Unni Sveen | OsloMet—Oslo Metropolitan University (original) (raw)
Papers by Unni Sveen
Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2019
As enrollment numbers grow in occupational therapy academic programs in Norway, the need for more... more As enrollment numbers grow in occupational therapy academic programs in Norway, the need for more fieldwork placements and supervisors increases. More knowledge about factors of importance for occupational therapists’ decisions to take on the role of fieldwork supervisor may promote easier access to supervisors who are ready for the task, and it may assist in addressing the barriers for those who are not. We recruited a sample of 561 community-working occupational therapists for an electronic survey conducted in 2017. Quantitative survey responses were obtained and used in the current study. The differences between supervisors and non-supervisors were examined with independent t-tests and Chi Square tests. To assess factors associated with serving as a supervisor, a multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted. One hundred fifty-six participants (27.8%) had served as a fieldwork supervisor during the preceding year. The adjusted analysis showed that having a job physically located together with other occupational therapists was significantly associated with increased odds for serving as supervisor (OR:1.79, 95% CI:1.17-2.74, p < 0.01). A minority of the participants had supervised occupational therapy students during the preceding year, suggesting that community-based services are an under-used arena for occupational therapy students’ fieldwork. In a long-term perspective, providing social and organizational support for occupational therapists who might take on student supervision may increase their willingness and opportunity to do so.
Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence ... more Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence of environmental factors as experienced after mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), using the ICF framework. To compare our findings with the Brief and Comprehensive ICF Core Sets for TBI. Methods: Six focus-group interviews were performed with 17 participants (nine women, eight men, age ranged from 22 to 55 years) within the context of an outpatient rehabilitation programme for patients with mild TBI. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the ICF. Results: One-hundred and eight second-level categories derived from the interview text, showing a large diversity of TBI-related problems in functioning. Problems in cognitive and emotional functions, energy and drive, and in carrying out daily routine and work, were frequently reported. All ICF categories reported with high-to-moderate frequencies were present in the Brief ICF Core Set and 84% in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set. The reported environmental factors mainly concerned aspects of health and social security systems, social network and attitudes towards the injured person. Conclusions: This study confirms the diversity of problems and the environmental factors that have an impact on post-injury functioning of patients with mild TBI.
Norske ergoterapeuters holdninger og praksis knyttet til undersøkelse og vurdering er ikke tidlig... more Norske ergoterapeuters holdninger og praksis knyttet til undersøkelse og vurdering er ikke tidligere beskrevet. Artikkelen beskriver resultater fra medlemsundersøkelsen fra 2013 om bruk av undersøkelses- og vurderingsredskaper blant medlemmer i Ergoterapeutene. Den store deltakelsen gjør at resultatene gir et bedre kjennskap til flere kjennetegn ved norske ergoterapeuter generelt, i tillegg til deres holdninger til og bruk av systematisk kartlegging spesielt. Undersøkelsen viser at ergoterapeuter med spesialistgodkjenning bruker redskaper oftere enn de som ikke var spesialister, mens ergoterapeuter i statlig og privat virksomhet bruker redskaper oftere enn ergoterapeuter i kommunesektoren. Ergoterapeuter med tilknytning til spesialistgrenene somatisk helse og eldres helse benytter vurderingsredskaper oftere enn ergoterapeuter tilknyttet andre spesialistgrupper. Alder og tid siden avsluttet utdanning er ikke forbundet med bruk av eller holdninger til bruk av redskaper i undersøkelse ...
Journal of Neurology, 2014
The aims of the study were to examine whether self-reported physical health changes over the firs... more The aims of the study were to examine whether self-reported physical health changes over the first 5 years after traumatic brain injury (TBI), and whether the trajectories of physical health over that time period could be predicted by demographic and injury-related variables. A longitudinal cohort study was conducted with 97 individuals with moderate-to-severe TBI who had been admitted to a Trauma Referral Centre in 2005/2007. Patients were followed up at 1, 2 and 5 years post-injury. Physical health-related quality of life (HRQL) (i.e., physical health) was measured by four subscales of the Medical Outcomes 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36): Physical Functioning, Role-Physical, Bodily Pain and General Health. Only the Physical Functioning domain showed statistically significant improvements across time. Women had lower scores on Role-Physical, Bodily Pain (more pain) and General Health. Unemployment prior to injury and having been in a &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;blue collar&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; physical job was associated with lower Physical Functioning and General Health, while greater TBI severity was associated with lower Physical Functioning, but better Role-Physical. Bodily Pain, Role-Physical and General Health remained fairly stable over time, despite the improvement in Physical Functioning. There were a number of significant injury-related and demographic predictors across the four trajectories of physical health. A better understanding of factors influencing these domains over the first 5 years after TBI and effective pain reducing rehabilitation strategies are needed.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 2009
C. Functional outcome and health-related quality of life 10 years after moderate-to-severe trauma... more C. Functional outcome and health-related quality of life 10 years after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury.
Kunnskapsbasert praksis innebaerer å ta faglige avgjørelser basert på systematisk innhentet forsk... more Kunnskapsbasert praksis innebaerer å ta faglige avgjørelser basert på systematisk innhentet forskningskunnskap, erfaringsbasert kunnskap og ut fra pasientens ønsker og behov. Evidens (bevis) for valgte behandlingsmetoder etterspørres, og oppdragsgivere (helseforetak, myndigheter, pasienter) forventer i dag at ergoterapi utøves i forhold til forskningsbasert kunnskap. Det er behov for at helseforetakene og høgskolene sammen legger faglige forutsetninger til grunn for kunnskapsbasert pasientbehandling i klinikk, og at en kunnskapsbasert tilnaerming gjennomsyrer utdanning og praksis. Det er nødvendig å implementere kunnskapsbasert praksis samtidig i klinikk, utdanning og forskning, for å styrke utviklingen av ergoterapi. Forskning styrker og kvalitetsikrer det kliniske arbeidet. Nye forskningsfunn endrer ergoterapi, og livslang laering er derfor nødvendig.
Tidsskrift for den Norske laegeforening
International Classification of function, disability and health (ICF) is a globally accepted fram... more International Classification of function, disability and health (ICF) is a globally accepted framework and classification system. ICF core sets for chronic health conditions have been developed to promote implementation of ICF in clinical practice. A preliminary core set for low back pain, with 78 categories, has been developed and proposed for international validation. Health professionals used ICF core sets to rate patient problems within the 78 categories. The categories from the components of body functions- and structure, activity, and participation and environmental factors were scored using qualifiers. Time consumption and usefulness of the ICF Core Set were also rated. The patients (n = 118) had problems in all 78 categories with a frequency from 5 to 95 %. The patients (n = 118) had problems in all 78 categories with a frequency from 5 to 95 %. B265 TOUCH SENSATION was the only category reported to be missing in the core set. Environmental factors were frequently scored as facilitators, but also as barriers. Discrepancies were discovered between terms in ICF and those most commonly used in the clinical setting. Health professionals&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; experience of usefulness varied. Mean time consumption for scoring was 48 min (SD 25 min) The ICF Core Set for low back pain can be used clinically and seems to broaden the perspective of participation and environmental factors. Knowledge of ICF and training in use of the Core Set is needed before clinical implementation.
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 2015
Få studier har undersøkt bruk av vurderingsredskaper blant ergoterapeuter, og de studiene som eks... more Få studier har undersøkt bruk av vurderingsredskaper blant ergoterapeuter, og de studiene som eksisterer ser vesentlig ut til å ha blitt utført i USA og Storbritannia. Denne artikkelen presenterer Del 2 av Ergoterapeutens medlemsundersøkelse (N = 1286), og søkelyset rettes mot svarene som ble gitt på spørsmålet om hvilke situasjoner som utløser bruk av vurderingsredskaper. En innholdsanalyse ble utført av totalt 880 responser. Responsene ble klassifisert i henhold til Laver-Fawcetts (2007) typologi: Innledende undersøkelse og vurdering, evaluering underveis eller ved avslutning, samt vurdering som del av kvalitetssikring eller tjenesteutvikling. Vurdering i sammenheng med forskning, fagutvikling og undervisning ble inkludert som en egen kategori, og det ble opprettet en kategori for svar som ikke lot seg innpasse i noen av de andre. De fleste svarene (72.1 %) viste til innledende undersøkelse og vurdering, eller til vurdering uten angitt tidsaspekt. En mindre andel svar (17.8 %) vis...
European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine
The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests using the International Classification of Functionin... more The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a conceptual framework for disability outcomes and the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) as an outcome measure in stroke. The aim of this study was to analyse the content of the mRS and the mRS- Systematic Interview (mRS-SI) by linking the scales to the ICF and to explore the association between the mRS and the ICF Core Set for Stroke. Analysis of mRS and mRS-SI using ICF linking rules, as well as quantitative analysis using cross-sectional data. In- and outpatient settings, community dwelling individuals after stroke. Both scales were independently linked to the ICF and correlations between the mRS scores and the sum of problems in functioning, deriving from 266 stroke patients, were assessed under the components of the ICF Core Set for Stroke, the domains of 'Activities and Participation' and 15 second level categories linked to the mRS. Twelve meani...
Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence ... more Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence of environmental factors as experienced after mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), using the ICF framework. To compare our findings with the Brief and Comprehensive ICF Core Sets for TBI. Methods: Six focusgroup interviews were performed with 17 participants (nine women, eight men, age ranged from 22 to 55 years) within the context of an outpatient rehabilitation programme for patients with mild TBI. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the ICF. Results: One-hundred and eight secondlevel categories derived from the interview text, showing a large diversity of TBI-related problems in functioning. Problems in cognitive and emotional functions, energy and drive, and in carrying out daily routine and work, were frequently reported. All ICF categories reported with high-to-moderate frequencies were present in the Brief ICF Core Set and 84% in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set. The reported environmental factors mainly concerned aspects of health and social security systems, social network and attitudes towards the injured person. Conclusions: This study confirms the diversity of problems and the environmental factors that have an impact on post-injury functioning of patients with mild TBI.
Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence ... more Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence of environmental factors as experienced after mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), using the ICF framework. To compare our findings with the Brief and Comprehensive ICF Core Sets for TBI. Methods: Six focusgroup interviews were performed with 17 participants (nine women, eight men, age ranged from 22 to 55 years) within the context of an outpatient rehabilitation programme for patients with mild TBI. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the ICF. Results: One-hundred and eight secondlevel categories derived from the interview text, showing a large diversity of TBI-related problems in functioning. Problems in cognitive and emotional functions, energy and drive, and in carrying out daily routine and work, were frequently reported. All ICF categories reported with high-to-moderate frequencies were present in the Brief ICF Core Set and 84% in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set. The reported environmental factors mainly concerned aspects of health and social security systems, social network and attitudes towards the injured person. Conclusions: This study confirms the diversity of problems and the environmental factors that have an impact on post-injury functioning of patients with mild TBI.
Norske ergoterapeuters holdninger og praksis knyttet til undersøkelse og vurdering er ikke tidlig... more Norske ergoterapeuters holdninger og praksis knyttet til undersøkelse og vurdering er ikke tidligere beskrevet. Artikkelen beskriver resultater fra medlemsundersøkelsen fra 2013 om bruk av undersøkelses- og vurderingsredskaper blant medlemmer i Ergoterapeutene. Den store deltakelsen gjør at resultatene gir et bedre kjennskap til flere kjennetegn ved norske ergoterapeuter generelt, i tillegg til deres holdninger til og bruk av systematisk kartlegging spesielt. Undersøkelsen viser at ergoterapeuter med spesialistgodkjenning bruker redskaper oftere enn de som ikke var spesialister, mens ergoterapeuter i statlig og privat virksomhet bruker redskaper oftere enn ergoterapeuter i kommunesektoren. Ergoterapeuter med tilknytning til spesialistgrenene somatisk helse og eldres helse benytter vurderingsredskaper oftere enn ergoterapeuter tilknyttet andre spesialistgrupper. Alder og tid siden avsluttet utdanning er ikke forbundet med bruk av eller holdninger til bruk av redskaper i undersøkelse ...
DESCRIPTION Om karakteristikk på en vitenskapelig artikkel og krav for innsending av vitenskapeli... more DESCRIPTION Om karakteristikk på en vitenskapelig artikkel og krav for innsending av vitenskapelige artikler til fagtidsskriftet Ergoterapeuten
The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, 2015
The aim of this qualitative study was to explore young and midlife stroke survivors' experien... more The aim of this qualitative study was to explore young and midlife stroke survivors' experiences with the health services and to identify long-term follow-up needs. Sixteen participants from two cohorts were interviewed in-depth. The interviews were analyzed applying a hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis. The participants struggled to gain access to follow-up health services. They felt that whether they were systematically followed up was more coincidental than planned. Young and midlife stroke survivors thus appear vulnerable to falling outside the follow-up system. Those participants who received some follow-up care perceived it as untailored to their specific needs. To be considered supportive, the follow-up programs must be in line with their long-term needs, take into account their particular challenges as young and midlife stroke survivors, and be planned in close collaboration with the individual patient. To secure systematic and follow-up health services tailored to th...
Nursing research and practice, 2012
The psychosocial consequences following a stroke are known to be challenging, influencing the str... more The psychosocial consequences following a stroke are known to be challenging, influencing the stroke survivors' ability to participate in and carry out the taken-for-granted roles and activities in family life. This study explored how living with the consequences of stroke impacted on family life in the late recovery phase, that is, six months or more after stroke onset. Twenty-two stroke survivors aged 20-61 years were interviewed in-depth six months to nine years after stroke onset. The interviews were analyzed applying a narrative, hermeneutic phenomenological approach. The findings revealed challenges that varied with time, from an initial struggle to suffice in and balance the relationships and roles within the family early after the stroke, towards a more resigned attitude later on in the stroke trajectory. The struggles are summarized in two main themes: "struggling to reenter the family" and "screaming for acceptance." Nonestablished people living wit...
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 2014
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2014
Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2019
As enrollment numbers grow in occupational therapy academic programs in Norway, the need for more... more As enrollment numbers grow in occupational therapy academic programs in Norway, the need for more fieldwork placements and supervisors increases. More knowledge about factors of importance for occupational therapists’ decisions to take on the role of fieldwork supervisor may promote easier access to supervisors who are ready for the task, and it may assist in addressing the barriers for those who are not. We recruited a sample of 561 community-working occupational therapists for an electronic survey conducted in 2017. Quantitative survey responses were obtained and used in the current study. The differences between supervisors and non-supervisors were examined with independent t-tests and Chi Square tests. To assess factors associated with serving as a supervisor, a multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted. One hundred fifty-six participants (27.8%) had served as a fieldwork supervisor during the preceding year. The adjusted analysis showed that having a job physically located together with other occupational therapists was significantly associated with increased odds for serving as supervisor (OR:1.79, 95% CI:1.17-2.74, p < 0.01). A minority of the participants had supervised occupational therapy students during the preceding year, suggesting that community-based services are an under-used arena for occupational therapy students’ fieldwork. In a long-term perspective, providing social and organizational support for occupational therapists who might take on student supervision may increase their willingness and opportunity to do so.
Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence ... more Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence of environmental factors as experienced after mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), using the ICF framework. To compare our findings with the Brief and Comprehensive ICF Core Sets for TBI. Methods: Six focus-group interviews were performed with 17 participants (nine women, eight men, age ranged from 22 to 55 years) within the context of an outpatient rehabilitation programme for patients with mild TBI. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the ICF. Results: One-hundred and eight second-level categories derived from the interview text, showing a large diversity of TBI-related problems in functioning. Problems in cognitive and emotional functions, energy and drive, and in carrying out daily routine and work, were frequently reported. All ICF categories reported with high-to-moderate frequencies were present in the Brief ICF Core Set and 84% in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set. The reported environmental factors mainly concerned aspects of health and social security systems, social network and attitudes towards the injured person. Conclusions: This study confirms the diversity of problems and the environmental factors that have an impact on post-injury functioning of patients with mild TBI.
Norske ergoterapeuters holdninger og praksis knyttet til undersøkelse og vurdering er ikke tidlig... more Norske ergoterapeuters holdninger og praksis knyttet til undersøkelse og vurdering er ikke tidligere beskrevet. Artikkelen beskriver resultater fra medlemsundersøkelsen fra 2013 om bruk av undersøkelses- og vurderingsredskaper blant medlemmer i Ergoterapeutene. Den store deltakelsen gjør at resultatene gir et bedre kjennskap til flere kjennetegn ved norske ergoterapeuter generelt, i tillegg til deres holdninger til og bruk av systematisk kartlegging spesielt. Undersøkelsen viser at ergoterapeuter med spesialistgodkjenning bruker redskaper oftere enn de som ikke var spesialister, mens ergoterapeuter i statlig og privat virksomhet bruker redskaper oftere enn ergoterapeuter i kommunesektoren. Ergoterapeuter med tilknytning til spesialistgrenene somatisk helse og eldres helse benytter vurderingsredskaper oftere enn ergoterapeuter tilknyttet andre spesialistgrupper. Alder og tid siden avsluttet utdanning er ikke forbundet med bruk av eller holdninger til bruk av redskaper i undersøkelse ...
Journal of Neurology, 2014
The aims of the study were to examine whether self-reported physical health changes over the firs... more The aims of the study were to examine whether self-reported physical health changes over the first 5 years after traumatic brain injury (TBI), and whether the trajectories of physical health over that time period could be predicted by demographic and injury-related variables. A longitudinal cohort study was conducted with 97 individuals with moderate-to-severe TBI who had been admitted to a Trauma Referral Centre in 2005/2007. Patients were followed up at 1, 2 and 5 years post-injury. Physical health-related quality of life (HRQL) (i.e., physical health) was measured by four subscales of the Medical Outcomes 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36): Physical Functioning, Role-Physical, Bodily Pain and General Health. Only the Physical Functioning domain showed statistically significant improvements across time. Women had lower scores on Role-Physical, Bodily Pain (more pain) and General Health. Unemployment prior to injury and having been in a &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;blue collar&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; physical job was associated with lower Physical Functioning and General Health, while greater TBI severity was associated with lower Physical Functioning, but better Role-Physical. Bodily Pain, Role-Physical and General Health remained fairly stable over time, despite the improvement in Physical Functioning. There were a number of significant injury-related and demographic predictors across the four trajectories of physical health. A better understanding of factors influencing these domains over the first 5 years after TBI and effective pain reducing rehabilitation strategies are needed.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 2009
C. Functional outcome and health-related quality of life 10 years after moderate-to-severe trauma... more C. Functional outcome and health-related quality of life 10 years after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury.
Kunnskapsbasert praksis innebaerer å ta faglige avgjørelser basert på systematisk innhentet forsk... more Kunnskapsbasert praksis innebaerer å ta faglige avgjørelser basert på systematisk innhentet forskningskunnskap, erfaringsbasert kunnskap og ut fra pasientens ønsker og behov. Evidens (bevis) for valgte behandlingsmetoder etterspørres, og oppdragsgivere (helseforetak, myndigheter, pasienter) forventer i dag at ergoterapi utøves i forhold til forskningsbasert kunnskap. Det er behov for at helseforetakene og høgskolene sammen legger faglige forutsetninger til grunn for kunnskapsbasert pasientbehandling i klinikk, og at en kunnskapsbasert tilnaerming gjennomsyrer utdanning og praksis. Det er nødvendig å implementere kunnskapsbasert praksis samtidig i klinikk, utdanning og forskning, for å styrke utviklingen av ergoterapi. Forskning styrker og kvalitetsikrer det kliniske arbeidet. Nye forskningsfunn endrer ergoterapi, og livslang laering er derfor nødvendig.
Tidsskrift for den Norske laegeforening
International Classification of function, disability and health (ICF) is a globally accepted fram... more International Classification of function, disability and health (ICF) is a globally accepted framework and classification system. ICF core sets for chronic health conditions have been developed to promote implementation of ICF in clinical practice. A preliminary core set for low back pain, with 78 categories, has been developed and proposed for international validation. Health professionals used ICF core sets to rate patient problems within the 78 categories. The categories from the components of body functions- and structure, activity, and participation and environmental factors were scored using qualifiers. Time consumption and usefulness of the ICF Core Set were also rated. The patients (n = 118) had problems in all 78 categories with a frequency from 5 to 95 %. The patients (n = 118) had problems in all 78 categories with a frequency from 5 to 95 %. B265 TOUCH SENSATION was the only category reported to be missing in the core set. Environmental factors were frequently scored as facilitators, but also as barriers. Discrepancies were discovered between terms in ICF and those most commonly used in the clinical setting. Health professionals&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; experience of usefulness varied. Mean time consumption for scoring was 48 min (SD 25 min) The ICF Core Set for low back pain can be used clinically and seems to broaden the perspective of participation and environmental factors. Knowledge of ICF and training in use of the Core Set is needed before clinical implementation.
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 2015
Få studier har undersøkt bruk av vurderingsredskaper blant ergoterapeuter, og de studiene som eks... more Få studier har undersøkt bruk av vurderingsredskaper blant ergoterapeuter, og de studiene som eksisterer ser vesentlig ut til å ha blitt utført i USA og Storbritannia. Denne artikkelen presenterer Del 2 av Ergoterapeutens medlemsundersøkelse (N = 1286), og søkelyset rettes mot svarene som ble gitt på spørsmålet om hvilke situasjoner som utløser bruk av vurderingsredskaper. En innholdsanalyse ble utført av totalt 880 responser. Responsene ble klassifisert i henhold til Laver-Fawcetts (2007) typologi: Innledende undersøkelse og vurdering, evaluering underveis eller ved avslutning, samt vurdering som del av kvalitetssikring eller tjenesteutvikling. Vurdering i sammenheng med forskning, fagutvikling og undervisning ble inkludert som en egen kategori, og det ble opprettet en kategori for svar som ikke lot seg innpasse i noen av de andre. De fleste svarene (72.1 %) viste til innledende undersøkelse og vurdering, eller til vurdering uten angitt tidsaspekt. En mindre andel svar (17.8 %) vis...
European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine
The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests using the International Classification of Functionin... more The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a conceptual framework for disability outcomes and the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) as an outcome measure in stroke. The aim of this study was to analyse the content of the mRS and the mRS- Systematic Interview (mRS-SI) by linking the scales to the ICF and to explore the association between the mRS and the ICF Core Set for Stroke. Analysis of mRS and mRS-SI using ICF linking rules, as well as quantitative analysis using cross-sectional data. In- and outpatient settings, community dwelling individuals after stroke. Both scales were independently linked to the ICF and correlations between the mRS scores and the sum of problems in functioning, deriving from 266 stroke patients, were assessed under the components of the ICF Core Set for Stroke, the domains of 'Activities and Participation' and 15 second level categories linked to the mRS. Twelve meani...
Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence ... more Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence of environmental factors as experienced after mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), using the ICF framework. To compare our findings with the Brief and Comprehensive ICF Core Sets for TBI. Methods: Six focusgroup interviews were performed with 17 participants (nine women, eight men, age ranged from 22 to 55 years) within the context of an outpatient rehabilitation programme for patients with mild TBI. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the ICF. Results: One-hundred and eight secondlevel categories derived from the interview text, showing a large diversity of TBI-related problems in functioning. Problems in cognitive and emotional functions, energy and drive, and in carrying out daily routine and work, were frequently reported. All ICF categories reported with high-to-moderate frequencies were present in the Brief ICF Core Set and 84% in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set. The reported environmental factors mainly concerned aspects of health and social security systems, social network and attitudes towards the injured person. Conclusions: This study confirms the diversity of problems and the environmental factors that have an impact on post-injury functioning of patients with mild TBI.
Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence ... more Purpose: To describe problems in body functions, activities, and participation and the influence of environmental factors as experienced after mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), using the ICF framework. To compare our findings with the Brief and Comprehensive ICF Core Sets for TBI. Methods: Six focusgroup interviews were performed with 17 participants (nine women, eight men, age ranged from 22 to 55 years) within the context of an outpatient rehabilitation programme for patients with mild TBI. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the ICF. Results: One-hundred and eight secondlevel categories derived from the interview text, showing a large diversity of TBI-related problems in functioning. Problems in cognitive and emotional functions, energy and drive, and in carrying out daily routine and work, were frequently reported. All ICF categories reported with high-to-moderate frequencies were present in the Brief ICF Core Set and 84% in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set. The reported environmental factors mainly concerned aspects of health and social security systems, social network and attitudes towards the injured person. Conclusions: This study confirms the diversity of problems and the environmental factors that have an impact on post-injury functioning of patients with mild TBI.
Norske ergoterapeuters holdninger og praksis knyttet til undersøkelse og vurdering er ikke tidlig... more Norske ergoterapeuters holdninger og praksis knyttet til undersøkelse og vurdering er ikke tidligere beskrevet. Artikkelen beskriver resultater fra medlemsundersøkelsen fra 2013 om bruk av undersøkelses- og vurderingsredskaper blant medlemmer i Ergoterapeutene. Den store deltakelsen gjør at resultatene gir et bedre kjennskap til flere kjennetegn ved norske ergoterapeuter generelt, i tillegg til deres holdninger til og bruk av systematisk kartlegging spesielt. Undersøkelsen viser at ergoterapeuter med spesialistgodkjenning bruker redskaper oftere enn de som ikke var spesialister, mens ergoterapeuter i statlig og privat virksomhet bruker redskaper oftere enn ergoterapeuter i kommunesektoren. Ergoterapeuter med tilknytning til spesialistgrenene somatisk helse og eldres helse benytter vurderingsredskaper oftere enn ergoterapeuter tilknyttet andre spesialistgrupper. Alder og tid siden avsluttet utdanning er ikke forbundet med bruk av eller holdninger til bruk av redskaper i undersøkelse ...
DESCRIPTION Om karakteristikk på en vitenskapelig artikkel og krav for innsending av vitenskapeli... more DESCRIPTION Om karakteristikk på en vitenskapelig artikkel og krav for innsending av vitenskapelige artikler til fagtidsskriftet Ergoterapeuten
The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, 2015
The aim of this qualitative study was to explore young and midlife stroke survivors' experien... more The aim of this qualitative study was to explore young and midlife stroke survivors' experiences with the health services and to identify long-term follow-up needs. Sixteen participants from two cohorts were interviewed in-depth. The interviews were analyzed applying a hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis. The participants struggled to gain access to follow-up health services. They felt that whether they were systematically followed up was more coincidental than planned. Young and midlife stroke survivors thus appear vulnerable to falling outside the follow-up system. Those participants who received some follow-up care perceived it as untailored to their specific needs. To be considered supportive, the follow-up programs must be in line with their long-term needs, take into account their particular challenges as young and midlife stroke survivors, and be planned in close collaboration with the individual patient. To secure systematic and follow-up health services tailored to th...
Nursing research and practice, 2012
The psychosocial consequences following a stroke are known to be challenging, influencing the str... more The psychosocial consequences following a stroke are known to be challenging, influencing the stroke survivors' ability to participate in and carry out the taken-for-granted roles and activities in family life. This study explored how living with the consequences of stroke impacted on family life in the late recovery phase, that is, six months or more after stroke onset. Twenty-two stroke survivors aged 20-61 years were interviewed in-depth six months to nine years after stroke onset. The interviews were analyzed applying a narrative, hermeneutic phenomenological approach. The findings revealed challenges that varied with time, from an initial struggle to suffice in and balance the relationships and roles within the family early after the stroke, towards a more resigned attitude later on in the stroke trajectory. The struggles are summarized in two main themes: "struggling to reenter the family" and "screaming for acceptance." Nonestablished people living wit...
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 2014
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2014