Ewa Moliszewska | University of Opole (original) (raw)

Papers by Ewa Moliszewska

Research paper thumbnail of Differentiation of the Disease Caused by Aphanomyces cochlioides and Girth Scab on Sugar Beet Roots – a Review

Moliszewska E.B. (2017): Differentiation of the disease caused by aphanomyces cochlioides and gir... more Moliszewska E.B. (2017): Differentiation of the disease caused by aphanomyces cochlioides and girth scab on sugar beet roots – a review. Plant Protect. Sci., 53 Severe symptoms of root rot on sugar beet have been observed in Poland and Germany since 2001. The symptom classification suggested girth scab as it was mistakenly classified on the basis of current classification, e.g. in LIZ. However, the cause of the disease was aphanomyces cochlioides infection, not streptomyces spp. According to these findings we cannot call the symptoms caused by a. cochlioides as 'girth scab'. The typical scab (girth scab) symptoms can be promoted by a. cochlioides infections. In many cases, a. cochlioides developed at the beginning of the season, during the seedling stage. Its further development was due to rainfall and was not routinely recognised in disease-changed tissues if in the middle of the summer the rainfall level was reduced. According to the described findings, renewed description and differentiation of the girth scab symptoms caused by streptomyces spp. and root rot caused by a. cochlioides on sugar beet roots are suggested. Typical symptoms of the disease caused by a. cochlioides occur mainly on the upper part of the root but can also occur on its lower part, if weather conditions are favourable for the pathogen. The coexistence of a. cochlioides and Pythium spp. in the same niches is also possible. Currently the illustrations showing these symptoms are included in the 'girth scab' descriptions.

Research paper thumbnail of Occurrence of Sugar Beet Root Rot (Aphanomyces Cochlioides) in Poland

Symptoms of the root rot on sugar beet have been observed in Poland since 2002.The causal agent o... more Symptoms of the root rot on sugar beet have been observed in Poland since 2002.The causal agent of the disease was Aphanomyces cochlioides.Typical symp - toms of the disease occurred mainly on the upper part of the root.The root surface became distorted, cracked and constricted below the crown.Light-brown or brown to black water-soaked lesions occurred occasionally.The symptoms of girth-scab developed in many cases in the beginning of the disease.The disease was pro- moted by rainy and hot weather and developed during summer until harvest.The intensity of infestation was minute to very severe and depended on weather condi- tions, sugar beet cultivar, field and crop rotation.

Research paper thumbnail of Tubercle disease (Xanthomonas beticola) and other gall- malformed diseases of sugar beet roots: a review

The sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) is an important plant in agriculture and sugar industry, and it is... more The sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) is an important plant in agriculture and sugar industry, and it is widely cultivated in European countries. Getting proper raw material of sugar beets (roots) is a problem for agriculture. Some disease symptoms observed on sugar beet roots are atypical tumor-like deformations. The causative agent of these deformations is known in the old literature as Xanthomonas beticola. The disease's name in Poland is ''tuberkuloza'' and in the USA it refers to a description of a pocket disease—therefore we may consider those diseases to be the same. The clear description of X. beticola disease can be found in many phytopathological manuals printed in the past and nowadays. Symptoms of the disease were noted in Poland last year, and the preliminary data of the yield quality show that the quality of diseased roots is worse (less sugar content) than of healthy roots. For the proper disease diagnoses, the literature was searched and this searching lead us to conclusion that there is no simple way to recognize the causal organism in the field conditions, and we suppose that X. beticola does not exist.


Summary. The fi eld experiment was realized in 2012 in Kondratowice (Dolnośląskie) on the KWS-Lochow area. In this study six cultivars in three types of sugar beet were used (sugar type Z type: Danuśka KWS, Natura KWS, Sława KWS, normal type – N type: 2B934, Julietta, Elvira KWS; and a type with an emphasis on the root yield – E type: Primadonna KWS and Oliviera KWS). In the middle of June and July and in the end of August the number of leaves per plant was counted and sizes of roots’ crowns were measured for randomly chosen 20 plants. Leaves were also measured (petiole length, leaf length and width, and leaf surface area). The health condition of foliage was estimated each month, a six-grade scale (0–5) for leaves was used (0 – meant healthy, 5 – disease symptoms on more than 70% of the leaf surface). Health quality of roots was evaluated in September and for this purpose a fi ve-point scale (0–4) was used, where 0 – meant healthy roots, and 4 – the roots completely destroyed. The quantity and quality of yield were estimated in an automatic system Venema. The aim of the work was the estimation of morphological features of sugar beet plants in the fi eld experiment and fi nding correlations (p = 0.05) between them and yield parameters. Average root yields were over 100 t·ha–1. Sugar type cultivars (Z) showed an average sugar content 16.49–18.29%, but cultivar 2B934 (E) – only
13.2%. Minute C. beticola and R. beticola symptoms were observed on leaves, they were negatively correlated with sugar content. Correlation between root infection and sugar content showed that delicate scab symptoms on the roots’ surfaces can be a reason of greater sugar content. It was found negative correlation between yield quality and root’s crown sizes, especially for N-type and E-type varieties but not for Z-type. The study indicates that a greater number of young leaves appearing in July promotes deterioration of the roots by excessive accumulation of sodium. It was observed that in July leaf length contributes to the reduction in the yield of technological sugar, and in August can be seen more effi cient assimilation in long leaves expressed as a sugar content in the roots, but the combined correlation
of the above characteristic with the content of molasses-building elements explains
the decrease in the yield of technological sugar content. Positive correlations were found between yield quality and such features as leaf length and number of mature leaves as well as senescent leaves. The correlations were distinct in July and August. This can be partly explained by favourable position of long leaves and better use of sun energy. The leaf area was positively correlated with a root yield for sugar-type (Z-type) varieties.
Key words: sugar beet, yield, leaf parameters, leaf and root morphology

Streszczenie. W warunkach polowych oceniono cechy morfologiczne roślin buraka cu-krowego, zdrowotność oraz plonowanie. W trakcie sezonu mierzono takie cechy, jak dłu-gość, szerokość, liczbę liści oraz wysokość główek korzeni. Celem badań było określenie wpływu cech pokroju roślin buraka na parametry plonowania. Wyliczono współczynniki korelacji między cechami morfologicznymi a cechami plonowania. Wykazano negatyw-ny wpływ zwiększonych główek korzenia na wielkość i jakość plonu buraka cukrowego. Niewielkie uszkodzenia liści także negatywnie wpływały na gromadzenie cukru w korze-niach, a delikatne uszkodzenia korzeni sprzyjały jego gromadzeniu. Stwierdzono dodatnią korelację między jakością plonu a długością blaszki liścia oraz liczbą dojrzałych i starzeją-cych się liści, co było widoczne w lipcu i sierpniu, oraz powierzchnią liści odmian w typie normalno-cukrowym a masą plonu korzeni. Nie stwierdzono istotnego wpływu wielkości powierzchni blaszek liściowych i ogólnej liczby liści mierzonych w kolejnych terminach pomiarów na plon.


Research paper thumbnail of Mushroom flavour

Folia Biologica et Oecologica, 2014

ABSTRACT Mushrooms and fungi not only present a fascinating world of shapes, both macro- and m... more ABSTRACT

Mushrooms and fungi not only present a fascinating world of shapes, both macro- and microscopic, but they are also an interesting source of flavours, fragrances and odours, e.g. garlic, coconut, flour-like, cucumber or fruit-like, as well as the most characteristic for this kingdom of living organisms mushroom-like flavour and aroma. Fungi can possess many different and interesting flavours and fragrances
– starting from nice anise-like, fruit-like, cucumber, garlic, to cheese-garlic, and ending with potato or flour-like smells. Some mushrooms emit carbide or distinctly faecal-like odour. The taste of mushrooms is frequently correlated with their aroma. What components does the core of a mushroom flavour consist of? Chemical analysis of specimens reveals compounds responsible for characteristic flavour and odour. It was found that the most characteristic flavour compound is defined mainly by C8 volatiles. Between all C8 compounds the most important for mushroom flavour are oct-1-en-3-ol, octan-3-ol, octan-3-on and oct-1-en-3-on. Fungi and mushrooms can enable biotechnological production of some flavour components, for instance the Nidula niveotomentosa produces a characteristic raspberries compound – raspberry ketone in submerged cultures; the biotechnological production can also provide rare and tasty forest mushroom biomass e.g. edible boletus.

Research paper thumbnail of IOBC / WPRS Study Group "Integrated Control of Soil Pests" Tri-Trophic Interactions in the Rhizosphere and Root-Health Nematode-Fungal-Bacterial Interrelationships

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of the addition of sewage sludge on the composition of humic substances, content of heavy metals and the presence of Trichoderma spp. in the soil, Polish Journal of Soil Science, XXXVII(2): 171-179, 2004

Polish Journal of Soil Science


The carrot seed samples health condition and their germination ability were discussed for the per... more The carrot seed samples health condition and their germination ability were discussed for the period 1997–2003. For the discussed period, the average infection of seed plots was 9.8 % and the seeds' percentage germination was 68.4 %. These parameters were correlated each other. The culture filtrates of five isolates of Alternaria radicina were tested in the laboratory experiments. A. radicina isolates were obtained from carrot seeds. Toxic activity of metabolites included in culture filtrates showed different activity against seeds and seedlings depending on the isolate type. Their phytotoxic influence was observed against germination of seeds; more dead seeds and abnormal seedlings were observed under their influence as well as the time of germination was prolonged. The influence on the normally developed and healthy seedlings showed the phytotoxic activity for more concentrated culture filtrates and a positive activity for low concentrated culture filtrates (1 %, 2 %) of isola...

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of herbicides on some features of sugar beet seedlings and the incidence of damping-off, Ecological Chemistry and Engineering, 14(1): 69-76, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Metodyka integrowanej ochrony buraka cukrowego i pastewnego

Dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2009/128/WE z dnia 21 października 2009 roku Ustanawiaj... more Dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2009/128/WE z dnia 21 października 2009 roku Ustanawiająca Ramy Wspólnotowego Działania na Rzecz Zrównoważonego Stosowania Pestycydów zobowiązała Państwa członkowskie do wprowadzenia jej do krajowego ustawodawstwa. W ramach niniejszej dyrektywy Polska została zobowiązana do opracowania krajowego planu działania zmierzającego do zmniejszenia zagrożenia dla środowiska związanego ze stosowaniem pestycydów. Głównym celem jest ochrona ludzkiego zdrowia przez produkcję bezpiecznej żywności przy minimalnym obciążeniu ekosystemu rolniczego. Stąd potrzeba stworzenia systemu integrowanej ochrony roślin uwzględniającego alternatywne metody i techniki dla stosowania pestycydów.

Research paper thumbnail of Choroby wschodów buraka Zgorzel siewek nadal groźna, Poradnik Plantatora Buraka Cukrowego (62) 1:28-29, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of K on the transport of Cs-137 in soil–plant root and root-leaf systems in sugar beet

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Moliszewska Ewa B., Etiologia wybranych chorób korzeni buraka cukrowego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Studia i Monografie nr 412, Opole 2009

Key words: sugar beet, root rot, Aphanomyces cochlioides, Rhizoctonia solani, girth- -scab, Rhizo... more Key words: sugar beet, root rot, Aphanomyces cochlioides, Rhizoctonia solani, girth-
-scab, Rhizopus arrhizus
Some severe symptoms of the root rot on sugar beets have been observed in Poland
since 2001. The cause of the disease was not known and because of this field,
laboratory and greenhouse experiments were carried out in 2003–2006. As a result
of these experiments, symptoms observed on sugar beet roots were categorized as
Aphanomyces cochlioides Drechsler symptoms and girth-scab symptoms. Prior to this A. cochlioides had been known in Poland only as a pathogen of seedlings and young plants but not as a pathogen of mature roots. Typical symptoms of the disease occur mainly on the upper part of the root. The root surface becomes distorted, cracked and constricted below the crown. Light-brown or brown to black water-soaked lesions can occur. In severe cases the whole lower part of the root is
damaged; on some tissues light brown to dark brown rot spots are observed, instead
of this sometimes a thick layer of cork develops; in some cases only folds
without rotten parts can be observed on the root surface. The pathogen is not uniformly distributed in rotten tissues. The symptoms of girth-scab can develop in
many cases at the beginning of the disease and can promote A. cochlioides infections.The disease is enhanced by rainy and hot weather and can develop during the summer until harvest. Typical symptoms of girth-scab are stripes of cork tissue
around the root surface: the stripes are light brown to brown, sometimes with callus
protuberances. Small to big, round or irregular spots made of cork tissue are
possible. Rotting of tissues was not observed, even when such roots were stored in
a refrigerator or at room temperature for three months. Until recently both types of
symptoms described above have been known only as girth-scab in the Polish
phytopathological literature. Sugar beet crops can be affected by other pathogens as well, such as Rhizopus arrhizus, Rhizoctonia spp., Fusarium spp., Pythium spp. Their severity depends on some environmental factors. The root rot of sugar beets caused by Rhizopus arrhizusFisher was observed in 2006. The fungus tends to be a problem only when a crop is negatively affected by some other factors such as high temperature (30–35°C), excess of soil moisture, crown injuries or insect injuries to roots. The population of Rhizoctonia solani isolates from sugar beets was also examined. Results showed that they belonged to anastomosis groups: AG 5, AG 1 I-B, AG 2-1, AG 2-2IIIB, AG 4 HG and AG 11. The occurrence of AG 11 isolates on
sugar beets had been observed for the first time. Most of the R. solani and
Rhizoctonia spp. isolates were obtained from seedlings and showed different virulence against sugar beets. The binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR) isolates were the anastomosis groups E and K. Results of the field experiments showed that weak injuries of the sugar beet roots surface can be conducive to an increase in sugar content. The root rot diseases develop with greater intensity in irrigated fields, although the yield is more infected than in fields without additional irrigation, the total yield weight is greater. The tested sugar beet cultivars showed different susceptibility to the damage by A. cochlioides.

Research paper thumbnail of Substancje naturalne o właściwościach rozjaśniających skórę i ich znaczenie kosmetologiczne

Streszczenie Składniki wybielające skórę są obecne w wielu roślinach, grzybach i bakteriach. Stan... more Streszczenie Składniki wybielające skórę są obecne w wielu roślinach, grzybach i bakteriach. Stanowią one cel wielu badań w przemyśle kosmetycznym. Obok ekstraktów o działaniu wybielającym, stosowane są czyste substancje aktywne pochodzenia naturalnego lub poszukiwane są związki syntetyczne o ta-kim działaniu. Działanie większości substancji sprowadza się do zakłócenia procesów melanogene-zy, tylko nieliczne substancje mają aktywność rozkładu melaniny. Wstęp W wielu kulturach pojmowanie piękna wiąże się nie tylko z młodą i jędrną, ale tak-że z jasną i pozbawioną zmian pigmentacyjnych, nieskazitelną skórą. Przebarwienia skórne w wielu kulturach (szczególnie azjatyckich) mogą stanowić problem natury es-tetycznej, a często także i psychologicznej [42]. Skłania to do poszukiwania składników kosmetyków mogących pomóc w zapobieganiu powstawania przebarwień lub w ich usuwaniu. Taki efekt można uzyskać unikając czynników sprzyjających powstawaniu przebarwień, np. promieni słonecznych, lub s...

Research paper thumbnail of Dlaczego buraki gnij?   Burak Cukrowy Nr 3/2004

XXI wieku przyniósł poważne problemy zwiizane z wyy gniwaniem korzeni buraków cukroo wych. Rozwoj... more XXI wieku przyniósł poważne problemy zwiizane z wyy gniwaniem korzeni buraków cukroo wych. Rozwojowi zgnilizn sprzyjaa ły panujjce ówcześnie warunki att mosferyczne. Mokre i ciepłe oo kresy letnie przyczyniały sii do nasilania zjawiska. Sprawcy gnicia korzeni nie ss jednak jednoznaa cznie znani do dzisiaj. W celu ich poznania Koncern Südzucker oraz Firma KWS Poll ska rozpoczzły we współpracy z Uniwersytetem Opolskim oraz SGGW cykl badań polowych poo legajjcych na uprawie trzech odd mian buraka w warunkach o ustaa lonych, niekorzystnych cechach agrotechnicznych i biologicznych. Uzyskany w ten sposób materiał podlegał ocenie zdrowotności, a nasttpnie służył jako źródło do izolacji potencjalnych sprawców uszkodzeń korzeni. Pierwszy rok badań (2003) był rokiem, w którym uzyskiwano plony korzeni o dobrej zdrowott ności, co skutkuje niemożliwościi udzielenia jednoznacznej odpoo wiedzi na pytanie o przyczyny gnicia korzeni buraków w warunn kach polowych (planowane ss koo lejne lata badań)....

Research paper thumbnail of Activity of bacteria strains originaited from sewage sludge against some soil fungi

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2004

The potential biological activity of three bacterial strains against the four phytopathogens was ... more The potential biological activity of three bacterial strains against the four phytopathogens was examined. The bacterial strains were originated from sewage sludge water extract and from the humic acid solution obtained from the sewage sludge. The fresh bacteria cultures and filtered culture broth were used. The noncoated sugar beet seeds were coated by soaking for 15 min in the liquid culture of bacteria, then they were sown in the sterilized soil inoculated by one of the following types of soil fungus: Aphanomyces cochlioides L3, Phoma betae PHS, Pythium irregulare PIR4, Rhizoctonia solani Z10-2. The test proved that Bacillus amyloliqu~faciens01/03 and Flaviomonas oryzihabitans K11 K2 showed antifungal activity on the artificial medium, but they were not able to effectively suppress fungal pathogens in the soil. The bacteria did not injure sugar beet roots, so they can be regarded as microorganisms that are not harmful to plants. It may be concluded that these bacteria have the potential to support antifungal activity of the humic acid and the sewage sludge extracts.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of humic substances on the growth of two phytopathogenic soil fungi

Environment International, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of  Estimation of the committed radiation dose resulting from gamma radionuclides ingested with food

ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to estimate the value of the radiation dose absorbed in ... more ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to estimate the value of the radiation dose absorbed in consequence of consumption of popular food products for individual age groups. Potatoes, corn and sugar beet were selected for the study. Edible parts of these plants were collected in experimental fields of the KWS Lochów Polska Sp. z o.o. seeding company in Kondratowice (Poland). On the basis of the obtained study results, it can be stated that in con-sequence of consumption of the selected food products, people may receive increased doses from both natural and artificial radioactive isotopes. The doses calculated for several age groups do not show any health hazards in consequence of consumption of the tested food. One of the determined radionuclides was 137 Cs; however, its presence in the absorbed dose is lower than the doses from natural radioactive isotopes, in particular 40 K. Keywords 137 Cs Á 40 K Á Food Á Effective weighted dose Introduction

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of the committed radiation dose resulting from gamma radionuclides ingested with food

The objective of the study was to estimate the value of the radiation dose absorbed in consequenc... more The objective of the study was to estimate the value of the radiation dose absorbed in consequence of consumption of popular food products for individual age groups. Potatoes, corn and sugar beet were selected for the study. Edible parts of these plants were collected in experimental fields of the KWS Lochów Polska Sp. z o.o. seeding company in Kondratowice (Poland). On the basis of the obtained study results, it can be stated that in consequence of consumption of the selected food products, people may receive increased doses from both natural and artificial radioactive isotopes. The doses calculated for several age groups do not show any health hazards in consequence of consumption of the tested food. One of the determined radionuclides was 137 Cs; however, its presence in the absorbed dose is lower than the doses from natural radioactive isotopes, in particular 40 K.

Research paper thumbnail of Differentiation of the Disease Caused by Aphanomyces cochlioides and Girth Scab on Sugar Beet Roots – a Review

Moliszewska E.B. (2017): Differentiation of the disease caused by aphanomyces cochlioides and gir... more Moliszewska E.B. (2017): Differentiation of the disease caused by aphanomyces cochlioides and girth scab on sugar beet roots – a review. Plant Protect. Sci., 53 Severe symptoms of root rot on sugar beet have been observed in Poland and Germany since 2001. The symptom classification suggested girth scab as it was mistakenly classified on the basis of current classification, e.g. in LIZ. However, the cause of the disease was aphanomyces cochlioides infection, not streptomyces spp. According to these findings we cannot call the symptoms caused by a. cochlioides as 'girth scab'. The typical scab (girth scab) symptoms can be promoted by a. cochlioides infections. In many cases, a. cochlioides developed at the beginning of the season, during the seedling stage. Its further development was due to rainfall and was not routinely recognised in disease-changed tissues if in the middle of the summer the rainfall level was reduced. According to the described findings, renewed description and differentiation of the girth scab symptoms caused by streptomyces spp. and root rot caused by a. cochlioides on sugar beet roots are suggested. Typical symptoms of the disease caused by a. cochlioides occur mainly on the upper part of the root but can also occur on its lower part, if weather conditions are favourable for the pathogen. The coexistence of a. cochlioides and Pythium spp. in the same niches is also possible. Currently the illustrations showing these symptoms are included in the 'girth scab' descriptions.

Research paper thumbnail of Occurrence of Sugar Beet Root Rot (Aphanomyces Cochlioides) in Poland

Symptoms of the root rot on sugar beet have been observed in Poland since 2002.The causal agent o... more Symptoms of the root rot on sugar beet have been observed in Poland since 2002.The causal agent of the disease was Aphanomyces cochlioides.Typical symp - toms of the disease occurred mainly on the upper part of the root.The root surface became distorted, cracked and constricted below the crown.Light-brown or brown to black water-soaked lesions occurred occasionally.The symptoms of girth-scab developed in many cases in the beginning of the disease.The disease was pro- moted by rainy and hot weather and developed during summer until harvest.The intensity of infestation was minute to very severe and depended on weather condi- tions, sugar beet cultivar, field and crop rotation.

Research paper thumbnail of Tubercle disease (Xanthomonas beticola) and other gall- malformed diseases of sugar beet roots: a review

The sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) is an important plant in agriculture and sugar industry, and it is... more The sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) is an important plant in agriculture and sugar industry, and it is widely cultivated in European countries. Getting proper raw material of sugar beets (roots) is a problem for agriculture. Some disease symptoms observed on sugar beet roots are atypical tumor-like deformations. The causative agent of these deformations is known in the old literature as Xanthomonas beticola. The disease's name in Poland is ''tuberkuloza'' and in the USA it refers to a description of a pocket disease—therefore we may consider those diseases to be the same. The clear description of X. beticola disease can be found in many phytopathological manuals printed in the past and nowadays. Symptoms of the disease were noted in Poland last year, and the preliminary data of the yield quality show that the quality of diseased roots is worse (less sugar content) than of healthy roots. For the proper disease diagnoses, the literature was searched and this searching lead us to conclusion that there is no simple way to recognize the causal organism in the field conditions, and we suppose that X. beticola does not exist.


Summary. The fi eld experiment was realized in 2012 in Kondratowice (Dolnośląskie) on the KWS-Lochow area. In this study six cultivars in three types of sugar beet were used (sugar type Z type: Danuśka KWS, Natura KWS, Sława KWS, normal type – N type: 2B934, Julietta, Elvira KWS; and a type with an emphasis on the root yield – E type: Primadonna KWS and Oliviera KWS). In the middle of June and July and in the end of August the number of leaves per plant was counted and sizes of roots’ crowns were measured for randomly chosen 20 plants. Leaves were also measured (petiole length, leaf length and width, and leaf surface area). The health condition of foliage was estimated each month, a six-grade scale (0–5) for leaves was used (0 – meant healthy, 5 – disease symptoms on more than 70% of the leaf surface). Health quality of roots was evaluated in September and for this purpose a fi ve-point scale (0–4) was used, where 0 – meant healthy roots, and 4 – the roots completely destroyed. The quantity and quality of yield were estimated in an automatic system Venema. The aim of the work was the estimation of morphological features of sugar beet plants in the fi eld experiment and fi nding correlations (p = 0.05) between them and yield parameters. Average root yields were over 100 t·ha–1. Sugar type cultivars (Z) showed an average sugar content 16.49–18.29%, but cultivar 2B934 (E) – only
13.2%. Minute C. beticola and R. beticola symptoms were observed on leaves, they were negatively correlated with sugar content. Correlation between root infection and sugar content showed that delicate scab symptoms on the roots’ surfaces can be a reason of greater sugar content. It was found negative correlation between yield quality and root’s crown sizes, especially for N-type and E-type varieties but not for Z-type. The study indicates that a greater number of young leaves appearing in July promotes deterioration of the roots by excessive accumulation of sodium. It was observed that in July leaf length contributes to the reduction in the yield of technological sugar, and in August can be seen more effi cient assimilation in long leaves expressed as a sugar content in the roots, but the combined correlation
of the above characteristic with the content of molasses-building elements explains
the decrease in the yield of technological sugar content. Positive correlations were found between yield quality and such features as leaf length and number of mature leaves as well as senescent leaves. The correlations were distinct in July and August. This can be partly explained by favourable position of long leaves and better use of sun energy. The leaf area was positively correlated with a root yield for sugar-type (Z-type) varieties.
Key words: sugar beet, yield, leaf parameters, leaf and root morphology

Streszczenie. W warunkach polowych oceniono cechy morfologiczne roślin buraka cu-krowego, zdrowotność oraz plonowanie. W trakcie sezonu mierzono takie cechy, jak dłu-gość, szerokość, liczbę liści oraz wysokość główek korzeni. Celem badań było określenie wpływu cech pokroju roślin buraka na parametry plonowania. Wyliczono współczynniki korelacji między cechami morfologicznymi a cechami plonowania. Wykazano negatyw-ny wpływ zwiększonych główek korzenia na wielkość i jakość plonu buraka cukrowego. Niewielkie uszkodzenia liści także negatywnie wpływały na gromadzenie cukru w korze-niach, a delikatne uszkodzenia korzeni sprzyjały jego gromadzeniu. Stwierdzono dodatnią korelację między jakością plonu a długością blaszki liścia oraz liczbą dojrzałych i starzeją-cych się liści, co było widoczne w lipcu i sierpniu, oraz powierzchnią liści odmian w typie normalno-cukrowym a masą plonu korzeni. Nie stwierdzono istotnego wpływu wielkości powierzchni blaszek liściowych i ogólnej liczby liści mierzonych w kolejnych terminach pomiarów na plon.


Research paper thumbnail of Mushroom flavour

Folia Biologica et Oecologica, 2014

ABSTRACT Mushrooms and fungi not only present a fascinating world of shapes, both macro- and m... more ABSTRACT

Mushrooms and fungi not only present a fascinating world of shapes, both macro- and microscopic, but they are also an interesting source of flavours, fragrances and odours, e.g. garlic, coconut, flour-like, cucumber or fruit-like, as well as the most characteristic for this kingdom of living organisms mushroom-like flavour and aroma. Fungi can possess many different and interesting flavours and fragrances
– starting from nice anise-like, fruit-like, cucumber, garlic, to cheese-garlic, and ending with potato or flour-like smells. Some mushrooms emit carbide or distinctly faecal-like odour. The taste of mushrooms is frequently correlated with their aroma. What components does the core of a mushroom flavour consist of? Chemical analysis of specimens reveals compounds responsible for characteristic flavour and odour. It was found that the most characteristic flavour compound is defined mainly by C8 volatiles. Between all C8 compounds the most important for mushroom flavour are oct-1-en-3-ol, octan-3-ol, octan-3-on and oct-1-en-3-on. Fungi and mushrooms can enable biotechnological production of some flavour components, for instance the Nidula niveotomentosa produces a characteristic raspberries compound – raspberry ketone in submerged cultures; the biotechnological production can also provide rare and tasty forest mushroom biomass e.g. edible boletus.

Research paper thumbnail of IOBC / WPRS Study Group "Integrated Control of Soil Pests" Tri-Trophic Interactions in the Rhizosphere and Root-Health Nematode-Fungal-Bacterial Interrelationships

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of the addition of sewage sludge on the composition of humic substances, content of heavy metals and the presence of Trichoderma spp. in the soil, Polish Journal of Soil Science, XXXVII(2): 171-179, 2004

Polish Journal of Soil Science


The carrot seed samples health condition and their germination ability were discussed for the per... more The carrot seed samples health condition and their germination ability were discussed for the period 1997–2003. For the discussed period, the average infection of seed plots was 9.8 % and the seeds' percentage germination was 68.4 %. These parameters were correlated each other. The culture filtrates of five isolates of Alternaria radicina were tested in the laboratory experiments. A. radicina isolates were obtained from carrot seeds. Toxic activity of metabolites included in culture filtrates showed different activity against seeds and seedlings depending on the isolate type. Their phytotoxic influence was observed against germination of seeds; more dead seeds and abnormal seedlings were observed under their influence as well as the time of germination was prolonged. The influence on the normally developed and healthy seedlings showed the phytotoxic activity for more concentrated culture filtrates and a positive activity for low concentrated culture filtrates (1 %, 2 %) of isola...

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of herbicides on some features of sugar beet seedlings and the incidence of damping-off, Ecological Chemistry and Engineering, 14(1): 69-76, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Metodyka integrowanej ochrony buraka cukrowego i pastewnego

Dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2009/128/WE z dnia 21 października 2009 roku Ustanawiaj... more Dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2009/128/WE z dnia 21 października 2009 roku Ustanawiająca Ramy Wspólnotowego Działania na Rzecz Zrównoważonego Stosowania Pestycydów zobowiązała Państwa członkowskie do wprowadzenia jej do krajowego ustawodawstwa. W ramach niniejszej dyrektywy Polska została zobowiązana do opracowania krajowego planu działania zmierzającego do zmniejszenia zagrożenia dla środowiska związanego ze stosowaniem pestycydów. Głównym celem jest ochrona ludzkiego zdrowia przez produkcję bezpiecznej żywności przy minimalnym obciążeniu ekosystemu rolniczego. Stąd potrzeba stworzenia systemu integrowanej ochrony roślin uwzględniającego alternatywne metody i techniki dla stosowania pestycydów.

Research paper thumbnail of Choroby wschodów buraka Zgorzel siewek nadal groźna, Poradnik Plantatora Buraka Cukrowego (62) 1:28-29, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of K on the transport of Cs-137 in soil–plant root and root-leaf systems in sugar beet

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Moliszewska Ewa B., Etiologia wybranych chorób korzeni buraka cukrowego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Studia i Monografie nr 412, Opole 2009

Key words: sugar beet, root rot, Aphanomyces cochlioides, Rhizoctonia solani, girth- -scab, Rhizo... more Key words: sugar beet, root rot, Aphanomyces cochlioides, Rhizoctonia solani, girth-
-scab, Rhizopus arrhizus
Some severe symptoms of the root rot on sugar beets have been observed in Poland
since 2001. The cause of the disease was not known and because of this field,
laboratory and greenhouse experiments were carried out in 2003–2006. As a result
of these experiments, symptoms observed on sugar beet roots were categorized as
Aphanomyces cochlioides Drechsler symptoms and girth-scab symptoms. Prior to this A. cochlioides had been known in Poland only as a pathogen of seedlings and young plants but not as a pathogen of mature roots. Typical symptoms of the disease occur mainly on the upper part of the root. The root surface becomes distorted, cracked and constricted below the crown. Light-brown or brown to black water-soaked lesions can occur. In severe cases the whole lower part of the root is
damaged; on some tissues light brown to dark brown rot spots are observed, instead
of this sometimes a thick layer of cork develops; in some cases only folds
without rotten parts can be observed on the root surface. The pathogen is not uniformly distributed in rotten tissues. The symptoms of girth-scab can develop in
many cases at the beginning of the disease and can promote A. cochlioides infections.The disease is enhanced by rainy and hot weather and can develop during the summer until harvest. Typical symptoms of girth-scab are stripes of cork tissue
around the root surface: the stripes are light brown to brown, sometimes with callus
protuberances. Small to big, round or irregular spots made of cork tissue are
possible. Rotting of tissues was not observed, even when such roots were stored in
a refrigerator or at room temperature for three months. Until recently both types of
symptoms described above have been known only as girth-scab in the Polish
phytopathological literature. Sugar beet crops can be affected by other pathogens as well, such as Rhizopus arrhizus, Rhizoctonia spp., Fusarium spp., Pythium spp. Their severity depends on some environmental factors. The root rot of sugar beets caused by Rhizopus arrhizusFisher was observed in 2006. The fungus tends to be a problem only when a crop is negatively affected by some other factors such as high temperature (30–35°C), excess of soil moisture, crown injuries or insect injuries to roots. The population of Rhizoctonia solani isolates from sugar beets was also examined. Results showed that they belonged to anastomosis groups: AG 5, AG 1 I-B, AG 2-1, AG 2-2IIIB, AG 4 HG and AG 11. The occurrence of AG 11 isolates on
sugar beets had been observed for the first time. Most of the R. solani and
Rhizoctonia spp. isolates were obtained from seedlings and showed different virulence against sugar beets. The binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR) isolates were the anastomosis groups E and K. Results of the field experiments showed that weak injuries of the sugar beet roots surface can be conducive to an increase in sugar content. The root rot diseases develop with greater intensity in irrigated fields, although the yield is more infected than in fields without additional irrigation, the total yield weight is greater. The tested sugar beet cultivars showed different susceptibility to the damage by A. cochlioides.

Research paper thumbnail of Substancje naturalne o właściwościach rozjaśniających skórę i ich znaczenie kosmetologiczne

Streszczenie Składniki wybielające skórę są obecne w wielu roślinach, grzybach i bakteriach. Stan... more Streszczenie Składniki wybielające skórę są obecne w wielu roślinach, grzybach i bakteriach. Stanowią one cel wielu badań w przemyśle kosmetycznym. Obok ekstraktów o działaniu wybielającym, stosowane są czyste substancje aktywne pochodzenia naturalnego lub poszukiwane są związki syntetyczne o ta-kim działaniu. Działanie większości substancji sprowadza się do zakłócenia procesów melanogene-zy, tylko nieliczne substancje mają aktywność rozkładu melaniny. Wstęp W wielu kulturach pojmowanie piękna wiąże się nie tylko z młodą i jędrną, ale tak-że z jasną i pozbawioną zmian pigmentacyjnych, nieskazitelną skórą. Przebarwienia skórne w wielu kulturach (szczególnie azjatyckich) mogą stanowić problem natury es-tetycznej, a często także i psychologicznej [42]. Skłania to do poszukiwania składników kosmetyków mogących pomóc w zapobieganiu powstawania przebarwień lub w ich usuwaniu. Taki efekt można uzyskać unikając czynników sprzyjających powstawaniu przebarwień, np. promieni słonecznych, lub s...

Research paper thumbnail of Dlaczego buraki gnij?   Burak Cukrowy Nr 3/2004

XXI wieku przyniósł poważne problemy zwiizane z wyy gniwaniem korzeni buraków cukroo wych. Rozwoj... more XXI wieku przyniósł poważne problemy zwiizane z wyy gniwaniem korzeni buraków cukroo wych. Rozwojowi zgnilizn sprzyjaa ły panujjce ówcześnie warunki att mosferyczne. Mokre i ciepłe oo kresy letnie przyczyniały sii do nasilania zjawiska. Sprawcy gnicia korzeni nie ss jednak jednoznaa cznie znani do dzisiaj. W celu ich poznania Koncern Südzucker oraz Firma KWS Poll ska rozpoczzły we współpracy z Uniwersytetem Opolskim oraz SGGW cykl badań polowych poo legajjcych na uprawie trzech odd mian buraka w warunkach o ustaa lonych, niekorzystnych cechach agrotechnicznych i biologicznych. Uzyskany w ten sposób materiał podlegał ocenie zdrowotności, a nasttpnie służył jako źródło do izolacji potencjalnych sprawców uszkodzeń korzeni. Pierwszy rok badań (2003) był rokiem, w którym uzyskiwano plony korzeni o dobrej zdrowott ności, co skutkuje niemożliwościi udzielenia jednoznacznej odpoo wiedzi na pytanie o przyczyny gnicia korzeni buraków w warunn kach polowych (planowane ss koo lejne lata badań)....

Research paper thumbnail of Activity of bacteria strains originaited from sewage sludge against some soil fungi

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2004

The potential biological activity of three bacterial strains against the four phytopathogens was ... more The potential biological activity of three bacterial strains against the four phytopathogens was examined. The bacterial strains were originated from sewage sludge water extract and from the humic acid solution obtained from the sewage sludge. The fresh bacteria cultures and filtered culture broth were used. The noncoated sugar beet seeds were coated by soaking for 15 min in the liquid culture of bacteria, then they were sown in the sterilized soil inoculated by one of the following types of soil fungus: Aphanomyces cochlioides L3, Phoma betae PHS, Pythium irregulare PIR4, Rhizoctonia solani Z10-2. The test proved that Bacillus amyloliqu~faciens01/03 and Flaviomonas oryzihabitans K11 K2 showed antifungal activity on the artificial medium, but they were not able to effectively suppress fungal pathogens in the soil. The bacteria did not injure sugar beet roots, so they can be regarded as microorganisms that are not harmful to plants. It may be concluded that these bacteria have the potential to support antifungal activity of the humic acid and the sewage sludge extracts.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of humic substances on the growth of two phytopathogenic soil fungi

Environment International, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of  Estimation of the committed radiation dose resulting from gamma radionuclides ingested with food

ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to estimate the value of the radiation dose absorbed in ... more ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to estimate the value of the radiation dose absorbed in consequence of consumption of popular food products for individual age groups. Potatoes, corn and sugar beet were selected for the study. Edible parts of these plants were collected in experimental fields of the KWS Lochów Polska Sp. z o.o. seeding company in Kondratowice (Poland). On the basis of the obtained study results, it can be stated that in con-sequence of consumption of the selected food products, people may receive increased doses from both natural and artificial radioactive isotopes. The doses calculated for several age groups do not show any health hazards in consequence of consumption of the tested food. One of the determined radionuclides was 137 Cs; however, its presence in the absorbed dose is lower than the doses from natural radioactive isotopes, in particular 40 K. Keywords 137 Cs Á 40 K Á Food Á Effective weighted dose Introduction

Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of the committed radiation dose resulting from gamma radionuclides ingested with food

The objective of the study was to estimate the value of the radiation dose absorbed in consequenc... more The objective of the study was to estimate the value of the radiation dose absorbed in consequence of consumption of popular food products for individual age groups. Potatoes, corn and sugar beet were selected for the study. Edible parts of these plants were collected in experimental fields of the KWS Lochów Polska Sp. z o.o. seeding company in Kondratowice (Poland). On the basis of the obtained study results, it can be stated that in consequence of consumption of the selected food products, people may receive increased doses from both natural and artificial radioactive isotopes. The doses calculated for several age groups do not show any health hazards in consequence of consumption of the tested food. One of the determined radionuclides was 137 Cs; however, its presence in the absorbed dose is lower than the doses from natural radioactive isotopes, in particular 40 K.