ooc_unforeseen (original) (raw)

12 August 2007 @ 06:29 pm

Hello all!

So there was a discussion earlier this evening between all those who were online at the time regarding our "LJ problem" and after much deliberation, a decision was reached. We've decided that, to be on the safe side, we are going to move the RPG over to Insane Journal. We know this is going to require a bit of a shuffle around, but it's better that we make the move now before we've started writing anything.

So here's what YOU need to do. Head on over to I.J. and make a clone of your character journal. This should mostly just be a matter of copy-pasting once the account itself is set up. Remember to change any Livejournal-specific links to Insanejournal links, and that communities on I.J. are called "asylums". Once that's done, start friending everyone's new journal to yours and join the new communities that have been set up over there, which can be found here (OOC Journal) and here (Actual RPG). The mods will approve your membership as it comes in. After that please transfer your posts on the original Livejournal OOC to the new Insanejournal by hand (copy paste again, people!).

If we all pull together and get things quickly done, we should still be good to start the RP tomorrow. And without the looming threat of being TOS'd by Livejournal either!

Thank you all.

Your loving mods.

09 August 2007 @ 05:45 pm

Hello! I'm Sakai Michiba, and I'll be playing your Hermione! I'm twenty years old and I live very far away from home in Lansing, Michigan (where I am most definitely NOT from) with my boyfriend Ethan, whom I met while roleplaying a pretty awesome bit of slash. If you recognize my name, it'll be from my many, many Harry/Draco and/or Remus/Sirius fanfictions, some of which have been highly recommended and all that junk (or, as Lockhart would say--for more details, see my published works). If you're bored, you can read it all here.

I've been roleplaying for ten years now! I was an early bloomer. I've been RPing in the HP fandom since I was twelve, which means it's been eight years since I began. I used to perform what I called "mass production", which was a giant, multi-fandom, er, "project" of mine during which I had 112 original and canon characters from multiple fandoms at one point, and a partner for each. My most-played fandoms are Harry Potter and Final Fantasy IX. Now, I'm only RPing with our fantasmic Narcissa RPer as well as in this RPG. Most of my RP has been abandoned for fic writing, which I tend to find more gratifying in the long run, since the only reason the storyline stops is because I choose to stop it and no one else influences that.

I'm a fish breeder for a local pet store (show bettas, livebearers, angelfish, barbs, and corydoras), which is long, hard work. When I was in college, I was a creative writing major (naturally), though I did dabble in a Biology major for a while. Currently, I am not attending school because Ethan, who just graduated college, will be going into the Air Force soon and I don't want to start school again when I'll be moving back to Tennessee in October. We don't have children, but we have a red Siberian Husky, two insane cats, and two fat boy rats. :D

AIM: iikeanegyptian
GMail: bettaflare@gmail.com (Google chat enabled)

Bah, edit: I also play World of Warcraft on the Maelstrom server as a Draenei mage. :D

07 August 2007 @ 09:29 pm

07 August 2007 @ 09:03 pm

05 August 2007 @ 08:32 pm

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a man of wealth, and taste...

No. Wait. While I might want your sympathy from time to time, I am not the Devil. Merely his advocate.

My purpose here is to add a certain amount of antagonism to the game. Most of the players here will be focusing on just one character, and that character's story. As one might expect, that tends to lead to a certain amount of near-sightedness, as players (rightly) put so much of their efforts into their own character, and forget the larger world from time to time. Unless someone actively works to make sure that the myriad individual plots cross on occasion, a large game can end up fragmented into half a dozen or more small soap operas.

So I here present a handful of characters who can play the role of the Big Bad, antagonists who remind us that there are still malevolent forces to unite against, and that there are still larger concerns than romance, NEWTs, and Quidditch. I will be posting the actions of our villians, even when none of the players are around to see them, in hopes that other players will take up the plot hooks I drop and run with them. So you will see Umbridge alone in her office, Nott (Senior) calling up the dead in the dark of night, and so on, even if your characters will never know what happened.

This is also the reason why I do not have a personal player character. I don't have an investment in any of these bad guys, and am perfectly willing to have them beaten, thwarted, and even killed in the service of making player characters look heroic.

Now, here's what I see as the future after Deathly Hallows:

Just becaue Voldemort is dead, one can't assume that the Death Eaters are. Some have escaped after the Battle of Hogwarts, surely, and those will be seeking escape, or revenge, and certainly power. Thus Theodore Anathaseus Nott, Senior. The elder Nott was the oldest of the Death Eaters, and I made him one of the youngest of Grindelwald's Dark Wizards, the Knights of Walspurgis. As such, he has knowledge of the Deathly Hallows, and the desire to collect them and use them in his revenge. Expect to see other former Death Eaters working with (or for) him, and expect me to pick up any death-eater related thread you leave dangling and tie it to Nott's plans.

Similarly, the Death Eaters may be out of the Ministry, and their Imperio'd lackeys may be free, but that doesn't mean that the ministry is free of evil. Not every one who joined with the Death Eaters did so out of shared values. Some did it out of fear, and are likely to try hard to be good now that it's over. Others, though, did it for ambition's sake, attatching themselves to the Death Eaters for purely selfish reasons. Dolores Umbridge is an example of this kind of petty evil, a ruthless bureacurat who doesn't care who she hurts in her rise to promenance. Sure, she's a flunky, a tool to be used by others. But she is also an excellent example of the kind of person who too often ends up in power, the kind who can justify to herself any violation, so long as it lines her pockets and gets her a corner office.

Yes, there is someone behind Umbridge. Someone who sees the current chaos as an excellent opportunity to sieze power. Someone who is not nice at all...

So that's what I'm up to. How about you?

03 August 2007 @ 08:44 pm

Hello all!

I just had a question, when should we start posting RPs and having interactions between characters occur?
