[OpenWrt Wiki] ubus (OpenWrt micro bus architecture) (original) (raw)

See also:What is UBUS?

To provide Inter-process communication between various daemons and applications in OpenWrt a project called ubus has been developed. It consists of several parts including daemon, library and some extra helpers.

The heart of this project is the ubusd daemon. It provides an interface for other daemons to register themselves as well as sending messages. For those curious, this interface is implemented using Unix sockets and it uses TLV (type-length-value) messages.

To simplify development of software using ubus (connecting to it) a library called libubus has been created.

Every daemon registers a set of paths under a specific namespace. Every path can provide multiple procedures with any number of arguments. Procedures can reply with a message.

The code is published under LGPL 2.1 license and can be found via git at https://git.openwrt.org/project/ubus.git.

Command-line ubus tool

The ubus command line tool allows to interact with the ubusd server (with all currently registered services). It's useful for investigating/debugging registered namespaces as well as writing shell scripts. For calling procedures with parameters and returning responses it uses the user-friendly JSON format. Below is an explanation of its commands.


Usage: ubus [] [arguments...] Options: -s : Set the unix domain socket to connect to -t : Set the timeout (in seconds) for a command to complete -S: Use simplified output (for scripts) -v: More verbose output -m : (for monitor): include a specific message type (can be used more than once) -M <r|t> (for monitor): only capture received or transmitted traffic


To find out which services are currently running on the bus simply use the ubus list command. This will show a complete list of all namespaces registered with the RPC server:

ubus list

dhcp dnsmasq file iwinfo log luci luci-rpc network network.device network.interface network.interface.lan network.interface.loopback network.interface.wan network.interface.wan6 network.rrdns network.wireless service session system uci

You can filter the list by specifying a service path:

ubus list network.interface.*

network.interface.lan network.interface.loopback network.interface.wan network.interface.wan6

To find out which procedures/methods and their argument signatures a specific service provides add -v in addition to the namespace path:

ubus -v list network.interface.lan

'network.interface.lan' @099f0c8b "up": { } "down": { } "status": { } "prepare": { } "add_device": { "name": "String" } "remove_device": { "name": "String" } "notify_proto": { } "remove": { } "set_data": { }

Calls a given procedure within a given namespace and optionally pass arguments to it:

ubus call network.interface.wan status

{ "up": true, "pending": false, "available": true, "autostart": true, "uptime": 86017, "l3_device": "eth1", "device": "eth1", "address": [ { "address": "", "mask": 21 } ], "route": [ { "target": "", "mask": 0, "nexthop": "" } ], "data": {   } }

The arguments must be a valid JSON string, with keys and values set according to the function signature:

ubus call network.device status '{ "name": "eth0" }'

{ "type": "Network device", "up": true, "link": true, "mtu": 1500, "macaddr": "c6:3d:c7:90:aa:da", "txqueuelen": 1000, "statistics": { "collisions": 0, "rx_frame_errors": 0, "tx_compressed": 0, "multicast": 0, "rx_length_errors": 0, "tx_dropped": 0, "rx_bytes": 0, "rx_missed_errors": 0, "tx_errors": 0, "rx_compressed": 0, "rx_over_errors": 0, "tx_fifo_errors": 0, "rx_crc_errors": 0, "rx_packets": 0, "tx_heartbeat_errors": 0, "rx_dropped": 0, "tx_aborted_errors": 0, "tx_packets": 184546, "rx_errors": 0, "tx_bytes": 17409452, "tx_window_errors": 0, "rx_fifo_errors": 0, "tx_carrier_errors": 0 } }

Set up a listening socket and observe incoming events:

ubus listen &

ubus call network.interface.wan down

{ "network.interface": { "action": "ifdown", "interface": "wan" } }

ubus call network.interface.wan up

{ "network.interface": { "action": "ifup", "interface": "wan" } } { "network.interface": { "action": "ifdown", "interface": "he" } } { "network.interface": { "action": "ifdown", "interface": "v6" } } { "network.interface": { "action": "ifup", "interface": "he" } } { "network.interface": { "action": "ifup", "interface": "v6" } }

Send an event notification:

ubus listen &

ubus send foo '{ "bar": "baz" }'

{ "foo": { "bar": "baz" } }

There is an uhttpd plugin called uhttpd-mod-ubus that allows ubus calls using HTTP protocol. For example this is used in LuCI2. Requests have to be sent to the /ubus URL (unless changed by ubus_prefix option) using the POST method. This interface uses jsonrpc v2.0 There are a few steps that you will need to understand.

If uhttpd-mod-ubus is installed, uhttpd automatically configures it and enables it, by default at /ubus, but you can configure thisAlso if you want to use the /ubus directly from a web client you need to specify ubus_cors=1 option.

If you are using Nginx then you may try nginx-ubus-module. For other web servers like Lighttpd you may use the ubus as CGI.

See the Postman collection with some examples of calling UBUS over HTTP

While logged in via ssh, you have direct, full access to ubus. When you're accessing the /ubus url in uhttpd however, uhttpd first queries whether your call is allowed, and whoever is providing the ubus session.* namespace is in charge of implementing the access control:

ubus call session access '{ "ubus_rpc_session": "xxxxx", "object": "requested-object", "function": "requested-method" }'

This happens to be rpcd at the moment, with the http-json interface, for friendly operation with browser code, but this is just one possible implementation. Because we're using rpcd to implement the ACLs at this time, this allows/requires (depending on your point of view) ACLs to be configured in /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/*.json. The names of the files in /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/*.json don't matter, but the top level keys define roles. The default ACL, listed below, only defines the login methods, so you can log in, but you still wouldn't be able to do anything.

{ "unauthenticated": { "description": "Access controls for unauthenticated requests", "read": { "ubus": { "session": [ "access", "login" ] } } } }

An example of a complicated ACL, allowing quite fine grained access to different ubus modules and methods is available in the Luci2 project

An example of a “security is for suckers” config, where a superuser ACL group is defined, allowing unrestricted access to everything, is shown below. This illustrates the usage of * definitions in the ACLs, but keep reading for better examples.

Placing this file in /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/superuser.json will help you move forward to the next steps.

{ "superuser": { "description": "Super user access role", "read": { "ubus": { "": [ "" ] }, "uci": [ "" ], "file": { "": [""] } }, "write": { "ubus": { "": [ "" ] }, "uci": [ "" ], "file": { "": [""] }, "cgi-io": ["*"] } } }

Below is an example of an ACL definition that only allows access to some specific ubus modules, rather than unrestricted access to everything.

{ "lesssuperuser": { "description": "not quite as super user", "read": { "ubus": { "file": [ "" ], "log": [ "" ], "service": [ "" ], }, }, "write": { "ubus": { "file": [ "" ], "log": [ "" ], "service": [ "" ], }, } } }

Note: Before we leave this section, you may have noticed that there's both a ubus and a uci section, even though ubus has a uci method. The uci scope is used for the uci api provided by rpcd to allow defining per-file permissions because using the ubus scope you can only say uci set is allowed or not, but not specify that it is allowed to e.g. modify /etc/config/system but not /etc/config/network. If your application/ACL doesn't need UCI access, you can just leave out the UCI section altogether.

Now that we have an ACL that allows operations beyond just logging in, we can actually try this out. As mentioned, rpcd is handling this, so you need an entry in /etc/config/rpcd

config login option username 'root' option password '$p$root' list read '' list write ''   config login option username 'blaer' option password '$p$blaer' list read lesssuperuser list write lesssuperuser

The $p magic means to look in /etc/shadow and the $root part means to use the password for the root user in that file. The list of read and write sections, those map ACL roles to user accounts. So list read * means the read credential of any group listed in the merged ACLs. Write implies read.

You can also use $1$<hash> which is a crypt hash, using SHA1, exactly as used in /etc/shadow. You can generate these with uhttpd -m secret.

To login and receive a session id:

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params": [ "00000000000000000000000000000000", "session", "login", { "username": "root", "password": "secret" } ] }' http://your.server.ip/ubus   {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":[0,{"ubus_rpc_session":"c1ed6c7b025d0caca723a816fa61b668","timeout":300,"expires":299,"acls":{"access-group":{"superuser":["read","write"],"unauthenticated":["read"]},"ubus":{"":[""],"session":["access","login"]},"uci":{"*":["read","write"]}},"data":{"username":"root"}}]}

The session id 00000000000000000000000000000000 (32 zeros) is a special null-session which only has the rights from the unauthenticated access group, only enabling the session.login ubus call. A session has a timeout that can be specified when you login, otherwise it defaults to 5 minutes.

If you ever receive a response like {“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“id”:1,“result”:[6]}, that is a valid jsonrpc response, 6 is the ubus code for UBUS_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED (you'll get this if you try and login before setting up the superuser file, or any file that gives you more rights than just being allowed to attempt logins).

To list all active sessions, try ubus call session list

The session timeout is automatically reset on every use. There are plans to use these sessions even for luci1, but at present, if you use this interface in a luci1 environment, you'll need to manage sessions yourself.

Now that you have a ubus_rpc_session you can make calls, based on your ACLs and the available ubus services.ubus -v list is your primary documentation on what can be done, but see the rest of this page for more information. For example, ubus -v list file returns

'file' @ff0a2c92 "read":{"path":"String","base64":"Boolean"} "write":{"path":"String","data":"String","append":"Boolean","mode":"Integer","base64":"Boolean"} "list":{"path":"String"} "stat":{"path":"String"} "md5":{"path":"String"} "exec":{"command":"String","params":"Array","env":"Table"}

The RPC-JSON container format is:

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": , "method": "call", "params": [ , , , { } ] }

The “id” key is merely echo'ed by the server, so it needs not be strictly unique, it's mainly intended for client software to easily correlate responses to previously made requests. Its type is either a string or a number, so it can be an UUID, sha1 hash, md5 sum, sequence counter, unix timestamp, etc.

An example request to read a file /etc/board.json which contains device info would be:

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params": [ "c1ed6c7b025d0caca723a816fa61b668", "file", "read", { "path": "/etc/board.json" } ] }' http://your.server.ip/ubus {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":[0,{"data":"{\n\t"model": {\n\t\t"id": "innotek-gmbh-virtualbox",\n\t\t"name": "innotek GmbH VirtualBox"\n\t},\n\t"network": {\n\t\t"lan": {\n\t\t\t"ifname": "eth0",\n\t\t\t"protocol": "static"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n"}]}

Here the first param c1ed6c7b025d0caca723a816fa61b668 is the ubus_rpc_session received during the login call. If you received a response like {“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“id”:1,“error”:{“code”:-32002,“message”:“Access denied”}} then probably your session token was expired and you need to request a new one.

To beautify output you can use jq utility:

curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params": [ "c1ed6c7b025d0caca723a816fa61b668", "file", "read", { "path": "/etc/board.json" } ] }' http://your.server.ip/ubus | jq { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": [ 0, { "data": "{\n\t"model": {\n\t\t"id": "innotek-gmbh-virtualbox",\n\t\t"name": "innotek GmbH VirtualBox"\n\t},\n\t"network": {\n\t\t"lan": {\n\t\t\t"ifname": "eth0",\n\t\t\t"protocol": "static"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n" } ] }

In the response JSON document in the result[1].data field contains escaped JSON with the model and network objects. To fetch the concrete model name you can parse the response with the jq program:

curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params": [ "c1ed6c7b025d0caca723a816fa61b668", "file", "read", { "path": "/etc/board.json" } ] }' http://your.server.ip/ubus | jq -r '.result[1].data' | jq .model.name "innotek GmbH VirtualBox"

As you can see in the example the router model is in fact just a OpenWrt runned on virtual machine in VirtualBox.

This is even possible to use ubus in lua scripts. Of course it's not possible to use native libraries directly in lua, so an extra module has been created. It's simply called ubus and is a simple interface between lua scripts and the ubus (it uses libubus internally).

-- Load module require "ubus" -- Establish connection local conn = ubus.connect() if not conn then error("Failed to connect to ubusd") end   -- Iterate all namespaces and procedures local namespaces = conn:objects() for i, n in ipairs(namespaces) do print("namespace=" .. n) local signatures = conn:signatures(n) for p, s in pairs(signatures) do print("\tprocedure=" .. p) for k, v in pairs(s) do print("\t\tattribute=" .. k .. " type=" .. v) end end end   -- Call a procedure local status = conn:call("network.device", "status", { name = "eth0" }) for k, v in pairs(status) do print("key=" .. k .. " value=" .. tostring(v)) end   -- Close connection conn:close()

Optional arguments to connect() are a path to use for sockets (pass nil to use the default) and a per call timeout value (in milliseconds)

local conn = ubus.connect(nil, 500) -- default socket path, 500ms per call timeout

As explained earlier, there can be many different daemons (services) registered in ubus. Below you will find a list of the most common projects with namespaces, paths and procedures they provide.

Path only contains the first context, e.g. network for network.interface.wan

path Description Package
dhcp dhcp server odhcpd
file file rpcd
hostapd acesspoints wpad/hostapd
iwinfo wireless informations rpcd iwinfo
log logging procd
mdns mdns avahi replacement mdnsd
network network netifd
service init/service procd
session Session management rpcd
system system misc procd
uci Unified Configuration Interface rpcd

ubus system

Package: procd

Procedure Signature Description
board {} returns board specific information like model and distribution code name, revision
info {} returns real-time information about the system. “uptime”: 20756, “localtime”: 1444142264, “load”: [ 7264, 3040, 3520 ], “memory”: { “total”: 29601792, “free”: 7344128, “shared”: 458752, “buffered”: 2166784 }, “swap”: { “total”: 0, “free”: 0 }
upgrade {} *TODO*
watchdog {“frequency”:“Integer”,“timeout”:“Integer”,“stop”:“Boolean”,“magicclose”:“Boolean”} controls the watchdog. *ubus call system watchdog '{ “stop”: true“}'* only stops the thread triggering the watchdog. The watchdog is still counting down unless a second process is triggering the watchdog unless you enable 'magicclose', then you can manually tickle '/dev/watchdog'.
signal {“pid”:“Integer”,”signum“:“Integer”} send a signal to a process. See man kill
nandupgrade {“path”:“String”} *TODO*

The values in load are the load averages over 1, 5, and 15 minutes. to get to the familiar values reported by uptime divide these numbers by 65536.0 and round to 2 decimals.

There is a detailed blog post showing how to use, configure and manually take control over hardware watchdog with ubus commands.


See all methods of system (to see all methods of all services registered to ubusd: ubus -v list):

root@OpenWrt:/# ubus -v list system 'system' @651f206c "board":{} "info":{} "reboot":{} "watchdog":{"frequency":"Integer","timeout":"Integer","magicclose":"Boolean","stop":"Boolean"} "signal":{"pid":"Integer","signum":"Integer"} "validate_firmware_image":{"path":"String"} "sysupgrade":{"path":"String","force":"Boolean","backup":"String","prefix":"String","command":"String","options":"Table"}

You can now call a remote method and receive a reply. A reply may be a simple integer return code or a more complete reply. Internally the bus uses a blob format, the CLI conveniently converts this to JSON.

root@OpenWrt:/# ubus call system board { "kernel": "4.9.198", "hostname": "OpenWrt", "system": "Qualcomm Atheros QCA956X ver 1 rev 0", "model": "TP-Link TL-WR1043N/ND v4", "board_name": "tl-wr1043nd-v4", "release": { "distribution": "OpenWrt", "version": "18.06.5", "revision": "r7897-9d401013fc", "target": "ar71xx/generic", "description": "OpenWrt 18.06.5 r7897-9d401013fc" } }

You can call a method and pass it some parameters by simply appending a JSON structure to the CLI command.

root@OpenWrt:/# ubus call system signal '{ "pid": 123, "signum": 9 }' root@OpenWrt:/# echo $? 0

ubus service

Package: procd

service used by init scripts as well to register new services

Path Procedure Signature Description
service set {“name”:“String”,“script”:“String”,“instances”:“Table”,“triggers”:“Array”,“validate”:“Array”,“autostart”:“Boolean”,“data”:“Table”} *TODO*
service add {“name”:“String”,“script”:“String”,“instances”:“Table”,“triggers”:“Array”,“validate”:“Array”,“autostart”:“Boolean”,“data”:“Table”} *TODO*
service list {“name”:“String”,“verbose”:“Boolean”} Return a list of all services and their instances. Can be filtered by name
service delete {“name”:“String”,“instance”:“String”} Delete instance of a service
service update_start {“name”:“String”} *TODO*
service event {“type”:“String”,“data”:“Table”} *TODO*
service validate {“package”:“String”,“type”:“String”,“service”:“String”} *TODO*
service get_data {“name”:“String”,“instance”:“String”,“type”:“String”} *TODO*
service state {“spawn”:“Boolean”,“name”:“String”} *TODO*

ubus network

Package: netifd

DESIGN document at repo of netifd

Path Procedure Signature Description
network restart { } Restart the network, reconfigures all interfaces
network reload { } Reload the network, reconfigure as needed
network.device status { “name”: “_ifname_” } Dump status of given network device ifname or all network devices if none given
network.device set_state { “name”: “_ifname_”, “defer”: deferred } Defer or ready the given network device ifname, depending on the boolean value deferred
network.interface.name up { } Bring interface name up
network.interface.name down { } Bring interface name down
network.interface.name status { } Dump status of interface name
network.interface.name prepare { } Prepare setup of interface name
network.interface.name add_device { “name”: “_ifname_” } Add network device ifname to interface name (e.g. for bridges: brctl addif br-name ifname)
network.interface.name remove_device { “name”: “_ifname_” } Remove network device ifname from interface name (e.g. for bridges: brctl delif br-name ifname)
network.interface.name remove { } Remove interface name (?)
network.wireless status { }

Project rpcd: OpenWrt ubus RPC daemon for backend server is a set of small plugins providing sets of ubus procedures in separated namespaces. These plugins are not strictly related to any particular software (like netifd or dhcp) so it wasn't worth it to implement them as separated projects. rpcd and the desired plugins must be available or installed via opkg. After installing remember to enable and start the service via service rpcd enable and service rpcd start .

ubus file

Package: rpcd

With plugin rpcd-mod-file enabled:

Path Procedure Signature Description
file read { “path”: “_String_”, “base64”: Boolean } Read a file contents. The file path is encoded in Base64 if the base64 param set to “true”
file write { “path”: “_String_”, “data”: “_String_”, “append”: Boolean, “mode”: Integer, “base64”: Boolean } Write a data to a file by path. The file path is encoded in Base64 if the base64 param set to “true”. If the append param is “true” then file is not overwritten but the new content is added to the end of the file. The mode param if specified represent file permission mode.
file list { “path”: “_String_” } ?
file stat { “path”: “_String_” } ?
file md5 { “path”: “_String_” } ?
file exec { “command”: “_String_”, “params”: “_Array_”, “env”: “_Table_” } ?

ubus iwinfo

With plugin rpcd-mod-iwinfo enabled:

Path Procedure Signature Description
iwinfo devices { } ?
iwinfo info { “device”: “_device_” } ?
iwinfo scan { “device”: “_device_” } ?
iwinfo assoclist { “device”: “_device_”, “mac”: “_mac_” } ?
iwinfo freqlist { “device”: “_device_” } ?
iwinfo txpowerlist { “device”: “_device_” } ?
iwinfo countrylist { “device”: “_device_” } ?
iwinfo phyname { “section”: “_device_” } ?

Always included in rpcd:

ubus session

Path Procedure Signature Description
session create { “timeout”: timeout } Create a new session and return its ID, set the session timeout to timeout in seconds (set 0 for no expire)
session list { “ubus_rpc_session”: “_sid_” } Dump session info specified by sid, if no ID is given, list all sessions
session grant { “ubus_rpc_session”: “_sid_”, “scope”: “_scope_”, “objects”: [ [ “path”, “func” ], ... ] } Within the session identified by sid grant access to all specified procedures func in the namespace path listed in the objects array
session revoke { “ubus_rpc_session”: “_sid_”, “scope”: “_scope_”, “objects”: [ [ “path”, “func” ], ... ] } Within the session identified by sid revoke access to all specified procedures func in the namespace path listed in the objects array. If objects is unset, revoke all access
session access { “ubus_rpc_session”: “_sid_”, “scope”: “_scope_”, “object”: “_path_”, “function”: “_function_” } Query whether access to the specified function in the namespace path is allowed
session set { “ubus_rpc_session”: “_sid_”, “values”: { “_key_”: value, ... } } Within the session identified by sid store the given arbitrary values under their corresponding keys specified in the values object
session get { “ubus_rpc_session”: “_sid_”, “keys”: [ “_key_”, ... ] } Within the session identified by sid retrieve all values associated with the given keys listed in the keys array. If the key array is unset, dump all key/value pairs
session unset { “ubus_rpc_session”: “_sid_”, “keys”: [ “_key_”, ... ] } Within the session identified by sid unset all keys listed in the keys array. If the key list is unset, clear all keys
session destroy { “ubus_rpc_session”: “_sid_” } Terminate the session identified by the given ID sid
session login { “username”: “_username_”, “password”: “_password_”, “timeout”: timeout } Authenticate with rpcd and create a new session with access rights as specified in the ACLs

Note: When using ubus over HTTP, setting ubus_rpc_session isn't allowed, it's automatically set to the calling session.

Note: Sessions are stored in memory so they will persist as long as rpcd is running

login call description

Use session.login to authorize and create a new session. The timeout argument is optional, it is set in seconds and by default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The session timeout is automatically reset on every use.

Return example:

{ "ubus_rpc_session": "948abf19b632c5460384315d69010e09", "timeout": 300, "expires": 299, "acls": { "access-group": { "uci-access": [ "read", "write" ], "unauthenticated": [ "read" ] }, "ubus": { "file": [ "" ], "session": [ "access", "login" ] }, "uci": { "": [ "read", "write" ] } }, "data": { "username": "root" } }

To list all active sessions call session list.

Example of manual session creation

Create a session then grant access to all functions of file and to the board object function of system object. Also set a custom attribute username to alice then check if the sid have an access to system.reboot function (and there is npo such access)

root@OpenWrt:~# ubus call session create '{"timeout": 3600}' { "ubus_rpc_session": "8c1af812b4b148fcbb92434c74cf61c1", "timeout": 3600, "expires": 3600, "acls": {

    "data": {


} root@OpenWrt:# ubus call session grant '{"ubus_rpc_session": "bf11e5cd01cd262ae692600a6a45ccfc", "scope": "write", "objects": [["file", "*"], ["system", "board"]]}' root@OpenWrt:# ubus call session set '{"ubus_rpc_session": "bf11e5cd01cd262ae692600a6a45ccfc", "values": { "username": "alice" } }' root@OpenWrt:# ubus call session list '{"ubus_rpc_session": "bf11e5cd01cd262ae692600a6a45ccfc"}' { "ubus_rpc_session": "bf11e5cd01cd262ae692600a6a45ccfc", "timeout": 3600, "expires": 3600, "acls": { "ubus": { "file": [ "*" ], "system": [ "board" ] } }, "data": { "username": "alice" } } root@OpenWrt:# ubus call session access '{ "ubus_rpc_session": "bf11e5cd01cd262ae692600a6a45ccfc", "scope": "ubus", "object": "system", "function": "reboot" }' { "access": false }

ubus uci

Package: rpcd

ubus -v list uci

'uci' @4eb774a8 "configs":{} "get":{"config":"String","section":"String","option":"String","type":"String","match":"Table","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "state":{"config":"String","section":"String","option":"String","type":"String","match":"Table","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "add":{"config":"String","type":"String","name":"String","values":"Table","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "set":{"config":"String","section":"String","type":"String","match":"Table","values":"Table","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "delete":{"config":"String","section":"String","type":"String","match":"Table","option":"String","options":"Array","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "rename":{"config":"String","section":"String","option":"String","name":"String","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "order":{"config":"String","sections":"Array","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "changes":{"config":"String","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "revert":{"config":"String","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "commit":{"config":"String","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "apply":{"rollback":"Boolean","timeout":"Integer","ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "confirm":{"ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "rollback":{"ubus_rpc_session":"String"} "reload_config":{}

The “ubus uci” section of this documentation is severely outdated and incomplete. It is only useful nowadays as a starting point for someone to actually rewrite it to match reality.

Path Procedure Signature Description
uci configs { } List all available configs Example: # ubus call uci configs '{"ubus_rpc_session":"2db687f321a60414e77677bbb5dd6d6f"}' { "configs": [ "dhcp", "dropbear", "firewall", "luci", "network", "radius", "rpcd", "system", "ubootenv", "ucitrack", "uhttpd", "wireless" ] }
uci get { “config”: “_config_”, “section”: “_sname_”, “type”: “_type_”, “option”: “_oname_” } Return the requested uci value(s), all arguments are optional. When called without argument or with empty object: return an array of package names in the configs field When called with config set: return an object containing all sections containing all options in a field named after the package When called with config and type set: return an object containing all sections of type type containing all options in a field named after the package When called with config and sname set: return an object containing all options of the section in a field named after the section When called with config and type and oname set: return an object containing the value of each option named oname within a section of type type in a field named after the matched section When called with package and sname and oname set: return the result string in a field named oname in case of options or an array of result strings in a field named oname in case of list options Return messages: { “_config_”: { “sname1”: { “.type”: “type1”, “option1”: “value1”, “option2”: [ “value2.1”, ... ], ... }, ... } } { “_config_”: { “sname1”: { “.type”: “_type_”, “option1”: “value1”, “option2”: [ “value2.1”, ... ], ... }, ... } } { “_sname_”: { “.type”: “type”, “option1”: “value1”, “option2”: [ “value2.1”, ... ], ... } } { “sectionname1”: “value1”, “sectionname2”: [ “value2.1”, ... ], ... } { “_oname_”: “value1” } { “_oname_”: [ “value1.1”, ... ] } Example: # ubus call uci get '{"ubus_rpc_session":"2db687f321a60414e77677bbb5dd6d6f", "config":"wireless", "section":"wifinet2"}' { "values": { ".anonymous": false, ".type": "wifi-iface", ".name": "wifinet2", "device": "radio0", "mode": "ap", "ssid": "ilwf-guest", "encryption": "sae-mixed", "key": "XXXX", "network": "lan", "disabled": "0" }
uci state { “config”: “_config_”, “section”: “_sname_”, “type”: “_tname_”, “option”: “_oname_” }
uci set { “config”: “_config_”, “section”: “_sname_”, “type”: “_tname_”, “values”: “_array_of_values_” } Set the given value(s), the option argument is optional. When called with config and sname and array_of_values set: add a new section sname in config and set it to the type given in tname When called with config and sname, oname and array_of_values set array_of_values as values in sname The call does not produce any data, instead it returns with the following status codes: If there already is a section called sname: UBUS_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT else: UBUS_STATUS_OK If there is no section sname or if value is neither a string nor an array: UBUS_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT else: UBUS_STATUS_OK Example: # ubus call uci set '{"ubus_rpc_session":"2db687f321a60414e77677bbb5dd6d6f", "config":"wireless", "section":"wifinet2", "values":{"disabled":"1"}}' # ubus call uci get '{"ubus_rpc_session":"2db687f321a60414e77677bbb5dd6d6f", "config":"wireless", "section":"wifinet2"}' { "values": { ".anonymous": false, ".type": "wifi-iface", ".name": "wifinet2", "device": "radio0", "mode": "ap", "ssid": "ilwf-guest", "encryption": "sae-mixed", "key": "XXXXXXXX", "network": "lan", "disabled": "1" } }
uci add { “config”: “_config_”, “type”: “_type_” } Add new anonymous section of given type. When called with config and type set: Add a new anonymous section of type type. Return message: { “section”: “sectionname” }
uci delete { “config”: “_config_”, “section”: “_sname_”, “type”: “_type_”, “option”: “_oname_” } Delete the given value(s) or section(s), the option and type arguments are optional. When called with config and type set: delete all sections of type type in config When called with config and sname set: delete the section named sname in config When called with config, type and oname set: delete the option named oname within each section of type type in package When called with config, sname and oname set: delete the option named oname in section sname of package The call does not result in any data, instead it returns the following status codes: If no section of type type was found: UBUS_STATUS_NOT_FOUND else: UBUS_STATUS_OK If no section named sname was found: UBUS_STATUS_NOT_FOUND else: UBUS_STATUS_OK If no options named oname within sections of type type where found: UBUS_STATUS_NOT_FOUND else: UBUS_STATUS_OK If the option named oname within named section sname was not found: UBUS_STATUS_NOT_FOUND else: UBUS_STATUS_OK
uci rename {“config”:“String”,“section”:“String”,“option”:“String”,“name”:“String” }
uci order {“config”:“String”,“sections”:“Array” }
uci changes {“config”:“String” }
uci revert {“config”:“String” }
uci commit {“config”:“String” }
uci apply {“rollback”:“Boolean”,“timeout”:“Integer” }
uci confirm { }
uci rollback { }
uci reload_config { }

D-Bus is bloated, its C API is very annoying to use and requires writing large amounts of boilerplate code. In fact, the pure C API is so annoying that its own API documentation states: “If you use this low-level API directly, you're signing up for some pain.”

ubus is tiny and has the advantage of being easy to use from regular C code, as well as automatically making all exported API functionality also available to shell scripts with no extra effort.

User mapping

In this example we map username root to fhem_acl for FHEM server. Edit /etc/config/rpcd:



config login option username 'root' option password '$p$root' list read '' list write ''   config login option username 'fhem' # # '$p$ => reference to user passowrd on /etc/shadow # '$1$' => crypt() hash, using SHA1. generate via 'uhttpd -m fhem' # # password: fhem # option password '$1$$xEODf2fNSQ0ArfkJu4L2i1' # # map username to rpcd acl name "fhem_acl" # list read 'fhem_acl' list write ''

Then reload rpcd config:

uci commit rpcd

User ACL

All files under /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/ will be merge by rpcd to one config file!!

ubus call hostapd.wlan0 get_clients ubus call hostapd.wlan1 get_clients

Example permissions to run ubus calls remote by fhem over http/json.


{ "fhem_acl": { "description": "FHEM PRESENCE Module User.. https://github.com/janLo/OpenWRT-Wifi-Clients-POC", "read": { "ubus": { "hostapd.wlan0": [ "get_clients" ], "hostapd.wlan1": [ "get_clients" ] } } } }

FHEM Server - show all connected wireless clients:

$ python wifi_clients.py Usage: wifi_clients.py.orig [ ...] $ python wifi_clients.py fhem fhem wlan0 wlan1 c8:f6:50:e1:a9:10, 2c:f0:a2:e2:c0:15, 8c:a9:82:f1:9c:2a, 7c:c3:a1:b8:d2:1e, 64:9a:be:6a:6c:13, 00:1d:63:a3:8f:4a

Get firmware version with JSON RPC.

luci_rpc() { local LIB="${1}" local DATA="${2}" local URL="https://${HOST}/
cgi-bin/luci/rpc/${LIB}?auth=${TOKEN}" curl -s -k -d "${DATA}" "${URL}"
| jsonfilter -e "$['result']" } HOST="localhost" USER="root" PASS="" DATA="{ "id": 1, "method": "login", "params": [ "${USER}", "${PASS}" ] }" TOKEN="$(luci_rpc auth "${DATA}")" DATA="{ "id": 2, "method": "exec", "params": [ "ubus call system board" ] }" VERSION="$(luci_rpc sys "${DATA}"
| jsonfilter -e "$['release']['version']")" echo "${VERSION}"

Get firmware version with ubus RPC.

ubus_rpc() { local DATA="${1}" local URL="https://${HOST}/ubus" curl -s -k -d "${DATA}" "${URL}"
| jsonfilter -e "$['result']" } HOST="localhost" USER="root" PASS="" DATA="{ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 1, 'method': 'call', 'params': [ '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'session', 'login', { 'username': '${USER}', 'password': '${PASS}' } ] }" SESSION="$(ubus_rpc "${DATA}"
| jsonfilter -e "$[]['ubus_rpc_session']")" DATA="{ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 2, 'method': 'call', 'params': [ '${SESSION}', 'system', 'board', {} ] }" VERSION="$(ubus_rpc "${DATA}"
| jsonfilter -e "$[
]['release']['version']")" echo "${VERSION}"