Interview with Thomas A. Tombrello on LIGO (original) (raw)

Tombrello, Thomas A.(2002) Interview with Thomas A. Tombrello on LIGO. [Oral History]

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Interview, December 2, 1998, with Thomas A. Tombrello, then chairman of the Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy. Recalls arriving at Caltech in 1961 as postdoc with Tommy Lauritsen. Early work at Caltech on gravitational-wave detectors. Role of Kip S. Thorne, James Mercereau. 1976 committee to pursue gravitational-wave work. Arrival of Ronald W. P. Drever. MIT involvement under Rainer Weiss. Hiring of Frederick Raab and Jeff Kimble. Tombrello proposes Rochus (Robbie) Vogt as LIGO head, 1987; his relationship with Vogt. Vogt's dismissal as provost 1987 and lobbying effort for LIGO in Washington. Problems with Drever. LIGO's growing pains, late 1980s, early 1990s. President Thomas Everhart's lack of involvement. Vogt's difficulties leading an expanding LIGO. Formation of LIGO Oversight Committee under Lew Allen. National Science Foundation's involvement. NSF meeting January 1994 and dismissal of Vogt as director. Barry Barish becomes director. Earlier mishandling of Drever affair by Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. Discussion of bad feelings on campus and within project. Current promising outlook under Barish. How LIGO project is viewed at Caltech and at MIT. Raab's tenure problems. Tombrello as tenure committee head; role of Kenneth Libbrecht. Raab as Hanford site manager. LIGO's prospects. Fallout from dismissal of Vogt and Drever in early 1990s. Comments on new Caltech president David Baltimore, and on former presidents Marvin L. Goldberger and Harold Brown and former geology division chairman Robert Sharp. Comments on reengineering project begun under Everhart.

Item Type: Oral History
Keywords: Physics, LIGO
Record Number: CaltechOH:OH_Tombrello_T_Ligo
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Official Citation: Tombrello, Thomas A. Interview on LIGO by Shirley K. Cohen. Pasadena, California, December 2, 1998. Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives. Retrieved [supply date of retrieval] from the World Wide Web:\_Tombrello\_T\_Ligo
Usage Policy: No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided.
Subjects: Subjects > LIGOSubjects > PhysicsAll Records
ID Code: 182
Collection: CaltechOralHistories
Deposited By: Oral Histories Administrator
Deposited On: 24 May 2011
Last Modified: 04 Oct 2019 15:23

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