onnawafflemafia - Profile (original) (raw)

on 4 January 2008 (#14598205)

Summerville, South Carolina, United States

This journal exists as an extension of the onnawufei.com website, and acts as it's gallery. Any pictures posted here will either be posted directly to my onnawufei journal or linked from there so there is no point in watching this community.

Why shouldn't I watch this community? Well you can, I'm not going to stop anyone. But I have the tendency to not update this comm for a while and then suddenly BANG I'll update weeks worth of pictures in a couple of hours. So we're talking massive spammage. If that doesn't bother you then feel free to watch. I do sometimes end up posting pictures here I never post to my LJ because I want them linked from my site.

Regarding "adult" material. If an image is something I'd mark as "mature" on deviantArt, which generally means it involves naked doll boobs, it will be marked as "adult concepts". While I do recognize that these dolls represent people, I have a hard time thinking of boob like hunks of resin to be explicit. If the pictures are of anything more than just nakedness or there is text involved it will be marked as explicit.

The Onnawaffle Mafia

My Den of Angels Feedback thread is here.
My Den of Demons Feedback thread is here.
My Ebay Feedback is here.

amber, angel region, angst, art, assassins, bad boys, ball joint dolls, beauty, bisexuality, bjd, bjds, bl, boy on boy, cell phone pictures, cerberus project, chiwoo, cp, creative photography, creative writing, custom house, delf, digital photography, dolls, dslr, el, elf chiwoo, elf yder, erotica, f17, fairyland, fanart, fiction, gay, geishas, girly boys, harang, homosexuality, icons, japanese, lg env, love, lu-wen, luts, mnf, mnf miyu, moon, music, na-nu-ri, nanuri, obsession, photography, photoshop, pictures, pong pong, pretty boys, puki, ren, roleplay, roleplaying, sd, shiwoo, shonen ai, shonen-ai, shounen ai, slash, smut, soom, sram, text, vampire hunters, vampire shiwoo, vampires, volks, webcam, webcam pictures, writing, yaoi, yder