ontd_40 (original) (raw)

Since it's Tuesday, I've decided to update on here on what's going on.

I joined Weight Watchers at the end of January of this year and I lost 9 pounds since then. My goal is to exercise more and drink more water. To help me with that, I joined tumblr and now I'm looking at inspirational tips and exercises to motivate myself to lose weight.

I want to lose 78 pounds and to do it, I'm reminded of what someone said once.

"Weight loss is like pushing a car uphill. If the car starts to fall back, you dig in your heels and continue on. You don't say, "Oh well." and let the car fall down back hill. So why do it with your weight?"

Age: 21*
Height: 5'5
Weight: 203/204
Goal weight 1: 201
Goal weight 10: 128

Food blog: For anyone trying to lose weight and wants it to be tasty

If you said that tomorrow would be the day you start, let this post be something. And if not, then look at these people who have lost weight and kept it off. If they can do it, you can too damnit.

Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

Current Music: It will rain, Bruno Mars

Why Guys Diet Differently

Turns out, men and women aren't equal in the weight-loss game. Sigh.

( For all us chicks who hate guys who lose weight easily...Collapse )

This post also brought to you by the deliciousness of Craig Horner, tyvm.

I know a lot of us have food that we love to make that is healthy... so what's your favorite healthy food to prepare?

Share those recipes!!

My favorite breakfasts:

1 cup fat free vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup blueberries
1tbsp oats

= deliciousness

1 cup oatmeal
1 tbsp blueberry or blackberry jam

27 February 2009 @ 05:13 pm

Ok, I have a couple of questions.

1. I finally got my butt into the gym about 4 weeks ago! Yay me! But I haven't been seeing any results. I'm not sure what's going on with my body. I always make sure I eat more than 1,100 calories(I average about 1350 calories a day). On Mondays and Wednesday, I do an hour of carido and Fridays, it's Jillian Michael's 30 days shred and yoga. Is it normal to not see any difference after 4 weeks or is there more that I need to do? Also, if anyone can tell when they started seeing results, that'll be great.


2. Is it ok to do stuff like the 30 day shred only once a week? Will it still help with my weight loss or a waste of time?

23 February 2009 @ 09:27 am

1. Cranberries
2. Walnuts
3. Beans
4. Fish
5. Tomatoes

( Explanations below hereCollapse )


I've also seen lowfat dairy where walnuts are. How many of you guys eat this stuff regularly?

30 January 2009 @ 05:37 pm

A lean, flavorful green for lean times.
Julia Reed
Newsweek Web Exclusive

During those dreary first weeks of every new year, I can count on two things: I will be broke and I will be dieting. This year I am mildly heartened by the facts that pretty much everybody else in the world is also broke, and that Oprah, who is not, is on a diet. Oprah, of course, has her own nutrition and fitness guru, Bob Greene. I have cabbage soup.

( Cabbage is KingCollapse )

Fried cabbage is my FAVOURITE. Cabbage and dumplings (halushki). Stuffed cabbage. Can anyone tell I'm Polish? Cabbage is a major food staple.

30 January 2009 @ 05:35 pm


Post your weekly successes, random stories, pictures, and general shenanigans!


Kidding. But indulge your FFAF urges here!

24 January 2009 @ 03:03 pm

hey, hey, hey!

i'm new to the community so this is the obligatory intro post. my name is roxanne, i live in los angeles, and i'm awesome. i'm not always awesome, but sometimes i have my moments. i'm soooo not comfortable with posting my weight, but according to my height, my healthy weight should be between 130-140 so i guess that's my goal.

i've actually already lost about 20 lbs. in the past couple months so i've been in a really good place, emotionally, just because i've had that headstart. i've been maintaining that weight for about 2 weeks now, which is good, but i'm afraid i've hit some sort of plateu. i did just have my 30th birthday party and came back from a trip to vegas so i allowed myself a week of cheating. but now i'm back on track and trying to hit the gym at least 4-5 times a week and eating smaller portions. it's really hard for me to be on a strict diet that limits my calories or carbs or whatever. even weight watchers is sometimes too strict for me. when i know that i have a limitation, i actually totally want to rebel and break that boundary. but if let myself eat the kinds of foods i want as long as they're in small portions, then i tend to succeed and keep off the weight.

ANYWAY, that's my long, boring story. i'm really excited about being a part of this community and getting to know some awesome ontd friendzzz!

btw, i found this vhs tape a couple weeks ago in some old stuff and actually did the exercise last night. haha, it was basically an aerobics tape for seniors, but i still loved it. (i miss the 80s.)


23 January 2009 @ 06:07 pm


Post your weekly successes, random stories, pictures, and general shenanigans!

What was the best thing that happened to you this week?

16 January 2009 @ 09:30 pm

Name: Sarah/ididthatonce/Josh Peck
Age: 19 (turning 20 in March!)
Current weight: 175-ish. I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks.
Goal weight: 130-ish.

I've pretty much struggled with weight my whole life. I was the classic fat kid in elementary school who got made fun of, etc. etc. At this point, I really just want to get healthy. I feel like it's time to start over, seeing as I'm turning 20 and starting this new phase of life. I also feel like a lot of my self-esteem issues stem from being heavy and being uncomfortable in my own skin.

My big weaknesses are salty foods, particularly cheesy ones. I'm a vegetarian, so I tend to carbo-load when I'm hungry.

Also, my sister introduced me to sparkpeople.com. It's a good, FREE site for tracking food and exercise. It also has workout videos, which helps me a LOT.

16 January 2009 @ 03:42 pm


Post your weekly successes, random stories, pictures, and general shenanigans!

13 January 2009 @ 08:59 pm

I've never actually sat and watched a whole episode of The Biggest Loser.

I totally bawled my way through it tonight. You guise it was totally AWESOME.

Anyone else watch it?

13 January 2009 @ 04:13 pm

Starting to get back into shape and loving yourself sometimes seems like an enormous thing to do. We get overwhelmed, and stop.

So what's the key? Baby steps. Goal-setting for each week or every other week is a great way to slowly change your lifestyle--which is the key to living healthy. Crash diets don't work because you change for a little while, then lose the weight and go back to what made you unhealthy in the first place.

We will have a weekly post on Tuesdays to make our baby steps goals and encourage each other.

So what are your baby steps for this week?

I'm making sure I drink at least 2 nalgene bottles of water per day, and making sure I do yoga/pilates every day as well.

12 January 2009 @ 09:32 pm

Four years ago, when Oprah managed to get down to a trim and fit 160 pounds, she thought she'd hit on a foolproof formula for permanent weight loss. Then life—in the form of a thyroid problem and a killer schedule—intervened. Last year she was back up to the 200-pound mark and knew something had to change. After a desperately needed time-out to reflect and recharge, here's what she's learned, what she's doing differently, and what's next.

( More here.Collapse )


What's your 2009 goal?

12 January 2009 @ 09:22 pm

Inspired by post on ohnotheydidnt and by the fabulous Oprah Winfrey, ONTD_40 is for ONTD members on a weight loss quest.

1. No flaming, trolling, or bashing on members. This is a POSITIVE support group.
2. Positive celebrity weight-loss stories and personal stories only. No pro-ana/mia posts.
3. We're ONTD and snarky, but only to the celebs, please.

ontd_40 is looking for a second moderator! Please contact fatesarchitect if you're interested.

If you have ideas for other rules, I'm always open to those. We also need someone good with graphics...because I'm awful.

Posts are moderated, so there will be a wait to be approved in the queue.

So now that that's over with...

Who are you, and what's your goal? Post here or your own post, up to you and how comfortable you feel!

Current weight (if you feel comfortable)
Goal weight
Personal story