The Unofficial Onsite Workshops LiveJournal's Journal (original) (raw)
The Unofficial Onsite Workshops LiveJournal's Journal [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded inThe Unofficial Onsite Workshops LiveJournal's LiveJournal:
Saturday, June 11th, 2005 | |
_10:14 pm_[chordoflife] |
Onsite Hi,thanks for creating this community.I am 25, and I just came from a week at the Living Centered Program that has radically changed my life. When I came, I had lost my 3rd job in 2 years, was very depressed, and felt like a total failure in life.During my re-construction, I became aware of my repressed anger over many things in my past and was able to let go of the pain associated with those events. Before I came to Onsite, I had been having violent dreams about self-destruction (Driving into oncoming traffic, jumping in front of trains, etc). It was troubling and yet I didn't understand what it meant because I wasn't suicidal. During the program these dreams ceased and I felt a tremendous energy fill my body, what I know to be my Higher Power. I'm so glad I did this for myself,and I know at least a handful out of 43 other people who will soon be joining this site.I look forward to sharing what i've learned and answering questions about my experience and my progress outside of Onsite. (Comment on this) |
Saturday, April 24th, 2004 | |
_12:51 am_[skjaere] |
Free to a good home Dear community members,Would anyone be interested in taking over maintainership of this community? I just don't have the time anymore to give it the love and attention it deserves. If you think you would be a good community parent, and have ideas about helping this community flourish (or just time to advertise it on ![]() |
Saturday, September 13th, 2003 | |
_12:05 am_[skjaere] |
Welcome! Hello, my name is Mary and I am co-dependent.I just created this community, having had a wonderful experience at the Onsite campus in Cumberland Furnace, TN. I know what a powerful tool LiveJournal can be for getting the word out to people, and I do not know anyone who could not benefit from a few days with the program.Over the past few weeks, I have been through both the Insight and Living Centered programs, and things are changing, my friends! Before I went, my life was OK (not great, but OK). I had a vague sense of dissatisfaction, but I just figured that life's not perfect. But Onsite taught me self-awareness to a degree I never thought possible.I now know that I can go anywhere and do anything I want to do. I learned that life can be good! Life can be an adventure! It doesn't have to just be OK. I learned how to listen for and trust my inner child and Higher Power, and hence myself.I know how to watch for the red flags of co-dependency in myself and others. I have learned so much! But recovery is a process, and it's a long one. Most of us have deep-seated issues left over from our childhoods, which have spilled over into destructive patterns in our adult lives.Many parts of recovery can be painful and exhausting, like surgery, but we cannot find true emotional health until we extract those addictions, patterns and negative ways of thinking that are harmful to us.I just wanted to post a welcome message for now. I will share some of my stuff later on. I just wanted everyone to know that this is a safe space where you are free to talk about anything from your past without being judged or criticized. Come here when you need advice, need to get something off your chest, or just need a friend. Current Mood: recovering (Comment on this) |