any. Mentions some past events, but vaguely.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, because duh. XD
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I don’t know where this came from, but I'm going with it. Apologies for the abrupt ending. ^~

( Claire. Normal for us is a city sewer in the midst of a bioterrorism event.Collapse )

Current Mood: amused

December 1st @ 1:03am
The Rest of Yesterday (1/1): Gundam Wing

TITLE: The Rest of Yesterday
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Gundam Wing
SUMMARY: Trowa thinks too much. Maybe it's the amnesia?
PAIRINGS: shades of 3x4x3
WARNINGS: Endless introspection, fatalism. It's Trowa.
SPOILERS: I guess if you haven't seen the series past mid-point you're going to be upset with me, but who hasn't?
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, for giving me an opinion while I typed this out. In pieces! ♥

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is totally unbetaed, so um, sorry if there are any glaring errors? I've got half of a sequel to this blocked out already wherein the boys actually interact for reals, so stay tuned. *goes to bed*

( It is not real. Disturb the surface of it and the illusion shatters.Collapse )

Current Mood: awake

August 11th @ 11:52pm
Admin: FYI

FYI for those of you on this community and anyone who might want to be on it in the future. Given the current political climate of Livejournal and the recent furor, several of the stories on this community are going under friends lock so if you want to see everything posted here, you'll have to join the community. I apologize for this but given the rather adult nature of some of our work, it seems more prudent for the time being to lock those particular entries down. General and less racy/violent works will remain open to the public.

- Sephy

Current Mood: apathetic

July 1st @ 6:07pm
But Not Today (1/1): Doctor Who

TITLE: But Not Today
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Doctor Who
SUMMARY: Is it better to have loved and lost? A Jack/Doctor vignette.
PAIRINGS: Jack/Doctor
WARNINGS: Existentialism. M/M relationships. Probable American turns of phrase in all the wrong places.
SPOILERS: If you don't know anything about Jack post new series 1, do not pass go or collect $200.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, because I ♥ her.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I still haven't watched the last episode of series 3, but one particular spoiler woke up ye olde Jack muse. I didn't even know I had one. XD;;

( It's the year three billion, and Jack's in a bit of a pickle.Collapse )

Current Mood: amused

May 20th @ 8:22pm
Morning Song (1/1), Tsubasa:Reservoir Chronicle ficlet (First Kiss Meme)

Title: Morning Song (1/1)
Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Author: Sephy
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Fallen Icons, Light Up
Pairing: Vampire twincest (aka Subaru +/x Kamui)
Warnings: Introspection.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle or any of its characters. They are the property of CLAMP and I'm only playing in their sandbox. No profit is intended.

Summary: 'Subaru chews his lip, watching as Kamui shucks his shirt then reaches down to roll up his pants legs...'

Thank you to: amet for reading over this for me. ♥ (Am getting to yours, hon).

Author’s Notes: Another entry for the First Kiss meme, this time for alariel85 who asked me for something with Tsubasa Kamui and Subaru. I had thought to try and do something with their vampire selves and I will get to that eventually but I got this little pre-vampy piece and wrote it up. Hopefully it will suffice for now? ♥

( Summer daysCollapse )

Current Mood: ditzy

May 18th @ 1:47pm
Shorter First Kiss memes (various fandoms)

I'm going to be posting my shorter First Kiss fics here and bunch them together so I'm not continually spamming everyone.

First up is a Wufei + Duo fic for s1ncer1ty which is a pairing I've never written anything for so um...this could be interesting.

Title: Enough to Hang Yourself(1/1)
Series: Gundam Wing
Author: Sephy
Genre: Drama/Humor
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Fallen Icons
Pairing: Again, Wufei + Duo
Warnings: Spoilers for the series, twitchy Duo. Also, this fic is unbeta'd at the moment.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. They are the property of Bandai and Sunrise. I'm only playing in their sandbox. No profit is intended.

( Enough to Hang YourselfCollapse )

For vanishingbee, a little Wufei/Dorothy crack!

Title: Distractions(1/1)
Series: Gundam Wing
Author: Sephy
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Fallen Icons
Pairing: Dorothy + Wufei
Warnings: Humor, crack. This fic is unbeta'd at the moment.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. They are the property of Bandai and Sunrise. I'm only playing in their sandbox. No profit is intended.

( DistractionsCollapse )

Current Mood: working

May 18th @ 12:34pm
FIC: Essence of Angels (1/1), a X/1999 ficlet (First Kiss meme)

Title: Essence of Angels (1/1)
Series: X/1999
Author: Sephy
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG-13ish
Archive: Fallen Icons, Light Up
Pairing: Kamui + Subaru
Warnings: Spoilers for X/1999; introspection and slight grossness with injuries. Also, this fic is unbeta'd at the moment.

Disclaimer: I don't own X/1999 or any of its characters. They are the property of CLAMP. I'm only playing in their sandbox. No profit is intended.

Summary: 'There's a second before the building falls out from under them when all Kamui can do is reach for Subaru's hand.'

Author's Notes: Another "First Kiss" fic, this one for zeffy_amethyst who requested Subaru and Kamui's first kiss. I tried to do something a bit different than what I've done with these two in the past and I'm not sure if it works or not. Uh, this is also unbeta'd and will have to be beta'd later on so...don't kill me for typos? I typed this in a rush so there are likely several. I'll fix them as quickly as I can.

( Essence of AngelsCollapse )

Current Mood: creative

April 17th @ 8:48pm
The Shadow Men (1/?): Doctor Who

Current Mood: calm

April 8th @ 7:39pm
Name der Rose (1/5ish +prologue): Kingdom Hearts

TITLE: Name der Rose (1/5ish +prologue)
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts
RATING: PG-13 (for now)
SUMMARY: This is your mess, boy. Now it's time to clean it up.
PAIRINGS: Riku/Roxas(Sora) Confusing enough?
WARNINGS: Angst, I suppose. More warnings as the story progresses.
SPOILERS: If you don't know who Roxas is, maybe a little.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, because duh. ♥

AUTHOR'S NOTES: When last we left our heroes they were being emo. Nothing's changed, except that there's more Riku and crew in this chapter, and a Disney cameo. Next chapter should bring us back to Roxas.

If you haven't seen The Three Caballeros, this is Panchito and José Carioca (and again with their buddy Donald), who are the first of the Disney cameos in this piece. I should also note that Riku's still calling his keyblade Soul Eater because he still seemed to think of it that way in the cutscenes late in KH2. I'm going with it.

| back to 0; The Shell

( Shouldn't he have had some kind of training before DiZ booted him out here to play junior sleuth?Collapse )

Current Mood: full

March 12th @ 11:48pm
Name der Rose (0/5ish +prologue): Kingdom Hearts

TITLE: Name der Rose (0/5ish)
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts
RATING: PG-13 (for now)
SUMMARY: This is your mess, boy. Now it's time to clean it up.
PAIRINGS: Riku/Roxas(Sora) Confusing enough?
WARNINGS: Angst, I suppose. More warnings as the story progresses.
SPOILERS: If you don't know who Roxas is, maybe a little.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, because duh. ♥

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This isn't much, but I think putting out the prologue will get my ass in gear on writing the rest. The muses are eating me, for all that they're not helping me get anything actually typed up.

This is basically the long Roxas/Riku TWT thingy that's been banging around in my head for a while now. It'll probably contradict the sketchy timeline we have for the space between CoM and KH2 in some spots, but is essentially canon based as much as I can manage. Expect eventual citrus, a million Disney cameos and general whiny boy emo-ness.

( It's not too late to back out if you think you can't handle it, little dude.Collapse )

| on to 1; The Herald

Current Mood: moody

February 3rd @ 11:28pm
What It Wants (1/1): Kingdom Hearts

TITLE: What It Wants
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts
RATING: PG-13ish, I think
SUMMARY: Roxas on Riku, bitterness and Sora.
PAIRINGS: Roxas(Sora)/Riku Confusing enough?
WARNINGS: Sexual situations
SPOILERS: If you don't know who Roxas is, maybe a little.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, for making me post this, already. ♥

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This was supposed to be the prologue to a much longer fic, but I've been struggling with what angle I want to write it from for months now. And since the recent surge of Riku/Roxas fic I've realized that this particular scene would take a particular tack with the pairing that has... pretty much already been written. By better writers than me. So, this scene, which I like and could not really tell you why, is going out on its own, and I'm going to get back to writing the main bits of the story from another angle. Whee~

( The heart wants what it wants.Collapse )

Current Mood: nostalgic

January 27th @ 3:15am
Fic: After All (1/1): Kingdom Hearts/Beauty and the Beast

TITLE: After All
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts/Beauty and the Beast
SUMMARY: I used to do so much more for you, and now I'm afraid you don't need me anymore.
PAIRINGS: Belle/Beast (Adam? Prince? I'm confused too.)
WARNINGS: Light kissing, of the boy-girl kind.
SPOILERS: You know he turns back into a dude, right? ^~
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, because I babbled a lot during my research and she didn't even kill me. =*

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Truefax--It's not mentioned anywhere in the canon, but according to Disney's official encyclopedia, the Beast/Prince's real name is Adam. So no, I'm not just throwing that in there 'cause I feel like it.

Anyway, yeah. I used to literally watch this movie 7 times a day when I was a kid (I was sick that year, shut it), so messing around with the characters is a little weird, but surprisingly painless. This one's for starherd who wanted Belle, Beast and grooming. She also probably wanted a less abrupt ending, but I can only do so much. XD;;;;

( There's a stranger in her bed.Collapse )

Current Mood: awake

January 23rd @ 1:58am
FIC: Forever and A Day (1/1), An X/1999 / Shoujo Kakumei Utena crossover

Title: Forever and A Day (1/1)
Series: X/1999, Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Author: Sephy
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Archive: Fallen Icons, Onion Girls
Pairing: mention of Seishirou +/x Subaru
Warnings: Surrealism, angst, present tense

Disclaimer: I don't own Utena or X/1999 nor any of the characters. They are the property of CLAMP and BePapas and I'm only playing in their sandbox. No profit is intended.

Summary: 'This is a place of ghosts.'

Thank you to: amet, for betaing this and giving me the go ahead to post it.

For: sakanagi

Author’s Notes: Yet another meme fic, this one requested by sakanagi who wanted a crossover with Subaru somehow involved in the Utena-verse, prompt optional (though it was cities if I chose to use it). I had a number of ideas of what I wanted to do for this one and how I wanted it to proceed and as luck would have it, so did Subaru. So this is more his doing than mine as odd as it is to say.

Yes, I know that sounds either pretentious or crazy. ^^;; I'm just going with it and hoping not to muck things up.

C & C welcome.


( Forever and A DayCollapse )

Current Mood: weird

January 22nd @ 11:58pm
Fic: Lean Meaty Victory (1/1): Invader Zim

TITLE: Lean Meaty Victory
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Invader Zim
RATING: PGish, because nothing Zim related can be G.
SUMMARY: Cleaning. With meat.
PAIRINGS: None. Because no Tallest, boo.
SPOILERS: I'm not thinking any.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, for putting up with me. ^_^

AUTHOR'S NOTES: My second Zim fic, and hey look, he's actually in it. XD This is strange and kind of pointless, but so is the canon, so hopefully that's okay. Written for cyrulean, who wanted GIR, Zim and house chores (which somehow got into my head as 'cleaning', but same diff, right? Right?).


Current Mood: cheerful

January 20th @ 12:49am
Fic: Like Hunny (1/1): Kingdom Hearts

TITLE: Like Hunny
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts
RATING: G (gasp!)
SUMMARY: Strangers are just friends you haven't made yet.
PAIRINGS: Hints of Riku/Sora if you squint. Ahaha.
SPOILERS: I'm not thinking any.
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, for the beta and the encouragement. ♥

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is just a dorky little drabble-y thing written for seasalts, who wanted Riku, Pooh Bear and "hunny".

( He's very tallCollapse )

Current Mood: bouncy

January 16th @ 3:30am
FIC: Pieces (1/1), A X/1999 / Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle vignette

Title: Pieces (1/1)
Series: X/1999, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Author: Sephy
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG-13
Archive: Fallen Icons, Onion Girls
Pairing: TRC Seishirou + X Kamui, hints at TRC/X Seishirou + TRC/X Subaru, TRC/X Subaru + TRC/X Kamui
Warnings: Blood, gore, spoilers for Tsubasa up through the latest volumes.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle or X/1999 nor any of the characters. They are the property of CLAMP and I'm only playing in their sandbox. No profit is intended.

Summary: 'The first time they meet Seishirou is standing above him...'

Thank you to: amet, for betaing this and giving me the ego boost to post it and to ripedecay for the inspiration in the first place.

For: ripedecay

Author’s Notes: Another meme fic, this one requested by ripedecay involving TRC Seishirou, X Kamui, and the word "flavor." As is the case with many of Shi's prompts, this one delighted me and I wanted to try and write something for this pair as soon as I saw it. The dynamic turned out to be quite different than I expected but I hope it fulfills its purpose and can be read with some enjoyment.

C & C welcome.


( PiecesCollapse )

Current Mood: contemplative

January 15th @ 1:26am
**FIC: Opposites (1/1), Gohou Drug ficlet for asiyakei

TITLE: Opposites (1/1)
FANDOM: Gohou Drug
SUMMARY: 'Kazahaya hates Rikuo.…
PAIRINGS: Kazahaya + Rikuo
WARNINGS: Humor, slight Kazahaya angst
SPOILERS: Very vague ones for the series
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls, Fallen Icons
THANKS: To amet for taking the time to beta this for me.

FOR: asiyakei

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Er, yes. Gohou Drug is a section of CLAMP fandom I haven't written for before but am happy to attempt for asiyakei. This is part of a writing meme I did and asiyakei asked for Kazahaya +/x Rikuo and the word cookies and thus, because she is a dear, I have tried my best to supply. ♥

( OppositesCollapse )

Current Mood: hyper

January 15th @ 12:19am
**FIC: Untitled Ken-Kurumi drabble (1/1), Weiss Side B for vr2lbast

TITLE: Untitled Ken-Kurumi drabble(1/1)
FANDOM: Weiss Kreuz: Side B
RATING: PG-13ish
SUMMARY: ' It was the funnel cake that finally capped things.
WARNINGS: attempts at humor, some sexual innuendo.
SPOILERS: Slight ones for Side B
ARCHIVED: Onion Girls, Fallen Icons
FEEDBACK: Is welcome.
THANKS: To amet for taking the time to beta this for me.

FOR: vr2lbast

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This fic is for vr2lbast and is my second attempt on the writing meme I put up. Bast asked for Weiss Side B fic with Ken, Kurumi, and the word "kitchen." I was a bit stumped beyond wanting to make Ken's life miserable but I eventually came up with something that I hope is in a vein that is enjoyable. This fic is most definitely humor fic, something I rarely try and as such should only be taken as seriously if you squint at it just right.

So this is for Bast, who I adore and love enough to attempt something like this for and I hope it makes her day a bit brighter. *smoochies in her general direction*

( It was the funnel cake that finally capped thingsCollapse )

Current Mood: mischievous

January 2nd @ 1:40am
FIC: Any Port in a Storm (1/?), A Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle/Pirates of the Caribbean crossover

Title: Any Port in a Storm (1/?)
Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle/Pirates of the Caribbean
Author: Sephy
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG-13 at the moment, liable to change
Archive: Fallen Icons, Light Up
Pairing: hints at vampire twincest (mild S + K), eventual Will + Elizabeth, er…we'll see what comes up?
Warnings: spoilers for volumes 15-18 of Tsubasa and spoilers for the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie; some implied violence and shounen-ai/slash.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle or any of its characters. They are the property of CLAMP and I'm only playing in their sandbox. Same with Pirates of the Caribbean. No profit is intended.

Summary: The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do.

Thank you to: amet, for betaing this and those people on my LJ who hinted they might be interested in reading something like this. XD;

Author’s Notes: This story came about after another of those random LJ conversations I tend to have with people, mostly because of my off-hand comment that I thought it would be fun to cross Tsubasa: RC over with Pirates of the Caribbean, specifically, having the Pirates crew run into a couple of wayward vampire twins. A couple of people encouraged this line of thought and yeah, here we are. This story takes place at some point between the first and second Pirates movie and well after the end of the Tokyo arc in Tsubasa. Er, I have endeavored not to maim any characters here and can only hope I accomplished this.

C & C welcome.

( Any Port in a StormCollapse )

Current Mood: accomplished

December 31st @ 12:06am
FIC: Ride the Wind (1/1)

TITLE: Ride The Wind
AUTHOR: Sephy sephyelysian
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts
SUMMARY: They are what's left of Sora.
PAIRINGS: Blink and you'll miss it hints at Sora/Riku (or Riku/Sora).
WARNINGS: A bit of angst, Sora and Roxas bickering.
SPOILERS: Spoilers for KH I and II
ARCHIVED: Fallen Icons
FEEDBACK: Is welcome.
THANKS: To amet for betaing and not totally chucking something at my head when she finished reading.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This one is for Amet who when having a moment of frustrated writer's block, I offered to write her something for Kingdom Hearts in exchange for a few hundred words. This is my first foray into the fandom and I'm hoping I'm not mangling Sora in the process. XD; The title is also part of a quote from J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan as well as being the name of one of the keyblades in the second game.

( Ride the WindCollapse )

Current Mood: chipper

October 1st @ 10:50pm
Fic: What Remains (1/1): Kingdom Hearts

TITLE: What Remains
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts
SUMMARY: They are what's left of Sora.
PAIRINGS: Hints of Roxas(Sora)/Riku if you squint.
WARNINGS: Er… violence? That's about it.
SPOILERS: Spoilers for the ending of KH1.
ARCHIVED: Fallen Icons
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, for the beta and the encouragement. ♥

AUTHOR'S NOTES: So. First fic I've finished in a bit, and it's a little odd, but I could not get the first scene out of my head, and then I had to go and try to give it a point. I'm pretty sure I failed, and there's less kissing than I envisioned, but this is probably going to end up the prologue to a series, so if all goes well that'll get fixed ASAP. ^~

( Stupid HeartlessCollapse )

Current Mood: naughty

September 17th @ 1:13pm
Fic:Walking Zero (1/1): Kingdom Hearts

TITLE: Walking Zero
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts
SUMMARY: Riku in Kingdom Hearts with a side of Heartless and Mickey interaction.
PAIRINGS: Vague hints of Riku/Sora, because I'm me.
WARNINGS: Er… violence? That's about it.
SPOILERS: Spoilers for the ending of KH1.
ARCHIVED: Fallen Icons
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, because duh. ♥

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is pretty old. It's one of the first character studies I did with Riku and I kept meaning to add on another couple of scenes to show his progression through the series as a character, but then I realized I nicked the third scene for an earlier piece and didn't have anything to replace it. Since this scene is referenced obliquely in something I'm working on now, I figured I might as well share it.

( What would Sora think if he could see you now?Collapse )

Current Mood: contemplative

August 10th @ 3:54am
Fic: Red Ponders (1/1): Invader Zim

TITLE: Red Ponders
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Invader Zim
SUMMARY: Yep. Red's got everything under control.
PAIRINGS: Red/Purple in a decidedly non sexual way, because Irken don't work that way.
SPOILERS: Random vague spoilers for the workings of Irken society.
ARCHIVED: Fallen Icons
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, for reading this over.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I should be writing drabble requests, but we've been watching too much Zim lately and this wouldn't leave me alone. It's dumb, and not nearly quirky enough to be proper Zim fic, but Red started talking and that was kind of it. =3

( Wait… where are we gonna find rocks on the Massive ?Collapse )

Current Mood: tired

July 28th @ 3:07pm
Fic x2: Kingdom Hearts II (take 3~!)

TITLE: Riku and Sora interaction
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts II
SUMMARY: Two vignettes between Riku and Sora (and Kairi in a few places) in The Castle That Never Was.
PAIRINGS: Riku/Sora. Sora/Riku? Why does everyone think there's a difference?
WARNINGS: Boy kissing! Finally!
SPOILERS: Possible spoilers for the endgame level of KH2.
ARCHIVED: Fallen Icons
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, for the beta and the usual pain of putting up with me while I'm obsessing over a piece of writing. ♥

AUTHOR'S NOTES: And what—six fics into the fandom, I'm finally at something Sora/Riku-ish. These are mostly random dialogue I fleshed out to get out of my head, but for the most part everything I've written so far for this fandom are all fragments of the same take on things… they all fit together if you squint.

( How do you fit your ego through doorways again?Collapse )

( At least my hair's not longer than Kairi's. Girl.Collapse )

Current Mood: nerdy

July 25th @ 3:37pm
Fic x2: Kingdom Hearts II (again)

TITLE: Interaction Snippets
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts II
SUMMARY: Straight up Riku and Mickey interaction written on a lark. Just go with it.
WARNINGS: Nada. Not even any swearing. T_T
SPOILERS: Pretty big spoilers for KH2.
ARCHIVED: Fallen Icons
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, because duh.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I'm weirdly fascinated by the relationship between Riku and Mickey, especially after combing through the CoM script. These little snippets were written in an effort to get the mouse to stop chattering at me for a bit so I can get something longer and more pairing-centric done. XD

( Your... uh... Majesty?Collapse )

( Sorry pal, I just... that's just... Ansem face!Collapse )

Current Mood: amused

June 28th @ 11:50pm
Fic x2: Kingdom Hearts II

TITLE: Drinking Game
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts II
SUMMARY: Axel dorks, Roxas broods and Demyx makes a suggestion.
PAIRINGS: Roxas/Axel UST if you squint.
WARNINGS: Nada. I'm so ashamed. ^^;;
SPOILERS: Mild spoilers for KH2 themes. Will annoy the anal retentive.
ARCHIVED: Fallen Icons
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, for putting up with me all afternoon while I wrote this and giving it a once over.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is random, but I had Demyx's lines stuck in my head all morning and they would not go away.

( Drinking GameCollapse )

TITLE: Dance With Me
AUTHOR: Amet (amet)
FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts II
RATING: PG-13ish maybe?
SUMMARY: Roxas has a fan


boy. Too bad he doesn't want one.
PAIRINGS: Roxas/Axel UST, slightly more evident this time.
WARNINGS: Er... I think somebody may swear once in there somewhere. Other than that, nada.
SPOILERS: Slight spoilers for KH2 themes, but if you can even identify Axel and Roxas enough to want to read the fic, you probably already know it.
ARCHIVED: Fallen Icons
FEEDBACK: Yes please! ^.^
THANKS: To sephyelysian, again, because she puts up with me and betaed this on the fly. ♥

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I like this one a little better, the dialogue's a little more sound. Other than that, still random, and I'm a little shell shocked I actually wrote R/A. Oy.

( Dance With MeCollapse )

Current Mood: accomplished

Under the summer rain,